Деяния апостолов

Глава 16

1 Дошел26581161 он до1519 Дервии1191 и2532 Листры.3082 И2532 вот,2400 там1563 был2258 некоторый5100 ученик,3101 именем3686 Тимофей,5095 которого5207 мать11355100 была Иудеянка2453 уверовавшая,4103 а1161 отец3962 — Еллин,1672

2 и о котором3739 свидетельствовали314052593588 братия,80 находившиеся в1722 Листре3082 и2532 Иконии.2430

3 Его5126 пожелал23093588 Павел3972 взять1831 с4862 собою;846 и,2532 взяв,2983 обрезал4059 его846 ради12233588 Иудеев,2453 находившихся5607 в17223588 тех1565 местах;5117 ибо1063 все537 знали14923588 об отце3962 его,846 что3754 он был5225 Еллин.1672

4 5613 Проходя1279 же11613588 по городам,4172 они предавали3860 верным846 соблюдать54423588 определения,1378 постановленные291952593588 Апостолами652 и3588 пресвитерами42453588 в1722 Иерусалиме.2419

5 35883303 И3767 церкви1577 утверждались47323588 верою4102 и2532 ежедневно25962250 увеличивались40523588 числом.706

6 Пройдя через133011613588 Фригию5435 и3588 Галатийскую1054 страну,5561 они не были допущены296752593588 Духом4151 Святым40 проповедывать29803588 слово3056 в17223588 Асии.773

7 Дойдя2064 до25963588 Мисии,3465 предпринимали3985 идти4198 в25963588 Вифинию;978 но3588 Дух4151 не3756 допустил1439 их.846

8 Миновав3928 же11613588 Мисию,3465 сошли2597 они в1519 Троаду.5174

9 И2532 было370012233588 ночью3571 видение37053588 Павлу:3972 предстал24762258 некий5100 муж,435 Македонянин,3110 прося3870 его846 и2532 говоря:3004 приди1224 в1519 Македонию3109 и помоги997 нам.2254

10 После56131161 сего3588 видения,37051492 тотчас2112 мы положили2212 отправиться1831 в15193588 Македонию,3109 заключая,4822 что3754 призывал4341 нас22483588 Господь2962 благовествовать2097 там.846

11 Итак,3767 отправившись321 из5753588 Троады,5174 мы прямо прибыли2113 в1519 Самофракию,4543 а5037 на другой1966 день в1519 Неаполь,3496

12 оттуда1564 же5037 в1519 Филиппы:5375 это37482076 первый4413 город4172 в той3588 части33103588 Македонии,3109 колония.286222581161 В1722 этом50263588 городе4172 мы пробыли1304 несколько5100 дней.2250

13 В3588 день2250 же50373588 субботний4521 мы вышли1831 за18543588 город4172 к3844 реке,4215 где,3757 по обыкновению,3543 был1511 молитвенный4335 дом, и,2532 сев,2523 разговаривали29803588 с собравшимися4905 там женщинами.1135

14 И2532 одна5100 женщина1135 из города4172 Фиатир,2363 именем3686 Лидия,3070 торговавшая багряницею,4211 чтущая45763588 Бога,2316 слушала;191 и3588 Господь2962 отверз12723588 сердце2588 ее3739 внимать4337 тому,3588 что говорил298052593588 Павел.3972

15 Когда5613 же1161 крестилась907 она и3588 домашние3624 ее,846 то просила3870 нас, говоря:3004 если1487 вы признали2919 меня3165 верною41033588 Господу,29621511 то войдите1525 в15193588 дом3624 мой3450 и живите3306 у меня. И2532 убедила3849 нас.2248

16 Случилось,10961161 что, когда мы2257 шли4198 в1519 молитвенный4335 дом, встретилась528 нам2254 одна5100 служанка,3814 одержимая2192 духом4151 прорицательным,4436 которая3748 через прорицание3132 доставляла3930 большой4183 доход20393588 господам2962 своим.846

