

1 亞伯蘭妻撒勑不育,有埃及婢名夏甲。

2 撒勑謂亞伯蘭曰:耶和華不賜我生育,爾且與婢同室,或可因之以得子,亞伯蘭從其言。

3 其居迦南,已歷十載,妻撒勑令納埃及婢夏甲。

4 遂與之同室,夏甲自覺有姙,藐視主母。

5 撒勑謂亞伯蘭曰:我之受辱,職爾之故,我昔以婢置於爾懷,旣懷姙矣,乃藐視我,爾我間,愿耶和華折中其是非。

6 亞伯蘭曰:婢爲爾所治,可任意以待,於是撒勑以困苦相加,婢乃遁逃。

7 耶和華之使者遇之於野,其地近泉,去書耳之路無幾。

8 曰:撒勑婢夏甲,適從何來?茲欲何去?曰:避主母撒勑。

9 曰:可歸主母,仍服其下。

10 又曰:我將增爾苗裔,生齒蕃衍,不可勝數。

11 又曰:爾今懷姙,必生男子,因耶和華俯念爾苦,可命名以實馬利〔以實瑪利譯即上帝眷顧之意〕

12 彼將爲野人,攻衆而衆亦攻彼,其所居地,在同儕之東。

13 夏甲旣蒙耶和華所諭,則稱其名曰:爾乃監我之上帝,蓋曰:我非於此,以景仰夫監我者乎〔爾乃監我三句或曰:顯現之上帝,蓋曰上帝與我顯現而我尚存乎〕

14 緣此,其泉名曰別拉海萊〔別拉海萊譯即曰永生以監我者之泉,或曰與我顯現而我尚存者之泉〕,今在迦鐵庇列之間。〇

15 夏甲生子,亞伯蘭命名曰以實馬利。

16 時,亞伯蘭年已八十有六。


Chapter 16

1 Now Sarai8297 Abram's87 wife802 bore3205 him no3808 children: and she had an handmaid,8198 an Egyptian,4713 whose name8034 was Hagar.1904

2 And Sarai8297 said559 to Abram,87 Behold2009 now,4994 the LORD3068 has restrained6113 me from bearing:3205 I pray4994 you, go935 in to my maid;8198 it may194 be that I may obtain1129 children1129 by her. And Abram87 listened8085 to the voice6963 of Sarai.8297

3 And Sarai8297 Abram's87 wife802 took3947 Hagar1904 her maid8198 the Egyptian,4713 after7093 Abram87 had dwelled3427 ten6235 years8141 in the land776 of Canaan,3667 and gave5414 her to her husband376 Abram87 to be his wife.802

4 And he went935 in to Hagar,1904 and she conceived:2029 and when she saw7200 that she had conceived,2029 her mistress1404 was despised7043 in her eyes.5869

5 And Sarai8297 said559 to Abram,87 My wrong2555 be on you: I have given5414 my maid8198 into your bosom;2436 and when she saw7200 that she had conceived,2029 I was despised7043 in her eyes:5869 the LORD3068 judge8199 between996 me and you.

6 But Abram87 said559 to Sarai,8297 Behold,2009 your maid8198 is in your hand;3027 do6213 to her as it pleases2896 5869 you. And when Sarai8297 dealt hardly6031 with her, she fled1272 from her face.6440

7 And the angel4397 of the LORD3068 found4672 her by a fountain5869 of water4325 in the wilderness,4057 by the fountain5869 in the way1870 to Shur.7793

8 And he said,559 Hagar,1904 Sarai's8297 maid,8198 from where335 2088 came935 you? and where575 will you go?3212 And she said,559 I flee1272 from the face6440 of my mistress1404 Sarai.8297

9 And the angel4397 of the LORD3068 said559 to her, Return7725 to your mistress,1404 and submit6031 yourself under8478 her hands.3027

10 And the angel4397 of the LORD3068 said559 to her, I will multiply7235 your seed2233 exceedingly,7235 that it shall not be numbered5608 for multitude.7230

11 And the angel4397 of the LORD3068 said559 to her, Behold,2009 you are with child 2030and shall bear3205 a son,1121 and shall call7121 his name8034 Ishmael;3458 because3588 the LORD3068 has heard8085 your affliction.6040

12 And he will be a wild6501 man;120 his hand3027 will be against every3605 man, and every3605 man's hand3027 against him; and he shall dwell7931 in the presence6440 of all his brothers.251

13 And she called7121 the name8034 of the LORD3068 that spoke1696 to her, You God410 see7210 me: for she said,559 Have I also1571 here1988 looked7200 after310 him that sees7210 me?

