

1 人屢次受責備[reproved],仍然硬著頸項;他必頃刻敗壞,無法可治。

2 義人掌權[in authority],民就喜樂;惡人作管[beareth rule],民[but]歎息。

3 愛慕智慧的,使父親喜樂;與娼妓[harlots]結交的,卻浪費錢財。

4 王藉公平,使國堅定;受取[receiveth]賄賂[he that][but]使國傾敗。

5 奉承他[flattereth his]鄰居的,就是設網羅絆他的腳。

6 有網羅在惡人所犯的罪中[In the transgression of an evil man there is a snare];唯獨義人歌唱[sing]喜樂。

7 義人知道查明窮人的案;然而[but]惡人不願理會[regardeth not],就不得而知。

8 褻慢人使城陷入網羅[bring a city into a snare][but]智慧人轉消忿怒[turn away wrath]

9 智慧人[If]與愚妄人相爭,或怒或笑,總不能使他止息。

10 好流人血的,恨惡正直人[upright]義人卻尋他的[but the just seek his]性命。

11 愚妄人心意全吐[uttereth all his mind];智慧人[but]存藏,直到以後[keepeth it in till afterwards]

12 首領[ruler]若聽謊言,他一切僕人[servants]都是奸惡。

13 貧窮人、行詭詐的人[deceitful man]在世相遇;他們的眼目都蒙耶和華光照。

14 君王憑信實[faithfully]判斷窮人;他的國位必永遠堅立。

15 杖打和責備能加增智慧;放縱的孩子[child][but]使母親羞愧。

16 惡人加多,過犯也加多;[but]義人必看見他們跌倒。

17 管教你的兒子,他就使你得安息,也必使你心裏喜樂。

18 沒有異象,民就滅亡[perish];唯遵守律法的,便為有福。

19 只用言語,僕人不肯受管教;他雖然明白,也不回答[answer]

20 你見言語急躁的人嗎?愚昧人比他更有盼望[hope]

21 人將僕人從小嬌養,這僕人終久必成了他的兒子。

22 好氣的人挑啟爭端;暴怒的人多多犯罪。

23 人的高傲必使他卑下;靈裏謙遜的,尊榮卻必扶持他[but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit]

24 人與盜賊分贓,是恨惡自己的性命;他聽見咒罵[cursing]的聲音,卻不顯露[bewrayeth]

25 懼怕人的,陷入網羅;唯有倚靠耶和華的,必得安穩。

26 求王恩的人多;定人事乃在耶和華。

27 為非作歹的,被義人憎嫌;行事正直的,被惡人憎惡。


Chapter 29

1 He, that being often reproved8433 hardens7185 his neck,6203 shall suddenly6621 be destroyed,7665 and that without369 remedy.4832

2 When the righteous6662 are in authority,7235 the people5971 rejoice:8055 but when the wicked7563 bears4910 rule,4910 the people5971 mourn.584

3 Whoever loves157 wisdom2451 rejoices8055 his father:1 but he that keeps company7462 with harlots2181 spends6 his substance.1952

4 The king4428 by judgment4941 establishes5975 the land:776 but he that receives gifts8641 overthrows2040 it.

5 A man1397 that flatters2505 his neighbor7453 spreads6566 a net7568 for his feet.6471

6 In the transgression6588 of an evil7451 man376 there is a snare:4170 but the righteous6662 does sing7442 and rejoice.8055

7 The righteous6662 considers3045 the cause1779 of the poor:1800 but the wicked7563 regards995 not to know1847 it.

8 Scornful3944 men582 bring6315 a city7151 into a snare:6315 but wise2450 men turn7725 away wrath.639

9 If a wise2450 man376 contends8199 with a foolish191 man,376 whether he rage7264 or laugh,7832 there is no369 rest.5183

10 The bloodthirsty582 1818 hate8130 the upright:8535 but the just3477 seek1245 his soul.5315

11 A fool3684 utters3318 all3605 his mind:7307 but a wise2450 man keeps7623 it in till afterwards.268

12 If a ruler4910 listen7181 to lies,1697 8267 all3605 his servants8334 are wicked.7563

13 The poor7326 and the deceitful8501 man376 meet6298 together: the LORD3068 lightens215 both8147 their eyes.5869

14 The king4428 that faithfully571 judges8199 the poor,1800 his throne3678 shall be established3559 for ever.5703

15 The rod7626 and reproof8433 give5414 wisdom:2451 but a child5288 left7971 to himself brings his mother517 to shame.954

