

1 利未的兒子是革順、哥轄、米拉利。

2 歌轄的兒子是暗蘭、以斯哈、希伯倫、烏薛。

3 暗蘭的兒子是亞倫、摩西,還有女兒米利暗。亞倫的兒子是拿答、亞比戶、以利亞撒、以她瑪。

4 以利亞撒生非尼哈;非尼哈生亞比書;

5 亞比書生布基;布基生烏西;

6 烏西生西拉希雅;西拉希雅生米拉約;

7 米拉約生亞瑪利雅;亞瑪利雅生亞希突;

8 亞希突生撒督;撒督生亞希瑪斯;

9 亞希瑪斯生亞撒利雅;亞撒利雅生約哈難;

10 約哈難生亞撒利雅(這亞撒利雅在所羅門於耶路撒冷所建造的殿中,供祭司的職分);

11 亞撒利雅生亞瑪利雅;亞瑪利雅生亞希突;

12 亞希突生撒督;撒督生沙龍;

13 沙龍生希勒家;希勒家生亞撒利雅;

14 亞撒利雅生西萊雅;西萊雅生約薩答。

15 當耶和華藉尼布甲尼撒的手擄掠猶大和耶路撒冷人的時候,這約薩答也被擄去。

16 利未的兒子是革順、哥轄、米拉利。

17 革順的兒子名叫立尼、示每。

18 哥轄的兒子是暗蘭、以斯哈、希伯倫、烏薛。

19 米拉利的兒子是抹利、母示。這是按著利未人宗族分的各家。

20 革順的兒子是立尼;立尼的兒子是雅哈;雅哈的兒子是薪瑪;

21 薪瑪的兒子是約亞;約亞的兒子是易多;易多的兒子是謝拉;謝拉的兒子是耶特賴。

22 哥轄的兒子是亞米拿達;亞米拿達的兒子是可拉;可拉的兒子是亞惜;

23 亞惜的兒子是以利加拿;以利加拿的兒子是以比雅撒;以比雅撒的兒子是亞惜;

24 亞惜的兒子是他哈;他哈的兒子是烏列;烏列的兒子是烏西雅;烏西雅的兒子是少羅。

25 以利加拿的兒子是亞瑪賽和亞希摩。

26 亞希摩的兒子是以利加拿;以利加拿的兒子是瑣菲;瑣菲的兒子是拿哈;

27 拿哈的兒子是以利押;以利押的兒子是耶羅罕;耶羅罕的兒子是以利加拿;

28 以利加拿的兒子是撒母耳。撒母耳的長子是瓦實尼[Vashni],次子是亞比亞。

29 米拉利的兒子是抹利;抹利的兒子是立尼;立尼的兒子是示每;示每的兒子是烏撒;

30 烏撒的兒子是示米亞;示米亞的兒子是哈基雅;哈基雅的兒子是亞帥雅。

31 約櫃安設之後,大衛派人在耶和華殿中管理歌唱的事。

32 他們就在會幕前當歌唱的差,及至所羅門在耶路撒冷建造了耶和華的殿,他們便按著班次供職。

33 供職的人和他們的子孫記在下面:哥轄的子孫中有歌唱的希幔。希幔是約珥的兒子;約珥是撒母耳的兒子;

34 撒母耳是以利加拿的兒子;以利加拿是耶羅罕的兒子;耶羅罕是以列的兒子;以列是陀亞的兒子;

35 陀亞是蘇弗的兒子;蘇弗是以利加拿的兒子;以利加拿是瑪哈的兒子;瑪哈是亞瑪賽的兒子;

36 亞瑪賽是以利加拿的兒子;以利加拿是約珥的兒子;約珥是亞撒利雅的兒子;亞撒利雅是西番雅的兒子;

37 西番雅是他哈的兒子;他哈是亞惜的兒子;亞惜是以比雅撒的兒子;以比雅撒是可拉的兒子;

38 可拉是以斯哈的兒子;以斯哈是哥轄的兒子;哥轄是利未的兒子;利未是以色列的兒子。

39 希幔的族兄亞薩是比利家的兒子,亞薩在希幔右邊供職。比利家是示米亞的兒子;

40 示米亞是米迦勒的兒子;米迦勒是巴西雅的兒子;巴西雅是瑪基雅的兒子;

41 瑪基雅是伊特尼的兒子;伊特尼是謝拉的兒子;謝拉是亞大雅的兒子;

42 亞大雅是以探的兒子;以探是薪瑪的兒子;薪瑪是示每的兒子;

43 示每是雅哈的兒子;雅哈是革順的兒子。革順是利未的兒子。

44 他們的族弟兄米拉利的子孫,在他們左邊供職的有以探。以探是基示的兒子;基示是亞伯底的兒子;亞伯底是瑪鹿的兒子;

45 瑪鹿是哈沙比雅的兒子;哈沙比雅是亞瑪謝的兒子;亞瑪謝是希勒家的兒子;

46 希勒家是暗西的兒子;暗西是巴尼的兒子;巴尼是沙麥的兒子;

47 沙麥是末力的兒子;末力是母示的兒子;母示是米拉利的兒子;米拉利是利未的兒子。

48 他們的族弟兄利未人也被派辦神殿中帳幕[tabernacle]的一切事。

49 亞倫和他的子孫在燔祭壇和香壇上獻祭[offered]香,又在至聖之處[place]辦理一切的事,為以色列[Israel]贖罪,是照神僕人摩西所吩咐的。

50 亞倫的兒子是以利亞撒;以利亞撒的兒子是非尼哈;非尼哈的兒子是亞比書;

