

1 救我之上帝、及使吾有望之主耶穌基督、命我爲耶穌基督使徒保羅、

2 書達我信主眞弟子提摩太、願吾父上帝、曁吾主耶穌基督、錫爾恩寵慈惠平康、

3 昔我往馬其頓時、曾令爾居以弗所、今仍令爾處其地、諭諸人勿傳異教、

4 勿聽虛誕之詞、無窮之譜、第滋辯論、不使篤信上帝、

5 誡命大旨、仁愛是也、仁愛之生、由乎心潔意良、信主無偽、

6 有人棄此、轉求虛誕、

7 欲爲教法師、而不自悟所言所辨、

8 我知律法本善、惟人善用、

9 且知律法、非爲義者設、乃爲廢矩矱、越準繩、不虔不善、邪穢妄行、弒親殺人、

10 嗜淫行、比頑童、攘竊民人、誑言背誓、一切逆正理者、

11 惟洪福之上帝、授我榮顯福音、在所必戒、

12 謝吾主基督耶穌、以我爲忠、助我大力、畀我厥職、

13 昔我嘗謗讟、窘逐、狎侮之、第此妄作、乃由不知不信而然、故猶蒙矜恤、

14 於是吾主之恩益彰、使我信愛基督耶穌、

15 有一言可信可嘉者、卽基督耶穌臨世救罪人、其中我乃元惡、

16 而耶穌基督彰厥恆忍、先矜恤我、爲後信望永生者、得我爲模楷、

17 願尊榮常歸永生之君、無敝無形、獨一睿智上帝、垂至世世、

18 小子提摩太乎、昔有預言及爾者、余命爾念此而作善戰、

19 良心操信主之道、蓋有人拒此、背道以致沉淪、

20 有若許米乃、亞力山大、此二人我交撒但、俾毋謗讟。

1 Timothy

Chapter 1

1 Paul,3972 an apostle652 of Jesus2424 Christ5547 by the commandment2003 of God2316 our Savior,4990 and Lord2962 Jesus2424 Christ,5547 which3588 is our hope;1680

2 To Timothy,5095 my own1103 son5043 in the faith:4102 Grace,5485 mercy,1656 and peace,1515 from God2316 our Father3962 and Jesus2424 Christ5547 our Lord.2962

3 As I sought3870 you to abide4357 still4357 at1722 Ephesus,2181 when I went4198 into1519 Macedonia,3109 that you might charge3853 some5100 that they teach2085 no3361 other2085 doctrine,

4 Neither3366 give heed4337 to fables3454 and endless562 genealogies,1076 which3748 minister3930 questions,2214 rather3123 than2228 godly2316 edifying3618 which3588 is in faith:4102 so do.

5 Now1161 the end5056 of the commandment3852 is charity26 out of a pure2513 heart,2588 and of a good18 conscience,4893 and of faith4102 unfeigned:505

6 From which3739 some5100 having swerved795 have turned1624 aside1624 to vain3150 jangling;3150

7 Desiring2309 to be teachers3547 of the law;3547 understanding4920 neither3383 what3739 they say,3004 nor3383 whereof4012 5101 they affirm.1226

8 But we know1492 that the law3551 is good,2570 if1437 a man5100 use5530 it lawfully;3545

9 Knowing1492 this,5124 that the law3551 is not made2749 for a righteous1342 man, but for the lawless459 and disobedient,506 for the ungodly765 and for sinners,268 for unholy462 and profane,952 for murderers3964 of fathers3964 and murderers3389 of mothers,3389 for murderers,409

10 For fornicators,4205 for them that defile733 themselves with mankind,733 for enslavers,405 for liars,5583 for perjured1965 persons,678 and if1487 there be any1536 other2087 thing that is contrary480 to sound5198 doctrine;1319

11 According2596 to the glorious1391 gospel2098 of the blessed3107 God,2316 which3739 was committed4100 to my trust.4100

12 And I thank2192 5485 Christ5547 Jesus2424 our Lord,2962 who3588 has enabled1743 me, for that he counted2233 me faithful,4103 putting5087 me into1519 the ministry;1248

13 Who3588 was before4386 a blasphemer,989 and a persecutor,1376 and injurious:5197 but I obtained1653 mercy,1653 because3754 I did it ignorantly50 in unbelief.570

14 And the grace5485 of our Lord2962 was exceeding5250 abundant5250 with faith4102 and love26 which3588 is in Christ5547 Jesus.2424

15 This3588 is a faithful4103 saying,3056 and worthy514 of all3956 acceptation,594 that Christ5547 Jesus2424 came2064 into1519 the world2889 to save4982 sinners;268 of whom3739 I am1510 chief.4413

16 However,235 for this5124 cause1223 I obtained1653 mercy,1653 that in me first4413 Jesus2424 Christ5547 might show1731 forth1731 all3956 long-suffering,3115 for a pattern5296 to them which should3195 hereafter3195 believe4100 on1909 him to life2222 everlasting.166

17 Now1161 to the King935 eternal,165 immortal,862 invisible,517 the only3441 wise4680 God,2316 be honor5092 and glory1391 for ever165 and ever.165 Amen.281

18 This5026 charge3852 I commit3908 to you, son5043 Timothy,5095 according2596 to the prophecies4394 which went4254 before4254 on1909 you, that you by them might war4754 a good2570 warfare;4752

19 Holding2192 faith,4102 and a good18 conscience;4893 which3739 some5100 having put683 away683 concerning4012 faith4102 have made3489 shipwreck:3489

20 Of whom3739 is Hymenaeus5211 and Alexander;223 whom3739 I have delivered3860 to Satan,4567 that they may learn3811 not to blaspheme.987



