

1 良人曰、我之新婦、視若姊妹、我入園囿、採沒藥與香品、食蜂房與甘蜜、飲乳酪與酒醴、爾曹友朋、飲之食之、以快其心。〇

2 新婦曰、我身寢而心寤、夢中聽夫子之聲、叩門呼曰、我之愛妃、美麗若鴿、德無不備、夜深露下、我髮沾濡、爾其啟門、容我入室。

3 我曰、我已解衣、焉能衣之、我曾濯足、焉可污之。

4 我之夫子、人手於牖、我心憫之、

5 起欲啟門、以沒藥盥手、其味馨香、沾染門楗。

6 門既闢、不見夫子、我思其言、魂不附體、求之勿得、呼之莫應。

7 爰遇巡城之卒、擊而傷我、奪我巾幗。

8 耶路撒冷女乎、如遇夫子、爲我言之、眷愛之情已多、令我消魂。

9 諸婢曰、嬌美之姝、爾之夫子、比他人之夫子、何以愈乎、爾乃告我若此。

10 我之夫子、色白而紅、爲萬人之冠、

11 首若兼金、長髮依稀垂柳、黑鬢彷彿堆鴉。

12 目若溪濱之鴿、以乳洗滌、行列甚整。

13 玉頰芬芳、有如香草、栽於園囿、絳唇若玉薽之嫣媚、吐氣若沒藥之滴瀝。

14 手帶金釧、嵌以黃玉、身若象齒、其色光潤、鑲以青玉。

15 足若花石柱、置於金座、儀容英爽、森森然如利巴嫩之柏香木。

16 吹氣若蘭、洵可愛也。耶路撒冷女乎、我之夫子若此。

Song of Solomon

Chapter 5

1 I am come935 into my garden,1588 my sister,269 my spouse:3618 I have gathered717 my myrrh4753 with5973 my spice;1313 I have eaten398 my honeycomb3293 with5973 my honey;1706 I have drunk8354 my wine3196 with5973 my milk:2461 eat,398 O friends;7453 drink,8354 yea, drink abundantly,7937 O beloved.1730

2 I589 sleep,3463 but my heart3820 waketh:5782 it is the voice6963 of my beloved1730 that knocketh,1849 saying, Open6605 to me, my sister,269 my love,7474 my dove,3123 my undefiled:8535 for my head7945 7218 is filled4390 with dew,2919 and my locks6977 with the drops7447 of the night.3915

3 I have put off6584 853 my coat;3801 how349 shall I put it on?3847 I have washed7364 853 my feet;7272 how349 shall I defile2936 them?

4 My beloved1730 put in7971 his hand3027 by4480 the hole2356 of the door, and my bowels4578 were moved1993 for5921 him.

5 I589 rose up6965 to open6605 to my beloved;1730 and my hands3027 dropped5197 with myrrh,4753 and my fingers676 with sweet smelling5674 myrrh,4753 upon5921 the handles3709 of the lock.4514

6 I589 opened6605 to my beloved;1730 but my beloved1730 had withdrawn2559 himself, and was gone:5674 my soul5315 failed3318 when he spoke:1696 I sought1245 him, but I could not3808 find4672 him; I called7121 him, but he gave me no answer.3808 6030

7 The watchmen8104 that went about5437 the city5892 found4672 me, they smote5221 me, they wounded6481 me; the keepers8104 of the walls2346 took away5375 853 my veil7289 from4480 5921 me.

8 I charge7650 you, O daughters1323 of Jerusalem,3389 if518 ye find4672 853 my beloved,1730 that4100 ye tell5046 him, that I589 am sick7945 2470 of love.160

9 What4100 is thy beloved1730 more than another beloved,4480 1730 O thou fairest3303 among women?802 what4100 is thy beloved1730 more than another beloved,4480 1730 that thou dost so7945 3602 charge7650 us?

10 My beloved1730 is white6703 and ruddy,122 the chiefest1713 among ten thousand.4480 7233

11 His head7218 is as the most3800 fine gold,6337 his locks6977 are bushy,8534 and black7838 as a raven.6158

12 His eyes5869 are as the eyes of doves3123 by5921 the rivers650 of waters,4325 washed7364 with milk,2461 and fitly set.4402 3427

13 His cheeks3895 are as a bed6170 of spices,1314 as sweet4840 flowers:4026 his lips8193 like lilies,7799 dropping5197 sweet smelling5674 myrrh.4753

14 His hands3027 are as gold2091 rings1550 set4390 with the beryl:8658 his belly4578 is as bright6247 ivory8127 overlaid5968 with sapphires.5601

15 His legs7785 are as pillars5982 of marble,8336 set3245 upon5921 sockets134 of fine gold:6337 his countenance4758 is as Lebanon,3844 excellent977 as the cedars.730

16 His mouth2441 is most sweet:4477 yea, he is altogether3605 lovely.4261 This2088 is my beloved,1730 and this2088 is my friend,7453 O daughters1323 of Jerusalem.3389



