
Chapter 1

1 How349 doth the city5892 sit3427 solitary,910 that was full7227 of people!5971 how is she become1961 as a widow!490 she that was great7227 among the nations,1471 and princess8282 among the provinces,4082 how is she become1961 tributary!4522

2 She weepeth sore1058 1058 in the night,3915 and her tears1832 are on5921 her cheeks:3895 among all4480 3605 her lovers157 she hath none369 to comfort5162 her: all3605 her friends7453 have dealt treacherously898 with her, they are become1961 her enemies.341

3 Judah3063 is gone into captivity1540 because of affliction,4480 6040 and because of great4480 7230 servitude:5656 she1931 dwelleth3427 among the heathen,1471 she findeth4672 no3808 rest:4494 all3605 her persecutors7291 overtook5381 her between996 the straits.4712

4 The ways1870 of Zion6726 do mourn,57 because none4480 1097 come935 to the solemn feasts:4150 all3605 her gates8179 are desolate:8074 her priests3548 sigh,584 her virgins1330 are afflicted,3013 and she1931 is in bitterness.4843

5 Her adversaries6862 are1961 the chief,7218 her enemies341 prosper;7951 for3588 the LORD3068 hath afflicted3013 her for5921 the multitude7230 of her transgressions:6588 her children5768 are gone1980 into captivity7628 before6440 the enemy.6862

6 And from4480 the daughter1323 of Zion6726 all3605 her beauty1926 is departed:3318 her princes8269 are become1961 like harts354 that find4672 no3808 pasture,4829 and they are gone1980 without3808 strength3581 before6440 the pursuer.7291

7 Jerusalem3389 remembered2142 in the days3117 of her affliction6040 and of her miseries4788 all3605 her pleasant things4262 that834 she had1961 in the days4480 3117 of old,6924 when her people5971 fell5307 into the hand3027 of the enemy,6862 and none369 did help5826 her: the adversaries6862 saw7200 her, and did mock7832 at5921 her sabbaths.4868

8 Jerusalem3389 hath grievously sinned;2398 2399 therefore5921 3651 she is1961 removed:5206 all3605 that honored3513 her despise2151 her, because3588 they have seen7200 her nakedness:6172 yea,1571 she1931 sigheth,584 and turneth7725 backward.268

9 Her filthiness2932 is in her skirts;7757 she remembereth2142 not3808 her last end;319 therefore she came down3381 wonderfully:6382 she had no369 comforter.5162 O LORD,3068 behold7200 853 my affliction:6040 for3588 the enemy341 hath magnified1431 himself.

10 The adversary6862 hath spread out6566 his hand3027 upon5921 all3605 her pleasant things:4261 for3588 she hath seen7200 that the heathen1471 entered935 into her sanctuary,4720 whom834 thou didst command6680 that they should not3808 enter935 into thy congregation.6951

11 All3605 her people5971 sigh,584 they seek1245 bread;3899 they have given5414 their pleasant things4262 for meat400 to relieve7725 the soul:5315 see,7200 O LORD,3068 and consider;5027 for3588 I am become1961 vile.2151

12 Is it nothing3808 to413 you, all3605 ye that pass by?5674 1870 behold,5027 and see7200 if518 there be3426 any sorrow4341 like unto my sorrow,4341 which834 is done5953 unto me, wherewith834 the LORD3068 hath afflicted3013 me in the day3117 of his fierce2740 anger.639

13 From above4480 4791 hath he sent7971 fire784 into my bones,6106 and it prevaileth against7287 them: he hath spread6566 a net7568 for my feet,7272 he hath turned7725 me back:268 he hath made5414 me desolate8074 and faint1739 all3605 the day.3117

14 The yoke5923 of my transgressions6588 is bound8244 by his hand:3027 they are wreathed,8276 and come up5927 upon5921 my neck:6677 he hath made my strength3581 to fall,3782 the Lord136 hath delivered5414 me into their hands,3027 from whom I am not able3201 3808 to rise up.6965

15 The Lord136 hath trodden under foot5541 all3605 my mighty47 men in the midst7130 of me: he hath called7121 an assembly4150 against5921 me to crush7665 my young men:970 the Lord136 hath trodden1869 the virgin,1330 the daughter1323 of Judah,3063 as in a winepress.1660

16 For5921 these428 things I589 weep;1058 mine eye,5869 mine eye5869 runneth down3381 with water,4325 because3588 the comforter5162 that should relieve7725 my soul5315 is far7368 from4480 me: my children1121 are1961 desolate,8074 because3588 the enemy341 prevailed.1396

17 Zion6726 spreadeth forth6566 her hands,3027 and there is none369 to comfort5162 her: the LORD3068 hath commanded6680 concerning Jacob,3290 that his adversaries6862 should be round about5439 him: Jerusalem3389 is1961 as a menstruous woman5079 among996 them.

