
Chapter 1

1 In the eighth8066 month,2320 in the second8147 year8141 of Darius,1867 came1961 the word1697 of the LORD3068 to Zechariah,2148 the son1121 of Berechiah,1296 the son1121 of Iddo5714 the prophet,5030 saying,559

2 The LORD3068 has been sore displeased7107 with your fathers.1

3 Therefore say559 you to them, Thus3541 said559 the LORD3068 of hosts;6635 Turn7725 you to me, said5002 the LORD3068 of hosts,6635 and I will turn7725 to you, said559 the LORD3068 of hosts.6635

4 Be you not as your fathers,1 to whom834 413 the former7223 prophets5030 have cried,7121 saying,559 Thus3541 said559 the LORD3068 of hosts;6635 Turn7725 you now4994 from your evil7451 ways,1870 and from your evil7451 doings:4611 but they did not hear,8085 nor3808 listen7181 to me, said5002 the LORD.3068

5 Your fathers,1 where346 are they? and the prophets,5030 do they live2421 for ever?5769

6 But my words1697 and my statutes,2706 which834 I commanded6680 my servants5650 the prophets,5030 did they not take5381 hold5381 of your fathers?1 and they returned7725 and said,559 Like as the LORD3068 of hosts6635 thought2161 to do6213 to us, according to our ways,1870 and according to our doings,4611 so3651 has he dealt6213 with us.

7 On the four702 and twentieth6242 day3117 of the eleventh6249 6240 month,2320 which1931 is the month2320 Sebat,7627 in the second8147 year8141 of Darius,1867 came1961 the word1697 of the LORD3068 to Zechariah,2148 the son1121 of Berechiah,1296 the son1121 of Iddo5714 the prophet,5030 saying,559

8 I saw7200 by night,3915 and behold2009 a man376 riding7392 on a red122 horse,5483 and he stood5975 among996 the myrtle1918 trees that were in the bottom;4699 and behind310 him were there red122 horses,5483 speckled,8320 and white.3836

9 Then said559 I, O my lord,113 what4100 are these?428 And the angel4397 that talked1696 with me said559 to me, I will show7200 you what4100 these428 be.

10 And the man376 that stood5975 among996 the myrtle1918 trees answered6030 and said,559 These428 are they whom834 the LORD3068 has sent7971 to walk1980 to and fro through the earth.776

11 And they answered6030 the angel4397 of the LORD3068 that stood5975 among996 the myrtle1918 trees, and said,559 We have walked1980 to and fro through the earth,776 and, behold,2009 all3605 the earth776 sits3427 still, and is at rest.8252

12 Then the angel4397 of the LORD3068 answered6030 and said,559 O LORD3068 of hosts,6635 how5704 long5704 will you not have mercy7355 on Jerusalem3389 and on the cities5892 of Judah,3063 against which834 you have had indignation2194 these2088 three score7657 and ten years?8141

13 And the LORD3068 answered6030 the angel4397 that talked1696 with me with good2896 words1697 and comfortable5150 words.1697

14 So the angel4397 that communed1696 with me said559 to me, Cry7121 you, saying,559 Thus3541 said5002 the LORD3068 of hosts;6635 I am jealous7065 for Jerusalem3389 and for Zion6726 with a great1419 jealousy.7068

15 And I am very sore displeased7107 with the heathen1471 that are at ease:7600 for I was but a little4592 displeased,7107 and they helped5826 forward the affliction.7451

16 Therefore3651 thus3541 said559 the LORD;3068 I am returned7725 to Jerusalem3389 with mercies:7356 my house1004 shall be built1129 in it, said5002 the LORD3068 of hosts,6635 and a line6957 shall be stretched5186 forth on Jerusalem.3389

17 Cry7121 yet,5750 saying,559 Thus3541 said559 the LORD3068 of hosts;6635 My cities5892 through prosperity2896 shall yet5750 be spread6327 abroad;6527 and the LORD3068 shall yet5750 comfort5162 Zion,6726 and shall yet5750 choose977 Jerusalem.3389

18 Then lifted5375 I up my eyes,5869 and saw,7200 and behold2009 four702 horns.7161

19 And I said559 to the angel4397 that talked1696 with me, What4100 be these?428 And he answered559 me, These428 are the horns7161 which834 have scattered2219 Judah,3063 Israel,3478 and Jerusalem.3389

20 And the LORD3068 showed7200 me four702 carpenters.2796

21 Then said559 I, What4100 come935 these428 to do?6213 And he spoke,559 saying,559 These428 are the horns7161 which834 have scattered2219 Judah,3063 so that no3808 man376 did lift5375 up his head:7218 but these428 are come935 to fray2729 them, to cast3034 out the horns7161 of the Gentiles,1471 which lifted5375 up their horn7161 over413 the land776 of Judah3063 to scatter2219 it.