Song of Solomon

Chapter 5

1 良人曰、我之新婦、視若姊妹、我入園囿、採沒藥與香品、食蜂房與甘蜜、飲乳酪與酒醴、爾曹友朋、飲之食之、以快其心。〇

1 I am come935 into my garden,1588 my sister,269 my spouse:3618 I have gathered717 my myrrh4753 with5973 my spice;1313 I have eaten398 my honeycomb3293 with5973 my honey;1706 I have drunk8354 my wine3196 with5973 my milk:2461 eat,398 O friends;7453 drink,8354 yea, drink abundantly,7937 O beloved.1730

2 新婦曰、我身寢而心寤、夢中聽夫子之聲、叩門呼曰、我之愛妃、美麗若鴿、德無不備、夜深露下、我髮沾濡、爾其啟門、容我入室。

2 I589 sleep,3463 but my heart3820 waketh:5782 it is the voice6963 of my beloved1730 that knocketh,1849 saying, Open6605 to me, my sister,269 my love,7474 my dove,3123 my undefiled:8535 for my head7945 7218 is filled4390 with dew,2919 and my locks6977 with the drops7447 of the night.3915

3 我曰、我已解衣、焉能衣之、我曾濯足、焉可污之。

3 I have put off6584 853 my coat;3801 how349 shall I put it on?3847 I have washed7364 853 my feet;7272 how349 shall I defile2936 them?

4 我之夫子、人手於牖、我心憫之、

4 My beloved1730 put in7971 his hand3027 by4480 the hole2356 of the door, and my bowels4578 were moved1993 for5921 him.

5 起欲啟門、以沒藥盥手、其味馨香、沾染門楗。

5 I589 rose up6965 to open6605 to my beloved;1730 and my hands3027 dropped5197 with myrrh,4753 and my fingers676 with sweet smelling5674 myrrh,4753 upon5921 the handles3709 of the lock.4514

6 門既闢、不見夫子、我思其言、魂不附體、求之勿得、呼之莫應。

6 I589 opened6605 to my beloved;1730 but my beloved1730 had withdrawn2559 himself, and was gone:5674 my soul5315 failed3318 when he spoke:1696 I sought1245 him, but I could not3808 find4672 him; I called7121 him, but he gave me no answer.3808 6030

7 爰遇巡城之卒、擊而傷我、奪我巾幗。

7 The watchmen8104 that went about5437 the city5892 found4672 me, they smote5221 me, they wounded6481 me; the keepers8104 of the walls2346 took away5375 853 my veil7289 from4480 5921 me.

8 耶路撒冷女乎、如遇夫子、爲我言之、眷愛之情已多、令我消魂。

8 I charge7650 you, O daughters1323 of Jerusalem,3389 if518 ye find4672 853 my beloved,1730 that4100 ye tell5046 him, that I589 am sick7945 2470 of love.160

9 諸婢曰、嬌美之姝、爾之夫子、比他人之夫子、何以愈乎、爾乃告我若此。

9 What4100 is thy beloved1730 more than another beloved,4480 1730 O thou fairest3303 among women?802 what4100 is thy beloved1730 more than another beloved,4480 1730 that thou dost so7945 3602 charge7650 us?

10 我之夫子、色白而紅、爲萬人之冠、

10 My beloved1730 is white6703 and ruddy,122 the chiefest1713 among ten thousand.4480 7233

11 首若兼金、長髮依稀垂柳、黑鬢彷彿堆鴉。

11 His head7218 is as the most3800 fine gold,6337 his locks6977 are bushy,8534 and black7838 as a raven.6158

12 目若溪濱之鴿、以乳洗滌、行列甚整。

12 His eyes5869 are as the eyes of doves3123 by5921 the rivers650 of waters,4325 washed7364 with milk,2461 and fitly set.4402 3427

13 玉頰芬芳、有如香草、栽於園囿、絳唇若玉薽之嫣媚、吐氣若沒藥之滴瀝。

13 His cheeks3895 are as a bed6170 of spices,1314 as sweet4840 flowers:4026 his lips8193 like lilies,7799 dropping5197 sweet smelling5674 myrrh.4753

14 手帶金釧、嵌以黃玉、身若象齒、其色光潤、鑲以青玉。

14 His hands3027 are as gold2091 rings1550 set4390 with the beryl:8658 his belly4578 is as bright6247 ivory8127 overlaid5968 with sapphires.5601

15 足若花石柱、置於金座、儀容英爽、森森然如利巴嫩之柏香木。

15 His legs7785 are as pillars5982 of marble,8336 set3245 upon5921 sockets134 of fine gold:6337 his countenance4758 is as Lebanon,3844 excellent977 as the cedars.730

16 吹氣若蘭、洵可愛也。耶路撒冷女乎、我之夫子若此。

16 His mouth2441 is most sweet:4477 yea, he is altogether3605 lovely.4261 This2088 is my beloved,1730 and this2088 is my friend,7453 O daughters1323 of Jerusalem.3389