Das Evangelium nach Matthäus

Kapitel 17

1 Und2532 nach3326 sechs1803 Tagen2250 nahm3880 JEsus2424 zu1519 sich2398 Petrus und2532 Jakobus2385 und2532 Johannes2491, seinen846 Bruder80, und2532 führete sie846 beiseits auf399 einen hohen5308 Berg3735.

2 Und2532 ward verkläret vor1715 ihnen846, und2532 sein846 Angesicht4383 leuchtete2989 wie5613 die Sonne2246, und1161 seine846 Kleider2440 wurden1096 weiß3022 als5613 ein Licht5457.

3 Und2532 siehe2400, da erschienen3700 ihnen846 Mose3475 und2532 Elia2243, die redeten4814 mit3326 ihm846.

4 Petrus4074 aber1161 antwortete611 und2532 sprach2036 zu JEsu2424: HErr2962, hier5602 ist2076 gut2570 sein1511; willst du, so1487 wollen2309 wir2248 hier5602 drei5140 Hütten4633 machen4160, dir4671 eine3391, Mose3475 eine3391 und2532 Elia2243 eine3391.

5 Da er846 noch2089 also redete2980, siehe2400, da überschattete1982 sie846 eine lichte5460 Wolke3507. Und2532 siehe2400, eine Stimme5456 aus1537 der Wolke3507 sprach3004: Dies3778 ist2076 mein3450 lieber27 Sohn, an1722 welchem3739 ich Wohlgefallen2106 habe; den sollt ihr846 hören191.

6 Da2532 das die Jünger3101 höreten, fielen4098 sie auf1909 ihr191 Angesicht4383 und2532 erschraken5399 sehr4970.

7 JEsus2424 aber2532 trat zu4334 ihnen, rührete sie846 an680 und2532 sprach2036: Stehet auf1453 und2532 fürchtet5399 euch5399 nicht2532!

8 Da sie aber1161 ihre Augen3788 aufhuben, sahen1492 sie niemand3762 denn1508 JEsus2424 alleine.

9 Und2532 da sie vom1537 Berge3735 herabgingen2597, gebot1781 ihnen JEsus2424 und sprach2036: Ihr846 sollt dies Gesicht3705 niemand3367 sagen3004, bis des Menschen444 Sohn von575 den3739 Toten3498 auferstanden ist450.

10 Und2532 seine846 Jünger3101 fragten1905 ihn846 und3754 sprachen3004: Was5101 sagen3004 denn3767 die Schriftgelehrten1122, Elia2243 müsse1163 zuvor4412 kommen2064?

11 JEsus2424 antwortete611 und1161 sprach2036 zu ihnen846: Elia2243 soll ja3303 zuvor kommen2064 und4412 alles3956 zurechtbringen600.

12 Doch ich sage3004 euch5213: Es3754 ist2532 Elia2243 schon2235 kommen2064, und1161 sie846 haben ihn nicht3756 erkannt1921, sondern235 haben an1722 ihm getan4160, was3745 sie846 wollten2309. Also3779 wird3195 auch2532 des846 Menschen444 Sohn leiden3958 müssen von5259 ihnen.

13 Da5119 verstunden die Jünger3101, daß3754 er846 von4012 Johannes2491 dem Täufer910 zu ihnen geredet hatte2036.

14 Und2532 da sie846 zu4314 dem Volk3793 kamen2064, trat zu4334 ihm846 ein Mensch444 und2532 fiel ihm zu Füßen1120

15 und2532 sprach: HErr2962, erbarme dich1653 über meinen3450 Sohn; denn3754 er ist mondsüchtig4583 und1063 hat ein schweres2560 Leiden3958; er fällt4098 oft4178 ins1519 Feuer4442 und2532 oft4178 ins1519 Wasser5204.

