
Глава 10

1 Вот родословие8435 сынов1121 Ноевых:5146 Сима,8035 Хама2526 и Иафета.3315 После310 потопа3999 родились3205 у них дети.1121

2 Сыны1121 Иафета:3315 Гомер,1586 Магог,4031 Мадай,4074 Иаван,3120 Фувал,8422 Мешех4902 и Фирас.8494

3 Сыны1121 Гомера:1586 Аскеназ,813 Рифат7384 и Фогарма.8425

4 Сыны1121 Иавана:3120 Елиса,473 Фарсис,8659 Киттим3794 и Доданим.1721

5 От сих населились6504 острова339 народов1471 в землях776 их, каждый376 по языку3956 своему, по племенам4940 своим, в народах1471 своих.

6 Сыны1121 Хама:2526 Хуш,3568 Мицраим,4714 Фут6316 и Ханаан.3667

7 Сыны1121 Хуша:3568 Сева,5434 Хавила,2341 Савта,5454 Раама7484 и Савтеха.5455 Сыны1121 Раамы:7484 Шева7614 и Дедан.1719

8 Хуш3568 родил3205 также Нимрода:5248 сей начал2490 быть1961 силен1368 на земле.776

9 Он был сильный1368 зверолов6718 пред3942 Господом;3068 потому3651 и говорится:559 сильный1368 зверолов,6718 как Нимрод,5248 пред3942 Господом.3068

10 Царство4467 его вначале7225 составляли: Вавилон,894 Эрех,751 Аккад390 и Халне,3641 в земле776 Сеннаар.8152

11 Из сей земли776 вышел3318 Ассур,804 и построил1129 Ниневию,5210 Реховофир,7344 Калах.3625

12 И Ресен7449 между Ниневиею5210 и между Калахом;3625 это город5892 великий.1419

13 От Мицраима4714 произошли3205 Лудим,3866 Анамим,6047 Легавим,3853 Нафтухим,5320

14 Патрусим,6625 Каслухим,3695 откуда вышли3318 Филистимляне,6430 и Кафторим.3732

15 От Ханаана3667 родились:3205 Сидон,6721 первенец1060 его, Хет,2845

16 Иевусей,2983 Аморрей,567 Гергесей,1622

17 Евей,2340 Аркей,6208 Синей,5513

18 Арвадей,721 Цемарей6786 и Химафей.2577 Впоследствии310 племена4940 Ханаанские3669 рассеялись.6327

19 И были пределы1366 Хананеев3669 от Сидона6721 к935 Герару1642 до Газы,5804 отсюда к935 Содому,5467 Гоморре,6017 Адме126 и Цевоиму6636 до Лаши.3962

20 Это сыны1121 Хамовы,2526 по племенам4940 их, по языкам3956 их, в землях776 их, в народах1471 их.

21 Были3205 дети и у Сима,8035 отца1 всех сынов1121 Еверовых,5677 старшего1419 брата251 Иафетова.3315

22 Сыны1121 Сима:8035 Елам,5867 Ассур,804 Арфаксад,775 Луд,3865 Арам.758

23 Сыны1121 Арама:758 Уц,5780 Хул,2343 Гефер1666 и Маш.4851

24 Арфаксад775 родил3205 Салу,7974 Сала7974 родил3205 Евера.5677

25 У Евера5677 родились3205 два8147 сына;1121 имя8034 одному:259 Фалек,6389 потому что во дни3117 его земля776 разделена;6385 имя8034 брата251 его: Иоктан.3355

26 Иоктан3355 родил3205 Алмодада,486 Шалефа,8026 Хацармавефа,2700 Иераха,3392

27 Гадорама,1913 Узала,187 Диклу,1853

28 Овала,5745 Авимаила,39 Шеву,7614

29 Офира,211 Хавилу2341 и Иовава.3103 Все эти сыновья1121 Иоктана.3355

30 Поселения4186 их были от Меши4852 до935 Сефара,5611 горы2022 восточной.6924

31 Это сыновья1121 Симовы8035 по племенам4940 их, по языкам3956 их, в землях776 их, по народам1471 их.