51 亞比書的兒子是布基;布基的兒子是烏西;烏西的兒子是西拉希雅;

52 西拉希雅的兒子是米拉約;米拉約的兒子是亞瑪利雅;亞瑪利雅的兒子是亞希突;

53 亞希突的兒子是撒督;撒督的兒子是亞希瑪斯。

54 他們的住處遍滿[throughout]哥轄族亞倫子孫[of the sons of Aaron, of the families of the Kohathites]境內的城壘[castles];哥轄族亞倫的子孫擲籤[lot]得地。

55 他們[they]在猶大地中得了希伯崙和四圍的郊野。

56 只是屬城的田地和村莊都為耶孚尼的兒子迦勒所得。

57 亞倫的子孫得了猶大的[of Judah]逃城,名叫[namely]希伯崙,又得了立拿與其郊野,雅提珥、以實提莫與其郊野;

58 希崙與其郊野,底璧與其郊野,

59 亞珊與其郊野,伯.示麥與其郊野。

60 在便雅憫支派的地中,得了迦巴與其郊野,阿勒篾與其郊野,亞拿突與其郊野。他們諸家所得的城共十三座。

61 哥轄的子孫[sons]就是哥轄族所餘下的人[which were left of the family of that tribe]按籤[by lot],在瑪拿西半支派的地中得了十座城。

62 革順的子孫[sons of]遍及[throughout]宗族,在以薩迦支派的地中,亞設支派的地中,拿弗他利支派的地中,巴珊內瑪拿西支派的地中,得了十三座城。

63 米拉利的子孫[sons of][throughout]按籤[by lot],在呂便支派的地中,迦得支派的地中,西布倫支派的地中,得了十二座城。

64 以色列人將這些城與其郊野給了利未人。

65 這以上錄名的城,在猶大、西緬、便雅憫三支派的地中,以色列人按籤[by lot]給了他們。

66 哥轄子孫[sons]其餘的家[residue of the families]在以法蓮支派的地中也得了城邑。

67 在以法蓮山地得了逃城示劍與其郊野,又得了基色與其郊野,

68 約緬與其郊野,伯.和崙與其郊野,

69 亞雅崙與其郊野,迦特.臨門與其郊野。

70 哥轄子孫其餘的家[family of the remnant of the sons of Kohath]在瑪拿西半支派的地中得了亞乃與其郊野,比連與其郊野。

71 革順族在瑪拿西半支派的地中得了巴珊的哥蘭與其郊野,亞斯她錄與其郊野;

72 又在以薩迦支派的地中得了基低斯與其郊野,大比拉與其郊野,

73 拉末與其郊野,亞年與其郊野;

74 在亞設支派的地中得了瑪沙與其郊野,押頓與其郊野,

75 戶割與其郊野,利合與其郊野;

76 在拿弗他利支派的地中得了加利利的基低斯與其郊野,哈們與其郊野,基列亭與其郊野。

77 還有米拉利族的人在西布倫支派的地中得了臨摩挪與其郊野,他泊與其郊野;

78 又在耶利哥的約旦河東,在呂便支派的地中得了曠野的比悉與其郊野,雅雜與其郊野,

79 基底莫與其郊野,米法押與其郊野;

80 又在迦得支派的地中得了基列的拉末[Ramoth in Gilead]與其郊野,瑪哈念與其郊野,

81 希實本與其郊野,雅謝與其郊野。

1 Chronicles

Chapter 6

1 The sons1121 of Levi;3878 Gershon,1647 Kohath,6955 and Merari.4847

2 And the sons1121 of Kohath;6955 Amram,6019 Izhar,3324 and Hebron,2275 and Uzziel.5816

3 And the children1121 of Amram;6019 Aaron,175 and Moses,4872 and Miriam.4813 The sons1121 also of Aaron;175 Nadab,5070 and Abihu,30 Eleazar,499 and Ithamar.385

4 Eleazar499 begat3205 Phinehas,6372 Phinehas6372 begat3205 Abishua,50

5 And Abishua50 begat3205 Bukki,1231 and Bukki1231 begat3205 Uzzi,5813

6 And Uzzi5813 begat3205 Zerahiah,2228 and Zerahiah2228 begat3205 Meraioth,4812

7 Meraioth4812 begat3205 Amariah,568 and Amariah568 begat3205 Ahitub,285

8 And Ahitub285 begat3205 Zadok,6659 and Zadok6659 begat3205 Ahimaaz,290

9 And Ahimaaz290 begat3205 Azariah,5838 and Azariah5838 begat3205 Johanan,3110

10 And Johanan3110 begat3205 Azariah,5838 (he it is that executed the priest's3547 office in the temple1004 that Solomon8010 built1129 in Jerusalem:3389)

11 And Azariah5838 begat3205 Amariah,568 and Amariah568 begat3205 Ahitub,285

12 And Ahitub285 begat3205 Zadok,6659 and Zadok6659 begat3205 Shallum,7967

13 And Shallum7967 begat3205 Hilkiah,2518 and Hilkiah2518 begat3205 Azariah,5838

14 And Azariah5838 begat3205 Seraiah,8304 and Seraiah8304 begat3205 Jehozadak,3087

15 And Jehozadak3087 went1980 into captivity, when the LORD3068 carried1540 away1540 Judah3063 and Jerusalem3389 by the hand3027 of Nebuchadnezzar.5019