18 The LORD3068 is righteous;6662 for3588 I have rebelled4784 against his commandment:6310 hear,8085 I pray you,4994 all3605 people,5971 and behold7200 my sorrow:4341 my virgins1330 and my young men970 are gone1980 into captivity.7628

19 I called7121 for my lovers,157 but they1992 deceived7411 me: my priests3548 and mine elders2205 gave up the ghost1478 in the city,5892 while3588 they sought1245 their meat400 to relieve7725 853 their souls.5315

20 Behold,7200 O LORD;3068 for3588 I am in distress:6862 my bowels4578 are troubled;2560 mine heart3820 is turned2015 within7130 me; for3588 I have grievously rebelled:4784 4784 abroad4480 2351 the sword2719 bereaveth,7921 at home1004 there is as death.4194

21 They have heard8085 that3588 I589 sigh:584 there is none369 to comfort5162 me: all3605 mine enemies341 have heard8085 of my trouble;7451 they are glad7797 that3588 thou859 hast done6213 it: thou wilt bring935 the day3117 that thou hast called,7121 and they shall be1961 like unto me.3644

22 Let all3605 their wickedness7451 come935 before6440 thee; and do5953 unto them, as834 thou hast done5953 unto me for5921 all3605 my transgressions:6588 for3588 my sighs585 are many,7227 and my heart3820 is faint.1742



1 維昔郇邑、居民衆多、今則不勝寂寞兮、昔爲大國、今若嫠婦兮、昔也列邦爲彼所制、今則爲人供役、能勿悲兮。

2 彼終夕流涕、沾濡盈睫兮、良朋雖多、慰藉無人兮、我以彼爲良朋、彼以我爲仇敵兮。

3 猶大被虜、服役維艱、居於異邦、未獲安康兮、災厄已臨、敵人追襲兮。

4 大會旣屆、無人詣郇邑兮、逵衢荒寂、邑門零落兮、祭司吁嗟、處女憂愁、邑界衆困苦兮。

5 郇民屢犯、耶和華責之兮、敵人亨通、挾制邑民、虜其赤子兮。

6 郇邑之女、頓喪婉孌之姿兮、維彼牧伯、若失蒭之鹿兮、無力戰鬪、爲敵追襲兮。

7 耶路撒冷民旣罹災害、爰念疇曩之安樂兮、今爲敵虜、援手無人兮、遇斯患難、爲敵姍笑兮。

8 耶路撒冷民、愆尤叢集、主遐棄之兮、昔雖尊崇、今則裸體、爲人藐視、彼亦歔欷而退兮。

9 其衣污衊、不念厥終、故遭非常之傾圮、而慰藉無人兮、彼曰、敵加困苦、望耶和華眷顧兮。

10 彼所欣慕者、敵人取之兮、主命異族不得與會、彼反入聖所、郇民目擊兮。

11 邑衆咨嗟、願舍欣羨之物、以求糈糧、庶堪果腹兮、郇民曰、今予受辱、望耶和華眷顧兮。

12 耶和華震怒、降災我躬、爾曹過此、見予哀慘、無所比儗、乃不爲意兮。

13 火自天降、入予骨髓兮、彼張網羅、以顚予趾、使予退卻、終日震驚、瞻盡喪兮。

14 維予犯罪、主加以軛、懸於我項、使力廢弛兮、付我於敵不能自救兮。

15 主集列邦之民、會伐我猶大、我有能之士、遭其蹂躪、我勇敢之卒、惕服其威兮、我之處女被踐、若踐酒醡兮。

16 緣此我爲哭泣、潸然出涕、蓋慰者遠去、不加拯救兮、敵人勝予、子民煢獨兮。

17 郇民舉手、慰藉無人兮、耶和華使雅各諸敵、環而攻之、彼視耶路撒冷、若污衊之婦兮。

18 耶和華無不義、我違其命、故罹重罰、壯士處女、俱爲俘囚、爾曹黎庶、見我憂愁兮。

19 我招良朋、不副予望、祭司長老、惟求糈糧、以果其腹兮、求而不得、亡於邑中兮。

20 我蹈重愆、外遭殺戮、內則死亡兮、予也懷憂特甚、中心慘怛、望耶和華眷顧兮。

21 維彼人斯、聞予嗟歎、不加慰藉、敵聞爾降災於予、反增喜色、爾已定命、降災於彼、與余無異言、必有應兮。

22 昔予有罪、爾降以罰、今予喪瞻、長歎不已兮、彼有罪戾、爾鑒察之、罰彼毋緩、與我無異兮。


Chapter 1



1 How349 doth the city5892 sit3427 solitary,910 that was full7227 of people!5971 how is she become1961 as a widow!490 she that was great7227 among the nations,1471 and princess8282 among the provinces,4082 how is she become1961 tributary!4522