32 Вот племена4940 сынов1121 Ноевых,5146 по родословию8435 их, в народах1471 их. От них распространились6504 народы1471 по земле776 после310 потопа.3999


Chapter 10

1 Now these428 are the generations8435 of the sons1121 of Noah,5146 Shem,8035 Ham,2526 and Japheth:3315 and to them were sons1121 born3205 after310 the flood.3999

2 The sons1121 of Japheth;3315 Gomer,1586 and Magog,4031 and Madai,4074 and Javan,3120 and Tubal,8422 and Meshech,4902 and Tiras.8493

3 And the sons1121 of Gomer;1586 Ashkenaz,813 and Riphath,7384 and Togarmah.8425

4 And the sons1121 of Javan;3120 Elishah,473 and Tarshish,8659 Kittim,3794 and Dodanim.1721

5 By these428 were the isles339 of the Gentiles1471 divided6504 in their lands;776 every376 one376 after his tongue,3956 after their families,4940 in their nations.1471

6 And the sons1121 of Ham;2526 Cush,3568 and Mizraim,4714 and Phut,6316 and Canaan.3667

7 And the sons1121 of Cush;3568 Seba,5434 and Havilah,2341 and Sabtah,5454 and Raamah,7484 and Sabtechah:5455 and the sons1121 of Raamah;7484 Sheba,7614 and Dedan.1719

8 And Cush3568 begat3205 Nimrod:5248 he began2490 to be a mighty1368 one in the earth.776

9 He was a mighty1368 hunter6718 before6440 the LORD:3068 why5921 3651 it is said,559 Even as Nimrod5248 the mighty1368 hunter6718 before6440 the LORD.3068

10 And the beginning7225 of his kingdom4467 was Babel,894 and Erech,751 and Accad,390 and Calneh,3641 in the land776 of Shinar.8152

11 Out of that land776 went3318 forth3318 Asshur,804 and built1129 Nineveh,5210 and the city5892 Rehoboth,7344 and Calah,3625

12 And Resen7449 between996 Nineveh5210 and Calah:3625 the same1931 is a great1419 city.5892

13 And Mizraim4714 begat3205 Ludim,3866 and Anamim,6047 and Lehabim,3853 and Naphtuhim,5320

14 And Pathrusim,6625 and Casluhim,3695 (out of whom834 came3318 Philistim,6430) and Caphtorim.3732

15 And Canaan3667 begat3205 Sidon6721 his first born,1060 and Heth,2845

16 And the Jebusite,2983 and the Amorite,567 and the Girgasite,1622

17 And the Hivite,2340 and the Arkite,6208 and the Sinite,5513

18 And the Arvadite,721 and the Zemarite,6786 and the Hamathite:2577 and afterward310 were the families4940 of the Canaanites3669 spread6327 abroad.5310

19 And the border1366 of the Canaanites3669 was from Sidon,6721 as you come935 to Gerar,1642 to Gaza;5804 as you go,935 to Sodom,5467 and Gomorrah,6017 and Admah,126 and Zeboim,6636 even to Lasha.3962

20 These428 are the sons1121 of Ham,2526 after their families,4940 after their tongues,3956 in their countries,776 and in their nations.1471

21 To Shem8035 also,1571 the father1 of all3605 the children1121 of Eber,5677 the brother251 of Japheth3315 the elder,1419 even1571 to him were children born.3205

22 The children1121 of Shem;8035 Elam,5867 and Asshur,804 and Arphaxad,775 and Lud,3865 and Aram.758

23 And the children1121 of Aram;758 Uz,5780 and Hul,2343 and Gether,1666 and Mash.4851

24 And Arphaxad775 begat3205 Salah;7974 and Salah7974 begat3205 Eber.5677

25 And to Eber5677 were born3205 two8147 sons:1121 the name8034 of one259 was Peleg;6389 for in his days3117 was the earth776 divided;6385 and his brother's251 name8034 was Joktan.3355

26 And Joktan3355 begat3205 Almodad,486 and Sheleph,8026 and Hazarmaveth,2700 and Jerah,3392

27 And Hadoram,1913 and Uzal,187 and Diklah,1853

28 And Obal,5745 and Abimael,39 and Sheba,7614

29 And Ophir,211 and Havilah,2341 and Jobab:3103 all3605 these428 were the sons1121 of Joktan.3355

30 And their dwelling4186 was from Mesha,4331 as you go935 to Sephar5611 a mount2022 of the east.6924

31 These428 are the sons1121 of Shem,8035 after their families,4940 after their tongues,3956 in their lands,776 after their nations.1471

32 These428 are the families4940 of the sons1121 of Noah,5146 after their generations,8435 in their nations:1471 and by these428 were the nations1471 divided6504 in the earth776 after310 the flood.3999


