

1 耶穌基督僕保羅、提摩太、書達腓立比宗基督耶穌聖徒、及諸督、執事、

2 願吾父上帝、及主耶穌基督、賜爾恩寵平康、

3 我緬懷爾、謝我上帝、

4 每祈禱間、歡然爲爾衆求、

5 緣爾自初迄今、共享福音、

6 知上帝始助爾爲善、迨耶穌基督臨日、必竣其工也、

7 我思爾固宜若是、爾與我共享恩寵、故心常念爾、縲絏在茲、明辯福音在茲、

8 我體耶穌基督心、戀慕爾曹、上帝鑒之、

9 我祈禱、欲爾仁愛智慧、日以滋多、

10 可辯異同、心純無礙、以待基督臨日、

11 賴耶穌基督集義之菓、彰上帝之榮譽、

12 我欲兄弟知我遇難、福音益以廣布、

13 我緣基督、陷於縲絏、遍聞營壘、隨在播揚、

14 宗主諸兄弟、因我縲絏、益毅然傳道無懼、

15 且傳基督道、而人媢嫉、朋黨者有之、善意者有之、

16 彼傳基督道、爲朋黨、非誠心、欲苦我於縲絏中、

17 此則出於仁愛、知我爲辯福音而用、

18 然則余將若何、凡事不論眞僞、有傳基督道者、我樂之、亦終樂之、

19 我知爾爲我祈禱、賴耶穌基督之神助我、我雖遘難、亦必受福、

20 我企望無愧、平昔諤諤、今而後、或生或死、基督將因我躬丕顯矣、

21 我生爲基督、死而獲益、

22 若欲使吾生於世、而結果是事、則可、然當何擇、弗顧也、

23 我際兩難之間、甚欲歸、與基督共在爲愈美、

24 但在世有裨益於爾、倍加切要、

25 我亦深知我必仍存、與爾同居、助爾樂於信主、

26 蓋我再至爾處、將使爾賴耶穌基督而增喜、

27 然爾行事、必宜於基督福音、則我或晤對、或暌違、聞爾一心堅立、合意恊力爲福音之道、

28 不爲敵動心、如是、則敵自知必亡、而爾知賴上帝得救、

29 爾曹宗基督不第信之且爲之受苦、皆由上帝所賜、

30 我與敵爭、爾素目擊、今復聞之爾曹亦若是、


Chapter 1

1 PAUL and Ti-mo'the-us, servants of Jesus Christ, to all the saints in Jesus Christ who are at Philippi, together with the elders and deacons:

2 Grace be to you, and peace from God our Father, and from our LORD Jesus Christ.

3 I give thanks to my God for your steady remembrance of me.

4 In all my prayers for you, I make supplication with joy,

5 For your fellowship in the gospel, from the very first day until now,

6 Being confident of this very thing, that he who has begun the good work among you, the same will continue it until the day of our LORD Jesus Christ:

7 And this is the right way for me to think of you all, because I have you in my heart, because through all my imprisonment and my defense and confirmation of the truth of the gospel, you have been partakers with me of grace.

8 For God is my witness of how much I love you through the love of Jesus Christ.

9 And for this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all spiritual understanding:

10 So that you may choose the things that are excellent; and that you may be pure and without offence in the day of Christ;

11 And be filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, to the glory and the praise of God.

12 Now I would have you know this, my brethren, that my work has been greatly furthered by the gospel;

13 And the reasons for my imprisonments have been made manifest by Christ to all Cµsar's court, and to all men.

14 And many of the brethren in our LORD have grown confident by my imprisonment and, with increasing boldness, speak the word of God without fear.

15 While some of them preach only because of envy and strife; others preach Christ in good will and love:

16 For they know that I am appointed for the defence of the gospel:

17 But those who preach Christ out of contention, do it not sincerely, but do it expecting to increase the hardship of my imprisonment.

18 And I have rejoiced and still do rejoice in this: that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is preached.

19 For I know that through your prayers and the gift of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, all these things will ultimately turn out for my salvation,

20 Just as it is my earnest hope and expectation that in nothing shall I be ashamed, but that openly as always, so also now will Christ be magnified through my body, whether in life or death.

21 For Christ is my life, and to die is gain.

22 Even if, in this life of the flesh, my labors bear fruits, I do not know what to choose.

23 For I am drawn between two desires, the one to depart, that I may be with Christ, which is far better:

24 Nevertheless, for me to remain in the flesh is more needful for you.

25 And this I surely know, that I shall be spared and remain for your joy and for the furtherance of your faith;

26 So that when I come again to you, your rejoicing in Jesus Christ will abound through me.

27 Only conduct yourselves as becomes the gospel of Christ: so that whether I come and see you, or whether I am far away, I may hear of your good conduct, that you are standing firm in one spirit, and in one soul, and triumphing together through the faith of the gospel;

28 And that in nothing are you terrified by our adversaries, whose conduct is the sign of their own destruction, but your salvation, and this is from God.