1 維昔郇邑、居民衆多、今則不勝寂寞兮、昔爲大國、今若嫠婦兮、昔也列邦爲彼所制、今則爲人供役、能勿悲兮。

2 She weepeth sore1058 1058 in the night,3915 and her tears1832 are on5921 her cheeks:3895 among all4480 3605 her lovers157 she hath none369 to comfort5162 her: all3605 her friends7453 have dealt treacherously898 with her, they are become1961 her enemies.341

2 彼終夕流涕、沾濡盈睫兮、良朋雖多、慰藉無人兮、我以彼爲良朋、彼以我爲仇敵兮。

3 Judah3063 is gone into captivity1540 because of affliction,4480 6040 and because of great4480 7230 servitude:5656 she1931 dwelleth3427 among the heathen,1471 she findeth4672 no3808 rest:4494 all3605 her persecutors7291 overtook5381 her between996 the straits.4712

3 猶大被虜、服役維艱、居於異邦、未獲安康兮、災厄已臨、敵人追襲兮。

4 The ways1870 of Zion6726 do mourn,57 because none4480 1097 come935 to the solemn feasts:4150 all3605 her gates8179 are desolate:8074 her priests3548 sigh,584 her virgins1330 are afflicted,3013 and she1931 is in bitterness.4843

4 大會旣屆、無人詣郇邑兮、逵衢荒寂、邑門零落兮、祭司吁嗟、處女憂愁、邑界衆困苦兮。

5 Her adversaries6862 are1961 the chief,7218 her enemies341 prosper;7951 for3588 the LORD3068 hath afflicted3013 her for5921 the multitude7230 of her transgressions:6588 her children5768 are gone1980 into captivity7628 before6440 the enemy.6862

5 郇民屢犯、耶和華責之兮、敵人亨通、挾制邑民、虜其赤子兮。

6 And from4480 the daughter1323 of Zion6726 all3605 her beauty1926 is departed:3318 her princes8269 are become1961 like harts354 that find4672 no3808 pasture,4829 and they are gone1980 without3808 strength3581 before6440 the pursuer.7291

6 郇邑之女、頓喪婉孌之姿兮、維彼牧伯、若失蒭之鹿兮、無力戰鬪、爲敵追襲兮。

7 Jerusalem3389 remembered2142 in the days3117 of her affliction6040 and of her miseries4788 all3605 her pleasant things4262 that834 she had1961 in the days4480 3117 of old,6924 when her people5971 fell5307 into the hand3027 of the enemy,6862 and none369 did help5826 her: the adversaries6862 saw7200 her, and did mock7832 at5921 her sabbaths.4868

7 耶路撒冷民旣罹災害、爰念疇曩之安樂兮、今爲敵虜、援手無人兮、遇斯患難、爲敵姍笑兮。

8 Jerusalem3389 hath grievously sinned;2398 2399 therefore5921 3651 she is1961 removed:5206 all3605 that honored3513 her despise2151 her, because3588 they have seen7200 her nakedness:6172 yea,1571 she1931 sigheth,584 and turneth7725 backward.268

8 耶路撒冷民、愆尤叢集、主遐棄之兮、昔雖尊崇、今則裸體、爲人藐視、彼亦歔欷而退兮。

9 Her filthiness2932 is in her skirts;7757 she remembereth2142 not3808 her last end;319 therefore she came down3381 wonderfully:6382 she had no369 comforter.5162 O LORD,3068 behold7200 853 my affliction:6040 for3588 the enemy341 hath magnified1431 himself.

9 其衣污衊、不念厥終、故遭非常之傾圮、而慰藉無人兮、彼曰、敵加困苦、望耶和華眷顧兮。

10 The adversary6862 hath spread out6566 his hand3027 upon5921 all3605 her pleasant things:4261 for3588 she hath seen7200 that the heathen1471 entered935 into her sanctuary,4720 whom834 thou didst command6680 that they should not3808 enter935 into thy congregation.6951

10 彼所欣慕者、敵人取之兮、主命異族不得與會、彼反入聖所、郇民目擊兮。

11 All3605 her people5971 sigh,584 they seek1245 bread;3899 they have given5414 their pleasant things4262 for meat400 to relieve7725 the soul:5315 see,7200 O LORD,3068 and consider;5027 for3588 I am become1961 vile.2151