Глава 10


Chapter 10

1 Вот родословие8435 сынов1121 Ноевых:5146 Сима,8035 Хама2526 и Иафета.3315 После310 потопа3999 родились3205 у них дети.1121

1 Now these428 are the generations8435 of the sons1121 of Noah,5146 Shem,8035 Ham,2526 and Japheth:3315 and to them were sons1121 born3205 after310 the flood.3999

2 Сыны1121 Иафета:3315 Гомер,1586 Магог,4031 Мадай,4074 Иаван,3120 Фувал,8422 Мешех4902 и Фирас.8494

2 The sons1121 of Japheth;3315 Gomer,1586 and Magog,4031 and Madai,4074 and Javan,3120 and Tubal,8422 and Meshech,4902 and Tiras.8493

3 Сыны1121 Гомера:1586 Аскеназ,813 Рифат7384 и Фогарма.8425

3 And the sons1121 of Gomer;1586 Ashkenaz,813 and Riphath,7384 and Togarmah.8425

4 Сыны1121 Иавана:3120 Елиса,473 Фарсис,8659 Киттим3794 и Доданим.1721

4 And the sons1121 of Javan;3120 Elishah,473 and Tarshish,8659 Kittim,3794 and Dodanim.1721

5 От сих населились6504 острова339 народов1471 в землях776 их, каждый376 по языку3956 своему, по племенам4940 своим, в народах1471 своих.

5 By these428 were the isles339 of the Gentiles1471 divided6504 in their lands;776 every376 one376 after his tongue,3956 after their families,4940 in their nations.1471

6 Сыны1121 Хама:2526 Хуш,3568 Мицраим,4714 Фут6316 и Ханаан.3667

6 And the sons1121 of Ham;2526 Cush,3568 and Mizraim,4714 and Phut,6316 and Canaan.3667

7 Сыны1121 Хуша:3568 Сева,5434 Хавила,2341 Савта,5454 Раама7484 и Савтеха.5455 Сыны1121 Раамы:7484 Шева7614 и Дедан.1719

7 And the sons1121 of Cush;3568 Seba,5434 and Havilah,2341 and Sabtah,5454 and Raamah,7484 and Sabtechah:5455 and the sons1121 of Raamah;7484 Sheba,7614 and Dedan.1719

8 Хуш3568 родил3205 также Нимрода:5248 сей начал2490 быть1961 силен1368 на земле.776

8 And Cush3568 begat3205 Nimrod:5248 he began2490 to be a mighty1368 one in the earth.776

9 Он был сильный1368 зверолов6718 пред3942 Господом;3068 потому3651 и говорится:559 сильный1368 зверолов,6718 как Нимрод,5248 пред3942 Господом.3068

9 He was a mighty1368 hunter6718 before6440 the LORD:3068 why5921 3651 it is said,559 Even as Nimrod5248 the mighty1368 hunter6718 before6440 the LORD.3068

10 Царство4467 его вначале7225 составляли: Вавилон,894 Эрех,751 Аккад390 и Халне,3641 в земле776 Сеннаар.8152

10 And the beginning7225 of his kingdom4467 was Babel,894 and Erech,751 and Accad,390 and Calneh,3641 in the land776 of Shinar.8152

11 Из сей земли776 вышел3318 Ассур,804 и построил1129 Ниневию,5210 Реховофир,7344 Калах.3625

11 Out of that land776 went3318 forth3318 Asshur,804 and built1129 Nineveh,5210 and the city5892 Rehoboth,7344 and Calah,3625

12 И Ресен7449 между Ниневиею5210 и между Калахом;3625 это город5892 великий.1419

12 And Resen7449 between996 Nineveh5210 and Calah:3625 the same1931 is a great1419 city.5892

13 От Мицраима4714 произошли3205 Лудим,3866 Анамим,6047 Легавим,3853 Нафтухим,5320

13 And Mizraim4714 begat3205 Ludim,3866 and Anamim,6047 and Lehabim,3853 and Naphtuhim,5320

14 Патрусим,6625 Каслухим,3695 откуда вышли3318 Филистимляне,6430 и Кафторим.3732