16 The sons1121 of Levi;3878 Gershom,1648 Kohath,6955 and Merari.4847

17 And these428 be the names8034 of the sons1121 of Gershom;1648 Libni,3845 and Shimei.8096

18 And the sons1121 of Kohath6955 were, Amram,6019 and Izhar,3324 and Hebron,2275 and Uzziel.5816

19 The sons1121 of Merari;4847 Mahli,4249 and Mushi.4187 And these428 are the families4940 of the Levites3881 according to their fathers.1

20 Of Gershom;1648 Libni3845 his son,1121 Jahath3189 his son,1121 Zimmah2155 his son,1121

21 Joah3098 his son,1121 Iddo5714 his son,1121 Zerah2226 his son,1121 Jeaterai2979 his son.1121

22 The sons1121 of Kohath;6955 Amminadab5992 his son,1121 Korah7141 his son,1121 Assir617 his son,1121

23 Elkanah511 his son,1121 and Ebiasaph43 his son,1121 and Assir617 his son,1121

24 Tahath8480 his son,1121 Uriel222 his son,1121 Uzziah5818 his son,1121 and Shaul7586 his son.1121

25 And the sons1121 of Elkanah;511 Amasai,6022 and Ahimoth.287

26 As for Elkanah:511 the sons1121 of Elkanah;511 Zophai6689 his son,1121 and Nahath5184 his son,1121

27 Eliab446 his son,1121 Jeroham3395 his son,1121 Elkanah511 his son.1121

28 And the sons1121 of Samuel;8050 the firstborn1060 Vashni,2059 and Abiah.29

29 The sons1121 of Merari;4847 Mahli,4249 Libni3845 his son,1121 Shimei8096 his son,1121 Uzza5798 his son,1121

30 Shimea8092 his son,1121 Haggiah2293 his son,1121 Asaiah6222 his son.1121

31 And these are they whom834 David1732 set5975 over5921 the service3027 of song7892 in the house1004 of the LORD,3068 after that the ark727 had rest.4494

32 And they ministered8334 before6440 the dwelling4908 place of the tabernacle168 of the congregation4150 with singing,7892 until5704 Solomon8010 had built1129 the house1004 of the LORD3068 in Jerusalem:3389 and then they waited5975 on their office5656 according to their order.4941

33 And these428 are they that waited5975 with their children.1121 Of the sons1121 of the Kohathites:6956 Heman1968 a singer,7891 the son1121 of Joel,3100 the son1121 of Shemuel,8050

34 The son1121 of Elkanah,511 the son1121 of Jeroham,3395 the son1121 of Eliel,447 the son1121 of Toah,8430

35 The son1121 of Zuph,6689 the son1121 of Elkanah,511 the son1121 of Mahath,4287 the son1121 of Amasai,6022

36 The son1121 of Elkanah,511 the son1121 of Joel,3100 the son1121 of Azariah,5838 the son1121 of Zephaniah,6846

37 The son1121 of Tahath,8480 the son1121 of Assir,617 the son1121 of Ebiasaph,43 the son1121 of Korah,7141

38 The son1121 of Izhar,3324 the son1121 of Kohath,6955 the son1121 of Levi,3878 the son1121 of Israel.3478

39 And his brother251 Asaph,623 who stood5975 on5921 his right3225 hand,3225 even Asaph623 the son1121 of Berachiah,1296 the son1121 of Shimea,8092

40 The son1121 of Michael,4317 the son1121 of Baaseiah,1202 the son1121 of Malchiah,4441

41 The son1121 of Ethni,867 the son1121 of Zerah,2226 the son1121 of Adaiah,5718

42 The son1121 of Ethan,387 the son1121 of Zimmah,2155 the son1121 of Shimei,8096

43 The son1121 of Jahath,3189 the son1121 of Gershom,1648 the son1121 of Levi.3878

44 And their brothers251 the sons1121 of Merari4847 stood on5921 the left8040 hand:8040 Ethan387 the son1121 of Kishi,7029 the son1121 of Abdi,5660 the son1121 of Malluch,4409

45 The son1121 of Hashabiah,2811 the son1121 of Amaziah,558 the son1121 of Hilkiah,2518

46 The son1121 of Amzi,557 the son1121 of Bani,1137 the son1121 of Shamer,8106

47 The son1121 of Mahli,4249 the son1121 of Mushi,4187 the son1121 of Merari,4847 the son1121 of Levi.3878

48 Their brothers251 also the Levites3881 were appointed5414 to all3605 manner of service5656 of the tabernacle4908 of the house1004 of God.430

49 But Aaron175 and his sons1121 offered6999 on the altar4196 of the burnt5930 offering, and on5921 the altar4196 of incense,7004 and were appointed5414 for all3605 the work4399 of the place most6944 holy,6944 and to make an atonement3722 for Israel,3478 according to all3605 that Moses4872 the servant5650 of God430 had commanded.6680

