

1 (此大闢祈禱所作)耶和華兮、予言不偽、願白余寃、俯聽我祈、余在爾前、望爾鑒察兮、

2 爲我折中、定其是非兮、

3 爾試余心、中宵鑒斯、煉余若金、不可議斯、心與口應、靡不符斯。

4 世多強暴、余從爾令、彼人所爲、不效其行、

5 余遵爾道、如隕如越、維爾是望、予扶予翼、

6 籲呼上帝、上帝垂聽、傾耳俯聞、俯聞予聲。

7 凡恃爾者、爾恒援之、敵人戕彼、爾旣免之、望爲鴻恩、於我施之。

8 願爾護我、若守眸子、願爾翼我、若鳥伏雛。

9 勿受惡人之虐遇兮、勿遭勁敵之環攻、

10 彼體胖心痴兮、厥口矜誇、

11 睚眦其目、阻吾行兮、將顛越之予加、

12 彼若獅兮、欲我是噬、若稚獅兮、耽耽穴視、

13 耶和華兮、勃然而興、突如其來兮、譴彼災祲、加之以利刃兮、救我於敵人、

14 耶和華兮、手援拯我、斯世害予兮、爾其免我、乃彼至今兮、反得福祜、富有兮豐亨、寖昌兮寢熾、業遺於子孫、

15 惟我行義、望爾榮光、其興也勃然、克覿爾面、則余之願盈焉。


Psalm 17

1 HEAR, O Holy LORD, and consider my supplication; give ear unto my prayer that proceedeth not out of deceitful lips.

2 Let my judgment come forth from thy presence; let thine eyes behold the things that are just.

3 Thou hast proved my heart; thou hast visited me in the night; thou hast tried me, and thou hast not found iniquity in me; nothing hath come out of my mouth which is according to the deceitful works of men.

4 Through the conversation of my lips thou hast kept me from evil ways.

5 Thou hast strengthened my goings in thy paths, that my footsteps slip not.

6 I have called upon thee, for thou hast heard me. O God, incline thine ear unto me and hear my words.

7 Make thy Holy One a wonder and a Saviour to those who trust; but let him prevail against those that rise up against thy right hand.

8 Keep me as the apple of the eye; protect me under the shadow of thy wings,

9 From the sinners who plunder me, from the enemies of my soul who surround me.

10 Silence their mouth, for they have spoken vanity.

11 They have praised me, and now have surrounded me; they have determined to bury me in the ground.

12 They are like a lion that is eager to prey, and like a young lion lurking in secret places.

13 Arise, O LORD, humble them; cast them down; deliver my soul from the wicked and from the sword,

14 From the dead that die by thy hand, O LORD; and from the dead of the grave, divide their possessions among the living; fill their belly with thy treasure, so that their children are satisfied and have a portion remaining for their own children.

15 As for me, I will behold thy face in righteousness; I shall be satisfied when thy worship is revived.




Psalm 17

1 (此大闢祈禱所作)耶和華兮、予言不偽、願白余寃、俯聽我祈、余在爾前、望爾鑒察兮、

1 HEAR, O Holy LORD, and consider my supplication; give ear unto my prayer that proceedeth not out of deceitful lips.

2 爲我折中、定其是非兮、

2 Let my judgment come forth from thy presence; let thine eyes behold the things that are just.

3 爾試余心、中宵鑒斯、煉余若金、不可議斯、心與口應、靡不符斯。

3 Thou hast proved my heart; thou hast visited me in the night; thou hast tried me, and thou hast not found iniquity in me; nothing hath come out of my mouth which is according to the deceitful works of men.

4 世多強暴、余從爾令、彼人所爲、不效其行、

4 Through the conversation of my lips thou hast kept me from evil ways.

5 余遵爾道、如隕如越、維爾是望、予扶予翼、

5 Thou hast strengthened my goings in thy paths, that my footsteps slip not.

6 籲呼上帝、上帝垂聽、傾耳俯聞、俯聞予聲。

6 I have called upon thee, for thou hast heard me. O God, incline thine ear unto me and hear my words.

7 凡恃爾者、爾恒援之、敵人戕彼、爾旣免之、望爲鴻恩、於我施之。

7 Make thy Holy One a wonder and a Saviour to those who trust; but let him prevail against those that rise up against thy right hand.

8 願爾護我、若守眸子、願爾翼我、若鳥伏雛。

8 Keep me as the apple of the eye; protect me under the shadow of thy wings,

9 勿受惡人之虐遇兮、勿遭勁敵之環攻、

9 From the sinners who plunder me, from the enemies of my soul who surround me.

10 彼體胖心痴兮、厥口矜誇、

10 Silence their mouth, for they have spoken vanity.

11 睚眦其目、阻吾行兮、將顛越之予加、

11 They have praised me, and now have surrounded me; they have determined to bury me in the ground.

12 彼若獅兮、欲我是噬、若稚獅兮、耽耽穴視、

12 They are like a lion that is eager to prey, and like a young lion lurking in secret places.

13 耶和華兮、勃然而興、突如其來兮、譴彼災祲、加之以利刃兮、救我於敵人、

13 Arise, O LORD, humble them; cast them down; deliver my soul from the wicked and from the sword,

14 耶和華兮、手援拯我、斯世害予兮、爾其免我、乃彼至今兮、反得福祜、富有兮豐亨、寖昌兮寢熾、業遺於子孫、

14 From the dead that die by thy hand, O LORD; and from the dead of the grave, divide their possessions among the living; fill their belly with thy treasure, so that their children are satisfied and have a portion remaining for their own children.

15 惟我行義、望爾榮光、其興也勃然、克覿爾面、則余之願盈焉。

15 As for me, I will behold thy face in righteousness; I shall be satisfied when thy worship is revived.