17 Идя26283588 за Павлом3972 и2532 за нами,2254 она3778 кричала,2896 говоря:3004 сии37783588 человеки444 — рабы14013588 Бога23163588 Всевышнего,53101526 которые3748 возвещают2605 нам2254 путь3598 спасения.4991

18 Это51241161 она делала41601909 много4183 дней.22503588 Павел,3972 вознегодовав,127811612532 обратился19943588 и сказал2036 духу:4151 именем3686 Иисуса2424 Христа5547 повелеваю3853 тебе467117223588 выйти1831 из575 нее.846 И2532 дух вышел1831 в тот846 же3588 час.5610

19 Тогда11613588 господа2962 ее,846 видя,1492 что3754 исчезла18313588 надежда16803588 дохода2039 их,846 схватили19493588 Павла3972 и3588 Силу4609 и повлекли1670 на15193588 площадь58 к19093588 начальникам.758

20 И,2532 приведя4317 их8463588 к воеводам,4755 сказали:2036 сии37783588 люди,444 будучи5225 Иудеями,2453 возмущают1613 наш22573588 город4172

21 и2532 проповедуют2605 обычаи,1485 которых3739 нам,2254 Римлянам,4514 не3756 следует1832 ни принимать,3858 ни3761 исполнять.41605607

22 Народ3793 также2532 восстал49113588 на2596 них,846 а3588 воеводы,4755 сорвав4048 с них8463588 одежды,2440 велели2753 бить их палками4463

23 и,5037 дав2007 им846 много4183 ударов,4127 ввергли906 в1519 темницу,5438 приказав38533588 темничному стражу1200 крепко806 стеречь5083 их.846

24 Получив2983 такое5108 приказание,3852 он3739 ввергнул906 их846 во15193588 внутреннюю2082 темницу5438 и3588 ноги4228 их846 забил805 в15193588 колоду.3586

25 Около259611613588 полуночи3317 Павел3972 и2532 Сила,4609 молясь,4336 воспевали52143588 Бога;2316 узники1198 же1161 слушали1874 их.8463588

26 Вдруг8691161 сделалось1096 великое3173 землетрясение,4578 так что5620 поколебалось45313588 основание23103588 темницы;1201 тотчас39165037 отворились4553588 все3956 двери,2374 и2532 у всех39563588 узы1199 ослабели.447

27 Темничный же116110963588 страж,1200 пробудившись1853 и2532 увидев,1492 что3588 двери23743588 темницы5438 отворены,455 извлек4685 меч3162 и хотел3195 умертвить337 себя,1438 думая,3543 что3588 узники1198 убежали.1628

28 Но11613588 Павел3972 возгласил5455 громким3173 голосом,5456 говоря:3004 не3367 делай4238 себе4572 никакого зла,2556 ибо1063 все537 мы2070 здесь.1759

29 Он потребовал1541161 огня,5457 вбежал1530 в темницу и2532 в трепете17901096 припал43633588 к Павлу3972 и3588 Силе,4609

30 и,2532 выведя4254 их846 вон,1854 сказал:5346 государи2962 мои! что5101 мне31651163 делать,4160 чтобы2443 спастись?4982

31 Они3588 же1161 сказали:2036 веруй4100 в19093588 Господа2962 Иисуса2424 Христа,5547 и2532 спасешься4982 ты4771 и2532 весь3588 дом3624 твой.4675

32 И2532 проповедали29803588 слово30563588 Господне2962 ему846 и2532 всем,3956 бывшим3588 в17223588 доме3614 его.846

33 И,2532 взяв3880 их846 в1722 тот15653588 час56103588 ночи,3571 он омыл30685753588 раны4127 их и2532 немедленно3916 крестился907 сам846 и3588 все3956 домашние его.846

34 И,5037 приведя321 их846 в15193588 дом3624 свой,846 предложил3908 трапезу5132 и2532 возрадовался21 со всем домом3832 своим, что уверовал41003588 в Бога.2316

