2 Kings

Chapter 13

1 In the three7969 and twentieth6242 year8141 of Joash3101 the son1121 of Ahaziah274 king4428 of Judah3063 Jehoahaz3059 the son1121 of Jehu3058 began to reign4427 over5921 Israel3478 in Samaria,8111 and reigned seventeen7651 6240 years.8141

2 And he did6213 that which was evil7451 in the sight5869 of the LORD,3068 and followed3212 310 the sins2403 of Jeroboam3379 the son1121 of Nebat,5028 which made Israel3478 to sin;2398 he departed5493 not therefrom.

3 And the anger639 of the LORD3068 was kindled2734 against Israel,3478 and he delivered5414 them into the hand3027 of Hazael2371 king4428 of Syria,758 and into the hand3027 of Benhadad1130 the son1121 of Hazael,2371 all3605 their days.3117

4 And Jehoahaz3059 sought2470 the LORD,3068 and the LORD3068 listened8085 to him: for he saw7200 the oppression3906 of Israel,3478 because3588 the king4428 of Syria758 oppressed3905 them.

5 (And the LORD3068 gave5414 Israel3478 a savior,3467 so that they went3318 out from under8478 the hand3027 of the Syrians:758 and the children1121 of Israel3478 dwelled3427 in their tents,168 as beforetime.8543 8032

6 Nevertheless389 they departed5493 not from the sins2403 of the house1004 of Jeroboam,3379 who834 made Israel3478 sin,2398 but walked1980 therein: and there remained5975 the grove842 also1571 in Samaria.8111)

7 Neither3808 did he leave7604 of the people5971 to Jehoahaz3059 but fifty2572 horsemen,6571 and ten6235 chariots,7393 and ten6235 thousand505 footmen;7273 for the king4428 of Syria758 had destroyed6 them, and had made7760 them like the dust6083 by threshing.1758

8 Now6258 the rest3499 of the acts1697 of Jehoahaz,3059 and all3605 that he did,6213 and his might,1369 are they not written3789 in the book5612 of the chronicles1697 3117 of the kings4428 of Israel?3478

9 And Jehoahaz3059 slept7901 with his fathers;1 and they buried6912 him in Samaria:8111 and Joash3101 his son1121 reigned4427 in his stead.8478

10 In the thirty7970 and seventh7651 year8141 of Joash3101 king4428 of Judah3063 began Jehoash3060 the son1121 of Jehoahaz3059 to reign4427 over5921 Israel3478 in Samaria,8111 and reigned sixteen8337 6240 years.8141

11 And he did6213 that which was evil7451 in the sight5869 of the LORD;3068 he departed5493 not from all3605 the sins2403 of Jeroboam3379 the son1121 of Nebat,5028 who834 made Israel3478 sin:2398 but he walked1980 therein.

12 And the rest3499 of the acts1697 of Joash,3101 and all3605 that he did,6213 and his might1369 with which834 he fought3898 against5973 Amaziah558 king4428 of Judah,3063 are they not written3789 in the book5612 of the chronicles1697 3117 of the kings4428 of Israel?3478

13 And Joash3101 slept7901 with his fathers;1 and Jeroboam3379 sat3427 on his throne:3678 and Joash3101 was buried6912 in Samaria8111 with the kings4428 of Israel.3478

14 Now Elisha477 was fallen sick2470 of his sickness2483 whereof834 he died.4191 And Joash3101 the king4428 of Israel3478 came3381 down3381 to him, and wept1058 over5921 his face,6440 and said,559 O my father,1 my father,1 the chariot7393 of Israel,3478 and the horsemen6571 thereof.

15 And Elisha477 said559 to him, Take3947 bow7198 and arrows.2671 And he took3947 to him bow7198 and arrows.2671

16 And he said559 to the king4428 of Israel,3478 Put7392 your hand3027 on the bow.7198 And he put7760 his hand3027 on it: and Elisha477 put7760 his hands3027 on the king's4428 hands.3027

17 And he said,559 Open6605 the window2474 eastward.6924 And he opened6605 it. Then Elisha477 said,559 Shoot.3384 And he shot.3384 And he said,559 The arrow2671 of the LORD's3068 deliverance,8668 and the arrow2671 of deliverance8668 from Syria:758 for you shall smite5221 the Syrians758 in Aphek,663 till5704 you have consumed3615 them.

