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Глава 9

1 33033767 И3588 первый4413 завет имел2192 постановление1345 о Богослужении29993588 и5037 святилище39 земное:2886

2 ибо1063 устроена2680 была скиния46333588 первая,4413 в1722 которой373935885037 был светильник,3087 и3588 трапеза,5132 и3588 предложение42863588 хлебов,740 и которая3748 называется3004 «святое».39

3 За33263588 второю1208 же1161 завесою2665 была скиния,4633 называемая3004 «Святое39 святых»,39

4 имевшая2192 золотую5552 кадильницу2369 и3588 обложенный4028 со всех сторон3840 золотом5553 ковчег27873588 завета,12421722 где3739 были золотой5552 сосуд4713 с21923588 манною,3131 жезл4464 Ааронов23588 расцветший985 и3588 скрижали41093588 завета,1242

5 а1161 над5231 ним846 херувимы5502 славы,1391 осеняющие26833588 очистилище;2435 о4012 чем3739 не3756 нужно2076 теперь3568 говорить3004 подробно.25963313

6 При таком513011613779 устройстве,2680 в151933033588 первую4413 скинию4633 всегда1275 входят15243588 священники24093588 совершать2005 Богослужение;2999

7 а1161 во15193588 вторую1208 — однажды530 в3588 год1763 один34413588 только первосвященник,749 не3756 без5565 крови,129 которую3739 приносит4374 за5228 себя1438 и2532 за3588 грехи3588 неведения51 народа.2992

8 Сим51243588 Дух41513588 Святый40 показывает,1213 что еще не3380 открыт53193588 путь3598 во святилище,39 доколе20893588 стоит21924714 прежняя4413 скиния.4633

9 Она3748 есть образ385015193588 настоящего17643588 времени,2540 в2596 которое3739 приносятся4374 дары14355037 и2532 жертвы,2378 не3361 могущие1410 сделать в2596 совести4893 совершенным50483588 приносящего,3000

10 и которые3440 с1909 яствами1033 и2532 питиями,4188 и2532 различными1313 омовениями909 и2532 обрядами,1345 относящимися до плоти,4561 установлены1945 были только до3360 времени2540 исправления.1357

11 Но1161 Христос,5547 Первосвященник7493588 будущих3195 благ,18 придя3854 с12233588 большею3187 и2532 совершеннейшею5046 скиниею,4633 нерукотворенною,37565499 то5123 есть2076 не3756 такового50263588 устроения,2937

12 и не3761 с1223 кровью129 козлов5131 и2532 тельцов,3448 но1161 со12233588 Своею2398 Кровию,129 однажды2178 вошел1525 во15193588 святилище39 и приобрел2147 вечное166 искупление.3085

13 Ибо1063 если14873588 кровь129 тельцов5022 и2532 козлов5131 и2532 пепел4700 телицы,1151 через окропление,4472 освящает37 оскверненных,2840 дабы43143588 чисто2514 было тело,4561

14 то кольми4214 паче31233588 Кровь1293588 Христа,5547 Который37391223 Духом4151 Святым166 принес4374 Себя1438 непорочного2993588 Богу,2316 очистит25113588 совесть4893 нашу5216 от575 мертвых3498 дел,2041 для15193588 служения3000 Богу2316 живому2198 и истинному!

15 И2532 потому12235124 Он есть2076 ходатай3316 нового2537 завета,1242 дабы3704 вследствие1096 смерти2288 Его, бывшей для1519 искупления6293588 от преступлений,3847 сделанных в19093588 первом4413 завете,12423588 призванные2564 к3588 вечному166 наследию2817 получили2983 обетованное.1860

16 Ибо,1063 где3699 завещание,1242 там необходимо,318 чтобы последовала5342 смерть22883588 завещателя,1303

17 потому что1063 завещание1242 действительно949 после1909 умерших:34981893 оно не3361 имеет4218 силы,2480 когда37533588 завещатель1303 жив.2198

18 Почему3606 и первый4413 завет был утвержден1457 не37613588 без5565 крови.129

19 Ибо1063 Моисей,3475 произнеся2980 все3956 заповеди1785 по25963588 закону35515259 перед всем39563588 народом,2992 взял29833588 кровь1293588 тельцов3448 и2532 козлов5131 с3326 водою5204 и2532 шерстью2053 червленою2847 и2532 иссопом,5301 и окропил4472 как5037 самую8463588 книгу,975 так и2532 весь39563588 народ,2992

