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Глава 10

1 3588 Закон,35511063 имея2192 тень46393588 будущих3195 благ,18 а не3756 самый8463588 образ15043588 вещей,4229 одними3588 и теми846 же жертвами,2378 каждый2596 год17633739 постоянно151935881336 приносимыми,4374 никогда3763 не может14103588 сделать совершенными5048 приходящих4334 с ними.

2 Иначе18933756 перестали3973 бы302 приносить4374 их, потому что12233588 приносящие3588 жертву,3000 быв очищены2508 однажды,530 не3367 имели2192 бы уже2089 никакого сознания4893 грехов.266

3 Но2351722 жертвами846 каждогодно25961763 напоминается364 о грехах,266

4 ибо1063 невозможно,102 чтобы кровь129 тельцов5022 и2532 козлов5131 уничтожала851 грехи.266

5 Посему1352 Христос, входя1525 в15193588 мир,2889 говорит:3004 «жертвы2378 и2532 приношения4376 Ты не3756 восхотел,2309 но1161 тело4983 уготовал2675 Мне.3427

6 Всесожжения3646 и2532 жертвы за4012 грех266 неугодны37562106 Тебе.

7 Тогда5119 Я сказал:2036 вот,2400 иду,2240 как в1722 начале2777 книги975 написано1125 о4012 Мне,1700 исполнить41603588 волю2307 Твою,4675 Боже».2316

8 Сказав3004 прежде,511 что3754 ни жертвы,2378 ни2532 приношения,4376 ни2532 всесожжений,3646 ни2532 жертвы за4012 грех,266 — которые3748 приносятся4374 по25963588 закону,3551 — Ты не3756 восхотел2309 и не3761 благоизволил,2106

9 потом5119 прибавил:2046 «вот,2400 иду22403588 исполнить41603588 волю2307 Твою,4675 Боже».2316 Отменяет3373588 первое,4413 чтобы24433588 постановить2476 второе.1208

10 По1722 сей3739-то воле2307 освящены37 мы20703588 единократным2178 принесением43763588 тела49833588 Иисуса2424 Христа.5547

11 И2532 всякий39563303 священник2409 ежедневно25962250 стоит2476 в служении3008 и2532 многократно4178 приносит4374 одни3588 и те846 же жертвы,2378 которые3748 никогда3763 не могут1410 истребить4014 грехов.266

12 Он846 же,1161 принеся4374 одну3391 жертву2378 за5228 грехи,266 навсегда151935881336 воссел2523 одесную172211883588 Бога,2316

13 3588 ожидая1551 затем,3063 доколе21933588 враги2190 Его846 будут положены5087 в подножие52863588 ног4228 Его.848

14 Ибо1063 Он одним3391 приношением4376 навсегда151935881336 сделал совершенными50483588 освящаемых.37

15 О сем свидетельствует31401161 нам2254 и3588 Дух41513588 Святый;403326 ибо10633588 сказано:4280

16 «Вот37783588 завет,1242 который3739 завещаю13034314 им846 после33263588 тех1565 дней,2250 говорит3004 Господь:2962 вложу1325 законы3551 Мои3450 в1909 сердца2588 их,846 и2532 в19093588 мыслях1271 их846 напишу1924 их,846

17 и3588 грехов266 их846 и3588 беззаконий458 их846 не3364 воспомяну3403 более».2089

18 А1161 где3699 прощение859 грехов,5130 там не3756 нужно2089 приношение4376 за4012 них.266

19 Итак,3767 братия,80 имея2192 дерзновение395415193588 входить1529 во3588 святилище39 посредством17223588 Крови129 Иисуса2424 Христа, путем3598 новым4372 и2532 живым,2198

20 который3739 Он вновь открыл1457 нам2254 через12233588 завесу,2665 то5123 есть20763588 плоть4561 Свою,846

21 и2532 имея великого3173 Священника2409 над19093588 домом36243588 Божиим,2316

22 да приступаем4334 с3326 искренним228 сердцем,2588 с1722 полною4136 верою,4102 кроплением очистив44723588 сердца2588 от575 порочной4190 совести,4893 и2532 омыв30683588 тело4983 водою5204 чистою,2513

23 будем держаться27223588 исповедания36713588 упования1680 неуклонно,186 ибо1063 верен41033588 Обещавший.1861

