1 Chronicles

Chapter 19

1 Now it came1961 to pass after310 this,3651 that Nahash5176 the king4428 of the children1121 of Ammon5983 died,4191 and his son1121 reigned4427 in his stead.8478

2 And David1732 said,559 I will show6213 kindness2617 to Hanun2586 the son1121 of Nahash,5176 because3588 his father25 showed6213 kindness2617 to me. And David1732 sent7971 messengers4397 to comfort5162 him concerning5921 his father.25 So the servants5650 of David1732 came935 into413 the land776 of the children1121 of Ammon5983 to Hanun,2586 to comfort5162 him.

3 But the princes8269 of the children1121 of Ammon5983 said559 to Hanun,2586 Think5869 you that David1732 does honor3513 your father,25 that he has sent7971 comforters5162 to you? are not his servants5650 come935 to you for to search,2713 and to overthrow,2015 and to spy7200 out the land?776

4 Why Hanun2586 took3947 David's1732 servants,5650 and shaved1548 them, and cut3772 off their garments4063 in the middle2677 hard by their buttocks,4667 and sent7971 them away.

5 Then there went3212 certain, and told5046 David1732 how the men582 were served.5921 And he sent7971 to meet7125 them: for the men582 were greatly3966 ashamed.3637 And the king4428 said,559 Tarry3427 at Jericho3405 until5704 your beards2206 be grown,6779 and then return.7725

6 And when the children1121 of Ammon5983 saw7200 that they had made themselves odious887 to David,1732 Hanun2586 and the children1121 of Ammon5983 sent7971 a thousand505 talents3603 of silver3701 to hire7936 them chariots7393 and horsemen6571 out of Mesopotamia,763 and out of Syriamaachah,758 and out of Zobah.6678

7 So they hired7936 thirty7970 and two8147 thousand505 chariots,7393 and the king4428 of Maachah4601 and his people;5971 who came935 and pitched2583 before6440 Medeba.4311 And the children1121 of Ammon5983 gathered622 themselves together from their cities,5892 and came935 to battle.4421

8 And when David1732 heard8085 of it, he sent7971 Joab,3097 and all3605 the host6635 of the mighty1368 men.

9 And the children1121 of Ammon5983 came3318 out, and put the battle4421 in array6186 before the gate6607 of the city:5892 and the kings4428 that were come935 were by themselves905 in the field.7704

10 Now when Joab3097 saw7200 that the battle4421 was set against413 him before6440 and behind,268 he chose977 out of all3605 the choice970 of Israel,3478 and put them in array6186 against7125 the Syrians.758

11 And the rest3499 of the people5971 he delivered5414 to the hand3027 of Abishai52 his brother,251 and they set themselves in array6186 against7125 the children1121 of Ammon.5983

12 And he said,559 If518 the Syrians758 be too strong2388 for me, then you shall help8668 me: but if518 the children1121 of Ammon5983 be too strong2388 for you, then I will help3467 you.

13 Be of good courage,2388 and let us behave2388 ourselves valiantly2388 for our people,5971 and for the cities5892 of our God:430 and let the LORD3068 do6213 that which is good2896 in his sight.5869

14 So Joab3097 and the people5971 that were with him drew near5066 before6440 the Syrians758 to the battle;4421 and they fled5127 before6440 him.

15 And when the children1121 of Ammon5983 saw7200 that the Syrians758 were fled,5127 they likewise1571 fled5127 before6440 Abishai52 his brother,251 and entered935 into the city.5892 Then Joab3097 came935 to Jerusalem.3389

16 And when the Syrians758 saw7200 that they were put to the worse5062 before6440 Israel,3478 they sent7971 messengers,4397 and drew3318 forth3318 the Syrians758 that were beyond5676 the river:5104 and Shophach7780 the captain8269 of the host6635 of Hadarezer1928 went before6440 them.

17 And it was told5046 David;1732 and he gathered622 all3605 Israel,3478 and passed5674 over5674 Jordan,3383 and came935 on them, and set the battle in array6186 against413 them. So when David1732 had put the battle4421 in array6186 against7125 the Syrians,758 they fought3898 with him.

18 But the Syrians758 fled5127 before6440 Israel;3478 and David1732 slew2026 of the Syrians758 seven7651 thousand505 men which fought in chariots,7393 and forty705 thousand505 footmen,376 7273 and killed4191 Shophach7780 the captain8269 of the host.6635

19 And when the servants5650 of Hadarezer1928 saw7200 that they were put to the worse5062 before6440 Israel,3478 they made peace7999 with David,1732 and became5647 his servants:5647 neither3808 would14 the Syrians758 help3467 the children1121 of Ammon5983 any more.5750