35 Когда же1161 настал1096 день,2250 воеводы47553588 послали6493588 городских служителей4465 сказать:3004 отпусти6303588 тех1565 людей.444

36 11613588 Темничный страж1200 объявил51835883056 о сем512843143588 Павлу:431437543588 воеводы4755 прислали6492443 отпустить630 вас; итак3767 выйдите1831 теперь3568 и идите4198 с1722 миром.1515

37 3588 Но1161 Павел3972 сказал5346 к4314 ним:846 нас,2248 Римских4514 граждан,444 без суда178 всенародно1219 били11945225 и бросили906 в1519 темницу,5438 а2532 теперь3568 тайно29772248 выпускают?1544 нет,37561063235 пусть придут2064 и сами846 выведут1806 нас.2248

38 3588 Городские служители4465 пересказали3123588 эти5023 слова448711613588 воеводам,4755 и2532 те испугались,5399 услышав,191 что3754 это1526 Римские граждане.4514

39 И,2532 придя,2064 извинились3870 перед ними846 и,2532 выведя,1806 просили2065 удалиться1831 из3588 города.4172

40 Они же,1161 выйдя1831 из15373588 темницы,5438 пришли1525 к15193588 Лидии3070 и,2532 увидев14923588 братьев,80 поучали3870 их,846 и2532 отправились.1831


Chapter 16

1 THEN he arrived at the city of Der'be and Lys'tra: there was there a disciple whose name was Timo'the-us, the son of a Jewess convert, but whose father was a Syr'ian.

2 And all the disciples of Lys'tra and I-co'nium gave good testimony concerning him.

3 Paul wanted to take this man with him, so he took him and circumcised him because of the Jews who were in that region; for they all knew that his father was a Syr'i-an.

4 And as they went through the cities, they preached and taught the people to obey the decrees which the apostles and elders had written at Jerusalem.

5 And so the churches were established in the faith, and increased in number daily.

6 Then they traveled through the countries of Phryg'i-a and Ga-la'tia, and the Holy Spirit forbade them to speak the word of God in Asia Minor.

7 And when they came to the country of Mys'ia, they wanted to go from thence to Bi-thyn'i-a: but the spirit of Jesus permitted them not.

8 And when they had left Mys'ia, they came to the country of Tro'as.

9 And, in a vision of the night, there appeared to Paul a man resembling a Mac-edo'ni- an, standing and begging him, saying, Come over to Mac-e-do'ni-a and help me.

10 And after Paul had seen this vision, we were desirous to leave for Mac-e-do'ni-a at once, because we understood that our LORD had called us to preach the gospel to them.*

11 When we sailed from Tro'as, we came in a direct course to Sam-o-thra'cia, and from thence on the following day, we came to the city Ne-ap'o-lis;

12 And from thence to Phi-lip'pi, which is the capital of Mac-e-do'ni-a, and is a colony: and we were in that city on some holidays.

13 And on the sabbath day we went outside the city gate to the river side because a house of prayer was seen there, and when we were seated, we spoke to the women who had gathered there.

14 And a certain woman, named Lyd'i-a, a seller of purple of the city of Thy-a-ti'ra, feared God; her heart was so touched by our LORD that she listened to what Paul said.

15 And she was baptized together with her household, and she begged us, saying, If you are sincerely convinced that I believe in our LORD, come and stay in my house; and she urged us strongly.

16 And it came to pass, as we went to the house of prayer, we were met by a young girl who was possessed of a spirit, and who did for her masters a great business by fortune telling.

17 And she followed Paul and us, crying and saying, These men are the servants of the most high God, and they preach to you the way of salvation.

18 And she did this for many days. So Paul was indignant and said to the spirit, I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. And it left her the same hour.

19 And when her masters saw that the hope for their business was lost with her power, they seized Paul and Silas and beat them and brought them to the market place.