14 And Pathrusim,6625 and Casluhim,3695 (out of whom834 came3318 Philistim,6430) and Caphtorim.3732

15 От Ханаана3667 родились:3205 Сидон,6721 первенец1060 его, Хет,2845

15 And Canaan3667 begat3205 Sidon6721 his first born,1060 and Heth,2845

16 Иевусей,2983 Аморрей,567 Гергесей,1622

16 And the Jebusite,2983 and the Amorite,567 and the Girgasite,1622

17 Евей,2340 Аркей,6208 Синей,5513

17 And the Hivite,2340 and the Arkite,6208 and the Sinite,5513

18 Арвадей,721 Цемарей6786 и Химафей.2577 Впоследствии310 племена4940 Ханаанские3669 рассеялись.6327

18 And the Arvadite,721 and the Zemarite,6786 and the Hamathite:2577 and afterward310 were the families4940 of the Canaanites3669 spread6327 abroad.5310

19 И были пределы1366 Хананеев3669 от Сидона6721 к935 Герару1642 до Газы,5804 отсюда к935 Содому,5467 Гоморре,6017 Адме126 и Цевоиму6636 до Лаши.3962

19 And the border1366 of the Canaanites3669 was from Sidon,6721 as you come935 to Gerar,1642 to Gaza;5804 as you go,935 to Sodom,5467 and Gomorrah,6017 and Admah,126 and Zeboim,6636 even to Lasha.3962

20 Это сыны1121 Хамовы,2526 по племенам4940 их, по языкам3956 их, в землях776 их, в народах1471 их.

20 These428 are the sons1121 of Ham,2526 after their families,4940 after their tongues,3956 in their countries,776 and in their nations.1471

21 Были3205 дети и у Сима,8035 отца1 всех сынов1121 Еверовых,5677 старшего1419 брата251 Иафетова.3315

21 To Shem8035 also,1571 the father1 of all3605 the children1121 of Eber,5677 the brother251 of Japheth3315 the elder,1419 even1571 to him were children born.3205

22 Сыны1121 Сима:8035 Елам,5867 Ассур,804 Арфаксад,775 Луд,3865 Арам.758

22 The children1121 of Shem;8035 Elam,5867 and Asshur,804 and Arphaxad,775 and Lud,3865 and Aram.758

23 Сыны1121 Арама:758 Уц,5780 Хул,2343 Гефер1666 и Маш.4851

23 And the children1121 of Aram;758 Uz,5780 and Hul,2343 and Gether,1666 and Mash.4851

24 Арфаксад775 родил3205 Салу,7974 Сала7974 родил3205 Евера.5677

24 And Arphaxad775 begat3205 Salah;7974 and Salah7974 begat3205 Eber.5677

25 У Евера5677 родились3205 два8147 сына;1121 имя8034 одному:259 Фалек,6389 потому что во дни3117 его земля776 разделена;6385 имя8034 брата251 его: Иоктан.3355

25 And to Eber5677 were born3205 two8147 sons:1121 the name8034 of one259 was Peleg;6389 for in his days3117 was the earth776 divided;6385 and his brother's251 name8034 was Joktan.3355

26 Иоктан3355 родил3205 Алмодада,486 Шалефа,8026 Хацармавефа,2700 Иераха,3392

26 And Joktan3355 begat3205 Almodad,486 and Sheleph,8026 and Hazarmaveth,2700 and Jerah,3392

27 Гадорама,1913 Узала,187 Диклу,1853

27 And Hadoram,1913 and Uzal,187 and Diklah,1853

28 Овала,5745 Авимаила,39 Шеву,7614

28 And Obal,5745 and Abimael,39 and Sheba,7614

29 Офира,211 Хавилу2341 и Иовава.3103 Все эти сыновья1121 Иоктана.3355

29 And Ophir,211 and Havilah,2341 and Jobab:3103 all3605 these428 were the sons1121 of Joktan.3355

30 Поселения4186 их были от Меши4852 до935 Сефара,5611 горы2022 восточной.6924

30 And their dwelling4186 was from Mesha,4331 as you go935 to Sephar5611 a mount2022 of the east.6924

31 Это сыновья1121 Симовы8035 по племенам4940 их, по языкам3956 их, в землях776 их, по народам1471 их.

31 These428 are the sons1121 of Shem,8035 after their families,4940 after their tongues,3956 in their lands,776 after their nations.1471

32 Вот племена4940 сынов1121 Ноевых,5146 по родословию8435 их, в народах1471 их. От них распространились6504 народы1471 по земле776 после310 потопа.3999

32 These428 are the families4940 of the sons1121 of Noah,5146 after their generations,8435 in their nations:1471 and by these428 were the nations1471 divided6504 in the earth776 after310 the flood.3999