50 And these428 are the sons1121 of Aaron;175 Eleazar499 his son,1121 Phinehas6372 his son,1121 Abishua50 his son,1121

51 Bukki1231 his son,1121 Uzzi5813 his son,1121 Zerahiah2228 his son,1121

52 Meraioth4812 his son,1121 Amariah568 his son,1121 Ahitub285 his son,1121

53 Zadok6659 his son,1121 Ahimaaz290 his son.1121

54 Now these428 are their dwelling4186 places throughout their castles2918 in their coasts,1366 of the sons1121 of Aaron,175 of the families4940 of the Kohathites:6956 for theirs1992 was the lot.1486

55 And they gave5414 them Hebron2275 in the land776 of Judah,3063 and the suburbs4054 thereof round5439 about it.

56 But the fields7704 of the city,5892 and the villages2691 thereof, they gave5414 to Caleb3612 the son1121 of Jephunneh.3312

57 And to the sons1121 of Aaron175 they gave5414 the cities5892 of Judah,3063 namely, Hebron,2275 the city of refuge,4733 and Libnah3841 with her suburbs,4054 and Jattir,3492 and Eshtemoa,851 with their suburbs,4054

58 And Hilen2432 with her suburbs,4054 Debir1688 with her suburbs,4054

59 And Ashan6228 with her suburbs,4054 and Bethshemesh1053 with her suburbs:4054

60 And out of the tribe4294 of Benjamin;1144 Geba1387 with her suburbs,4054 and Alemeth5904 with her suburbs,4054 and Anathoth6068 with her suburbs.4054 All3605 their cities5892 throughout their families4940 were thirteen7969 6240 cities.5892

61 And to the sons1121 of Kohath,6955 which were left3498 of the family4940 of that tribe,4294 were cities5892 given out of the half2677 tribe,4294 namely, out of the half4276 tribe of Manasseh,4519 by lot,1486 ten6235 cities.5892

62 And to the sons1121 of Gershom1648 throughout their families4940 out of the tribe4294 of Issachar,3485 and out of the tribe4294 of Asher,836 and out of the tribe4294 of Naphtali,5321 and out of the tribe4294 of Manasseh4519 in Bashan,1316 thirteen7969 6240 cities.5892

63 To the sons1121 of Merari4847 were given by lot,1486 throughout their families,4940 out of the tribe4294 of Reuben,7205 and out of the tribe4294 of Gad,1410 and out of the tribe4294 of Zebulun,2074 twelve8147 6240 cities.5892

64 And the children1121 of Israel3478 gave5414 to the Levites3881 these cities5892 with their suburbs.4054

65 And they gave5414 by lot1486 out of the tribe4294 of the children1121 of Judah,3063 and out of the tribe4294 of the children1121 of Simeon,8095 and out of the tribe4294 of the children1121 of Benjamin,1144 these cities,5892 which834 are called7121 by their names.8034

66 And the residue of the families4940 of the sons1121 of Kohath6955 had1961 cities5892 of their coasts1366 out of the tribe4294 of Ephraim.669

67 And they gave5414 to them, of the cities5892 of refuge,4733 Shechem7927 in mount2022 Ephraim669 with her suburbs;4054 they gave also Gezer1507 with her suburbs,4054

68 And Jokmeam3361 with her suburbs,4054 and Bethhoron1032 with her suburbs,4054

69 And Aijalon357 with her suburbs,4054 and Gathrimmon1667 with her suburbs:4054

70 And out of the half4276 tribe4294 of Manasseh;4519 Aner6063 with her suburbs,4054 and Bileam1109 with her suburbs,4054 for the family4940 of the remnant3498 of the sons1121 of Kohath.6955

71 To the sons1121 of Gershom1648 were given out of the family4940 of the half2677 tribe4294 of Manasseh,4519 Golan1474 in Bashan1316 with her suburbs,4054 and Ashtaroth6252 with her suburbs:4054

72 And out of the tribe4294 of Issachar;3485 Kedesh6943 with her suburbs,4054 Daberath1705 with her suburbs,4054

73 And Ramoth7216 with her suburbs,4054 and Anem6046 with her suburbs:4054

74 And out of the tribe4294 of Asher;836 Mashal4913 with her suburbs,4054 and Abdon5658 with her suburbs,4054

75 And Hukok2712 with her suburbs,4054 and Rehob7340 with her suburbs:4054

76 And out of the tribe4294 of Naphtali;5321 Kedesh6943 in Galilee1551 with her suburbs,4054 and Hammon2540 with her suburbs,4054 and Kirjathaim7156 with her suburbs.4054

77 To the rest3498 of the children1121 of Merari4847 were given out of the tribe4294 of Zebulun,2074 Rimmon7417 with her suburbs,4054 Tabor8396 with her suburbs:4054

78 And on5921 the other5676 side5676 Jordan3383 by Jericho,3405 on the east4217 side4217 of Jordan,3383 were given them out of the tribe4294 of Reuben,7205 Bezer1221 in the wilderness4057 with her suburbs,4054 and Jahzah3096 with her suburbs,4054

79 Kedemoth6932 also with her suburbs,4054 and Mephaath4158 with her suburbs:4054

80 And out of the tribe4294 of Gad;1410 Ramoth7216 in Gilead1568 with her suburbs,4054 and Mahanaim4266 with her suburbs,4054