1 Timothy

Chapter 1

1 救我之上帝、及使吾有望之主耶穌基督、命我爲耶穌基督使徒保羅、

1 Paul,3972 an apostle652 of Jesus2424 Christ5547 by the commandment2003 of God2316 our Savior,4990 and Lord2962 Jesus2424 Christ,5547 which3588 is our hope;1680

2 書達我信主眞弟子提摩太、願吾父上帝、曁吾主耶穌基督、錫爾恩寵慈惠平康、

2 To Timothy,5095 my own1103 son5043 in the faith:4102 Grace,5485 mercy,1656 and peace,1515 from God2316 our Father3962 and Jesus2424 Christ5547 our Lord.2962

3 昔我往馬其頓時、曾令爾居以弗所、今仍令爾處其地、諭諸人勿傳異教、

3 As I sought3870 you to abide4357 still4357 at1722 Ephesus,2181 when I went4198 into1519 Macedonia,3109 that you might charge3853 some5100 that they teach2085 no3361 other2085 doctrine,

4 勿聽虛誕之詞、無窮之譜、第滋辯論、不使篤信上帝、

4 Neither3366 give heed4337 to fables3454 and endless562 genealogies,1076 which3748 minister3930 questions,2214 rather3123 than2228 godly2316 edifying3618 which3588 is in faith:4102 so do.

5 誡命大旨、仁愛是也、仁愛之生、由乎心潔意良、信主無偽、

5 Now1161 the end5056 of the commandment3852 is charity26 out of a pure2513 heart,2588 and of a good18 conscience,4893 and of faith4102 unfeigned:505

6 有人棄此、轉求虛誕、

6 From which3739 some5100 having swerved795 have turned1624 aside1624 to vain3150 jangling;3150

7 欲爲教法師、而不自悟所言所辨、

7 Desiring2309 to be teachers3547 of the law;3547 understanding4920 neither3383 what3739 they say,3004 nor3383 whereof4012 5101 they affirm.1226

8 我知律法本善、惟人善用、

8 But we know1492 that the law3551 is good,2570 if1437 a man5100 use5530 it lawfully;3545

9 且知律法、非爲義者設、乃爲廢矩矱、越準繩、不虔不善、邪穢妄行、弒親殺人、

9 Knowing1492 this,5124 that the law3551 is not made2749 for a righteous1342 man, but for the lawless459 and disobedient,506 for the ungodly765 and for sinners,268 for unholy462 and profane,952 for murderers3964 of fathers3964 and murderers3389 of mothers,3389 for murderers,409

10 嗜淫行、比頑童、攘竊民人、誑言背誓、一切逆正理者、

10 For fornicators,4205 for them that defile733 themselves with mankind,733 for enslavers,405 for liars,5583 for perjured1965 persons,678 and if1487 there be any1536 other2087 thing that is contrary480 to sound5198 doctrine;1319

11 惟洪福之上帝、授我榮顯福音、在所必戒、

11 According2596 to the glorious1391 gospel2098 of the blessed3107 God,2316 which3739 was committed4100 to my trust.4100

12 謝吾主基督耶穌、以我爲忠、助我大力、畀我厥職、

12 And I thank2192 5485 Christ5547 Jesus2424 our Lord,2962 who3588 has enabled1743 me, for that he counted2233 me faithful,4103 putting5087 me into1519 the ministry;1248

13 昔我嘗謗讟、窘逐、狎侮之、第此妄作、乃由不知不信而然、故猶蒙矜恤、

13 Who3588 was before4386 a blasphemer,989 and a persecutor,1376 and injurious:5197 but I obtained1653 mercy,1653 because3754 I did it ignorantly50 in unbelief.570

14 於是吾主之恩益彰、使我信愛基督耶穌、

14 And the grace5485 of our Lord2962 was exceeding5250 abundant5250 with faith4102 and love26 which3588 is in Christ5547 Jesus.2424

15 有一言可信可嘉者、卽基督耶穌臨世救罪人、其中我乃元惡、

15 This3588 is a faithful4103 saying,3056 and worthy514 of all3956 acceptation,594 that Christ5547 Jesus2424 came2064 into1519 the world2889 to save4982 sinners;268 of whom3739 I am1510 chief.4413

16 而耶穌基督彰厥恆忍、先矜恤我、爲後信望永生者、得我爲模楷、

16 However,235 for this5124 cause1223 I obtained1653 mercy,1653 that in me first4413 Jesus2424 Christ5547 might show1731 forth1731 all3956 long-suffering,3115 for a pattern5296 to them which should3195 hereafter3195 believe4100 on1909 him to life2222 everlasting.166

17 願尊榮常歸永生之君、無敝無形、獨一睿智上帝、垂至世世、

17 Now1161 to the King935 eternal,165 immortal,862 invisible,517 the only3441 wise4680 God,2316 be honor5092 and glory1391 for ever165 and ever.165 Amen.281

18 小子提摩太乎、昔有預言及爾者、余命爾念此而作善戰、

18 This5026 charge3852 I commit3908 to you, son5043 Timothy,5095 according2596 to the prophecies4394 which went4254 before4254 on1909 you, that you by them might war4754 a good2570 warfare;4752

19 良心操信主之道、蓋有人拒此、背道以致沉淪、

19 Holding2192 faith,4102 and a good18 conscience;4893 which3739 some5100 having put683 away683 concerning4012 faith4102 have made3489 shipwreck:3489

20 有若許米乃、亞力山大、此二人我交撒但、俾毋謗讟。

20 Of whom3739 is Hymenaeus5211 and Alexander;223 whom3739 I have delivered3860 to Satan,4567 that they may learn3811 not to blaspheme.987