14 Why5921 3651 the well875 was called7121 Beerlahairoi;883 behold,2009 it is between996 Kadesh6946 and Bered.1260

15 And Hagar1904 bore3205 Abram87 a son:1121 and Abram87 called7121 his son's1121 name,8034 which834 Hagar1904 bore,3205 Ishmael.3458

16 And Abram87 was fourscore8084 and six8337 years8141 old,1121 when Hagar1904 bore3205 Ishmael3458 to Abram.87




Chapter 16

1 亞伯蘭妻撒勑不育,有埃及婢名夏甲。

1 Now Sarai8297 Abram's87 wife802 bore3205 him no3808 children: and she had an handmaid,8198 an Egyptian,4713 whose name8034 was Hagar.1904

2 撒勑謂亞伯蘭曰:耶和華不賜我生育,爾且與婢同室,或可因之以得子,亞伯蘭從其言。

2 And Sarai8297 said559 to Abram,87 Behold2009 now,4994 the LORD3068 has restrained6113 me from bearing:3205 I pray4994 you, go935 in to my maid;8198 it may194 be that I may obtain1129 children1129 by her. And Abram87 listened8085 to the voice6963 of Sarai.8297

3 其居迦南,已歷十載,妻撒勑令納埃及婢夏甲。

3 And Sarai8297 Abram's87 wife802 took3947 Hagar1904 her maid8198 the Egyptian,4713 after7093 Abram87 had dwelled3427 ten6235 years8141 in the land776 of Canaan,3667 and gave5414 her to her husband376 Abram87 to be his wife.802

4 遂與之同室,夏甲自覺有姙,藐視主母。

4 And he went935 in to Hagar,1904 and she conceived:2029 and when she saw7200 that she had conceived,2029 her mistress1404 was despised7043 in her eyes.5869

5 撒勑謂亞伯蘭曰:我之受辱,職爾之故,我昔以婢置於爾懷,旣懷姙矣,乃藐視我,爾我間,愿耶和華折中其是非。

5 And Sarai8297 said559 to Abram,87 My wrong2555 be on you: I have given5414 my maid8198 into your bosom;2436 and when she saw7200 that she had conceived,2029 I was despised7043 in her eyes:5869 the LORD3068 judge8199 between996 me and you.

6 亞伯蘭曰:婢爲爾所治,可任意以待,於是撒勑以困苦相加,婢乃遁逃。

6 But Abram87 said559 to Sarai,8297 Behold,2009 your maid8198 is in your hand;3027 do6213 to her as it pleases2896 5869 you. And when Sarai8297 dealt hardly6031 with her, she fled1272 from her face.6440

7 耶和華之使者遇之於野,其地近泉,去書耳之路無幾。

7 And the angel4397 of the LORD3068 found4672 her by a fountain5869 of water4325 in the wilderness,4057 by the fountain5869 in the way1870 to Shur.7793

8 曰:撒勑婢夏甲,適從何來?茲欲何去?曰:避主母撒勑。

8 And he said,559 Hagar,1904 Sarai's8297 maid,8198 from where335 2088 came935 you? and where575 will you go?3212 And she said,559 I flee1272 from the face6440 of my mistress1404 Sarai.8297

9 曰:可歸主母,仍服其下。

9 And the angel4397 of the LORD3068 said559 to her, Return7725 to your mistress,1404 and submit6031 yourself under8478 her hands.3027

10 又曰:我將增爾苗裔,生齒蕃衍,不可勝數。

10 And the angel4397 of the LORD3068 said559 to her, I will multiply7235 your seed2233 exceedingly,7235 that it shall not be numbered5608 for multitude.7230

11 又曰:爾今懷姙,必生男子,因耶和華俯念爾苦,可命名以實馬利〔以實瑪利譯即上帝眷顧之意〕

11 And the angel4397 of the LORD3068 said559 to her, Behold,2009 you are with child 2030and shall bear3205 a son,1121 and shall call7121 his name8034 Ishmael;3458 because3588 the LORD3068 has heard8085 your affliction.6040

12 彼將爲野人,攻衆而衆亦攻彼,其所居地,在同儕之東。

12 And he will be a wild6501 man;120 his hand3027 will be against every3605 man, and every3605 man's hand3027 against him; and he shall dwell7931 in the presence6440 of all his brothers.251

13 夏甲旣蒙耶和華所諭,則稱其名曰:爾乃監我之上帝,蓋曰:我非於此,以景仰夫監我者乎〔爾乃監我三句或曰:顯現之上帝,蓋曰上帝與我顯現而我尚存乎〕

13 And she called7121 the name8034 of the LORD3068 that spoke1696 to her, You God410 see7210 me: for she said,559 Have I also1571 here1988 looked7200 after310 him that sees7210 me?

14 緣此,其泉名曰別拉海萊〔別拉海萊譯即曰永生以監我者之泉,或曰與我顯現而我尚存者之泉〕,今在迦鐵庇列之間。〇

14 Why5921 3651 the well875 was called7121 Beerlahairoi;883 behold,2009 it is between996 Kadesh6946 and Bered.1260

15 夏甲生子,亞伯蘭命名曰以實馬利。

15 And Hagar1904 bore3205 Abram87 a son:1121 and Abram87 called7121 his son's1121 name,8034 which834 Hagar1904 bore,3205 Ishmael.3458

16 時,亞伯蘭年已八十有六。

16 And Abram87 was fourscore8084 and six8337 years8141 old,1121 when Hagar1904 bore3205 Ishmael3458 to Abram.87