81 And Heshbon2809 with her suburbs,4054 and Jazer3270 with her suburbs.4054



1 Chronicles

Chapter 6

1 利未的兒子是革順、哥轄、米拉利。

1 The sons1121 of Levi;3878 Gershon,1647 Kohath,6955 and Merari.4847

2 歌轄的兒子是暗蘭、以斯哈、希伯倫、烏薛。

2 And the sons1121 of Kohath;6955 Amram,6019 Izhar,3324 and Hebron,2275 and Uzziel.5816

3 暗蘭的兒子是亞倫、摩西,還有女兒米利暗。亞倫的兒子是拿答、亞比戶、以利亞撒、以她瑪。

3 And the children1121 of Amram;6019 Aaron,175 and Moses,4872 and Miriam.4813 The sons1121 also of Aaron;175 Nadab,5070 and Abihu,30 Eleazar,499 and Ithamar.385

4 以利亞撒生非尼哈;非尼哈生亞比書;

4 Eleazar499 begat3205 Phinehas,6372 Phinehas6372 begat3205 Abishua,50

5 亞比書生布基;布基生烏西;

5 And Abishua50 begat3205 Bukki,1231 and Bukki1231 begat3205 Uzzi,5813

6 烏西生西拉希雅;西拉希雅生米拉約;

6 And Uzzi5813 begat3205 Zerahiah,2228 and Zerahiah2228 begat3205 Meraioth,4812

7 米拉約生亞瑪利雅;亞瑪利雅生亞希突;

7 Meraioth4812 begat3205 Amariah,568 and Amariah568 begat3205 Ahitub,285

8 亞希突生撒督;撒督生亞希瑪斯;

8 And Ahitub285 begat3205 Zadok,6659 and Zadok6659 begat3205 Ahimaaz,290

9 亞希瑪斯生亞撒利雅;亞撒利雅生約哈難;

9 And Ahimaaz290 begat3205 Azariah,5838 and Azariah5838 begat3205 Johanan,3110

10 約哈難生亞撒利雅(這亞撒利雅在所羅門於耶路撒冷所建造的殿中,供祭司的職分);

10 And Johanan3110 begat3205 Azariah,5838 (he it is that executed the priest's3547 office in the temple1004 that Solomon8010 built1129 in Jerusalem:3389)

11 亞撒利雅生亞瑪利雅;亞瑪利雅生亞希突;

11 And Azariah5838 begat3205 Amariah,568 and Amariah568 begat3205 Ahitub,285

12 亞希突生撒督;撒督生沙龍;

12 And Ahitub285 begat3205 Zadok,6659 and Zadok6659 begat3205 Shallum,7967

13 沙龍生希勒家;希勒家生亞撒利雅;

13 And Shallum7967 begat3205 Hilkiah,2518 and Hilkiah2518 begat3205 Azariah,5838

14 亞撒利雅生西萊雅;西萊雅生約薩答。

14 And Azariah5838 begat3205 Seraiah,8304 and Seraiah8304 begat3205 Jehozadak,3087

15 當耶和華藉尼布甲尼撒的手擄掠猶大和耶路撒冷人的時候,這約薩答也被擄去。

15 And Jehozadak3087 went1980 into captivity, when the LORD3068 carried1540 away1540 Judah3063 and Jerusalem3389 by the hand3027 of Nebuchadnezzar.5019

16 利未的兒子是革順、哥轄、米拉利。

16 The sons1121 of Levi;3878 Gershom,1648 Kohath,6955 and Merari.4847

17 革順的兒子名叫立尼、示每。

17 And these428 be the names8034 of the sons1121 of Gershom;1648 Libni,3845 and Shimei.8096

18 哥轄的兒子是暗蘭、以斯哈、希伯倫、烏薛。

18 And the sons1121 of Kohath6955 were, Amram,6019 and Izhar,3324 and Hebron,2275 and Uzziel.5816

19 米拉利的兒子是抹利、母示。這是按著利未人宗族分的各家。

19 The sons1121 of Merari;4847 Mahli,4249 and Mushi.4187 And these428 are the families4940 of the Levites3881 according to their fathers.1

20 革順的兒子是立尼;立尼的兒子是雅哈;雅哈的兒子是薪瑪;

20 Of Gershom;1648 Libni3845 his son,1121 Jahath3189 his son,1121 Zimmah2155 his son,1121

21 薪瑪的兒子是約亞;約亞的兒子是易多;易多的兒子是謝拉;謝拉的兒子是耶特賴。

21 Joah3098 his son,1121 Iddo5714 his son,1121 Zerah2226 his son,1121 Jeaterai2979 his son.1121

22 哥轄的兒子是亞米拿達;亞米拿達的兒子是可拉;可拉的兒子是亞惜;

22 The sons1121 of Kohath;6955 Amminadab5992 his son,1121 Korah7141 his son,1121 Assir617 his son,1121

23 亞惜的兒子是以利加拿;以利加拿的兒子是以比雅撒;以比雅撒的兒子是亞惜;

23 Elkanah511 his son,1121 and Ebiasaph43 his son,1121 and Assir617 his son,1121

24 亞惜的兒子是他哈;他哈的兒子是烏列;烏列的兒子是烏西雅;烏西雅的兒子是少羅。

24 Tahath8480 his son,1121 Uriel222 his son,1121 Uzziah5818 his son,1121 and Shaul7586 his son.1121

25 以利加拿的兒子是亞瑪賽和亞希摩。

25 And the sons1121 of Elkanah;511 Amasai,6022 and Ahimoth.287

26 亞希摩的兒子是以利加拿;以利加拿的兒子是瑣菲;瑣菲的兒子是拿哈;

