
Chapter 15

1 THEN the LORD said to me, Though Moses and Samuel stood before me pleading, yet my soul would not be pleased with this people; but I will cast them out of my sight and let them go.

2 And it shall come to pass, if they say to you, Where shall we go? Then you shall tell them, Thus says the LORD: Those numbered for death, to death; and those numbered for the sword, to the sword; and those numbered for famine, to famine; and those numbered for captivity, to captivity.

3 And I will decree against them four kinds of afflictions, says the LORD: The sword to slay, the dogs to tear, and the fowls of the air and the wild beasts of the earth to devour and destroy.

4 And I will cause them to be a horror in all the kingdoms of the earth, because of the transgressions of Manasseh the son of Hezekiah king of Judah, for that which he did in Jerusalem.

5 For who shall have pity upon you, O Jerusalem? or who shall bemoan you? or who shall go aside to inquire about your peace?

6 You have forsaken me, says the LORD, you are gone backward; therefore I will stretch out my hand against you and destroy you; and I shall not spare you again.

7 And I will fan them with a fan in the cities of the earth; I have bereaved them of their children. I have destroyed my people, and yet they did not return from their ways.

8 Their widows are increased in number more than the sand of the sea; I have brought against them, both against the mother and against the young men, robbers at noonday; I have caused terror and trembling to fall upon them suddenly.

9 She who has borne seven children languishes; her pride is gone; her sun has gone down while it was yet day; she has been ashamed and confounded; and the rest of them I will deliver to the sword before their enemies, says the LORD.

10 Woe is me, my mother, that you have borne me a judge, a rebuker to the whole earth. I am neither a debtor, nor a creditor; yet all of them curse me.

11 The LORD said, Verily I shall not leave you at ease, but I will cause an enemy from the north to encounter you in the time of tribulation and in the time of evil;

12 For he is hard as iron and as brass.

13 Your riches, your treasures, and all your borders, I will give to the spoil, because of your sins.

14 And I shall cause you to be enslaved to your enemies in a land which you do not know; for a fire is kindled in my anger, which shall burn upon you.

15 O LORD, thou knowest; remember me and save me and avenge me of my persecutors; take me not away in thy longsuffering; know that for thy sake I have suffered reproach.

16 Thy commandments have I kept and carried out, thy word was to me a delight and the joy of my heart; for I am called by thy name.

17 O LORD God of hosts, I did not sit in the assembly of the mockers, but I was afraid because of thy hand, and I sat alone; for thou hast filled me with indignation.

18 Why is my pain so grievous and my wound so severe that it refuses to be healed? Wilt thou be to me as a mirage that cannot be believed?

19 Therefore thus says the LORD, If you repent, then I will bring you back again, and you shall stand before me; and if you bring forth the precious words and not the vile, you shall be as my mouth, says the LORD; the people shall turn to you; but you shall not turn to them.

20 I have made you to this people as a fortified wall of brass; and they shall fight against you. but they shall not prevail; for I am with you to save you and to deliver you, says the LORD.

21 And I will deliver you out of the hand of the wicked, and I will save you from the hand of the mighty.



1 耶和華告耶利米曰、雖摩西撒母耳代民祈禱、我必弗恤、當遐棄之、屏之遠往、

2 如彼詰爾、當往何處、爾必傳我命、告之曰、當死則死、當殺則殺、當饑則饑、當虜則虜。

3 耶和華又曰、我降四災於厥身、刃以戮之、犬以嚙之、飛鳥以噬之、走獸以滅之。

4 流離於萬邦、斯何故歟、因猶大王希西家子馬拿西所行於耶路撒冷、

5 耶路撒冷民歟、孰矜恤爾、孰慰藉爾、孰問爾安。

6 耶和華又曰、爾違逆予、却而不前、故我必舉手擊爾、滅爾殆盡、不可復忍、

7 其餘我散之邑門、若舉扇揮塵、喪其子女、猶不悛改、必加殲滅、

8 時値亭午、我必使殘暴壯士、猝攻京邑、降以重災、使其嫠婦、較海沙愈衆、

9 育七子之婦、喪膽斷氣、其年中絕、若日未暮而沉西、故懷慙抱愧、所遺之民、爲敵人誅戮、我耶和華已言之矣。

10 耶利米曰、哀哉我母、何爲產我、爲通國之人所攻、我未貸衆以金、衆未貸我以金、藉權子母、而人莫不詛予。

11 耶和華曰、我必釋爾、雖罹災害、必使敵善待爾。

12 耶和華告民曰、爾雖堅剛若鐵、豈及北方之鐵、與銅交融、爲不可毀乎。

13 爾遍四境、作惡孔多、故爾之貨財、必見攘奪、不復償爾、我使之然。

14 亦使爾在素未識之地、爲敵人供役、蓋我震怒、烈如火之燃、延及爾曹。

15 耶利米曰、耶和華歟、爾鑒察予、眷顧予、伸我之寃、爾旣恒忍、勿滅予命、我緣爾故、受人凌辱、爾所知也。

16 萬有之主耶和華歟、我爲爾僕、聞爾訓言、服膺於心、因以悅懌。

17 侮慢之人、我不樂與之坐、爾言降災、予懷歉仄、默然獨坐。

18 予創傷未痊、殘缺未醫曷故。爾之待我、若泉之忽竭、使人絕望曷故。

19 耶和華曰、如爾歸誠、則可爲我僕、如爾能別善惡、則可傳我命、民當從爾、爾勿狥民。

20 耶和華又曰、我使爾在民間、若金城之鞏固、彼雖攻爾、必不能勝、蓋我左右爾、拯救爾、出爾於惡者暴者之手。

21 併於上節


Chapter 15



1 THEN the LORD said to me, Though Moses and Samuel stood before me pleading, yet my soul would not be pleased with this people; but I will cast them out of my sight and let them go.