16 Und2532 ich habe ihn zu1410 deinen4675 Jüngern3101 gebracht4374, und2532 sie846 konnten ihm846 nicht3756 helfen2323.

17 JEsus2424 aber1161 antwortete611 und2532 sprach2036:O du5599 ungläubige571 und verkehrte1294 Art1074, wie lange4219 soll ich bei3326 euch5216 sein2071? Wie lange4219 soll ich euch5216 dulden430? Bringet5342 mir3427 ihn846 hieher!

18 Und2532 JEsus2424 bedräuete ihn; und2532 der1565 Teufel1140 fuhr aus1831 von575 ihm846, und2532 der Knabe3816 ward gesund2323 zu575 derselbigen Stunde5610.

19 Da5119 traten zu4334 ihm2424 seine2398 Jünger3101 besonders und sprachen2036: Warum1302 konnten1410 wir2249 ihn846 nicht3756 austreiben1544?

20 JEsus2424 aber1161 antwortete und2532 sprach2036 zu ihnen: Um1223 eures Unglaubens570 willen. Denn1063 ich2046 sage euch5216: Wahrlich281, so1437 ihr846 Glauben4102 habt2192 wie5613 ein Senfkorn2848, so möget ihr5213 sagen3004 zu diesem5129 Berge3735: Heb‘ dich3327 von hinnen1782 dorthin1563! so wird er sich3327 heben, und2532 euch5213 wird nichts3762 unmöglich sein101.

21 Aber1161 diese5124 Art1085 fährt nicht3756 aus1607 denn1508 durch1722 Beten4335 und2532 Fasten3521.

22 Da sie aber1161 ihr846 Wesen hatten390 in1722 Galiläa1056, sprach2036 JEsus2424 zu ihnen: Es ist zukünftig, daß des846 Menschen444 Sohn überantwortet3860 werde3195 in1519 der Menschen444 Hände5495.

23 Und2532 sie werden ihn töten615; und2532 am dritten5154 Tage2250 wird er846 auferstehen1453. Und2532 sie wurden sehr4970 betrübt3076.

24 Da2532 sie846 nun gen Kapernaum2584 kamen, gingen2064 zu1519 Petrus4074, die den Zinsgroschen1323 einnahmen2983, und1161 sprachen2036: Pflegt5055 euer5216 Meister1320 nicht3756 den Zinsgroschen1323 zu4334 geben?

25 Er846 sprach3004: Ja3483. Und2532 als3753 er heimkam3614, kam1525 ihm JEsus2424 zuvor und2228 sprach3004: Was5101 dünkt1380 dich4671, Simon4613? Von575 wem5101 nehmen2983 die575 Könige935 auf1519 Erden1093 den575 Zoll5056 oder2228 Zins2778, ihren Kindern oder von den Fremden?

26 Da sprach3004 zu ihm846 Petrus4074: Von575 den Fremden245. JEsus2424 sprach5346 zu ihm846: So686 sind1526 die Kinder frei1658.

27 Auf1519 daß3363 aber1161 wir sie846 nicht ärgern4624, so gehe hin4198 an das Meer2281 und2532 wirf906 die Angel44, und2532 den ersten4413 Fisch2486, der1565 herauffährt305, den nimm142; und2532 wenn du4675 seinen846 Mund4750 auftust455, wirst du einen Stater4715 finden2147. Denselbigen nimm2983 und2532 gib1325 ihn846 für473 mich1700 und dich.


Chapter 17

1 AND after six days Jesus took Peter and James and his brother John, and brought them up to a high mountain alone.

2 And Jesus was transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun, and his clothes turned white like light.

3 And there appeared to them Moses and Elijah, as they were talking with him.

4 Then Peter answered and said to Jesus, My Lord, it is better for us to remain here; and if you wish, we will make three shelters here, one for you, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah.

5 And while he was speaking, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and a voice came out of the cloud saying, This is my beloved Son, I am pleased with him; hear him.

6 When the disciples heard it, they threw themselves on their faces, and they were greatly frightened.

7 And Jesus came near them and touched them, and said, Arise, do not be afraid.

8 And they raised up their eyes, and they saw no man, except Jesus alone.

9 And as they were going down from the mountain, Jesus commanded them, and said to them, Do not speak of this vision in the presence of anyone, until the Son of man rises from the dead.