20 And they brought them before the soldiers and the city magistrates and said, These men are Jews, and they create disturbances in our city,

21 And they preach customs to us which are not lawful for us to accept and practice, because we are Romans.

22 And a large crowd gathered against them. Then the soldiers stripped them of their clothes and gave command to scourge them.

23 And when they had flogged them severely, they cast them into prison, charging the jailer to watch them carefully. Paul and Silas in prison.

24 He, having received the charge, brought them in and put them into the inner chamber of the prison, and fastened their feet in the stocks.

25 Now at midnight Paul and Silas prayed and glorified God; and the prisoners heard them.

26 And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken, and immediately all the doors were opened, and the bands of all were loosed.

27 When the keeper of the prison awoke, and saw that the prison doors were open, he took a sword and would have killed himself, for he thought the prisoners had escaped.

28 But Paul cried with a loud voice and said to him, Do not harm yourself, for we are all here.

29 Then he lighted a lamp, and sprang in, trembling, and threw himself at the feet of Paul and Silas.

30 And he brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?

31 And they said to him, Believe in our LORD Jesus Christ, and both you and your household will be saved.

32 And they spoke to him the word of the LORD, and to all who were of his household.

33 And he took them at that hour of the night and washed their wounds; and then was baptized in that very hour, he and all his household.

34 And when he had brought them up into his house, he set food before them; and he and all the members of his household rejoiced, believing in God.

35 In the morning, the soldiers sent the lictors to tell the prison warden to release those men.

36 And when the keeper of the prison heard this, he went in and told Paul, saying, The soldiers have sent orders to release you: now therefore depart, and go in peace.

37 But Paul said to him, Not having committed any offense, they flogged us, Roman citizens, in the presence of the people, and they cast us into prison; and now do they let us out secretly? No verily; let them come themselves and fetch us out.

38 And the lictors went and told the soliers these words which were told to them: and when they heard that Paul and Silas were Roman citizens, they were afraid.

39 And they came to them and urged them to get out and depart from the city.

40 And they went out of the prison and entered into the house of Lydia where they saw the brethren and comforted them, and departed.

Деяния апостолов

Глава 16


Chapter 16

1 Дошел26581161 он до1519 Дервии1191 и2532 Листры.3082 И2532 вот,2400 там1563 был2258 некоторый5100 ученик,3101 именем3686 Тимофей,5095 которого5207 мать11355100 была Иудеянка2453 уверовавшая,4103 а1161 отец3962 — Еллин,1672

1 THEN he arrived at the city of Der'be and Lys'tra: there was there a disciple whose name was Timo'the-us, the son of a Jewess convert, but whose father was a Syr'ian.

2 и о котором3739 свидетельствовали314052593588 братия,80 находившиеся в1722 Листре3082 и2532 Иконии.2430

2 And all the disciples of Lys'tra and I-co'nium gave good testimony concerning him.

3 Его5126 пожелал23093588 Павел3972 взять1831 с4862 собою;846 и,2532 взяв,2983 обрезал4059 его846 ради12233588 Иудеев,2453 находившихся5607 в17223588 тех1565 местах;5117 ибо1063 все537 знали14923588 об отце3962 его,846 что3754 он был5225 Еллин.1672

3 Paul wanted to take this man with him, so he took him and circumcised him because of the Jews who were in that region; for they all knew that his father was a Syr'i-an.

4 5613 Проходя1279 же11613588 по городам,4172 они предавали3860 верным846 соблюдать54423588 определения,1378 постановленные291952593588 Апостолами652 и3588 пресвитерами42453588 в1722 Иерусалиме.2419

4 And as they went through the cities, they preached and taught the people to obey the decrees which the apostles and elders had written at Jerusalem.

5 35883303 И3767 церкви1577 утверждались47323588 верою4102 и2532 ежедневно25962250 увеличивались40523588 числом.706

5 And so the churches were established in the faith, and increased in number daily.

6 Пройдя через133011613588 Фригию5435 и3588 Галатийскую1054 страну,5561 они не были допущены296752593588 Духом4151 Святым40 проповедывать29803588 слово3056 в17223588 Асии.773

6 Then they traveled through the countries of Phryg'i-a and Ga-la'tia, and the Holy Spirit forbade them to speak the word of God in Asia Minor.

