

1 願你裂開諸天[rend the heavens]而降,使[that]山在你面前震動,

2 好像熔化之火燃燒的時候[As when the melting fire burneth],火將水燒開,使你敵人知道你的名,使列國在你面前發顫。

3 你曾行可畏的事,是我們所不指望的[thou didst terrible things which we looked not for],那時你降臨,山嶺在你面前傾下[flowed down]

4 神啊[O God],從世界的起初[beginning of the world]以來,人未曾聽見、未曾耳聞、未曾眼見在你以外,有甚麼[he]為等候他的人預備好了[hath prepared]

5 你迎接那歡喜[and]行義、那些[those]記念你道的人;看哪[behold],你曾發怒;因我們犯了罪[for we have sinned]。這景況已久,我們必要得救[and we shall be saved]

6 我們都像不潔淨的[thing]我們的[our]義都像污穢的衣服;我們都像葉子漸漸凋殘[fadeth];我們的罪孽好像風把我們吹去。

7 並且無人求告你的名,無人自奮[stirreth up himself]抓住你;原來你掩面不顧我們,把我們消滅了[consumed us]是因為我們罪孽的緣故[because of our iniquities]

8 耶和華啊,現在你[But]是我們的父;我們是泥,你是陶匠[potter];我們都是你手的工作。

9 耶和華啊,求你不要大發震怒,也不要永遠記念罪孽;我們求你垂顧[behold, see, we beseech thee],我們都是你的百姓。

10 你的聖邑乃為[are a]曠野,錫安乃為[is a]曠野,耶路撒冷乃是[is a]荒場。

11 我們聖潔華美的殿─就是我們列祖讚美你的所在被火焚燒;我們的美物盡[all our pleasant things]都荒廢。

12 耶和華啊,有這些事,你還忍得住嗎?你仍靜默使我們深受苦難嗎?


Chapter 64

1 Oh3863 that you would rend7167 the heavens,8064 that you would come3381 down,3381 that the mountains2022 might flow5140 down at your presence,6440

2 As when the melting2003 fire784 burns,6919 the fire784 causes the waters4325 to boil,1158 to make your name8034 known3045 to your adversaries,6862 that the nations1471 may tremble7264 at your presence!6440

3 When you did6213 terrible3372 things which we looked6960 not for, you came3381 down,3381 the mountains2022 flowed5140 down at your presence.6440

4 For since the beginning5769 of the world5769 men have not heard,8085 nor3808 perceived238 by the ear,238 neither3808 has the eye5869 seen,7200 O God,430 beside2108 you, what he has prepared6213 for him that waits2442 for him.

5 You meet6293 him that rejoices7797 and works6213 righteousness,6664 those that remember2142 you in your ways:1870 behold,2005 you are wroth;7107 for we have sinned:2398 in those1992 is continuance,5769 and we shall be saved.3467

6 But we are all3605 as an unclean2931 thing, and all3605 our righteousnesses6666 are as filthy5708 rags;899 and we all3605 do fade5034 as a leaf;5929 and our iniquities,5771 like the wind,7307 have taken5375 us away.

7 And there is none369 that calls7121 on your name,8034 that stirs5782 up himself to take2388 hold2388 of you: for you have hid5641 your face6440 from us, and have consumed4127 us, because3027 of our iniquities.5771

8 But now,6258 O LORD,3068 you are our father;1 we are the clay,2563 and you our potter;3335 and we all3605 are the work4639 of your hand.3027

9 Be not wroth7107 very3966 sore,3966 O LORD,3068 neither408 remember2142 iniquity5771 for ever:5703 behold,2005 see,5027 we beseech4994 you, we are all3605 your people.5971

10 Your holy6944 cities5892 are a wilderness,4057 Zion6726 is a wilderness,4057 Jerusalem3389 a desolation.8077

11 Our holy6944 and our beautiful8597 house,1004 where834 our fathers1 praised1984 you, is burned8316 up with fire:784 and all3605 our pleasant4261 things are laid waste.2723

12 Will you refrain662 yourself for these428 things, O LORD?3068 will you hold2814 your peace,2814 and afflict6031 us very3966 sore?3966