16 When the wicked7563 are multiplied,7235 transgression6588 increases:7235 but the righteous6662 shall see7200 their fall.4658

17 Correct3256 your son,1121 and he shall give you rest;5117 yes, he shall give5414 delight4574 to your soul.5315

18 Where there is no369 vision,2377 the people5971 perish:6544 but he that keeps8104 the law,8451 happy835 is he.

19 A servant5650 will not be corrected3256 by words:1697 for though he understand995 he will not answer.4617

20 See2372 you a man376 that is hasty213 in his words?1697 there is more hope8615 of a fool3684 than of him.

21 He that delicately6445 brings6445 up his servant5650 from a child5290 shall have him become1961 his son4497 at the length.319

22 An angry639 man376 stirs1624 up strife,4066 and a furious2534 man1167 abounds7227 in transgression.6588

23 A man's120 pride1346 shall bring8213 him low:8213 but honor3519 shall uphold8551 the humble8217 in spirit.7307

24 Whoever is partner2505 with a thief1590 hates8130 his own soul:5315 he hears8085 cursing,423 and denudes5046 it not.

25 The fear2731 of man120 brings5414 a snare:4170 but whoever puts his trust982 in the LORD3068 shall be safe.7682

26 Many7227 seek1245 the ruler's4910 favor;6440 but every man's376 judgment4941 comes from the LORD.3068

27 An unjust5766 man376 is an abomination8441 to the just:6662 and he that is upright3477 in the way1870 is abomination8441 to the wicked.7563




Chapter 29

1 人屢次受責備[reproved],仍然硬著頸項;他必頃刻敗壞,無法可治。

1 He, that being often reproved8433 hardens7185 his neck,6203 shall suddenly6621 be destroyed,7665 and that without369 remedy.4832

2 義人掌權[in authority],民就喜樂;惡人作管[beareth rule],民[but]歎息。

2 When the righteous6662 are in authority,7235 the people5971 rejoice:8055 but when the wicked7563 bears4910 rule,4910 the people5971 mourn.584

3 愛慕智慧的,使父親喜樂;與娼妓[harlots]結交的,卻浪費錢財。

3 Whoever loves157 wisdom2451 rejoices8055 his father:1 but he that keeps company7462 with harlots2181 spends6 his substance.1952

4 王藉公平,使國堅定;受取[receiveth]賄賂[he that][but]使國傾敗。

4 The king4428 by judgment4941 establishes5975 the land:776 but he that receives gifts8641 overthrows2040 it.

5 奉承他[flattereth his]鄰居的,就是設網羅絆他的腳。

5 A man1397 that flatters2505 his neighbor7453 spreads6566 a net7568 for his feet.6471

6 有網羅在惡人所犯的罪中[In the transgression of an evil man there is a snare];唯獨義人歌唱[sing]喜樂。

6 In the transgression6588 of an evil7451 man376 there is a snare:4170 but the righteous6662 does sing7442 and rejoice.8055

7 義人知道查明窮人的案;然而[but]惡人不願理會[regardeth not],就不得而知。

7 The righteous6662 considers3045 the cause1779 of the poor:1800 but the wicked7563 regards995 not to know1847 it.

8 褻慢人使城陷入網羅[bring a city into a snare][but]智慧人轉消忿怒[turn away wrath]

