

1 約百曰、

2 我有深憂、願權衡其輕重、

3 較諸海沙尤重、故我言詞造次。

4 全能之主、射我以矢、其鏃有毒、喪我之神、上帝降災、如軍列陳、環而攻我。

5 驢有薪則不呼、牛有蒭則不鳴。

6 物淡無鹽不可食、蛋白不和豈有味、

7 有臭惡甚於此者、不得已而食之。

8 我所大欲、望上帝遂我願焉。

9 願上帝糜爛我體、立舉其手、喪亡我命、若斷機杼。

10 若此我猶可解憂、彼弗加矜憫、則我斯踴矣。蓋至聖之命、我未嘗廢也。

11 我血氣已衰、無復康彊、苦靡有極、不死胡可忍。

12 我力匪石、我體匪銅、

13 旣竭我力、不能自救。

14 人遭患難、其友必加矜憫、惟我友朋、不畏全能之主。

15 友我不卒、猶泉之忽竭、潦之立涸、

16 當其初也、冰雪澌流、源泉混混。

17 及乎暑時、水漸殺矣、烈日暴之、溪流絕矣。

18 行旅之人、迂道求泉而弗得、渴死於野。

19 斯溪也、提馬之賓旅望之、示巴之行人慕之、

20 望而不得則駭、至其地而不見、則相識欿然。

21 爾曹亦若此溪、使我失望、見我患難、悚然退懼。

22 我豈欲爾供給、饋我以貨財。

23 豈使爾援我於勁敵、拯我於凶暴。

24 請爾訓迪、我默而聽、我也有過、請爾指示。

25 法言可從、惟爾規我、不足以輔吾徳。

26 爾意欲卽我所言、以相詰責、不知絕望之人、言等飄風。

27 爾撻煢獨、坑友朋。

28 爾觀我爲人、豈有所誑。

29 請申言之、勿以吾爲不義、或曲或直、自有能辨之者。

30 我不出非義之言、事之是非、我察之明矣。


Chapter 6

1 THEN Job answered and said,

2 Oh that my grief were weighed, and my calamity laid in the balances against it!

3 For then it would be heavier than the sand of the seas; therefore my words are restrained.

4 For the arrows of the Almighty are in my flesh, and their poison drinks up my spirit; the terrors of God have frightened me.

5 Does the wild ass bray over grass? Or does the ox low over the fodder?

6 Or can that which is unsavory be eaten without salt? Or is there any taste in the white of an egg?

7 My soul is weary of its troubles, I lament like a drunken man in my affliction.

8 Oh that I might have my request; and that God would grant me the thing that I long for!

9 So that God would hearken to cleanse me, and to spread out his hand and make me whole;

10 And to be again my comfort, so that I may be restored to my strength without measure; for I have not lied against the words of the Holy One.

11 What is my strength, that I should endure? And what is my end, that I should be patient?

12 Is my strength the strength of stones? Or is my flesh of brass?

13 Behold, his help is not in me, and his salvation is far off from me.

14 He who withholds peace from his friend, forsakes the worship of the Almighty.

15 My brethren have dealt deceitfully like dry brooks, like torrents which pass away.

16 Those who were afraid of ice, much snow has fallen upon them.

17 When the sun shines over them, they melt; when it is hot, they melt and disappear from their place.

18 The paths of their ways are winding; they go astray from their course and perish.

19 For they have looked toward the roads of the south, and have waited for the paths of Sheba.

20 They are ashamed in what they had hoped; they came there, and were confounded.

21 You also have become such to me; because before you saw terror, you were afraid.

22 Did I say, Bring me a present? Or from your wealth offer a bribe for my sake?

23 Or rescue me from my oppressor's hands; or deliver me from the hand of the mighty?

24 Teach me, and I will be silent; and cause me to understand wherein I have erred.

25 Why do you reject the words of truth? Who of you are able to rebuke and chastise?

26 Behold you are seeking to find words with which to reprove, and against my soul you are conjuring up words.

27 Behold, you overwhelm the fatherless, and you grieve your friend.

28 Now therefore listen and take heed, and I will speak in your presence, and will not lie.

29 Repent, I pray you, and do not become like ungodly men; repent therefore and be justified.

30 Is there iniquity in my tongue? Or does not my mouth speak truth?




Chapter 6

1 約百曰、

1 THEN Job answered and said,

2 我有深憂、願權衡其輕重、

2 Oh that my grief were weighed, and my calamity laid in the balances against it!

3 較諸海沙尤重、故我言詞造次。

3 For then it would be heavier than the sand of the seas; therefore my words are restrained.

4 全能之主、射我以矢、其鏃有毒、喪我之神、上帝降災、如軍列陳、環而攻我。

4 For the arrows of the Almighty are in my flesh, and their poison drinks up my spirit; the terrors of God have frightened me.