1 耶和華告耶利米曰、雖摩西撒母耳代民祈禱、我必弗恤、當遐棄之、屏之遠往、

2 And it shall come to pass, if they say to you, Where shall we go? Then you shall tell them, Thus says the LORD: Those numbered for death, to death; and those numbered for the sword, to the sword; and those numbered for famine, to famine; and those numbered for captivity, to captivity.

2 如彼詰爾、當往何處、爾必傳我命、告之曰、當死則死、當殺則殺、當饑則饑、當虜則虜。

3 And I will decree against them four kinds of afflictions, says the LORD: The sword to slay, the dogs to tear, and the fowls of the air and the wild beasts of the earth to devour and destroy.

3 耶和華又曰、我降四災於厥身、刃以戮之、犬以嚙之、飛鳥以噬之、走獸以滅之。

4 And I will cause them to be a horror in all the kingdoms of the earth, because of the transgressions of Manasseh the son of Hezekiah king of Judah, for that which he did in Jerusalem.

4 流離於萬邦、斯何故歟、因猶大王希西家子馬拿西所行於耶路撒冷、

5 For who shall have pity upon you, O Jerusalem? or who shall bemoan you? or who shall go aside to inquire about your peace?

5 耶路撒冷民歟、孰矜恤爾、孰慰藉爾、孰問爾安。

6 You have forsaken me, says the LORD, you are gone backward; therefore I will stretch out my hand against you and destroy you; and I shall not spare you again.

6 耶和華又曰、爾違逆予、却而不前、故我必舉手擊爾、滅爾殆盡、不可復忍、

7 And I will fan them with a fan in the cities of the earth; I have bereaved them of their children. I have destroyed my people, and yet they did not return from their ways.

7 其餘我散之邑門、若舉扇揮塵、喪其子女、猶不悛改、必加殲滅、

8 Their widows are increased in number more than the sand of the sea; I have brought against them, both against the mother and against the young men, robbers at noonday; I have caused terror and trembling to fall upon them suddenly.

8 時値亭午、我必使殘暴壯士、猝攻京邑、降以重災、使其嫠婦、較海沙愈衆、

9 She who has borne seven children languishes; her pride is gone; her sun has gone down while it was yet day; she has been ashamed and confounded; and the rest of them I will deliver to the sword before their enemies, says the LORD.

9 育七子之婦、喪膽斷氣、其年中絕、若日未暮而沉西、故懷慙抱愧、所遺之民、爲敵人誅戮、我耶和華已言之矣。

10 Woe is me, my mother, that you have borne me a judge, a rebuker to the whole earth. I am neither a debtor, nor a creditor; yet all of them curse me.

10 耶利米曰、哀哉我母、何爲產我、爲通國之人所攻、我未貸衆以金、衆未貸我以金、藉權子母、而人莫不詛予。

11 The LORD said, Verily I shall not leave you at ease, but I will cause an enemy from the north to encounter you in the time of tribulation and in the time of evil;

11 耶和華曰、我必釋爾、雖罹災害、必使敵善待爾。

12 For he is hard as iron and as brass.

12 耶和華告民曰、爾雖堅剛若鐵、豈及北方之鐵、與銅交融、爲不可毀乎。

13 Your riches, your treasures, and all your borders, I will give to the spoil, because of your sins.

13 爾遍四境、作惡孔多、故爾之貨財、必見攘奪、不復償爾、我使之然。

14 And I shall cause you to be enslaved to your enemies in a land which you do not know; for a fire is kindled in my anger, which shall burn upon you.

14 亦使爾在素未識之地、爲敵人供役、蓋我震怒、烈如火之燃、延及爾曹。

15 O LORD, thou knowest; remember me and save me and avenge me of my persecutors; take me not away in thy longsuffering; know that for thy sake I have suffered reproach.

15 耶利米曰、耶和華歟、爾鑒察予、眷顧予、伸我之寃、爾旣恒忍、勿滅予命、我緣爾故、受人凌辱、爾所知也。

16 Thy commandments have I kept and carried out, thy word was to me a delight and the joy of my heart; for I am called by thy name.

16 萬有之主耶和華歟、我爲爾僕、聞爾訓言、服膺於心、因以悅懌。

17 O LORD God of hosts, I did not sit in the assembly of the mockers, but I was afraid because of thy hand, and I sat alone; for thou hast filled me with indignation.

17 侮慢之人、我不樂與之坐、爾言降災、予懷歉仄、默然獨坐。

18 Why is my pain so grievous and my wound so severe that it refuses to be healed? Wilt thou be to me as a mirage that cannot be believed?

18 予創傷未痊、殘缺未醫曷故。爾之待我、若泉之忽竭、使人絕望曷故。

19 Therefore thus says the LORD, If you repent, then I will bring you back again, and you shall stand before me; and if you bring forth the precious words and not the vile, you shall be as my mouth, says the LORD; the people shall turn to you; but you shall not turn to them.

19 耶和華曰、如爾歸誠、則可爲我僕、如爾能別善惡、則可傳我命、民當從爾、爾勿狥民。

20 I have made you to this people as a fortified wall of brass; and they shall fight against you. but they shall not prevail; for I am with you to save you and to deliver you, says the LORD.

20 耶和華又曰、我使爾在民間、若金城之鞏固、彼雖攻爾、必不能勝、蓋我左右爾、拯救爾、出爾於惡者暴者之手。

21 And I will deliver you out of the hand of the wicked, and I will save you from the hand of the mighty.

21 併於上節