Chapter 64

1 願你裂開諸天[rend the heavens]而降,使[that]山在你面前震動,

1 Oh3863 that you would rend7167 the heavens,8064 that you would come3381 down,3381 that the mountains2022 might flow5140 down at your presence,6440

2 好像熔化之火燃燒的時候[As when the melting fire burneth],火將水燒開,使你敵人知道你的名,使列國在你面前發顫。

2 As when the melting2003 fire784 burns,6919 the fire784 causes the waters4325 to boil,1158 to make your name8034 known3045 to your adversaries,6862 that the nations1471 may tremble7264 at your presence!6440

3 你曾行可畏的事,是我們所不指望的[thou didst terrible things which we looked not for],那時你降臨,山嶺在你面前傾下[flowed down]

3 When you did6213 terrible3372 things which we looked6960 not for, you came3381 down,3381 the mountains2022 flowed5140 down at your presence.6440

4 神啊[O God],從世界的起初[beginning of the world]以來,人未曾聽見、未曾耳聞、未曾眼見在你以外,有甚麼[he]為等候他的人預備好了[hath prepared]

4 For since the beginning5769 of the world5769 men have not heard,8085 nor3808 perceived238 by the ear,238 neither3808 has the eye5869 seen,7200 O God,430 beside2108 you, what he has prepared6213 for him that waits2442 for him.

5 你迎接那歡喜[and]行義、那些[those]記念你道的人;看哪[behold],你曾發怒;因我們犯了罪[for we have sinned]。這景況已久,我們必要得救[and we shall be saved]

5 You meet6293 him that rejoices7797 and works6213 righteousness,6664 those that remember2142 you in your ways:1870 behold,2005 you are wroth;7107 for we have sinned:2398 in those1992 is continuance,5769 and we shall be saved.3467

6 我們都像不潔淨的[thing]我們的[our]義都像污穢的衣服;我們都像葉子漸漸凋殘[fadeth];我們的罪孽好像風把我們吹去。

6 But we are all3605 as an unclean2931 thing, and all3605 our righteousnesses6666 are as filthy5708 rags;899 and we all3605 do fade5034 as a leaf;5929 and our iniquities,5771 like the wind,7307 have taken5375 us away.

7 並且無人求告你的名,無人自奮[stirreth up himself]抓住你;原來你掩面不顧我們,把我們消滅了[consumed us]是因為我們罪孽的緣故[because of our iniquities]

7 And there is none369 that calls7121 on your name,8034 that stirs5782 up himself to take2388 hold2388 of you: for you have hid5641 your face6440 from us, and have consumed4127 us, because3027 of our iniquities.5771

8 耶和華啊,現在你[But]是我們的父;我們是泥,你是陶匠[potter];我們都是你手的工作。

8 But now,6258 O LORD,3068 you are our father;1 we are the clay,2563 and you our potter;3335 and we all3605 are the work4639 of your hand.3027

9 耶和華啊,求你不要大發震怒,也不要永遠記念罪孽;我們求你垂顧[behold, see, we beseech thee],我們都是你的百姓。

9 Be not wroth7107 very3966 sore,3966 O LORD,3068 neither408 remember2142 iniquity5771 for ever:5703 behold,2005 see,5027 we beseech4994 you, we are all3605 your people.5971

10 你的聖邑乃為[are a]曠野,錫安乃為[is a]曠野,耶路撒冷乃是[is a]荒場。

10 Your holy6944 cities5892 are a wilderness,4057 Zion6726 is a wilderness,4057 Jerusalem3389 a desolation.8077

11 我們聖潔華美的殿─就是我們列祖讚美你的所在被火焚燒;我們的美物盡[all our pleasant things]都荒廢。

11 Our holy6944 and our beautiful8597 house,1004 where834 our fathers1 praised1984 you, is burned8316 up with fire:784 and all3605 our pleasant4261 things are laid waste.2723

12 耶和華啊,有這些事,你還忍得住嗎?你仍靜默使我們深受苦難嗎?

12 Will you refrain662 yourself for these428 things, O LORD?3068 will you hold2814 your peace,2814 and afflict6031 us very3966 sore?3966