1 大利烏王二年八月、耶和華命易多孫比哩家子先知撒加利亞曰、

2 昔爾列祖、我耶和華嘗震怒之矣、

3 當告斯民云、萬有之主耶和華曰、爾歸誠於我、我必復加眷顧、我萬有之主耶和華已言之矣、

4 爾勿效祖所爲、古先知告之曰、萬有之主耶和華云、棄惡勿作、彼不聽從、

5 爾之列祖、於今安在、古之先知、豈得永存、

6 昔我使我僕先知傅命、言必降災、斯災已及爾祖、彼遂悛悔、自謂萬有之主耶和華所立之旨、欲降以災、罰我所爲、今及我躬矣、

7 大利烏王二年十一月、卽西拔月二十四日、耶和華降旨於易多孫比哩家子先知撒加利亞、

8 撒加利亞曰、我於夤夜、見有貌若人、乘赤馬、立於山麓、岡拈樹下、其後有乘赤黃白馬者、

9 我曰主、此何意歟、與我言之、天使曰、我將以斯意、明示乎爾、

10 立於岡拈樹間者曰、此乃耶和華所遣、遍歷塵寰。

11 乘馬者謂立於岡拈樹間、耶和華之使者、曰、我遍歷塵寰、見天下安佚無虞。

12 耶和華之使者曰、萬有之主耶和華歟、歷七十年、爾怒耶路撒冷與猶大諸邑、毫無矜憫、伊於何底、

13 耶和華以善言、慰藉與我言之使者、

14 與我言之使者、告我曰、爾當布告衆庶、萬有之主耶和華曰、我爲耶路撒冷、以及郇邑、熱中不已、

15 昔我微怒斯民、異邦安佚之人、加我民以患難、我深爲不悅、

16 故我耶和華復臨耶路撒冷、而矜憫之、以繩量度、建我殿於其中、我萬有之主耶和華已言之矣、

17 當復告衆云、萬有之主耶和華曰、我耶和華必復慰藉郇邑、眷顧耶路撒冷、使我諸邑、靡不亨通、永無涯涘、

18 撒加利亞曰、我仰觀四角、詢於天使、曰、此何意與、

19 答曰、此角乃使猶大、以色列、耶路撒冷之民、流離失所者、

20 耶和華以工師四人示我、

21 我曰、彼來欲何爲、曰、前所見之四角、卽異邦人崢嶸其角、攻擊猶大衆、使民離散、能扦禦者、卒無一人、今工師已來、使之震動、擲之於地。


Chapter 1



1 In the eighth8066 month,2320 in the second8147 year8141 of Darius,1867 came1961 the word1697 of the LORD3068 to Zechariah,2148 the son1121 of Berechiah,1296 the son1121 of Iddo5714 the prophet,5030 saying,559

1 大利烏王二年八月、耶和華命易多孫比哩家子先知撒加利亞曰、

2 The LORD3068 has been sore displeased7107 with your fathers.1

2 昔爾列祖、我耶和華嘗震怒之矣、

3 Therefore say559 you to them, Thus3541 said559 the LORD3068 of hosts;6635 Turn7725 you to me, said5002 the LORD3068 of hosts,6635 and I will turn7725 to you, said559 the LORD3068 of hosts.6635

3 當告斯民云、萬有之主耶和華曰、爾歸誠於我、我必復加眷顧、我萬有之主耶和華已言之矣、

4 Be you not as your fathers,1 to whom834 413 the former7223 prophets5030 have cried,7121 saying,559 Thus3541 said559 the LORD3068 of hosts;6635 Turn7725 you now4994 from your evil7451 ways,1870 and from your evil7451 doings:4611 but they did not hear,8085 nor3808 listen7181 to me, said5002 the LORD.3068

4 爾勿效祖所爲、古先知告之曰、萬有之主耶和華云、棄惡勿作、彼不聽從、

5 Your fathers,1 where346 are they? and the prophets,5030 do they live2421 for ever?5769

5 爾之列祖、於今安在、古之先知、豈得永存、

6 But my words1697 and my statutes,2706 which834 I commanded6680 my servants5650 the prophets,5030 did they not take5381 hold5381 of your fathers?1 and they returned7725 and said,559 Like as the LORD3068 of hosts6635 thought2161 to do6213 to us, according to our ways,1870 and according to our doings,4611 so3651 has he dealt6213 with us.