1 此後,亞捫人的王拿轄死了,他兒子接續他作王。

2 大衛說:「我要照哈嫩的父親拿轄厚待我的恩典厚待哈嫩。」於是大衛差遣使者為他喪父安慰他。大衛的臣僕到了亞捫人的境內見哈嫩,要安慰他,

3 但亞捫人的首領對哈嫩說:「大衛差人來安慰你,你想他是尊敬你父親嗎?他的臣僕來見你不是為詳察窺探、傾覆這地嗎?」

4 哈嫩便將大衛臣僕的鬍鬚剃去一半,又割斷他們下半截的衣服,使他們露出臀股[buttocks],打發他們回去。

5 有人將臣僕所遇的事告訴大衛,他就差人去迎接他們,因為他們甚覺羞恥;告訴他們說:「可以住在耶利哥,等到鬍鬚長起再回來。」

6 亞捫人知道大衛憎惡他們,哈嫩和亞捫人就打發人拿一千他連得銀子,從美索不達米亞敘利亞.瑪迦[Syria-maachah]、瑣巴雇戰車和馬兵,

7 於是雇了三萬二千輛戰車和瑪迦王並他的軍兵;他們來安營在米底巴前。亞捫人也從他們的城裏出來,聚集交戰。

8 大衛聽見了,就差派約押統帶勇猛的全軍出去。

9 亞捫人出來在城門前擺陣,所來的諸王另在郊野擺陣。

10 約押看見敵人在他前後擺陣,就從以色列軍中挑選精兵,使他們對著敘利亞人擺陣;

11 其餘的兵交與他兄弟亞比篩,對著亞捫人擺陣。

12 約押對亞比篩說:「敘利亞人若強過我,你就來幫助我;亞捫人若強過你,我就去幫助你。

13 我們都當剛強,為本國的民和神的城邑勇敢行事[valiantly],願耶和華憑他的意旨而行。」

14 於是約押和跟隨他的人前進攻打敘利亞人;敘利亞人在約押面前逃跑。

15 亞捫人見敘利亞人逃跑,他們也在約押的兄弟亞比篩面前逃跑進城。約押就回耶路撒冷去了。

16 敘利亞人見自己被以色列[Israel]打敗,就打發使者將大河那邊的敘利亞人調來;哈大底謝的將軍朔法率領他們。

17 有人告訴大衛,他就聚集以色列眾人過約旦河,來到他們[them]那裏,迎著他們擺陣。大衛既擺陣攻擊敘利亞人,敘利亞人就與他打仗。

18 敘利亞人在以色列[Israel]面前逃跑;大衛殺了敘利亞七千輛戰車的人,四萬步兵,又殺了敘利亞的將軍朔法。

19 屬哈大底謝的諸王見自己敗在以色列前[put to the worse before Israel],就與大衛和好,[servants]服他;於是敘利亞人不敢再幫助亞捫人了。

1 Chronicles

Chapter 19



1 Now it came1961 to pass after310 this,3651 that Nahash5176 the king4428 of the children1121 of Ammon5983 died,4191 and his son1121 reigned4427 in his stead.8478

1 此後,亞捫人的王拿轄死了,他兒子接續他作王。

2 And David1732 said,559 I will show6213 kindness2617 to Hanun2586 the son1121 of Nahash,5176 because3588 his father25 showed6213 kindness2617 to me. And David1732 sent7971 messengers4397 to comfort5162 him concerning5921 his father.25 So the servants5650 of David1732 came935 into413 the land776 of the children1121 of Ammon5983 to Hanun,2586 to comfort5162 him.

2 大衛說:「我要照哈嫩的父親拿轄厚待我的恩典厚待哈嫩。」於是大衛差遣使者為他喪父安慰他。大衛的臣僕到了亞捫人的境內見哈嫩,要安慰他,

3 But the princes8269 of the children1121 of Ammon5983 said559 to Hanun,2586 Think5869 you that David1732 does honor3513 your father,25 that he has sent7971 comforters5162 to you? are not his servants5650 come935 to you for to search,2713 and to overthrow,2015 and to spy7200 out the land?776

3 但亞捫人的首領對哈嫩說:「大衛差人來安慰你,你想他是尊敬你父親嗎?他的臣僕來見你不是為詳察窺探、傾覆這地嗎?」

4 Why Hanun2586 took3947 David's1732 servants,5650 and shaved1548 them, and cut3772 off their garments4063 in the middle2677 hard by their buttocks,4667 and sent7971 them away.

4 哈嫩便將大衛臣僕的鬍鬚剃去一半,又割斷他們下半截的衣服,使他們露出臀股[buttocks],打發他們回去。

5 Then there went3212 certain, and told5046 David1732 how the men582 were served.5921 And he sent7971 to meet7125 them: for the men582 were greatly3966 ashamed.3637 And the king4428 said,559 Tarry3427 at Jericho3405 until5704 your beards2206 be grown,6779 and then return.7725

5 有人將臣僕所遇的事告訴大衛,他就差人去迎接他們,因為他們甚覺羞恥;告訴他們說:「可以住在耶利哥,等到鬍鬚長起再回來。」

6 And when the children1121 of Ammon5983 saw7200 that they had made themselves odious887 to David,1732 Hanun2586 and the children1121 of Ammon5983 sent7971 a thousand505 talents3603 of silver3701 to hire7936 them chariots7393 and horsemen6571 out of Mesopotamia,763 and out of Syriamaachah,758 and out of Zobah.6678