24 2532 Будем внимательны2657 друг ко другу,240 поощряя3948 к1519 любви26 и2532 добрым2570 делам.2041

25 Не3361 будем оставлять14593588 собрания1997 своего,1438 как2531 есть у некоторых5100 обычай;1485 но235 будем увещевать3870 друг друга, и2532 тем5118 более,3123 чем3745 более усматриваете991 приближение1448 дня2250 оного.3588

26 Ибо1063 если мы,225733263588 получив29833588 познание19223588 истины,225 произвольно1596 грешим,264 то не3765 остается620 более2089 жертвы2378 за4012 грехи,266

27 но1161 некое5100 страшное5398 ожидание1561 суда2920 и2532 ярость4442 огня,2205 готового3195 пожрать20683588 противников.5227

28 Если отвергшийся1145100 закона3551 Моисеева,3475 при1909 двух1417 или2228 трех5140 свидетелях,3144 без5565 милосердия3628 наказывается смертью,599

29 то сколь4214 тягчайшему,5501 думаете,1380 наказанию5098 повинен515 будет тот, кто3588 попирает2662 Сына52073588 Божия2316 и3588 не2839 почитает2233 за святыню Кровь1293588 завета,12421722 которою3739 освящен,37 и3588 Духа41513588 благодати5485 оскорбляет?1796

30 Мы знаем14921063 Того, Кто3588 сказал:2036 «у Меня1698 отмщение,1557 Я1473 воздам,467 говорит3004 Господь».2962 И2532 еще:3825 «Господь2962 будет судить29193588 народ2992 Свой».846

31 Страшно53983588 впасть1706 в1519 руки5495 Бога2316 живого!2198

32 Вспомните36311613588 прежние4386 дни2250 ваши,1722 когда3739 вы, быв просвещены,5461 выдержали5278 великий4183 подвиг119 страданий,3804

33 то51243303 сами среди поношений36805037 и2532 скорбей2347 служа зрелищем2301 для других, то51241161 принимая1096 участие2844 в других,3588 находившихся390 в таком3779 же состоянии;

34 ибо1063 вы и3588 моим3450 узам1199 сострадали4834 и3588 расхищение7243588 имения5224 вашего5216 приняли4327 с3326 радостью,5479 зная,1097 что есть2192 у1722 вас1438 на1722 небесах3772 имущество5223 лучшее2909 и2532 непреходящее.3306

35 Итак3767 не3361 оставляйте5773588 упования3954 вашего,5216 которому3748 предстоит2192 великое3173 воздаяние.3405

36 Терпение52811063 нужно21925532 вам, чтобы,2443 исполнив4160 волю23073588 Божию,2316 получить28653588 обещанное;1860

37 ибо1063 еще2089 немного,3397 очень3745 немного,3745 и Грядущий2064 придет2240 и2532 не3756 умедлит.5549

38 35881161 Праведный134234501537 верою4102 жив будет;2198 а2532 если1437 кто поколеблется,5288 не3756 благоволит21063588 к1722 тому846 душа5590 Моя.3450

39 Мы2249 же1161 не3756 из2076 колеблющихся5289 на1519 погибель,684 но235 стоим в вере4102 к1519 спасению4047 души.5590


Chapter 10

1 FOR the law had in it a shadow of the good things to come, but was not the essence of the things themselves; hence although the same sacrifices were offered every year, they could not perfect those who offered them.

2 For if they had once been perfected, they would have ceased from their offerings; for, from henceforth their minds would not have driven them into the sins from which they had once been cleansed.

3 But in those sacrifices they remembered their sins every year.

4 For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats could take away sins.

5 Therefore, when he entered into the world, he said: Sacrifices and offerings thou didst not desire, but a body thou hast prepared me:

6 Burnt offering and sin offering thou has not required.

7 Then said I, Lo, I come, in the beginning of the en_lbp_books, it is written of me, I delight to do thy will, O God.

8 Above when he said: Sacrifices and offerings and burnt offerings and offerings for sins, thou wouldst not, the very ones which were offered according to the law:

9 And after that he said, Lo, I come to do thy will, O God. Thus he put an end to the first in order to establish the second.