11 邑衆咨嗟、願舍欣羨之物、以求糈糧、庶堪果腹兮、郇民曰、今予受辱、望耶和華眷顧兮。

12 Is it nothing3808 to413 you, all3605 ye that pass by?5674 1870 behold,5027 and see7200 if518 there be3426 any sorrow4341 like unto my sorrow,4341 which834 is done5953 unto me, wherewith834 the LORD3068 hath afflicted3013 me in the day3117 of his fierce2740 anger.639

12 耶和華震怒、降災我躬、爾曹過此、見予哀慘、無所比儗、乃不爲意兮。

13 From above4480 4791 hath he sent7971 fire784 into my bones,6106 and it prevaileth against7287 them: he hath spread6566 a net7568 for my feet,7272 he hath turned7725 me back:268 he hath made5414 me desolate8074 and faint1739 all3605 the day.3117

13 火自天降、入予骨髓兮、彼張網羅、以顚予趾、使予退卻、終日震驚、瞻盡喪兮。

14 The yoke5923 of my transgressions6588 is bound8244 by his hand:3027 they are wreathed,8276 and come up5927 upon5921 my neck:6677 he hath made my strength3581 to fall,3782 the Lord136 hath delivered5414 me into their hands,3027 from whom I am not able3201 3808 to rise up.6965

14 維予犯罪、主加以軛、懸於我項、使力廢弛兮、付我於敵不能自救兮。

15 The Lord136 hath trodden under foot5541 all3605 my mighty47 men in the midst7130 of me: he hath called7121 an assembly4150 against5921 me to crush7665 my young men:970 the Lord136 hath trodden1869 the virgin,1330 the daughter1323 of Judah,3063 as in a winepress.1660

15 主集列邦之民、會伐我猶大、我有能之士、遭其蹂躪、我勇敢之卒、惕服其威兮、我之處女被踐、若踐酒醡兮。

16 For5921 these428 things I589 weep;1058 mine eye,5869 mine eye5869 runneth down3381 with water,4325 because3588 the comforter5162 that should relieve7725 my soul5315 is far7368 from4480 me: my children1121 are1961 desolate,8074 because3588 the enemy341 prevailed.1396

16 緣此我爲哭泣、潸然出涕、蓋慰者遠去、不加拯救兮、敵人勝予、子民煢獨兮。

17 Zion6726 spreadeth forth6566 her hands,3027 and there is none369 to comfort5162 her: the LORD3068 hath commanded6680 concerning Jacob,3290 that his adversaries6862 should be round about5439 him: Jerusalem3389 is1961 as a menstruous woman5079 among996 them.

17 郇民舉手、慰藉無人兮、耶和華使雅各諸敵、環而攻之、彼視耶路撒冷、若污衊之婦兮。

18 The LORD3068 is righteous;6662 for3588 I have rebelled4784 against his commandment:6310 hear,8085 I pray you,4994 all3605 people,5971 and behold7200 my sorrow:4341 my virgins1330 and my young men970 are gone1980 into captivity.7628

18 耶和華無不義、我違其命、故罹重罰、壯士處女、俱爲俘囚、爾曹黎庶、見我憂愁兮。

19 I called7121 for my lovers,157 but they1992 deceived7411 me: my priests3548 and mine elders2205 gave up the ghost1478 in the city,5892 while3588 they sought1245 their meat400 to relieve7725 853 their souls.5315

19 我招良朋、不副予望、祭司長老、惟求糈糧、以果其腹兮、求而不得、亡於邑中兮。

20 Behold,7200 O LORD;3068 for3588 I am in distress:6862 my bowels4578 are troubled;2560 mine heart3820 is turned2015 within7130 me; for3588 I have grievously rebelled:4784 4784 abroad4480 2351 the sword2719 bereaveth,7921 at home1004 there is as death.4194

20 我蹈重愆、外遭殺戮、內則死亡兮、予也懷憂特甚、中心慘怛、望耶和華眷顧兮。

21 They have heard8085 that3588 I589 sigh:584 there is none369 to comfort5162 me: all3605 mine enemies341 have heard8085 of my trouble;7451 they are glad7797 that3588 thou859 hast done6213 it: thou wilt bring935 the day3117 that thou hast called,7121 and they shall be1961 like unto me.3644

21 維彼人斯、聞予嗟歎、不加慰藉、敵聞爾降災於予、反增喜色、爾已定命、降災於彼、與余無異言、必有應兮。

22 Let all3605 their wickedness7451 come935 before6440 thee; and do5953 unto them, as834 thou hast done5953 unto me for5921 all3605 my transgressions:6588 for3588 my sighs585 are many,7227 and my heart3820 is faint.1742

22 昔予有罪、爾降以罰、今予喪瞻、長歎不已兮、彼有罪戾、爾鑒察之、罰彼毋緩、與我無異兮。