6 亞捫人知道大衛憎惡他們,哈嫩和亞捫人就打發人拿一千他連得銀子,從美索不達米亞敘利亞.瑪迦[Syria-maachah]、瑣巴雇戰車和馬兵,

7 So they hired7936 thirty7970 and two8147 thousand505 chariots,7393 and the king4428 of Maachah4601 and his people;5971 who came935 and pitched2583 before6440 Medeba.4311 And the children1121 of Ammon5983 gathered622 themselves together from their cities,5892 and came935 to battle.4421

7 於是雇了三萬二千輛戰車和瑪迦王並他的軍兵;他們來安營在米底巴前。亞捫人也從他們的城裏出來,聚集交戰。

8 And when David1732 heard8085 of it, he sent7971 Joab,3097 and all3605 the host6635 of the mighty1368 men.

8 大衛聽見了,就差派約押統帶勇猛的全軍出去。

9 And the children1121 of Ammon5983 came3318 out, and put the battle4421 in array6186 before the gate6607 of the city:5892 and the kings4428 that were come935 were by themselves905 in the field.7704

9 亞捫人出來在城門前擺陣,所來的諸王另在郊野擺陣。

10 Now when Joab3097 saw7200 that the battle4421 was set against413 him before6440 and behind,268 he chose977 out of all3605 the choice970 of Israel,3478 and put them in array6186 against7125 the Syrians.758

10 約押看見敵人在他前後擺陣,就從以色列軍中挑選精兵,使他們對著敘利亞人擺陣;

11 And the rest3499 of the people5971 he delivered5414 to the hand3027 of Abishai52 his brother,251 and they set themselves in array6186 against7125 the children1121 of Ammon.5983

11 其餘的兵交與他兄弟亞比篩,對著亞捫人擺陣。

12 And he said,559 If518 the Syrians758 be too strong2388 for me, then you shall help8668 me: but if518 the children1121 of Ammon5983 be too strong2388 for you, then I will help3467 you.

12 約押對亞比篩說:「敘利亞人若強過我,你就來幫助我;亞捫人若強過你,我就去幫助你。

13 Be of good courage,2388 and let us behave2388 ourselves valiantly2388 for our people,5971 and for the cities5892 of our God:430 and let the LORD3068 do6213 that which is good2896 in his sight.5869

13 我們都當剛強,為本國的民和神的城邑勇敢行事[valiantly],願耶和華憑他的意旨而行。」

14 So Joab3097 and the people5971 that were with him drew near5066 before6440 the Syrians758 to the battle;4421 and they fled5127 before6440 him.

14 於是約押和跟隨他的人前進攻打敘利亞人;敘利亞人在約押面前逃跑。

15 And when the children1121 of Ammon5983 saw7200 that the Syrians758 were fled,5127 they likewise1571 fled5127 before6440 Abishai52 his brother,251 and entered935 into the city.5892 Then Joab3097 came935 to Jerusalem.3389

15 亞捫人見敘利亞人逃跑,他們也在約押的兄弟亞比篩面前逃跑進城。約押就回耶路撒冷去了。

16 And when the Syrians758 saw7200 that they were put to the worse5062 before6440 Israel,3478 they sent7971 messengers,4397 and drew3318 forth3318 the Syrians758 that were beyond5676 the river:5104 and Shophach7780 the captain8269 of the host6635 of Hadarezer1928 went before6440 them.

16 敘利亞人見自己被以色列[Israel]打敗,就打發使者將大河那邊的敘利亞人調來;哈大底謝的將軍朔法率領他們。

17 And it was told5046 David;1732 and he gathered622 all3605 Israel,3478 and passed5674 over5674 Jordan,3383 and came935 on them, and set the battle in array6186 against413 them. So when David1732 had put the battle4421 in array6186 against7125 the Syrians,758 they fought3898 with him.

17 有人告訴大衛,他就聚集以色列眾人過約旦河,來到他們[them]那裏,迎著他們擺陣。大衛既擺陣攻擊敘利亞人,敘利亞人就與他打仗。

18 But the Syrians758 fled5127 before6440 Israel;3478 and David1732 slew2026 of the Syrians758 seven7651 thousand505 men which fought in chariots,7393 and forty705 thousand505 footmen,376 7273 and killed4191 Shophach7780 the captain8269 of the host.6635

18 敘利亞人在以色列[Israel]面前逃跑;大衛殺了敘利亞七千輛戰車的人,四萬步兵,又殺了敘利亞的將軍朔法。

19 And when the servants5650 of Hadarezer1928 saw7200 that they were put to the worse5062 before6440 Israel,3478 they made peace7999 with David,1732 and became5647 his servants:5647 neither3808 would14 the Syrians758 help3467 the children1121 of Ammon5983 any more.5750

19 屬哈大底謝的諸王見自己敗在以色列前[put to the worse before Israel],就與大衛和好,[servants]服他;於是敘利亞人不敢再幫助亞捫人了。