2 Chronicles

Chapter 19

1 AND at the evening Jehoshaphat the king of Judah returned to his house in peace to Jerusalem.

2 And Jehu the son of Hanan the seer went out to meet him, and said to King Jehoshaphat, Should you go to help the ungodly, and love those who hate the LORD? Therefore the LORD is angry with you.

3 But I believe good reports have been heard about you, in that you have not shed innocent blood in the land and have prepared your heart to pray before the LORD in truth.

4 And Jehoshaphat dwelt at Jerusalem; and he went out again among the people from the city of Beersheba to mount Ephraim, and brought them back to worship the LORD God of their fathers.

5 And he appointed judges in the land throughout all the fortified cities of Judah and the great cities.

6 And he said to the judges, Take heed what you do; for you judge not for man, but for the LORD our God.

7 Therefore be courageous and judge righteously, so that the LORD may be with you for ever; take heed and do it; for there is no iniquity with the LORD our God nor respect of persons nor taking of bribes.

8 Moreover in Jerusalem also Jehoshaphat appointed men of the Levites and of the priests and of the chiefs of the fathers of the children of Israel for the judgment of the LORD; then he returned to Jerusalem.

9 And he charged them, saying, Thus shall you do in reverence of the LORD, in faithfulness and with a perfect heart.

10 And whatsoever case shall come to you of your brethren who dwell in your cities, between bloodshed and bloodshed, between law and commandment, between statutes and ordinances, you shall warn them so that they may not be guilty before the LORD, and thus he become angry with them and with their brethren; this do, and you shall not be guilty.

11 And, behold, I have appointed priests over you, that they may judge just and faithful judgments according to the commandment of the LORD. And Zechariah the son of Shemiah declared to all the people of Judah all the commandments of the king; he also declared to the scribes and the Levites, repeating everything before them, saying, Deal courageously, and the LORD will help you for ever.



1 猶大王約沙法平平安安地回耶路撒冷,到宮裏去了。

2 先見哈拿尼的兒子耶戶出來迎接約沙法王,對他說:「你豈當幫助不敬虔之人[the ungodly],愛那恨惡耶和華的人呢?因此耶和華的忿怒臨到你。

3 然而你還有善行,因你從國中除掉樹叢[groves],立定心意尋求神。」

4 約沙法住在耶路撒冷,以後又出巡民間,從別.是巴直到以法蓮山地,引導民歸向耶和華─他們列祖的神;

5 又在猶大國中遍地的堅固城裏設立審判官,

6 對他們說:「你們辦事應當謹慎;因為你們判斷不是為人,乃是為耶和華。判斷的時候,他必與你們同在。

7 現在你們應當敬畏耶和華;謹慎辦事。因為耶和華─我們的神沒有罪孽[iniquity],不偏待人,也不受賄賂。」

8 約沙法從利未人和祭司,並以色列族長中派定人,在耶路撒冷為耶和華判斷,聽民間的爭訟,就回耶路撒冷去了。

9 約沙法囑咐他們說:「你們當敬畏耶和華,忠心,並以完全的心[and with a perfect heart]辦事。

10 住在各城裏你們的弟兄,若有爭訟的事來到你們這裏,或為流血,或犯律法、誡命、律例、典章,你們要警戒他們,免得他們得罪耶和華,以致他的忿怒臨到你們和你們的弟兄;這樣行,你們就沒有罪了。

11 看哪[behold],凡屬耶和華的事,有祭司長[chief priest]亞瑪利雅管理你們;凡屬王的事,有猶大支派的族長以實瑪利的兒子西巴第雅管理你們;在你們面前有利未人作官長。你們應當壯膽辦事,願耶和華與善人同在。」

2 Chronicles

Chapter 19



1 AND at the evening Jehoshaphat the king of Judah returned to his house in peace to Jerusalem.

1 猶大王約沙法平平安安地回耶路撒冷,到宮裏去了。

2 And Jehu the son of Hanan the seer went out to meet him, and said to King Jehoshaphat, Should you go to help the ungodly, and love those who hate the LORD? Therefore the LORD is angry with you.

2 先見哈拿尼的兒子耶戶出來迎接約沙法王,對他說:「你豈當幫助不敬虔之人[the ungodly],愛那恨惡耶和華的人呢?因此耶和華的忿怒臨到你。

3 But I believe good reports have been heard about you, in that you have not shed innocent blood in the land and have prepared your heart to pray before the LORD in truth.

3 然而你還有善行,因你從國中除掉樹叢[groves],立定心意尋求神。」

4 And Jehoshaphat dwelt at Jerusalem; and he went out again among the people from the city of Beersheba to mount Ephraim, and brought them back to worship the LORD God of their fathers.

4 約沙法住在耶路撒冷,以後又出巡民間,從別.是巴直到以法蓮山地,引導民歸向耶和華─他們列祖的神;

5 And he appointed judges in the land throughout all the fortified cities of Judah and the great cities.

5 又在猶大國中遍地的堅固城裏設立審判官,

6 And he said to the judges, Take heed what you do; for you judge not for man, but for the LORD our God.

6 對他們說:「你們辦事應當謹慎;因為你們判斷不是為人,乃是為耶和華。判斷的時候,他必與你們同在。

7 Therefore be courageous and judge righteously, so that the LORD may be with you for ever; take heed and do it; for there is no iniquity with the LORD our God nor respect of persons nor taking of bribes.

7 現在你們應當敬畏耶和華;謹慎辦事。因為耶和華─我們的神沒有罪孽[iniquity],不偏待人,也不受賄賂。」

8 Moreover in Jerusalem also Jehoshaphat appointed men of the Levites and of the priests and of the chiefs of the fathers of the children of Israel for the judgment of the LORD; then he returned to Jerusalem.

8 約沙法從利未人和祭司,並以色列族長中派定人,在耶路撒冷為耶和華判斷,聽民間的爭訟,就回耶路撒冷去了。

9 And he charged them, saying, Thus shall you do in reverence of the LORD, in faithfulness and with a perfect heart.

9 約沙法囑咐他們說:「你們當敬畏耶和華,忠心,並以完全的心[and with a perfect heart]辦事。

10 And whatsoever case shall come to you of your brethren who dwell in your cities, between bloodshed and bloodshed, between law and commandment, between statutes and ordinances, you shall warn them so that they may not be guilty before the LORD, and thus he become angry with them and with their brethren; this do, and you shall not be guilty.

10 住在各城裏你們的弟兄,若有爭訟的事來到你們這裏,或為流血,或犯律法、誡命、律例、典章,你們要警戒他們,免得他們得罪耶和華,以致他的忿怒臨到你們和你們的弟兄;這樣行,你們就沒有罪了。

11 And, behold, I have appointed priests over you, that they may judge just and faithful judgments according to the commandment of the LORD. And Zechariah the son of Shemiah declared to all the people of Judah all the commandments of the king; he also declared to the scribes and the Levites, repeating everything before them, saying, Deal courageously, and the LORD will help you for ever.

11 看哪[behold],凡屬耶和華的事,有祭司長[chief priest]亞瑪利雅管理你們;凡屬王的事,有猶大支派的族長以實瑪利的兒子西巴第雅管理你們;在你們面前有利未人作官長。你們應當壯膽辦事,願耶和華與善人同在。」