

1 約百重申其詞曰、

2 全能之上帝、不以直道待我、俾我困於心、我指之而發誓、

3 上帝假我以年、一息尚存、

4 口不出惡言、舌不道非義、

5 我斷不以爾言爲然、雖死亦必不以吾爲不善。

6 兢兢執義、不敢稍失、畢生所爲、內省不疚。

7 敵我攻我者、其敗也、當若惡人。

8 偽善之人、雖弋取貨財、上帝斷其氣、烏能復望福祉。

9 災害至而籲上帝、安得升聞於上。

10 彼豈能維主是悅、恆禱上帝。

11 上帝之旨、我將告爾、上主之道、我無所隱。

12 爾曹咸知斯理、何故出此迂談。

13 爾曰、全能之上帝、報惡人、罰強暴、

14 子孫雖蕃、或遭戮、或乏食、

15 或遇疫癘而死、嫠婦不泣。

16 雖藏金若泥沙、積衣若邱陵、

17 而衣適爲義人之衣、金適爲善人之金、

18 所建之室、如蜂房譙舍之不能久。

19 富人死不得殮、瞬息間歸於烏有、

20 彼遭患難、若洪水淹之、若夜間颶風撼之、

21 東風掃之、暴風吹之、

22 爲上帝所射、不加矜恤、欲遁而不能、

23 人憤聲鼓掌、擯之遠方。


Chapter 27

1 MOREOVER Job continued his parable, and said,

2 As God lives, who has wronged my judgment, and the Almighty, who has made my soul bitter;

3 As long as my soul is in me, and the spirit of God is in my nostrils;

4 My lips shall not speak wickedness, nor my tongue utter deceit.

5 God forbid that I should do evil, till I die I will not remove my innocence from me.

6 My righteousness I hold fast, and will not let it go; my heart shall not reproach me so long as I live.

7 Let my enemy be as the ungodly, and he that hates me as the wicked.

8 For though he has accumulated riches, what is the hope of the godless at the time when God takes away his life?

9 For God will not hear his prayer when trouble comes upon him.

10 But if he should trust in the Almighty, and always call upon God, God will hear him and answer him.

11 But as for you, I will deliver you into the hand of God; so that your works may not be hid from him.

12 Behold, all of you have seen it; why then do you boast in vain?

13 This is the portion of a wicked man with God, and the heritage of oppressors, which they shall receive from the Almighty.

14 If their children are multiplied, it is for the sword; and their offspring shall not be satisfied with bread.

15 Those who remain of them shall be buried in death; and their widows shall not weep over them.

16 Though they heap up silver like dust and accumulate clothes like clay,

17 They may pile them up, yet the righteous shall wear them, and shall also divide their silver.

18 For the wicked has built his house upon a spider's web, and like a booth he had made his shelter.

19 The rich man shall lie down, but he shall not rise again; he opens his eyes, and he is gone.

20 Terrors overtake him like swift water, and like a tempest that rages.

21 The east wind shall carry him away in the night, and he is gone; and shall hurl him out of his place.

22 For God shall cast him out without pity, and he cannot escape out of his hand.

23 He shall smite him with his hand, and shall hiss against him from his dwelling place.




Chapter 27

1 約百重申其詞曰、

1 MOREOVER Job continued his parable, and said,

2 全能之上帝、不以直道待我、俾我困於心、我指之而發誓、

2 As God lives, who has wronged my judgment, and the Almighty, who has made my soul bitter;

3 上帝假我以年、一息尚存、

3 As long as my soul is in me, and the spirit of God is in my nostrils;

4 口不出惡言、舌不道非義、

4 My lips shall not speak wickedness, nor my tongue utter deceit.

5 我斷不以爾言爲然、雖死亦必不以吾爲不善。

5 God forbid that I should do evil, till I die I will not remove my innocence from me.

6 兢兢執義、不敢稍失、畢生所爲、內省不疚。

6 My righteousness I hold fast, and will not let it go; my heart shall not reproach me so long as I live.

7 敵我攻我者、其敗也、當若惡人。

7 Let my enemy be as the ungodly, and he that hates me as the wicked.

8 偽善之人、雖弋取貨財、上帝斷其氣、烏能復望福祉。

8 For though he has accumulated riches, what is the hope of the godless at the time when God takes away his life?

9 災害至而籲上帝、安得升聞於上。

9 For God will not hear his prayer when trouble comes upon him.

10 彼豈能維主是悅、恆禱上帝。

10 But if he should trust in the Almighty, and always call upon God, God will hear him and answer him.

11 上帝之旨、我將告爾、上主之道、我無所隱。

11 But as for you, I will deliver you into the hand of God; so that your works may not be hid from him.

12 爾曹咸知斯理、何故出此迂談。

12 Behold, all of you have seen it; why then do you boast in vain?

13 爾曰、全能之上帝、報惡人、罰強暴、

13 This is the portion of a wicked man with God, and the heritage of oppressors, which they shall receive from the Almighty.

14 子孫雖蕃、或遭戮、或乏食、

14 If their children are multiplied, it is for the sword; and their offspring shall not be satisfied with bread.

15 或遇疫癘而死、嫠婦不泣。

15 Those who remain of them shall be buried in death; and their widows shall not weep over them.

16 雖藏金若泥沙、積衣若邱陵、

16 Though they heap up silver like dust and accumulate clothes like clay,

17 而衣適爲義人之衣、金適爲善人之金、

17 They may pile them up, yet the righteous shall wear them, and shall also divide their silver.

18 所建之室、如蜂房譙舍之不能久。

18 For the wicked has built his house upon a spider's web, and like a booth he had made his shelter.

19 富人死不得殮、瞬息間歸於烏有、

19 The rich man shall lie down, but he shall not rise again; he opens his eyes, and he is gone.

20 彼遭患難、若洪水淹之、若夜間颶風撼之、

20 Terrors overtake him like swift water, and like a tempest that rages.

21 東風掃之、暴風吹之、

21 The east wind shall carry him away in the night, and he is gone; and shall hurl him out of his place.

22 爲上帝所射、不加矜恤、欲遁而不能、

22 For God shall cast him out without pity, and he cannot escape out of his hand.

23 人憤聲鼓掌、擯之遠方。

23 He shall smite him with his hand, and shall hiss against him from his dwelling place.