18 And he said,559 Take3947 the arrows.2671 And he took3947 them. And he said559 to the king4428 of Israel,3478 Smite5221 on the ground.776 And he smote5221 thrice,7969 6471 and stayed.5975

19 And the man376 of God430 was wroth7107 with him, and said,559 You should have smitten5221 five2568 or176 six8337 times;6471 then227 had you smitten5221 Syria758 till5704 you had consumed3615 it: whereas6258 now6258 you shall smite5221 Syria758 but thrice.7969 6471

20 And Elisha477 died,4191 and they buried6912 him. And the bands1416 of the Moabites4124 invaded935 the land776 at the coming935 in of the year.8141

21 And it came1961 to pass, as they were burying6912 a man,376 that, behold,2009 they spied7200 a band1416 of men; and they cast7993 the man376 into the sepulcher6913 of Elisha:477 and when the man376 was let3212 down,3212 and touched5060 the bones6106 of Elisha,477 he revived,2421 and stood6965 up on5921 his feet.7272

22 But Hazael2371 king4428 of Syria758 oppressed3905 Israel3478 all3605 the days3117 of Jehoahaz.3059

23 And the LORD3068 was gracious2603 to them, and had compassion7355 on them, and had respect6437 to them, because4616 of his covenant1285 with Abraham,85 Isaac,3327 and Jacob,3290 and would14 not destroy7843 them, neither3808 cast7993 he them from his presence6440 as yet.5704 6258

24 So Hazael2371 king4428 of Syria758 died;4191 and Benhadad1130 his son1121 reigned4427 in his stead.8478

25 And Jehoash3060 the son1121 of Jehoahaz3059 took3947 again7725 out of the hand3027 of Benhadad1130 the son1121 of Hazael2371 the cities,5892 which834 he had taken3947 out of the hand3027 of Jehoahaz3059 his father1 by war.4421 Three7969 times6471 did Joash3101 beat5221 him, and recovered7725 the cities5892 of Israel.3478



1 猶大王亞哈謝的兒子約阿施二十三年,耶戶的兒子約哈斯在撒瑪利亞登基作以色列王十七年。

2 約哈斯行耶和華眼中看為惡的事,效法尼八的兒子耶羅波安使以色列[Israel]陷在罪裏的那罪;[he]總不離開。

3 於是,耶和華的怒氣向以色列[Israel]發作,將他們屢次交在敘利亞王哈薛和他兒子便.哈達的手裏。

4 約哈斯懇求耶和華,耶和華就聽允了[hearkened]他;因為見以色列[Israel]所受敘利亞王的欺壓。

5 (耶和華賜給以色列[Israel]一個拯救者,使他們脫離敘利亞人的手;於是以色列人仍舊安居在家裏。

6 然而,他們不離開耶羅波安家使以色列[Israel]陷在罪裏的那罪,仍然去行;並且在撒瑪利亞留下樹叢[grove]。)

7 敘利亞王滅絕約哈斯的民,踐踏他們如禾場上的塵沙,只給約哈斯留下五十馬兵,十輛戰車,一萬步兵。

8 約哈斯其餘的事,凡他所行的和他的勇力,[not]都寫在以色列諸王記上嗎?

9 約哈斯與他列祖同睡,葬在撒瑪利亞。他兒子約阿施接續他作王。

10 猶大王約阿施三十七年,約哈斯的兒子約阿施在撒瑪利亞登基作以色列王十六年。

11 他行耶和華眼中看為惡的事,不離開尼八的兒子耶羅波安使以色列[Israel]陷在罪裏的一切罪;他仍[but he]去行。

12 約阿施其餘的事,凡他所行的和他與猶大王亞瑪謝爭戰的勇力,[not]都寫在以色列諸王記上嗎?