10 And his disciples asked him, and said, Why then do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?

11 Jesus answered and said to them, Elijah will come first, so that everything might be fulfilled.

12 But I say to you, Elijah has already come, and they did not know him, and they did to him whatever they pleased. Thus also the Son of man is bound to suffer from them.

13 Then the disciples understood that what he had told them was about John the Baptist.

14 And when they came to the people, a man approached him and knelt on his knees, and said to him,

15 My Lord, have mercy on me; my son is an epileptic and has become worse; he often falls into the fire, and often into the water.

16 And I brought him to your disciples, but they were not able to heal him.

17 Jesus answered and said, O faithless and crooked generation, how long shall I be with you? and how long shall I preach to you? bring him here to me.

18 And Jesus rebuked him, and the demon went out of him; and the boy was healed from that very hour.

19 Then the disciples came up to Jesus when he was alone, and said to him, Why could we not heal him?

20 Jesus said to them, Because of your unbelief; for truly I say to you, If there is faith in you even as a grain of mustard, you will say to this mountain, move away from here, and it will move away; and nothing would prevail over you.

21 Nevertheless this kind does not come out, except by fasting and prayer.

22 While they were returning through Galilee, Jesus said to them, The Son of man will shortly be delivered into the hands of men;

23 And they will kill him, and on the third day he will rise up. And they were very much grieved.

24 And when they came to Capernaum, those who collect two coins of silver as headtax came to Peter and said to him, Would not your master give his two coins?

25 He said to them, Yes. And when Peter entered the house, Jesus anticipated and said to him, What do you think, Simon? from whom do the kings of the earth collect custom duties and head- tax? from their sons, or from strangers?

26 Simon said to him, From strangers. Jesus said to him, Then the sons are free.

27 But so as not to offend them, go to the sea, and throw out a hook, and the first fish which comes up, open its mouth and you will find a coin; take it and give it for me and for you.

Das Evangelium nach Matthäus

Kapitel 17


Chapter 17

1 Und2532 nach3326 sechs1803 Tagen2250 nahm3880 JEsus2424 zu1519 sich2398 Petrus und2532 Jakobus2385 und2532 Johannes2491, seinen846 Bruder80, und2532 führete sie846 beiseits auf399 einen hohen5308 Berg3735.

1 AND after six days Jesus took Peter and James and his brother John, and brought them up to a high mountain alone.

2 Und2532 ward verkläret vor1715 ihnen846, und2532 sein846 Angesicht4383 leuchtete2989 wie5613 die Sonne2246, und1161 seine846 Kleider2440 wurden1096 weiß3022 als5613 ein Licht5457.

2 And Jesus was transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun, and his clothes turned white like light.

3 Und2532 siehe2400, da erschienen3700 ihnen846 Mose3475 und2532 Elia2243, die redeten4814 mit3326 ihm846.

3 And there appeared to them Moses and Elijah, as they were talking with him.

4 Petrus4074 aber1161 antwortete611 und2532 sprach2036 zu JEsu2424: HErr2962, hier5602 ist2076 gut2570 sein1511; willst du, so1487 wollen2309 wir2248 hier5602 drei5140 Hütten4633 machen4160, dir4671 eine3391, Mose3475 eine3391 und2532 Elia2243 eine3391.

4 Then Peter answered and said to Jesus, My Lord, it is better for us to remain here; and if you wish, we will make three shelters here, one for you, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah.

5 Da er846 noch2089 also redete2980, siehe2400, da überschattete1982 sie846 eine lichte5460 Wolke3507. Und2532 siehe2400, eine Stimme5456 aus1537 der Wolke3507 sprach3004: Dies3778 ist2076 mein3450 lieber27 Sohn, an1722 welchem3739 ich Wohlgefallen2106 habe; den sollt ihr846 hören191.

5 And while he was speaking, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and a voice came out of the cloud saying, This is my beloved Son, I am pleased with him; hear him.