29 For it has been given to you, not only to believe in Christ, but also to suffer for his sake.

30 And that you may endure such trials as those which you have seen me in, and such as you now hear that I am in.




Chapter 1

1 耶穌基督僕保羅、提摩太、書達腓立比宗基督耶穌聖徒、及諸督、執事、

1 PAUL and Ti-mo'the-us, servants of Jesus Christ, to all the saints in Jesus Christ who are at Philippi, together with the elders and deacons:

2 願吾父上帝、及主耶穌基督、賜爾恩寵平康、

2 Grace be to you, and peace from God our Father, and from our LORD Jesus Christ.

3 我緬懷爾、謝我上帝、

3 I give thanks to my God for your steady remembrance of me.

4 每祈禱間、歡然爲爾衆求、

4 In all my prayers for you, I make supplication with joy,

5 緣爾自初迄今、共享福音、

5 For your fellowship in the gospel, from the very first day until now,

6 知上帝始助爾爲善、迨耶穌基督臨日、必竣其工也、

6 Being confident of this very thing, that he who has begun the good work among you, the same will continue it until the day of our LORD Jesus Christ:

7 我思爾固宜若是、爾與我共享恩寵、故心常念爾、縲絏在茲、明辯福音在茲、

7 And this is the right way for me to think of you all, because I have you in my heart, because through all my imprisonment and my defense and confirmation of the truth of the gospel, you have been partakers with me of grace.

8 我體耶穌基督心、戀慕爾曹、上帝鑒之、

8 For God is my witness of how much I love you through the love of Jesus Christ.

9 我祈禱、欲爾仁愛智慧、日以滋多、

9 And for this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all spiritual understanding:

10 可辯異同、心純無礙、以待基督臨日、

10 So that you may choose the things that are excellent; and that you may be pure and without offence in the day of Christ;

11 賴耶穌基督集義之菓、彰上帝之榮譽、

11 And be filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, to the glory and the praise of God.

12 我欲兄弟知我遇難、福音益以廣布、

12 Now I would have you know this, my brethren, that my work has been greatly furthered by the gospel;

13 我緣基督、陷於縲絏、遍聞營壘、隨在播揚、

13 And the reasons for my imprisonments have been made manifest by Christ to all Cµsar's court, and to all men.

14 宗主諸兄弟、因我縲絏、益毅然傳道無懼、

14 And many of the brethren in our LORD have grown confident by my imprisonment and, with increasing boldness, speak the word of God without fear.

15 且傳基督道、而人媢嫉、朋黨者有之、善意者有之、

15 While some of them preach only because of envy and strife; others preach Christ in good will and love:

16 彼傳基督道、爲朋黨、非誠心、欲苦我於縲絏中、

16 For they know that I am appointed for the defence of the gospel:

17 此則出於仁愛、知我爲辯福音而用、

17 But those who preach Christ out of contention, do it not sincerely, but do it expecting to increase the hardship of my imprisonment.

18 然則余將若何、凡事不論眞僞、有傳基督道者、我樂之、亦終樂之、

18 And I have rejoiced and still do rejoice in this: that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is preached.

19 我知爾爲我祈禱、賴耶穌基督之神助我、我雖遘難、亦必受福、

19 For I know that through your prayers and the gift of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, all these things will ultimately turn out for my salvation,

20 我企望無愧、平昔諤諤、今而後、或生或死、基督將因我躬丕顯矣、

20 Just as it is my earnest hope and expectation that in nothing shall I be ashamed, but that openly as always, so also now will Christ be magnified through my body, whether in life or death.

21 我生爲基督、死而獲益、

21 For Christ is my life, and to die is gain.

22 若欲使吾生於世、而結果是事、則可、然當何擇、弗顧也、

22 Even if, in this life of the flesh, my labors bear fruits, I do not know what to choose.

23 我際兩難之間、甚欲歸、與基督共在爲愈美、

23 For I am drawn between two desires, the one to depart, that I may be with Christ, which is far better:

24 但在世有裨益於爾、倍加切要、

24 Nevertheless, for me to remain in the flesh is more needful for you.

25 我亦深知我必仍存、與爾同居、助爾樂於信主、

25 And this I surely know, that I shall be spared and remain for your joy and for the furtherance of your faith;

26 蓋我再至爾處、將使爾賴耶穌基督而增喜、

26 So that when I come again to you, your rejoicing in Jesus Christ will abound through me.

27 然爾行事、必宜於基督福音、則我或晤對、或暌違、聞爾一心堅立、合意恊力爲福音之道、

27 Only conduct yourselves as becomes the gospel of Christ: so that whether I come and see you, or whether I am far away, I may hear of your good conduct, that you are standing firm in one spirit, and in one soul, and triumphing together through the faith of the gospel;

28 不爲敵動心、如是、則敵自知必亡、而爾知賴上帝得救、

28 And that in nothing are you terrified by our adversaries, whose conduct is the sign of their own destruction, but your salvation, and this is from God.

29 爾曹宗基督不第信之且爲之受苦、皆由上帝所賜、

29 For it has been given to you, not only to believe in Christ, but also to suffer for his sake.

30 我與敵爭、爾素目擊、今復聞之爾曹亦若是、

30 And that you may endure such trials as those which you have seen me in, and such as you now hear that I am in.