13 約阿施與他列祖同睡,耶羅波安坐了他的位。約阿施與以色列諸王一同葬在撒瑪利亞。

14 以利沙得了必死的病,以色列王約阿施下來看他,伏在他臉上哭泣,說:「我父啊。我父啊。以色列的戰車馬兵啊。」

15 以利沙對他說:「你取弓箭來。」王就取了弓箭來;

16 又對以色列王說:「你用手拿弓。」王就用手拿弓。以利沙按手在王的手上,

17 說:「你開朝東的窗戶。」他就開了。以利沙說:「射箭吧。」他就射箭。以利沙說:「這是耶和華拯救的[deliverance]箭,就是救人脫離[deliverance from]敘利亞[Syria]的箭;因為你必在亞弗攻打敘利亞人,直到滅盡他們。」

18 以利沙又說:「取幾枝箭來。」他就取了來。以利沙說:「打地吧。他打了三次,便止住了。

19 神的人向他發怒,說:「應當擊打五六次,就能攻打敘利亞人直到滅盡;現在只能打敗敘利亞人三次。」

20 以利沙死了,人將他葬埋。到了新年,有一群摩押人犯境,

21 有人正葬死人,忽然看見一群人,就把死人拋在以利沙的墳墓裏,一碰著以利沙的骸骨,死人就復活,站起來了。

22 約哈斯年間,敘利亞王哈薛屢次欺壓以色列[Israel]

23 耶和華卻因與亞伯拉罕、以撒、雅各所立的約,仍施恩給以色列人,憐恤他們,眷顧他們,不肯滅盡他們,尚未趕逐他們離開自己面前。

24 敘利亞王哈薛死了,他兒子便.哈達接續他作王。

25 從前哈薛和約阿施的父親約哈斯爭戰,攻取了些城邑,現在約哈斯的兒子約阿施三次打敗哈薛的兒子便.哈達,就收回了以色列的城邑。

2 Kings

Chapter 13



1 In the three7969 and twentieth6242 year8141 of Joash3101 the son1121 of Ahaziah274 king4428 of Judah3063 Jehoahaz3059 the son1121 of Jehu3058 began to reign4427 over5921 Israel3478 in Samaria,8111 and reigned seventeen7651 6240 years.8141

1 猶大王亞哈謝的兒子約阿施二十三年,耶戶的兒子約哈斯在撒瑪利亞登基作以色列王十七年。

2 And he did6213 that which was evil7451 in the sight5869 of the LORD,3068 and followed3212 310 the sins2403 of Jeroboam3379 the son1121 of Nebat,5028 which made Israel3478 to sin;2398 he departed5493 not therefrom.

2 約哈斯行耶和華眼中看為惡的事,效法尼八的兒子耶羅波安使以色列[Israel]陷在罪裏的那罪;[he]總不離開。

3 And the anger639 of the LORD3068 was kindled2734 against Israel,3478 and he delivered5414 them into the hand3027 of Hazael2371 king4428 of Syria,758 and into the hand3027 of Benhadad1130 the son1121 of Hazael,2371 all3605 their days.3117

3 於是,耶和華的怒氣向以色列[Israel]發作,將他們屢次交在敘利亞王哈薛和他兒子便.哈達的手裏。

4 And Jehoahaz3059 sought2470 the LORD,3068 and the LORD3068 listened8085 to him: for he saw7200 the oppression3906 of Israel,3478 because3588 the king4428 of Syria758 oppressed3905 them.