26 As for Elkanah:511 the sons1121 of Elkanah;511 Zophai6689 his son,1121 and Nahath5184 his son,1121

27 拿哈的兒子是以利押;以利押的兒子是耶羅罕;耶羅罕的兒子是以利加拿;

27 Eliab446 his son,1121 Jeroham3395 his son,1121 Elkanah511 his son.1121

28 以利加拿的兒子是撒母耳。撒母耳的長子是瓦實尼[Vashni],次子是亞比亞。

28 And the sons1121 of Samuel;8050 the firstborn1060 Vashni,2059 and Abiah.29

29 米拉利的兒子是抹利;抹利的兒子是立尼;立尼的兒子是示每;示每的兒子是烏撒;

29 The sons1121 of Merari;4847 Mahli,4249 Libni3845 his son,1121 Shimei8096 his son,1121 Uzza5798 his son,1121

30 烏撒的兒子是示米亞;示米亞的兒子是哈基雅;哈基雅的兒子是亞帥雅。

30 Shimea8092 his son,1121 Haggiah2293 his son,1121 Asaiah6222 his son.1121

31 約櫃安設之後,大衛派人在耶和華殿中管理歌唱的事。

31 And these are they whom834 David1732 set5975 over5921 the service3027 of song7892 in the house1004 of the LORD,3068 after that the ark727 had rest.4494

32 他們就在會幕前當歌唱的差,及至所羅門在耶路撒冷建造了耶和華的殿,他們便按著班次供職。

32 And they ministered8334 before6440 the dwelling4908 place of the tabernacle168 of the congregation4150 with singing,7892 until5704 Solomon8010 had built1129 the house1004 of the LORD3068 in Jerusalem:3389 and then they waited5975 on their office5656 according to their order.4941

33 供職的人和他們的子孫記在下面:哥轄的子孫中有歌唱的希幔。希幔是約珥的兒子;約珥是撒母耳的兒子;

33 And these428 are they that waited5975 with their children.1121 Of the sons1121 of the Kohathites:6956 Heman1968 a singer,7891 the son1121 of Joel,3100 the son1121 of Shemuel,8050

34 撒母耳是以利加拿的兒子;以利加拿是耶羅罕的兒子;耶羅罕是以列的兒子;以列是陀亞的兒子;

34 The son1121 of Elkanah,511 the son1121 of Jeroham,3395 the son1121 of Eliel,447 the son1121 of Toah,8430

35 陀亞是蘇弗的兒子;蘇弗是以利加拿的兒子;以利加拿是瑪哈的兒子;瑪哈是亞瑪賽的兒子;

35 The son1121 of Zuph,6689 the son1121 of Elkanah,511 the son1121 of Mahath,4287 the son1121 of Amasai,6022

36 亞瑪賽是以利加拿的兒子;以利加拿是約珥的兒子;約珥是亞撒利雅的兒子;亞撒利雅是西番雅的兒子;

36 The son1121 of Elkanah,511 the son1121 of Joel,3100 the son1121 of Azariah,5838 the son1121 of Zephaniah,6846

37 西番雅是他哈的兒子;他哈是亞惜的兒子;亞惜是以比雅撒的兒子;以比雅撒是可拉的兒子;

37 The son1121 of Tahath,8480 the son1121 of Assir,617 the son1121 of Ebiasaph,43 the son1121 of Korah,7141

38 可拉是以斯哈的兒子;以斯哈是哥轄的兒子;哥轄是利未的兒子;利未是以色列的兒子。

38 The son1121 of Izhar,3324 the son1121 of Kohath,6955 the son1121 of Levi,3878 the son1121 of Israel.3478

39 希幔的族兄亞薩是比利家的兒子,亞薩在希幔右邊供職。比利家是示米亞的兒子;

39 And his brother251 Asaph,623 who stood5975 on5921 his right3225 hand,3225 even Asaph623 the son1121 of Berachiah,1296 the son1121 of Shimea,8092

40 示米亞是米迦勒的兒子;米迦勒是巴西雅的兒子;巴西雅是瑪基雅的兒子;

40 The son1121 of Michael,4317 the son1121 of Baaseiah,1202 the son1121 of Malchiah,4441

41 瑪基雅是伊特尼的兒子;伊特尼是謝拉的兒子;謝拉是亞大雅的兒子;

41 The son1121 of Ethni,867 the son1121 of Zerah,2226 the son1121 of Adaiah,5718

42 亞大雅是以探的兒子;以探是薪瑪的兒子;薪瑪是示每的兒子;

42 The son1121 of Ethan,387 the son1121 of Zimmah,2155 the son1121 of Shimei,8096

43 示每是雅哈的兒子;雅哈是革順的兒子。革順是利未的兒子。

43 The son1121 of Jahath,3189 the son1121 of Gershom,1648 the son1121 of Levi.3878

44 他們的族弟兄米拉利的子孫,在他們左邊供職的有以探。以探是基示的兒子;基示是亞伯底的兒子;亞伯底是瑪鹿的兒子;