20 говоря:3004 «это51243588 кровь1293588 завета,1242 который3739 заповедал17814314 вам52093588 Бог».2316

21 Также3668 окропил4472 кровью129 и3588 скинию46331161 и2532 все39563588 сосуды46323588 Богослужебные.30093588

22 Да и2532 все3956 почти49751722 по25963588 закону3551 очищается2511 кровью,129 и2532 без5565 пролития130 крови130 не3756 бывает1096 прощения.859

23 Итак376735883303 образы526235881722 небесного3772 должны318 были очищаться2511 сими,5125 самое846 же11613588 небесное2032 лучшими2909 сих50253844 жертвами.2378

24 Ибо10633588 Христос5547 вошел1525 не3756 в1519 рукотворенное5499 святилище,39 по образу4993588 истинного228 устроенное, но235 в1519 самое8463588 небо,3772 чтобы предстать1718 ныне35683588 за5228 нас2257 пред лице43833588 Божие,2316

25 и не3761 для того, чтобы2443 многократно4178 приносить4374 Себя,1438 как56183588 первосвященник749 входит1525 во15193588 святилище39 каждогодно25961763 с1722 чужою245 кровью;129

26 иначе1893 надлежало1163 бы Ему846 многократно4178 страдать3958 от575 начала2602 мира;28893568 Он же1161 однажды,530 к1909 концу49303588 веков,165 явился5319 для1519 уничтожения115 греха26612233588 жертвою2378 Своею.846

27 И2532 как259637453588 человекам444 положено606 однажды530 умереть,599 а1161 потом33265124 суд,2920

28 так37793588 и Христос,5547 однажды530 принеся4374 Себя в жертву, чтобы15193588 подъять399 грехи266 многих,41831537 во второй1208 раз явится3700 не5565 для очищения греха,266 а для3588 ожидающих553 Его846 во1519 спасение.4991


Chapter 9

1 THEN verily the first covenant had also ordinances of divine service and a worldly sanctuary.

2 For the first tabernacle which was made, had in it the candlestick, and the table and the shewbread; and it was called the sanctuary.

3 But the inner tabernacle, which is within the veil of the second door, was called the Holy of Holies.

4 And there was in it the golden censer, and the ark of the covenant all overlaid with gold, and in it was the golden pot containing the manna, and Aaron's rod which sprouted, and the tablets of the covenant;

5 And over it the cherubim of glory, overshadowing the mercy seat; now is not the time to describe how these things were made.

6 The priests always entered into the outer tabernacle and performed their service of worship;

7 But into the inner tabernacle, the high priest entered alone, once every year, with the blood which he offered for himself, and for the faults of the people.

8 By this the Holy Spirit revealed that the way of the saints would not yet be made known, so long as the old tabernacle remained;

9 Which was the symbol for that time, now past, in which were offered both gifts and sacrifices, which could not make perfect the conscience of him who offered them,

10 But which served only for food and drink, and in divers ablutions, which are ordinances of the flesh and which were imposed until the time of reformation.

11 But Christ, who had come, became the high priest of the good things which he wrought; and he entered into a greater and more perfect tabernacle which was not made by hands, and was not of this world;

12 And he did not enter with the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood, he entered in once into the holy place, and obtained for us everlasting redemption.

13 For if the blood of goats and calves, and the ashes of a heifer, sprinkled on those who were defiled, sanctified them even to the cleansing of their flesh;

14 How much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without blemish to God, purify our conscience from dead works so that we may serve the living God?

15 For this cause he became the mediator of the new testament and by his death he became redemption for those who transgressed the old covenant, that those who are called may receive the promise of eternal inheritance.

16 For where a testament is, it is proved after the death of its maker.

17 For a testament is of force after men are dead, otherwise it is useless so long as its maker lives.

18 For this reason not even the first covenant was confirmed without blood.

19 For when Moses had given every precept to all the people according to the law, Moses took the blood of a heifer with water, and scarlet wool and hyssop, and sprinkled it on the en_lbp_books and on all the people,

20 Saying, This is the blood of the testament, which has been ordained for you by God.

21 That very blood he also sprinkled on the tabernacle and on all the vessels used for worship;

22 Because nearly everything, according to the law, is purified with the blood: and without shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.