4 約哈斯懇求耶和華,耶和華就聽允了[hearkened]他;因為見以色列[Israel]所受敘利亞王的欺壓。

5 (And the LORD3068 gave5414 Israel3478 a savior,3467 so that they went3318 out from under8478 the hand3027 of the Syrians:758 and the children1121 of Israel3478 dwelled3427 in their tents,168 as beforetime.8543 8032

5 (耶和華賜給以色列[Israel]一個拯救者,使他們脫離敘利亞人的手;於是以色列人仍舊安居在家裏。

6 Nevertheless389 they departed5493 not from the sins2403 of the house1004 of Jeroboam,3379 who834 made Israel3478 sin,2398 but walked1980 therein: and there remained5975 the grove842 also1571 in Samaria.8111)

6 然而,他們不離開耶羅波安家使以色列[Israel]陷在罪裏的那罪,仍然去行;並且在撒瑪利亞留下樹叢[grove]。)

7 Neither3808 did he leave7604 of the people5971 to Jehoahaz3059 but fifty2572 horsemen,6571 and ten6235 chariots,7393 and ten6235 thousand505 footmen;7273 for the king4428 of Syria758 had destroyed6 them, and had made7760 them like the dust6083 by threshing.1758

7 敘利亞王滅絕約哈斯的民,踐踏他們如禾場上的塵沙,只給約哈斯留下五十馬兵,十輛戰車,一萬步兵。

8 Now6258 the rest3499 of the acts1697 of Jehoahaz,3059 and all3605 that he did,6213 and his might,1369 are they not written3789 in the book5612 of the chronicles1697 3117 of the kings4428 of Israel?3478

8 約哈斯其餘的事,凡他所行的和他的勇力,[not]都寫在以色列諸王記上嗎?

9 And Jehoahaz3059 slept7901 with his fathers;1 and they buried6912 him in Samaria:8111 and Joash3101 his son1121 reigned4427 in his stead.8478

9 約哈斯與他列祖同睡,葬在撒瑪利亞。他兒子約阿施接續他作王。

10 In the thirty7970 and seventh7651 year8141 of Joash3101 king4428 of Judah3063 began Jehoash3060 the son1121 of Jehoahaz3059 to reign4427 over5921 Israel3478 in Samaria,8111 and reigned sixteen8337 6240 years.8141

10 猶大王約阿施三十七年,約哈斯的兒子約阿施在撒瑪利亞登基作以色列王十六年。

11 And he did6213 that which was evil7451 in the sight5869 of the LORD;3068 he departed5493 not from all3605 the sins2403 of Jeroboam3379 the son1121 of Nebat,5028 who834 made Israel3478 sin:2398 but he walked1980 therein.

11 他行耶和華眼中看為惡的事,不離開尼八的兒子耶羅波安使以色列[Israel]陷在罪裏的一切罪;他仍[but he]去行。

12 And the rest3499 of the acts1697 of Joash,3101 and all3605 that he did,6213 and his might1369 with which834 he fought3898 against5973 Amaziah558 king4428 of Judah,3063 are they not written3789 in the book5612 of the chronicles1697 3117 of the kings4428 of Israel?3478

12 約阿施其餘的事,凡他所行的和他與猶大王亞瑪謝爭戰的勇力,[not]都寫在以色列諸王記上嗎?

13 And Joash3101 slept7901 with his fathers;1 and Jeroboam3379 sat3427 on his throne:3678 and Joash3101 was buried6912 in Samaria8111 with the kings4428 of Israel.3478

13 約阿施與他列祖同睡,耶羅波安坐了他的位。約阿施與以色列諸王一同葬在撒瑪利亞。

14 Now Elisha477 was fallen sick2470 of his sickness2483 whereof834 he died.4191 And Joash3101 the king4428 of Israel3478 came3381 down3381 to him, and wept1058 over5921 his face,6440 and said,559 O my father,1 my father,1 the chariot7393 of Israel,3478 and the horsemen6571 thereof.