6 昔我使我僕先知傅命、言必降災、斯災已及爾祖、彼遂悛悔、自謂萬有之主耶和華所立之旨、欲降以災、罰我所爲、今及我躬矣、

7 On the four702 and twentieth6242 day3117 of the eleventh6249 6240 month,2320 which1931 is the month2320 Sebat,7627 in the second8147 year8141 of Darius,1867 came1961 the word1697 of the LORD3068 to Zechariah,2148 the son1121 of Berechiah,1296 the son1121 of Iddo5714 the prophet,5030 saying,559

7 大利烏王二年十一月、卽西拔月二十四日、耶和華降旨於易多孫比哩家子先知撒加利亞、

8 I saw7200 by night,3915 and behold2009 a man376 riding7392 on a red122 horse,5483 and he stood5975 among996 the myrtle1918 trees that were in the bottom;4699 and behind310 him were there red122 horses,5483 speckled,8320 and white.3836

8 撒加利亞曰、我於夤夜、見有貌若人、乘赤馬、立於山麓、岡拈樹下、其後有乘赤黃白馬者、

9 Then said559 I, O my lord,113 what4100 are these?428 And the angel4397 that talked1696 with me said559 to me, I will show7200 you what4100 these428 be.

9 我曰主、此何意歟、與我言之、天使曰、我將以斯意、明示乎爾、

10 And the man376 that stood5975 among996 the myrtle1918 trees answered6030 and said,559 These428 are they whom834 the LORD3068 has sent7971 to walk1980 to and fro through the earth.776

10 立於岡拈樹間者曰、此乃耶和華所遣、遍歷塵寰。

11 And they answered6030 the angel4397 of the LORD3068 that stood5975 among996 the myrtle1918 trees, and said,559 We have walked1980 to and fro through the earth,776 and, behold,2009 all3605 the earth776 sits3427 still, and is at rest.8252

11 乘馬者謂立於岡拈樹間、耶和華之使者、曰、我遍歷塵寰、見天下安佚無虞。

12 Then the angel4397 of the LORD3068 answered6030 and said,559 O LORD3068 of hosts,6635 how5704 long5704 will you not have mercy7355 on Jerusalem3389 and on the cities5892 of Judah,3063 against which834 you have had indignation2194 these2088 three score7657 and ten years?8141

12 耶和華之使者曰、萬有之主耶和華歟、歷七十年、爾怒耶路撒冷與猶大諸邑、毫無矜憫、伊於何底、

13 And the LORD3068 answered6030 the angel4397 that talked1696 with me with good2896 words1697 and comfortable5150 words.1697

13 耶和華以善言、慰藉與我言之使者、

14 So the angel4397 that communed1696 with me said559 to me, Cry7121 you, saying,559 Thus3541 said5002 the LORD3068 of hosts;6635 I am jealous7065 for Jerusalem3389 and for Zion6726 with a great1419 jealousy.7068

14 與我言之使者、告我曰、爾當布告衆庶、萬有之主耶和華曰、我爲耶路撒冷、以及郇邑、熱中不已、

15 And I am very sore displeased7107 with the heathen1471 that are at ease:7600 for I was but a little4592 displeased,7107 and they helped5826 forward the affliction.7451

15 昔我微怒斯民、異邦安佚之人、加我民以患難、我深爲不悅、

16 Therefore3651 thus3541 said559 the LORD;3068 I am returned7725 to Jerusalem3389 with mercies:7356 my house1004 shall be built1129 in it, said5002 the LORD3068 of hosts,6635 and a line6957 shall be stretched5186 forth on Jerusalem.3389

16 故我耶和華復臨耶路撒冷、而矜憫之、以繩量度、建我殿於其中、我萬有之主耶和華已言之矣、

17 Cry7121 yet,5750 saying,559 Thus3541 said559 the LORD3068 of hosts;6635 My cities5892 through prosperity2896 shall yet5750 be spread6327 abroad;6527 and the LORD3068 shall yet5750 comfort5162 Zion,6726 and shall yet5750 choose977 Jerusalem.3389

17 當復告衆云、萬有之主耶和華曰、我耶和華必復慰藉郇邑、眷顧耶路撒冷、使我諸邑、靡不亨通、永無涯涘、

18 Then lifted5375 I up my eyes,5869 and saw,7200 and behold2009 four702 horns.7161

18 撒加利亞曰、我仰觀四角、詢於天使、曰、此何意與、

19 And I said559 to the angel4397 that talked1696 with me, What4100 be these?428 And he answered559 me, These428 are the horns7161 which834 have scattered2219 Judah,3063 Israel,3478 and Jerusalem.3389

19 答曰、此角乃使猶大、以色列、耶路撒冷之民、流離失所者、

20 And the LORD3068 showed7200 me four702 carpenters.2796

20 耶和華以工師四人示我、

21 Then said559 I, What4100 come935 these428 to do?6213 And he spoke,559 saying,559 These428 are the horns7161 which834 have scattered2219 Judah,3063 so that no3808 man376 did lift5375 up his head:7218 but these428 are come935 to fray2729 them, to cast3034 out the horns7161 of the Gentiles,1471 which lifted5375 up their horn7161 over413 the land776 of Judah3063 to scatter2219 it.

21 我曰、彼來欲何爲、曰、前所見之四角、卽異邦人崢嶸其角、攻擊猶大衆、使民離散、能扦禦者、卒無一人、今工師已來、使之震動、擲之於地。