44 And their brothers251 the sons1121 of Merari4847 stood on5921 the left8040 hand:8040 Ethan387 the son1121 of Kishi,7029 the son1121 of Abdi,5660 the son1121 of Malluch,4409

45 瑪鹿是哈沙比雅的兒子;哈沙比雅是亞瑪謝的兒子;亞瑪謝是希勒家的兒子;

45 The son1121 of Hashabiah,2811 the son1121 of Amaziah,558 the son1121 of Hilkiah,2518

46 希勒家是暗西的兒子;暗西是巴尼的兒子;巴尼是沙麥的兒子;

46 The son1121 of Amzi,557 the son1121 of Bani,1137 the son1121 of Shamer,8106

47 沙麥是末力的兒子;末力是母示的兒子;母示是米拉利的兒子;米拉利是利未的兒子。

47 The son1121 of Mahli,4249 the son1121 of Mushi,4187 the son1121 of Merari,4847 the son1121 of Levi.3878

48 他們的族弟兄利未人也被派辦神殿中帳幕[tabernacle]的一切事。

48 Their brothers251 also the Levites3881 were appointed5414 to all3605 manner of service5656 of the tabernacle4908 of the house1004 of God.430

49 亞倫和他的子孫在燔祭壇和香壇上獻祭[offered]香,又在至聖之處[place]辦理一切的事,為以色列[Israel]贖罪,是照神僕人摩西所吩咐的。

49 But Aaron175 and his sons1121 offered6999 on the altar4196 of the burnt5930 offering, and on5921 the altar4196 of incense,7004 and were appointed5414 for all3605 the work4399 of the place most6944 holy,6944 and to make an atonement3722 for Israel,3478 according to all3605 that Moses4872 the servant5650 of God430 had commanded.6680

50 亞倫的兒子是以利亞撒;以利亞撒的兒子是非尼哈;非尼哈的兒子是亞比書;

50 And these428 are the sons1121 of Aaron;175 Eleazar499 his son,1121 Phinehas6372 his son,1121 Abishua50 his son,1121

51 亞比書的兒子是布基;布基的兒子是烏西;烏西的兒子是西拉希雅;

51 Bukki1231 his son,1121 Uzzi5813 his son,1121 Zerahiah2228 his son,1121

52 西拉希雅的兒子是米拉約;米拉約的兒子是亞瑪利雅;亞瑪利雅的兒子是亞希突;

52 Meraioth4812 his son,1121 Amariah568 his son,1121 Ahitub285 his son,1121

53 亞希突的兒子是撒督;撒督的兒子是亞希瑪斯。

53 Zadok6659 his son,1121 Ahimaaz290 his son.1121

54 他們的住處遍滿[throughout]哥轄族亞倫子孫[of the sons of Aaron, of the families of the Kohathites]境內的城壘[castles];哥轄族亞倫的子孫擲籤[lot]得地。

54 Now these428 are their dwelling4186 places throughout their castles2918 in their coasts,1366 of the sons1121 of Aaron,175 of the families4940 of the Kohathites:6956 for theirs1992 was the lot.1486

55 他們[they]在猶大地中得了希伯崙和四圍的郊野。

55 And they gave5414 them Hebron2275 in the land776 of Judah,3063 and the suburbs4054 thereof round5439 about it.

56 只是屬城的田地和村莊都為耶孚尼的兒子迦勒所得。

56 But the fields7704 of the city,5892 and the villages2691 thereof, they gave5414 to Caleb3612 the son1121 of Jephunneh.3312

57 亞倫的子孫得了猶大的[of Judah]逃城,名叫[namely]希伯崙,又得了立拿與其郊野,雅提珥、以實提莫與其郊野;

57 And to the sons1121 of Aaron175 they gave5414 the cities5892 of Judah,3063 namely, Hebron,2275 the city of refuge,4733 and Libnah3841 with her suburbs,4054 and Jattir,3492 and Eshtemoa,851 with their suburbs,4054

58 希崙與其郊野,底璧與其郊野,

58 And Hilen2432 with her suburbs,4054 Debir1688 with her suburbs,4054

59 亞珊與其郊野,伯.示麥與其郊野。

59 And Ashan6228 with her suburbs,4054 and Bethshemesh1053 with her suburbs:4054

60 在便雅憫支派的地中,得了迦巴與其郊野,阿勒篾與其郊野,亞拿突與其郊野。他們諸家所得的城共十三座。

60 And out of the tribe4294 of Benjamin;1144 Geba1387 with her suburbs,4054 and Alemeth5904 with her suburbs,4054 and Anathoth6068 with her suburbs.4054 All3605 their cities5892 throughout their families4940 were thirteen7969 6240 cities.5892

61 哥轄的子孫[sons]就是哥轄族所餘下的人[which were left of the family of that tribe]按籤[by lot],在瑪拿西半支派的地中得了十座城。

61 And to the sons1121 of Kohath,6955 which were left3498 of the family4940 of that tribe,4294 were cities5892 given out of the half2677 tribe,4294 namely, out of the half4276 tribe of Manasseh,4519 by lot,1486 ten6235 cities.5892

62 革順的子孫[sons of]遍及[throughout]宗族,在以薩迦支派的地中,亞設支派的地中,拿弗他利支派的地中,巴珊內瑪拿西支派的地中,得了十三座城。