10 By this very will, we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.

11 For every high priest appointed ministered daily, offering the same sacrifices, which had never been able to cleanse sins:

12 But this man after he had offered one sacrifice for sins, sat down on the right hand of God for ever.

13 From henceforth there he will remain until his enemies are placed as a foot-stool under his feet.

14 For by one offering he has perfected for ever those who are sanctified.

15 The Holy Spirit is also a witness to us: for he had said before,

16 This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their minds, and write it on their hearts.

17 And their iniquities and sins will I remember no more.

18 For where there is forgiveness of sins, there is no need for offering for sins.

19 Having therefore, my brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus,

20 By a new and living way, which he has made new for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh;

21 And having a great high priest over the house of God:

22 Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled and cleansed of evil thought, and our bodies washed with pure water.

23 Let us remain firm in the profession of our faith without wavering: for he who has promised us is faithful.

24 And let us consider one another to arouse love and good works:

25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is customary for some; but exhorting one another: and so much the more when you see that day approaching.

26 For if any man sin willfully after he has received the knowledge of the truth, then there is no more sacrifice to be offered for sins,

27 But he is ready for the fearful judgment and the fiery indignation which shall consume the adversaries.

28 He who transgressed the law of Moses, on the word of two or three witnesses; died without mercy:

29 How much more punishment do you think he will receive who has trodden underfoot the Son of God, and has considered the blood of his covenant, through which he had been sanctified, as ordinary blood and has blasphemed the Spirit of Grace?

30 For we know him who said, Vengeance is mine, and I will repay, saith the LORD. And again, The LORD shall judge his people.

31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

32 Remember, therefore, the former days, in which, after you received baptism, you endured a great fight of suffering.

33 By reproach and trouble, you were made an object of ridicule; and you have also become companions of those men who have also endured these things.

34 And you had pity on those who were prisoners, and you took the seizure of your property cheerfully, for you know in yourselves that you have a better and a more enduring possession in heaven.

35 Do not lose, therefore, the confidence that you have, for it has a great reward.

36 For you have need of patience in order that you may do the will of God and receive the promise.

37 For the time is all too short, and he who is to come will come, and will not delay.

38 But the righteous shall live by my faith: and if any draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him.

39 But we do not belong to those who draw back to perdition, but to the faith which restores our soul.

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Глава 10


Chapter 10

1 3588 Закон,35511063 имея2192 тень46393588 будущих3195 благ,18 а не3756 самый8463588 образ15043588 вещей,4229 одними3588 и теми846 же жертвами,2378 каждый2596 год17633739 постоянно151935881336 приносимыми,4374 никогда3763 не может14103588 сделать совершенными5048 приходящих4334 с ними.

1 FOR the law had in it a shadow of the good things to come, but was not the essence of the things themselves; hence although the same sacrifices were offered every year, they could not perfect those who offered them.

2 Иначе18933756 перестали3973 бы302 приносить4374 их, потому что12233588 приносящие3588 жертву,3000 быв очищены2508 однажды,530 не3367 имели2192 бы уже2089 никакого сознания4893 грехов.266

2 For if they had once been perfected, they would have ceased from their offerings; for, from henceforth their minds would not have driven them into the sins from which they had once been cleansed.

3 Но2351722 жертвами846 каждогодно25961763 напоминается364 о грехах,266

3 But in those sacrifices they remembered their sins every year.

4 ибо1063 невозможно,102 чтобы кровь129 тельцов5022 и2532 козлов5131 уничтожала851 грехи.266

4 For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats could take away sins.

5 Посему1352 Христос, входя1525 в15193588 мир,2889 говорит:3004 «жертвы2378 и2532 приношения4376 Ты не3756 восхотел,2309 но1161 тело4983 уготовал2675 Мне.3427

5 Therefore, when he entered into the world, he said: Sacrifices and offerings thou didst not desire, but a body thou hast prepared me:

6 Всесожжения3646 и2532 жертвы за4012 грех266 неугодны37562106 Тебе.