6 Da2532 das die Jünger3101 höreten, fielen4098 sie auf1909 ihr191 Angesicht4383 und2532 erschraken5399 sehr4970.

6 When the disciples heard it, they threw themselves on their faces, and they were greatly frightened.

7 JEsus2424 aber2532 trat zu4334 ihnen, rührete sie846 an680 und2532 sprach2036: Stehet auf1453 und2532 fürchtet5399 euch5399 nicht2532!

7 And Jesus came near them and touched them, and said, Arise, do not be afraid.

8 Da sie aber1161 ihre Augen3788 aufhuben, sahen1492 sie niemand3762 denn1508 JEsus2424 alleine.

8 And they raised up their eyes, and they saw no man, except Jesus alone.

9 Und2532 da sie vom1537 Berge3735 herabgingen2597, gebot1781 ihnen JEsus2424 und sprach2036: Ihr846 sollt dies Gesicht3705 niemand3367 sagen3004, bis des Menschen444 Sohn von575 den3739 Toten3498 auferstanden ist450.

9 And as they were going down from the mountain, Jesus commanded them, and said to them, Do not speak of this vision in the presence of anyone, until the Son of man rises from the dead.

10 Und2532 seine846 Jünger3101 fragten1905 ihn846 und3754 sprachen3004: Was5101 sagen3004 denn3767 die Schriftgelehrten1122, Elia2243 müsse1163 zuvor4412 kommen2064?

10 And his disciples asked him, and said, Why then do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?

11 JEsus2424 antwortete611 und1161 sprach2036 zu ihnen846: Elia2243 soll ja3303 zuvor kommen2064 und4412 alles3956 zurechtbringen600.

11 Jesus answered and said to them, Elijah will come first, so that everything might be fulfilled.

12 Doch ich sage3004 euch5213: Es3754 ist2532 Elia2243 schon2235 kommen2064, und1161 sie846 haben ihn nicht3756 erkannt1921, sondern235 haben an1722 ihm getan4160, was3745 sie846 wollten2309. Also3779 wird3195 auch2532 des846 Menschen444 Sohn leiden3958 müssen von5259 ihnen.

12 But I say to you, Elijah has already come, and they did not know him, and they did to him whatever they pleased. Thus also the Son of man is bound to suffer from them.

13 Da5119 verstunden die Jünger3101, daß3754 er846 von4012 Johannes2491 dem Täufer910 zu ihnen geredet hatte2036.

13 Then the disciples understood that what he had told them was about John the Baptist.

14 Und2532 da sie846 zu4314 dem Volk3793 kamen2064, trat zu4334 ihm846 ein Mensch444 und2532 fiel ihm zu Füßen1120

14 And when they came to the people, a man approached him and knelt on his knees, and said to him,

15 und2532 sprach: HErr2962, erbarme dich1653 über meinen3450 Sohn; denn3754 er ist mondsüchtig4583 und1063 hat ein schweres2560 Leiden3958; er fällt4098 oft4178 ins1519 Feuer4442 und2532 oft4178 ins1519 Wasser5204.

15 My Lord, have mercy on me; my son is an epileptic and has become worse; he often falls into the fire, and often into the water.

16 Und2532 ich habe ihn zu1410 deinen4675 Jüngern3101 gebracht4374, und2532 sie846 konnten ihm846 nicht3756 helfen2323.

16 And I brought him to your disciples, but they were not able to heal him.

17 JEsus2424 aber1161 antwortete611 und2532 sprach2036:O du5599 ungläubige571 und verkehrte1294 Art1074, wie lange4219 soll ich bei3326 euch5216 sein2071? Wie lange4219 soll ich euch5216 dulden430? Bringet5342 mir3427 ihn846 hieher!

17 Jesus answered and said, O faithless and crooked generation, how long shall I be with you? and how long shall I preach to you? bring him here to me.

18 Und2532 JEsus2424 bedräuete ihn; und2532 der1565 Teufel1140 fuhr aus1831 von575 ihm846, und2532 der Knabe3816 ward gesund2323 zu575 derselbigen Stunde5610.