14 以利沙得了必死的病,以色列王約阿施下來看他,伏在他臉上哭泣,說:「我父啊。我父啊。以色列的戰車馬兵啊。」

15 And Elisha477 said559 to him, Take3947 bow7198 and arrows.2671 And he took3947 to him bow7198 and arrows.2671

15 以利沙對他說:「你取弓箭來。」王就取了弓箭來;

16 And he said559 to the king4428 of Israel,3478 Put7392 your hand3027 on the bow.7198 And he put7760 his hand3027 on it: and Elisha477 put7760 his hands3027 on the king's4428 hands.3027

16 又對以色列王說:「你用手拿弓。」王就用手拿弓。以利沙按手在王的手上,

17 And he said,559 Open6605 the window2474 eastward.6924 And he opened6605 it. Then Elisha477 said,559 Shoot.3384 And he shot.3384 And he said,559 The arrow2671 of the LORD's3068 deliverance,8668 and the arrow2671 of deliverance8668 from Syria:758 for you shall smite5221 the Syrians758 in Aphek,663 till5704 you have consumed3615 them.

17 說:「你開朝東的窗戶。」他就開了。以利沙說:「射箭吧。」他就射箭。以利沙說:「這是耶和華拯救的[deliverance]箭,就是救人脫離[deliverance from]敘利亞[Syria]的箭;因為你必在亞弗攻打敘利亞人,直到滅盡他們。」

18 And he said,559 Take3947 the arrows.2671 And he took3947 them. And he said559 to the king4428 of Israel,3478 Smite5221 on the ground.776 And he smote5221 thrice,7969 6471 and stayed.5975

18 以利沙又說:「取幾枝箭來。」他就取了來。以利沙說:「打地吧。他打了三次,便止住了。

19 And the man376 of God430 was wroth7107 with him, and said,559 You should have smitten5221 five2568 or176 six8337 times;6471 then227 had you smitten5221 Syria758 till5704 you had consumed3615 it: whereas6258 now6258 you shall smite5221 Syria758 but thrice.7969 6471

19 神的人向他發怒,說:「應當擊打五六次,就能攻打敘利亞人直到滅盡;現在只能打敗敘利亞人三次。」

20 And Elisha477 died,4191 and they buried6912 him. And the bands1416 of the Moabites4124 invaded935 the land776 at the coming935 in of the year.8141

20 以利沙死了,人將他葬埋。到了新年,有一群摩押人犯境,

21 And it came1961 to pass, as they were burying6912 a man,376 that, behold,2009 they spied7200 a band1416 of men; and they cast7993 the man376 into the sepulcher6913 of Elisha:477 and when the man376 was let3212 down,3212 and touched5060 the bones6106 of Elisha,477 he revived,2421 and stood6965 up on5921 his feet.7272

21 有人正葬死人,忽然看見一群人,就把死人拋在以利沙的墳墓裏,一碰著以利沙的骸骨,死人就復活,站起來了。

22 But Hazael2371 king4428 of Syria758 oppressed3905 Israel3478 all3605 the days3117 of Jehoahaz.3059

22 約哈斯年間,敘利亞王哈薛屢次欺壓以色列[Israel]

23 And the LORD3068 was gracious2603 to them, and had compassion7355 on them, and had respect6437 to them, because4616 of his covenant1285 with Abraham,85 Isaac,3327 and Jacob,3290 and would14 not destroy7843 them, neither3808 cast7993 he them from his presence6440 as yet.5704 6258

23 耶和華卻因與亞伯拉罕、以撒、雅各所立的約,仍施恩給以色列人,憐恤他們,眷顧他們,不肯滅盡他們,尚未趕逐他們離開自己面前。

24 So Hazael2371 king4428 of Syria758 died;4191 and Benhadad1130 his son1121 reigned4427 in his stead.8478

24 敘利亞王哈薛死了,他兒子便.哈達接續他作王。

25 And Jehoash3060 the son1121 of Jehoahaz3059 took3947 again7725 out of the hand3027 of Benhadad1130 the son1121 of Hazael2371 the cities,5892 which834 he had taken3947 out of the hand3027 of Jehoahaz3059 his father1 by war.4421 Three7969 times6471 did Joash3101 beat5221 him, and recovered7725 the cities5892 of Israel.3478

25 從前哈薛和約阿施的父親約哈斯爭戰,攻取了些城邑,現在約哈斯的兒子約阿施三次打敗哈薛的兒子便.哈達,就收回了以色列的城邑。