7 Дойдя2064 до25963588 Мисии,3465 предпринимали3985 идти4198 в25963588 Вифинию;978 но3588 Дух4151 не3756 допустил1439 их.846

7 And when they came to the country of Mys'ia, they wanted to go from thence to Bi-thyn'i-a: but the spirit of Jesus permitted them not.

8 Миновав3928 же11613588 Мисию,3465 сошли2597 они в1519 Троаду.5174

8 And when they had left Mys'ia, they came to the country of Tro'as.

9 И2532 было370012233588 ночью3571 видение37053588 Павлу:3972 предстал24762258 некий5100 муж,435 Македонянин,3110 прося3870 его846 и2532 говоря:3004 приди1224 в1519 Македонию3109 и помоги997 нам.2254

9 And, in a vision of the night, there appeared to Paul a man resembling a Mac-edo'ni- an, standing and begging him, saying, Come over to Mac-e-do'ni-a and help me.

10 После56131161 сего3588 видения,37051492 тотчас2112 мы положили2212 отправиться1831 в15193588 Македонию,3109 заключая,4822 что3754 призывал4341 нас22483588 Господь2962 благовествовать2097 там.846

10 And after Paul had seen this vision, we were desirous to leave for Mac-e-do'ni-a at once, because we understood that our LORD had called us to preach the gospel to them.*

11 Итак,3767 отправившись321 из5753588 Троады,5174 мы прямо прибыли2113 в1519 Самофракию,4543 а5037 на другой1966 день в1519 Неаполь,3496

11 When we sailed from Tro'as, we came in a direct course to Sam-o-thra'cia, and from thence on the following day, we came to the city Ne-ap'o-lis;

12 оттуда1564 же5037 в1519 Филиппы:5375 это37482076 первый4413 город4172 в той3588 части33103588 Македонии,3109 колония.286222581161 В1722 этом50263588 городе4172 мы пробыли1304 несколько5100 дней.2250

12 And from thence to Phi-lip'pi, which is the capital of Mac-e-do'ni-a, and is a colony: and we were in that city on some holidays.

13 В3588 день2250 же50373588 субботний4521 мы вышли1831 за18543588 город4172 к3844 реке,4215 где,3757 по обыкновению,3543 был1511 молитвенный4335 дом, и,2532 сев,2523 разговаривали29803588 с собравшимися4905 там женщинами.1135

13 And on the sabbath day we went outside the city gate to the river side because a house of prayer was seen there, and when we were seated, we spoke to the women who had gathered there.

14 И2532 одна5100 женщина1135 из города4172 Фиатир,2363 именем3686 Лидия,3070 торговавшая багряницею,4211 чтущая45763588 Бога,2316 слушала;191 и3588 Господь2962 отверз12723588 сердце2588 ее3739 внимать4337 тому,3588 что говорил298052593588 Павел.3972

14 And a certain woman, named Lyd'i-a, a seller of purple of the city of Thy-a-ti'ra, feared God; her heart was so touched by our LORD that she listened to what Paul said.

15 Когда5613 же1161 крестилась907 она и3588 домашние3624 ее,846 то просила3870 нас, говоря:3004 если1487 вы признали2919 меня3165 верною41033588 Господу,29621511 то войдите1525 в15193588 дом3624 мой3450 и живите3306 у меня. И2532 убедила3849 нас.2248

15 And she was baptized together with her household, and she begged us, saying, If you are sincerely convinced that I believe in our LORD, come and stay in my house; and she urged us strongly.

16 Случилось,10961161 что, когда мы2257 шли4198 в1519 молитвенный4335 дом, встретилась528 нам2254 одна5100 служанка,3814 одержимая2192 духом4151 прорицательным,4436 которая3748 через прорицание3132 доставляла3930 большой4183 доход20393588 господам2962 своим.846

16 And it came to pass, as we went to the house of prayer, we were met by a young girl who was possessed of a spirit, and who did for her masters a great business by fortune telling.