18 And Jesus rebuked him, and the demon went out of him; and the boy was healed from that very hour.

19 Da5119 traten zu4334 ihm2424 seine2398 Jünger3101 besonders und sprachen2036: Warum1302 konnten1410 wir2249 ihn846 nicht3756 austreiben1544?

19 Then the disciples came up to Jesus when he was alone, and said to him, Why could we not heal him?

20 JEsus2424 aber1161 antwortete und2532 sprach2036 zu ihnen: Um1223 eures Unglaubens570 willen. Denn1063 ich2046 sage euch5216: Wahrlich281, so1437 ihr846 Glauben4102 habt2192 wie5613 ein Senfkorn2848, so möget ihr5213 sagen3004 zu diesem5129 Berge3735: Heb‘ dich3327 von hinnen1782 dorthin1563! so wird er sich3327 heben, und2532 euch5213 wird nichts3762 unmöglich sein101.

20 Jesus said to them, Because of your unbelief; for truly I say to you, If there is faith in you even as a grain of mustard, you will say to this mountain, move away from here, and it will move away; and nothing would prevail over you.

21 Aber1161 diese5124 Art1085 fährt nicht3756 aus1607 denn1508 durch1722 Beten4335 und2532 Fasten3521.

21 Nevertheless this kind does not come out, except by fasting and prayer.

22 Da sie aber1161 ihr846 Wesen hatten390 in1722 Galiläa1056, sprach2036 JEsus2424 zu ihnen: Es ist zukünftig, daß des846 Menschen444 Sohn überantwortet3860 werde3195 in1519 der Menschen444 Hände5495.

22 While they were returning through Galilee, Jesus said to them, The Son of man will shortly be delivered into the hands of men;

23 Und2532 sie werden ihn töten615; und2532 am dritten5154 Tage2250 wird er846 auferstehen1453. Und2532 sie wurden sehr4970 betrübt3076.

23 And they will kill him, and on the third day he will rise up. And they were very much grieved.

24 Da2532 sie846 nun gen Kapernaum2584 kamen, gingen2064 zu1519 Petrus4074, die den Zinsgroschen1323 einnahmen2983, und1161 sprachen2036: Pflegt5055 euer5216 Meister1320 nicht3756 den Zinsgroschen1323 zu4334 geben?

24 And when they came to Capernaum, those who collect two coins of silver as headtax came to Peter and said to him, Would not your master give his two coins?

25 Er846 sprach3004: Ja3483. Und2532 als3753 er heimkam3614, kam1525 ihm JEsus2424 zuvor und2228 sprach3004: Was5101 dünkt1380 dich4671, Simon4613? Von575 wem5101 nehmen2983 die575 Könige935 auf1519 Erden1093 den575 Zoll5056 oder2228 Zins2778, ihren Kindern oder von den Fremden?

25 He said to them, Yes. And when Peter entered the house, Jesus anticipated and said to him, What do you think, Simon? from whom do the kings of the earth collect custom duties and head- tax? from their sons, or from strangers?

26 Da sprach3004 zu ihm846 Petrus4074: Von575 den Fremden245. JEsus2424 sprach5346 zu ihm846: So686 sind1526 die Kinder frei1658.

26 Simon said to him, From strangers. Jesus said to him, Then the sons are free.

27 Auf1519 daß3363 aber1161 wir sie846 nicht ärgern4624, so gehe hin4198 an das Meer2281 und2532 wirf906 die Angel44, und2532 den ersten4413 Fisch2486, der1565 herauffährt305, den nimm142; und2532 wenn du4675 seinen846 Mund4750 auftust455, wirst du einen Stater4715 finden2147. Denselbigen nimm2983 und2532 gib1325 ihn846 für473 mich1700 und dich.

27 But so as not to offend them, go to the sea, and throw out a hook, and the first fish which comes up, open its mouth and you will find a coin; take it and give it for me and for you.