6 Burnt offering and sin offering thou has not required.

7 Тогда5119 Я сказал:2036 вот,2400 иду,2240 как в1722 начале2777 книги975 написано1125 о4012 Мне,1700 исполнить41603588 волю2307 Твою,4675 Боже».2316

7 Then said I, Lo, I come, in the beginning of the en_lbp_books, it is written of me, I delight to do thy will, O God.

8 Сказав3004 прежде,511 что3754 ни жертвы,2378 ни2532 приношения,4376 ни2532 всесожжений,3646 ни2532 жертвы за4012 грех,266 — которые3748 приносятся4374 по25963588 закону,3551 — Ты не3756 восхотел2309 и не3761 благоизволил,2106

8 Above when he said: Sacrifices and offerings and burnt offerings and offerings for sins, thou wouldst not, the very ones which were offered according to the law:

9 потом5119 прибавил:2046 «вот,2400 иду22403588 исполнить41603588 волю2307 Твою,4675 Боже».2316 Отменяет3373588 первое,4413 чтобы24433588 постановить2476 второе.1208

9 And after that he said, Lo, I come to do thy will, O God. Thus he put an end to the first in order to establish the second.

10 По1722 сей3739-то воле2307 освящены37 мы20703588 единократным2178 принесением43763588 тела49833588 Иисуса2424 Христа.5547

10 By this very will, we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.

11 И2532 всякий39563303 священник2409 ежедневно25962250 стоит2476 в служении3008 и2532 многократно4178 приносит4374 одни3588 и те846 же жертвы,2378 которые3748 никогда3763 не могут1410 истребить4014 грехов.266

11 For every high priest appointed ministered daily, offering the same sacrifices, which had never been able to cleanse sins:

12 Он846 же,1161 принеся4374 одну3391 жертву2378 за5228 грехи,266 навсегда151935881336 воссел2523 одесную172211883588 Бога,2316

12 But this man after he had offered one sacrifice for sins, sat down on the right hand of God for ever.

13 3588 ожидая1551 затем,3063 доколе21933588 враги2190 Его846 будут положены5087 в подножие52863588 ног4228 Его.848

13 From henceforth there he will remain until his enemies are placed as a foot-stool under his feet.

14 Ибо1063 Он одним3391 приношением4376 навсегда151935881336 сделал совершенными50483588 освящаемых.37

14 For by one offering he has perfected for ever those who are sanctified.

15 О сем свидетельствует31401161 нам2254 и3588 Дух41513588 Святый;403326 ибо10633588 сказано:4280

15 The Holy Spirit is also a witness to us: for he had said before,

16 «Вот37783588 завет,1242 который3739 завещаю13034314 им846 после33263588 тех1565 дней,2250 говорит3004 Господь:2962 вложу1325 законы3551 Мои3450 в1909 сердца2588 их,846 и2532 в19093588 мыслях1271 их846 напишу1924 их,846

16 This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their minds, and write it on their hearts.

17 и3588 грехов266 их846 и3588 беззаконий458 их846 не3364 воспомяну3403 более».2089

17 And their iniquities and sins will I remember no more.

18 А1161 где3699 прощение859 грехов,5130 там не3756 нужно2089 приношение4376 за4012 них.266

18 For where there is forgiveness of sins, there is no need for offering for sins.

19 Итак,3767 братия,80 имея2192 дерзновение395415193588 входить1529 во3588 святилище39 посредством17223588 Крови129 Иисуса2424 Христа, путем3598 новым4372 и2532 живым,2198

19 Having therefore, my brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus,

20 который3739 Он вновь открыл1457 нам2254 через12233588 завесу,2665 то5123 есть20763588 плоть4561 Свою,846

20 By a new and living way, which he has made new for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh;

21 и2532 имея великого3173 Священника2409 над19093588 домом36243588 Божиим,2316

21 And having a great high priest over the house of God:

22 да приступаем4334 с3326 искренним228 сердцем,2588 с1722 полною4136 верою,4102 кроплением очистив44723588 сердца2588 от575 порочной4190 совести,4893 и2532 омыв30683588 тело4983 водою5204 чистою,2513

22 Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled and cleansed of evil thought, and our bodies washed with pure water.

23 будем держаться27223588 исповедания36713588 упования1680 неуклонно,186 ибо1063 верен41033588 Обещавший.1861

23 Let us remain firm in the profession of our faith without wavering: for he who has promised us is faithful.

24 2532 Будем внимательны2657 друг ко другу,240 поощряя3948 к1519 любви26 и2532 добрым2570 делам.2041

24 And let us consider one another to arouse love and good works:

25 Не3361 будем оставлять14593588 собрания1997 своего,1438 как2531 есть у некоторых5100 обычай;1485 но235 будем увещевать3870 друг друга, и2532 тем5118 более,3123 чем3745 более усматриваете991 приближение1448 дня2250 оного.3588

25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is customary for some; but exhorting one another: and so much the more when you see that day approaching.