17 Идя26283588 за Павлом3972 и2532 за нами,2254 она3778 кричала,2896 говоря:3004 сии37783588 человеки444 — рабы14013588 Бога23163588 Всевышнего,53101526 которые3748 возвещают2605 нам2254 путь3598 спасения.4991

17 And she followed Paul and us, crying and saying, These men are the servants of the most high God, and they preach to you the way of salvation.

18 Это51241161 она делала41601909 много4183 дней.22503588 Павел,3972 вознегодовав,127811612532 обратился19943588 и сказал2036 духу:4151 именем3686 Иисуса2424 Христа5547 повелеваю3853 тебе467117223588 выйти1831 из575 нее.846 И2532 дух вышел1831 в тот846 же3588 час.5610

18 And she did this for many days. So Paul was indignant and said to the spirit, I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. And it left her the same hour.

19 Тогда11613588 господа2962 ее,846 видя,1492 что3754 исчезла18313588 надежда16803588 дохода2039 их,846 схватили19493588 Павла3972 и3588 Силу4609 и повлекли1670 на15193588 площадь58 к19093588 начальникам.758

19 And when her masters saw that the hope for their business was lost with her power, they seized Paul and Silas and beat them and brought them to the market place.

20 И,2532 приведя4317 их8463588 к воеводам,4755 сказали:2036 сии37783588 люди,444 будучи5225 Иудеями,2453 возмущают1613 наш22573588 город4172

20 And they brought them before the soldiers and the city magistrates and said, These men are Jews, and they create disturbances in our city,

21 и2532 проповедуют2605 обычаи,1485 которых3739 нам,2254 Римлянам,4514 не3756 следует1832 ни принимать,3858 ни3761 исполнять.41605607

21 And they preach customs to us which are not lawful for us to accept and practice, because we are Romans.

22 Народ3793 также2532 восстал49113588 на2596 них,846 а3588 воеводы,4755 сорвав4048 с них8463588 одежды,2440 велели2753 бить их палками4463

22 And a large crowd gathered against them. Then the soldiers stripped them of their clothes and gave command to scourge them.

23 и,5037 дав2007 им846 много4183 ударов,4127 ввергли906 в1519 темницу,5438 приказав38533588 темничному стражу1200 крепко806 стеречь5083 их.846

23 And when they had flogged them severely, they cast them into prison, charging the jailer to watch them carefully. Paul and Silas in prison.

24 Получив2983 такое5108 приказание,3852 он3739 ввергнул906 их846 во15193588 внутреннюю2082 темницу5438 и3588 ноги4228 их846 забил805 в15193588 колоду.3586

24 He, having received the charge, brought them in and put them into the inner chamber of the prison, and fastened their feet in the stocks.

25 Около259611613588 полуночи3317 Павел3972 и2532 Сила,4609 молясь,4336 воспевали52143588 Бога;2316 узники1198 же1161 слушали1874 их.8463588

25 Now at midnight Paul and Silas prayed and glorified God; and the prisoners heard them.

26 Вдруг8691161 сделалось1096 великое3173 землетрясение,4578 так что5620 поколебалось45313588 основание23103588 темницы;1201 тотчас39165037 отворились4553588 все3956 двери,2374 и2532 у всех39563588 узы1199 ослабели.447

26 And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken, and immediately all the doors were opened, and the bands of all were loosed.

27 Темничный же116110963588 страж,1200 пробудившись1853 и2532 увидев,1492 что3588 двери23743588 темницы5438 отворены,455 извлек4685 меч3162 и хотел3195 умертвить337 себя,1438 думая,3543 что3588 узники1198 убежали.1628

27 When the keeper of the prison awoke, and saw that the prison doors were open, he took a sword and would have killed himself, for he thought the prisoners had escaped.

