
Psalm 147

1 PRAISE the LORD; for it is good to sing praises to our God; for it is pleasant, and praise is comely.

2 The LORD builds up Jerusalem; he gathers together the scattered of Israel.

3 He heals the broken of heart, and binds up their wounds.

4 He counts the number of the stars; he calls them all by their names.

5 Great is our LORD, and great is his power; his understanding is infinite.

6 The LORD lifts up the meek; he humbles the wicked down to the ground.

7 Sing to the LORD with thanksgiving; sing praise upon the harp to our God,

8 Who covers the heavens with clouds, who gives rain upon the earth, who makes grass to grow upon the mountains.

9 He gives to the cattle their food, and to the young ravens which cry.

10 He delights not in the strength of the horse; he takes no pleasure in the legs of a mighty man.

11 The LORD takes pleasure in those who revere him, in those who hope in his mercy.

12 Praise the LORD, O Jerusalem; praise your God, O Zion.

13 For he has strengthened the bars of your gates; he has blessed your children within you.

14 He makes peace in your borders, and fills you with the finest of the wheat.

15 He sends forth his commandment upon earth; his word runs very swiftly.

16 He gives snow like wool; he scatters the hoarfrost like ashes.

17 He casts forth his ice like morsels; who can stand before his cold?

18 He sends out his word and melts them; he causes his wind to blow, and the waters flow.

19 He declares his word to Jacob, his statutes and his judgments to Israel.

20 He has not dealt so with all nations; and his judgments he has not made known to them. Praise the LORD.



1 爾曹當謳歌、頌讚我之上帝耶和華、斯爲盡美盡善兮。

2 耶和華建造耶路撒冷、使以色列族、離散之民、成復集兮。

3 傷心者、主爲醫痊、殘缺者、主爲彌縫兮、

4 核數星辰、稱其名字兮、

5 我主至大至能、智慧無窮兮。

6 耶和華兮、貧乏者扶祐之、作惡者傾覆之兮。

7 當鼓瑟作歌、頌我之上帝耶和華兮、

8 彼布雲於天、降雨於地、使草萊滋養於山岡兮、

9 小鴨嚶鳴、主聞其聲、六畜饑餒、主給以食兮、

10 維馬有力、人能疾趨、主不以爲悅兮、

11 敬畏耶和華、賴其仁慈者、則可見悅於主兮。

12 耶路撒冷之居民、郇邑之兆姓、必頌讚爾之上帝耶和華兮、

13 爾之門楗、旣堅旣固、爾之人民、鍚福鍚祉、主使然兮、

14 爾之處境、常獲平康、爾之兆民、得食嘉麥、亦主所賜兮。

15 頒詔天下、速於置郵兮。

16 降雪如羊毛、散霜如飛灰兮、

17 結冰雨雹、民難堪此祁寒兮、

18 主降其命則冰消、主吹以風則水流兮、

19 以其道示雅各家、以其律示以色列族兮、

20 異邦之人、不識其誡命、不蒙其仁慈、爾曹當頌美耶和華兮。


Psalm 147



1 PRAISE the LORD; for it is good to sing praises to our God; for it is pleasant, and praise is comely.

1 爾曹當謳歌、頌讚我之上帝耶和華、斯爲盡美盡善兮。

2 The LORD builds up Jerusalem; he gathers together the scattered of Israel.

2 耶和華建造耶路撒冷、使以色列族、離散之民、成復集兮。

3 He heals the broken of heart, and binds up their wounds.

3 傷心者、主爲醫痊、殘缺者、主爲彌縫兮、

4 He counts the number of the stars; he calls them all by their names.

4 核數星辰、稱其名字兮、

5 Great is our LORD, and great is his power; his understanding is infinite.

5 我主至大至能、智慧無窮兮。

6 The LORD lifts up the meek; he humbles the wicked down to the ground.

6 耶和華兮、貧乏者扶祐之、作惡者傾覆之兮。

7 Sing to the LORD with thanksgiving; sing praise upon the harp to our God,

7 當鼓瑟作歌、頌我之上帝耶和華兮、

8 Who covers the heavens with clouds, who gives rain upon the earth, who makes grass to grow upon the mountains.

8 彼布雲於天、降雨於地、使草萊滋養於山岡兮、

9 He gives to the cattle their food, and to the young ravens which cry.

9 小鴨嚶鳴、主聞其聲、六畜饑餒、主給以食兮、

10 He delights not in the strength of the horse; he takes no pleasure in the legs of a mighty man.

10 維馬有力、人能疾趨、主不以爲悅兮、

11 The LORD takes pleasure in those who revere him, in those who hope in his mercy.

11 敬畏耶和華、賴其仁慈者、則可見悅於主兮。

12 Praise the LORD, O Jerusalem; praise your God, O Zion.

12 耶路撒冷之居民、郇邑之兆姓、必頌讚爾之上帝耶和華兮、

13 For he has strengthened the bars of your gates; he has blessed your children within you.

13 爾之門楗、旣堅旣固、爾之人民、鍚福鍚祉、主使然兮、

14 He makes peace in your borders, and fills you with the finest of the wheat.

14 爾之處境、常獲平康、爾之兆民、得食嘉麥、亦主所賜兮。

15 He sends forth his commandment upon earth; his word runs very swiftly.

15 頒詔天下、速於置郵兮。

16 He gives snow like wool; he scatters the hoarfrost like ashes.

16 降雪如羊毛、散霜如飛灰兮、

17 He casts forth his ice like morsels; who can stand before his cold?

17 結冰雨雹、民難堪此祁寒兮、

18 He sends out his word and melts them; he causes his wind to blow, and the waters flow.

18 主降其命則冰消、主吹以風則水流兮、

19 He declares his word to Jacob, his statutes and his judgments to Israel.

19 以其道示雅各家、以其律示以色列族兮、

20 He has not dealt so with all nations; and his judgments he has not made known to them. Praise the LORD.

20 異邦之人、不識其誡命、不蒙其仁慈、爾曹當頌美耶和華兮。