26 Ибо1063 если мы,225733263588 получив29833588 познание19223588 истины,225 произвольно1596 грешим,264 то не3765 остается620 более2089 жертвы2378 за4012 грехи,266

26 For if any man sin willfully after he has received the knowledge of the truth, then there is no more sacrifice to be offered for sins,

27 но1161 некое5100 страшное5398 ожидание1561 суда2920 и2532 ярость4442 огня,2205 готового3195 пожрать20683588 противников.5227

27 But he is ready for the fearful judgment and the fiery indignation which shall consume the adversaries.

28 Если отвергшийся1145100 закона3551 Моисеева,3475 при1909 двух1417 или2228 трех5140 свидетелях,3144 без5565 милосердия3628 наказывается смертью,599

28 He who transgressed the law of Moses, on the word of two or three witnesses; died without mercy:

29 то сколь4214 тягчайшему,5501 думаете,1380 наказанию5098 повинен515 будет тот, кто3588 попирает2662 Сына52073588 Божия2316 и3588 не2839 почитает2233 за святыню Кровь1293588 завета,12421722 которою3739 освящен,37 и3588 Духа41513588 благодати5485 оскорбляет?1796

29 How much more punishment do you think he will receive who has trodden underfoot the Son of God, and has considered the blood of his covenant, through which he had been sanctified, as ordinary blood and has blasphemed the Spirit of Grace?

30 Мы знаем14921063 Того, Кто3588 сказал:2036 «у Меня1698 отмщение,1557 Я1473 воздам,467 говорит3004 Господь».2962 И2532 еще:3825 «Господь2962 будет судить29193588 народ2992 Свой».846

30 For we know him who said, Vengeance is mine, and I will repay, saith the LORD. And again, The LORD shall judge his people.

31 Страшно53983588 впасть1706 в1519 руки5495 Бога2316 живого!2198

31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

32 Вспомните36311613588 прежние4386 дни2250 ваши,1722 когда3739 вы, быв просвещены,5461 выдержали5278 великий4183 подвиг119 страданий,3804

32 Remember, therefore, the former days, in which, after you received baptism, you endured a great fight of suffering.

33 то51243303 сами среди поношений36805037 и2532 скорбей2347 служа зрелищем2301 для других, то51241161 принимая1096 участие2844 в других,3588 находившихся390 в таком3779 же состоянии;

33 By reproach and trouble, you were made an object of ridicule; and you have also become companions of those men who have also endured these things.

34 ибо1063 вы и3588 моим3450 узам1199 сострадали4834 и3588 расхищение7243588 имения5224 вашего5216 приняли4327 с3326 радостью,5479 зная,1097 что есть2192 у1722 вас1438 на1722 небесах3772 имущество5223 лучшее2909 и2532 непреходящее.3306

34 And you had pity on those who were prisoners, and you took the seizure of your property cheerfully, for you know in yourselves that you have a better and a more enduring possession in heaven.

35 Итак3767 не3361 оставляйте5773588 упования3954 вашего,5216 которому3748 предстоит2192 великое3173 воздаяние.3405

35 Do not lose, therefore, the confidence that you have, for it has a great reward.

36 Терпение52811063 нужно21925532 вам, чтобы,2443 исполнив4160 волю23073588 Божию,2316 получить28653588 обещанное;1860

36 For you have need of patience in order that you may do the will of God and receive the promise.

37 ибо1063 еще2089 немного,3397 очень3745 немного,3745 и Грядущий2064 придет2240 и2532 не3756 умедлит.5549

37 For the time is all too short, and he who is to come will come, and will not delay.

38 35881161 Праведный134234501537 верою4102 жив будет;2198 а2532 если1437 кто поколеблется,5288 не3756 благоволит21063588 к1722 тому846 душа5590 Моя.3450

38 But the righteous shall live by my faith: and if any draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him.

39 Мы2249 же1161 не3756 из2076 колеблющихся5289 на1519 погибель,684 но235 стоим в вере4102 к1519 спасению4047 души.5590

39 But we do not belong to those who draw back to perdition, but to the faith which restores our soul.