5 驢有薪則不呼、牛有蒭則不鳴。

5 Does the wild ass bray over grass? Or does the ox low over the fodder?

6 物淡無鹽不可食、蛋白不和豈有味、

6 Or can that which is unsavory be eaten without salt? Or is there any taste in the white of an egg?

7 有臭惡甚於此者、不得已而食之。

7 My soul is weary of its troubles, I lament like a drunken man in my affliction.

8 我所大欲、望上帝遂我願焉。

8 Oh that I might have my request; and that God would grant me the thing that I long for!

9 願上帝糜爛我體、立舉其手、喪亡我命、若斷機杼。

9 So that God would hearken to cleanse me, and to spread out his hand and make me whole;

10 若此我猶可解憂、彼弗加矜憫、則我斯踴矣。蓋至聖之命、我未嘗廢也。

10 And to be again my comfort, so that I may be restored to my strength without measure; for I have not lied against the words of the Holy One.

11 我血氣已衰、無復康彊、苦靡有極、不死胡可忍。

11 What is my strength, that I should endure? And what is my end, that I should be patient?

12 我力匪石、我體匪銅、

12 Is my strength the strength of stones? Or is my flesh of brass?

13 旣竭我力、不能自救。

13 Behold, his help is not in me, and his salvation is far off from me.

14 人遭患難、其友必加矜憫、惟我友朋、不畏全能之主。

14 He who withholds peace from his friend, forsakes the worship of the Almighty.

15 友我不卒、猶泉之忽竭、潦之立涸、

15 My brethren have dealt deceitfully like dry brooks, like torrents which pass away.

16 當其初也、冰雪澌流、源泉混混。

16 Those who were afraid of ice, much snow has fallen upon them.

17 及乎暑時、水漸殺矣、烈日暴之、溪流絕矣。

17 When the sun shines over them, they melt; when it is hot, they melt and disappear from their place.

18 行旅之人、迂道求泉而弗得、渴死於野。

18 The paths of their ways are winding; they go astray from their course and perish.

19 斯溪也、提馬之賓旅望之、示巴之行人慕之、

19 For they have looked toward the roads of the south, and have waited for the paths of Sheba.

20 望而不得則駭、至其地而不見、則相識欿然。

20 They are ashamed in what they had hoped; they came there, and were confounded.

21 爾曹亦若此溪、使我失望、見我患難、悚然退懼。

21 You also have become such to me; because before you saw terror, you were afraid.

22 我豈欲爾供給、饋我以貨財。

22 Did I say, Bring me a present? Or from your wealth offer a bribe for my sake?

23 豈使爾援我於勁敵、拯我於凶暴。

23 Or rescue me from my oppressor's hands; or deliver me from the hand of the mighty?

24 請爾訓迪、我默而聽、我也有過、請爾指示。

24 Teach me, and I will be silent; and cause me to understand wherein I have erred.

25 法言可從、惟爾規我、不足以輔吾徳。

25 Why do you reject the words of truth? Who of you are able to rebuke and chastise?

26 爾意欲卽我所言、以相詰責、不知絕望之人、言等飄風。

26 Behold you are seeking to find words with which to reprove, and against my soul you are conjuring up words.

27 爾撻煢獨、坑友朋。

27 Behold, you overwhelm the fatherless, and you grieve your friend.

28 爾觀我爲人、豈有所誑。

28 Now therefore listen and take heed, and I will speak in your presence, and will not lie.

29 請申言之、勿以吾爲不義、或曲或直、自有能辨之者。

29 Repent, I pray you, and do not become like ungodly men; repent therefore and be justified.

30 我不出非義之言、事之是非、我察之明矣。

30 Is there iniquity in my tongue? Or does not my mouth speak truth?