62 And to the sons1121 of Gershom1648 throughout their families4940 out of the tribe4294 of Issachar,3485 and out of the tribe4294 of Asher,836 and out of the tribe4294 of Naphtali,5321 and out of the tribe4294 of Manasseh4519 in Bashan,1316 thirteen7969 6240 cities.5892

63 米拉利的子孫[sons of][throughout]按籤[by lot],在呂便支派的地中,迦得支派的地中,西布倫支派的地中,得了十二座城。

63 To the sons1121 of Merari4847 were given by lot,1486 throughout their families,4940 out of the tribe4294 of Reuben,7205 and out of the tribe4294 of Gad,1410 and out of the tribe4294 of Zebulun,2074 twelve8147 6240 cities.5892

64 以色列人將這些城與其郊野給了利未人。

64 And the children1121 of Israel3478 gave5414 to the Levites3881 these cities5892 with their suburbs.4054

65 這以上錄名的城,在猶大、西緬、便雅憫三支派的地中,以色列人按籤[by lot]給了他們。

65 And they gave5414 by lot1486 out of the tribe4294 of the children1121 of Judah,3063 and out of the tribe4294 of the children1121 of Simeon,8095 and out of the tribe4294 of the children1121 of Benjamin,1144 these cities,5892 which834 are called7121 by their names.8034

66 哥轄子孫[sons]其餘的家[residue of the families]在以法蓮支派的地中也得了城邑。

66 And the residue of the families4940 of the sons1121 of Kohath6955 had1961 cities5892 of their coasts1366 out of the tribe4294 of Ephraim.669

67 在以法蓮山地得了逃城示劍與其郊野,又得了基色與其郊野,

67 And they gave5414 to them, of the cities5892 of refuge,4733 Shechem7927 in mount2022 Ephraim669 with her suburbs;4054 they gave also Gezer1507 with her suburbs,4054

68 約緬與其郊野,伯.和崙與其郊野,

68 And Jokmeam3361 with her suburbs,4054 and Bethhoron1032 with her suburbs,4054

69 亞雅崙與其郊野,迦特.臨門與其郊野。

69 And Aijalon357 with her suburbs,4054 and Gathrimmon1667 with her suburbs:4054

70 哥轄子孫其餘的家[family of the remnant of the sons of Kohath]在瑪拿西半支派的地中得了亞乃與其郊野,比連與其郊野。

70 And out of the half4276 tribe4294 of Manasseh;4519 Aner6063 with her suburbs,4054 and Bileam1109 with her suburbs,4054 for the family4940 of the remnant3498 of the sons1121 of Kohath.6955

71 革順族在瑪拿西半支派的地中得了巴珊的哥蘭與其郊野,亞斯她錄與其郊野;

71 To the sons1121 of Gershom1648 were given out of the family4940 of the half2677 tribe4294 of Manasseh,4519 Golan1474 in Bashan1316 with her suburbs,4054 and Ashtaroth6252 with her suburbs:4054

72 又在以薩迦支派的地中得了基低斯與其郊野,大比拉與其郊野,

72 And out of the tribe4294 of Issachar;3485 Kedesh6943 with her suburbs,4054 Daberath1705 with her suburbs,4054

73 拉末與其郊野,亞年與其郊野;

73 And Ramoth7216 with her suburbs,4054 and Anem6046 with her suburbs:4054

74 在亞設支派的地中得了瑪沙與其郊野,押頓與其郊野,

74 And out of the tribe4294 of Asher;836 Mashal4913 with her suburbs,4054 and Abdon5658 with her suburbs,4054

75 戶割與其郊野,利合與其郊野;

75 And Hukok2712 with her suburbs,4054 and Rehob7340 with her suburbs:4054

76 在拿弗他利支派的地中得了加利利的基低斯與其郊野,哈們與其郊野,基列亭與其郊野。

76 And out of the tribe4294 of Naphtali;5321 Kedesh6943 in Galilee1551 with her suburbs,4054 and Hammon2540 with her suburbs,4054 and Kirjathaim7156 with her suburbs.4054

77 還有米拉利族的人在西布倫支派的地中得了臨摩挪與其郊野,他泊與其郊野;

77 To the rest3498 of the children1121 of Merari4847 were given out of the tribe4294 of Zebulun,2074 Rimmon7417 with her suburbs,4054 Tabor8396 with her suburbs:4054

78 又在耶利哥的約旦河東,在呂便支派的地中得了曠野的比悉與其郊野,雅雜與其郊野,

78 And on5921 the other5676 side5676 Jordan3383 by Jericho,3405 on the east4217 side4217 of Jordan,3383 were given them out of the tribe4294 of Reuben,7205 Bezer1221 in the wilderness4057 with her suburbs,4054 and Jahzah3096 with her suburbs,4054

79 基底莫與其郊野,米法押與其郊野;

79 Kedemoth6932 also with her suburbs,4054 and Mephaath4158 with her suburbs:4054

80 又在迦得支派的地中得了基列的拉末[Ramoth in Gilead]與其郊野,瑪哈念與其郊野,

80 And out of the tribe4294 of Gad;1410 Ramoth7216 in Gilead1568 with her suburbs,4054 and Mahanaim4266 with her suburbs,4054

81 希實本與其郊野,雅謝與其郊野。

81 And Heshbon2809 with her suburbs,4054 and Jazer3270 with her suburbs.4054