28 Но11613588 Павел3972 возгласил5455 громким3173 голосом,5456 говоря:3004 не3367 делай4238 себе4572 никакого зла,2556 ибо1063 все537 мы2070 здесь.1759

28 But Paul cried with a loud voice and said to him, Do not harm yourself, for we are all here.

29 Он потребовал1541161 огня,5457 вбежал1530 в темницу и2532 в трепете17901096 припал43633588 к Павлу3972 и3588 Силе,4609

29 Then he lighted a lamp, and sprang in, trembling, and threw himself at the feet of Paul and Silas.

30 и,2532 выведя4254 их846 вон,1854 сказал:5346 государи2962 мои! что5101 мне31651163 делать,4160 чтобы2443 спастись?4982

30 And he brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?

31 Они3588 же1161 сказали:2036 веруй4100 в19093588 Господа2962 Иисуса2424 Христа,5547 и2532 спасешься4982 ты4771 и2532 весь3588 дом3624 твой.4675

31 And they said to him, Believe in our LORD Jesus Christ, and both you and your household will be saved.

32 И2532 проповедали29803588 слово30563588 Господне2962 ему846 и2532 всем,3956 бывшим3588 в17223588 доме3614 его.846

32 And they spoke to him the word of the LORD, and to all who were of his household.

33 И,2532 взяв3880 их846 в1722 тот15653588 час56103588 ночи,3571 он омыл30685753588 раны4127 их и2532 немедленно3916 крестился907 сам846 и3588 все3956 домашние его.846

33 And he took them at that hour of the night and washed their wounds; and then was baptized in that very hour, he and all his household.

34 И,5037 приведя321 их846 в15193588 дом3624 свой,846 предложил3908 трапезу5132 и2532 возрадовался21 со всем домом3832 своим, что уверовал41003588 в Бога.2316

34 And when he had brought them up into his house, he set food before them; and he and all the members of his household rejoiced, believing in God.

35 Когда же1161 настал1096 день,2250 воеводы47553588 послали6493588 городских служителей4465 сказать:3004 отпусти6303588 тех1565 людей.444

35 In the morning, the soldiers sent the lictors to tell the prison warden to release those men.

36 11613588 Темничный страж1200 объявил51835883056 о сем512843143588 Павлу:431437543588 воеводы4755 прислали6492443 отпустить630 вас; итак3767 выйдите1831 теперь3568 и идите4198 с1722 миром.1515

36 And when the keeper of the prison heard this, he went in and told Paul, saying, The soldiers have sent orders to release you: now therefore depart, and go in peace.

37 3588 Но1161 Павел3972 сказал5346 к4314 ним:846 нас,2248 Римских4514 граждан,444 без суда178 всенародно1219 били11945225 и бросили906 в1519 темницу,5438 а2532 теперь3568 тайно29772248 выпускают?1544 нет,37561063235 пусть придут2064 и сами846 выведут1806 нас.2248

37 But Paul said to him, Not having committed any offense, they flogged us, Roman citizens, in the presence of the people, and they cast us into prison; and now do they let us out secretly? No verily; let them come themselves and fetch us out.

38 3588 Городские служители4465 пересказали3123588 эти5023 слова448711613588 воеводам,4755 и2532 те испугались,5399 услышав,191 что3754 это1526 Римские граждане.4514

38 And the lictors went and told the soliers these words which were told to them: and when they heard that Paul and Silas were Roman citizens, they were afraid.

39 И,2532 придя,2064 извинились3870 перед ними846 и,2532 выведя,1806 просили2065 удалиться1831 из3588 города.4172

39 And they came to them and urged them to get out and depart from the city.

40 Они же,1161 выйдя1831 из15373588 темницы,5438 пришли1525 к15193588 Лидии3070 и,2532 увидев14923588 братьев,80 поучали3870 их,846 и2532 отправились.1831

40 And they went out of the prison and entered into the house of Lydia where they saw the brethren and comforted them, and departed.