8 Scornful3944 men582 bring6315 a city7151 into a snare:6315 but wise2450 men turn7725 away wrath.639

9 智慧人[If]與愚妄人相爭,或怒或笑,總不能使他止息。

9 If a wise2450 man376 contends8199 with a foolish191 man,376 whether he rage7264 or laugh,7832 there is no369 rest.5183

10 好流人血的,恨惡正直人[upright]義人卻尋他的[but the just seek his]性命。

10 The bloodthirsty582 1818 hate8130 the upright:8535 but the just3477 seek1245 his soul.5315

11 愚妄人心意全吐[uttereth all his mind];智慧人[but]存藏,直到以後[keepeth it in till afterwards]

11 A fool3684 utters3318 all3605 his mind:7307 but a wise2450 man keeps7623 it in till afterwards.268

12 首領[ruler]若聽謊言,他一切僕人[servants]都是奸惡。

12 If a ruler4910 listen7181 to lies,1697 8267 all3605 his servants8334 are wicked.7563

13 貧窮人、行詭詐的人[deceitful man]在世相遇;他們的眼目都蒙耶和華光照。

13 The poor7326 and the deceitful8501 man376 meet6298 together: the LORD3068 lightens215 both8147 their eyes.5869

14 君王憑信實[faithfully]判斷窮人;他的國位必永遠堅立。

14 The king4428 that faithfully571 judges8199 the poor,1800 his throne3678 shall be established3559 for ever.5703

15 杖打和責備能加增智慧;放縱的孩子[child][but]使母親羞愧。

15 The rod7626 and reproof8433 give5414 wisdom:2451 but a child5288 left7971 to himself brings his mother517 to shame.954

16 惡人加多,過犯也加多;[but]義人必看見他們跌倒。

16 When the wicked7563 are multiplied,7235 transgression6588 increases:7235 but the righteous6662 shall see7200 their fall.4658

17 管教你的兒子,他就使你得安息,也必使你心裏喜樂。

17 Correct3256 your son,1121 and he shall give you rest;5117 yes, he shall give5414 delight4574 to your soul.5315

18 沒有異象,民就滅亡[perish];唯遵守律法的,便為有福。

18 Where there is no369 vision,2377 the people5971 perish:6544 but he that keeps8104 the law,8451 happy835 is he.

19 只用言語,僕人不肯受管教;他雖然明白,也不回答[answer]

19 A servant5650 will not be corrected3256 by words:1697 for though he understand995 he will not answer.4617

20 你見言語急躁的人嗎?愚昧人比他更有盼望[hope]

20 See2372 you a man376 that is hasty213 in his words?1697 there is more hope8615 of a fool3684 than of him.

21 人將僕人從小嬌養,這僕人終久必成了他的兒子。

21 He that delicately6445 brings6445 up his servant5650 from a child5290 shall have him become1961 his son4497 at the length.319

22 好氣的人挑啟爭端;暴怒的人多多犯罪。

22 An angry639 man376 stirs1624 up strife,4066 and a furious2534 man1167 abounds7227 in transgression.6588

23 人的高傲必使他卑下;靈裏謙遜的,尊榮卻必扶持他[but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit]

23 A man's120 pride1346 shall bring8213 him low:8213 but honor3519 shall uphold8551 the humble8217 in spirit.7307

24 人與盜賊分贓,是恨惡自己的性命;他聽見咒罵[cursing]的聲音,卻不顯露[bewrayeth]

24 Whoever is partner2505 with a thief1590 hates8130 his own soul:5315 he hears8085 cursing,423 and denudes5046 it not.

25 懼怕人的,陷入網羅;唯有倚靠耶和華的,必得安穩。

25 The fear2731 of man120 brings5414 a snare:4170 but whoever puts his trust982 in the LORD3068 shall be safe.7682

26 求王恩的人多;定人事乃在耶和華。

26 Many7227 seek1245 the ruler's4910 favor;6440 but every man's376 judgment4941 comes from the LORD.3068

27 為非作歹的,被義人憎嫌;行事正直的,被惡人憎惡。

27 An unjust5766 man376 is an abomination8441 to the just:6662 and he that is upright3477 in the way1870 is abomination8441 to the wicked.7563