23 It is necessary, therefore, that the patterns of things which are heavenly should be purified with these; but the heavenly things themselves, with sacrifices better than these.

24 For Christ has not entered into the holy place made with hands, which is the symbol of the true one; but he entered into heaven itself to appear before the presence of God for our sakes.

25 Not so that he should offer himself many times, as did the high priest who enters into the holy place every year with blood which is not his own;

26 And if not so, then he would have been obliged to suffer many times from the very beginning of the world: but now at the end of the world, only once, by his sacrifice, did he offer himself to abolish sin.

27 And just as it is appointed for men to die once, and after their death, the judgment;

28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; so that at his second coming, he shall appear without our sins for the salvation of those who look for him.

Послание к евреям

Глава 9


Chapter 9

1 33033767 И3588 первый4413 завет имел2192 постановление1345 о Богослужении29993588 и5037 святилище39 земное:2886

1 THEN verily the first covenant had also ordinances of divine service and a worldly sanctuary.

2 ибо1063 устроена2680 была скиния46333588 первая,4413 в1722 которой373935885037 был светильник,3087 и3588 трапеза,5132 и3588 предложение42863588 хлебов,740 и которая3748 называется3004 «святое».39

2 For the first tabernacle which was made, had in it the candlestick, and the table and the shewbread; and it was called the sanctuary.

3 За33263588 второю1208 же1161 завесою2665 была скиния,4633 называемая3004 «Святое39 святых»,39

3 But the inner tabernacle, which is within the veil of the second door, was called the Holy of Holies.

4 имевшая2192 золотую5552 кадильницу2369 и3588 обложенный4028 со всех сторон3840 золотом5553 ковчег27873588 завета,12421722 где3739 были золотой5552 сосуд4713 с21923588 манною,3131 жезл4464 Ааронов23588 расцветший985 и3588 скрижали41093588 завета,1242

4 And there was in it the golden censer, and the ark of the covenant all overlaid with gold, and in it was the golden pot containing the manna, and Aaron's rod which sprouted, and the tablets of the covenant;

5 а1161 над5231 ним846 херувимы5502 славы,1391 осеняющие26833588 очистилище;2435 о4012 чем3739 не3756 нужно2076 теперь3568 говорить3004 подробно.25963313

5 And over it the cherubim of glory, overshadowing the mercy seat; now is not the time to describe how these things were made.

6 При таком513011613779 устройстве,2680 в151933033588 первую4413 скинию4633 всегда1275 входят15243588 священники24093588 совершать2005 Богослужение;2999

6 The priests always entered into the outer tabernacle and performed their service of worship;

7 а1161 во15193588 вторую1208 — однажды530 в3588 год1763 один34413588 только первосвященник,749 не3756 без5565 крови,129 которую3739 приносит4374 за5228 себя1438 и2532 за3588 грехи3588 неведения51 народа.2992

7 But into the inner tabernacle, the high priest entered alone, once every year, with the blood which he offered for himself, and for the faults of the people.

8 Сим51243588 Дух41513588 Святый40 показывает,1213 что еще не3380 открыт53193588 путь3598 во святилище,39 доколе20893588 стоит21924714 прежняя4413 скиния.4633

8 By this the Holy Spirit revealed that the way of the saints would not yet be made known, so long as the old tabernacle remained;

9 Она3748 есть образ385015193588 настоящего17643588 времени,2540 в2596 которое3739 приносятся4374 дары14355037 и2532 жертвы,2378 не3361 могущие1410 сделать в2596 совести4893 совершенным50483588 приносящего,3000

9 Which was the symbol for that time, now past, in which were offered both gifts and sacrifices, which could not make perfect the conscience of him who offered them,

10 и которые3440 с1909 яствами1033 и2532 питиями,4188 и2532 различными1313 омовениями909 и2532 обрядами,1345 относящимися до плоти,4561 установлены1945 были только до3360 времени2540 исправления.1357

10 But which served only for food and drink, and in divers ablutions, which are ordinances of the flesh and which were imposed until the time of reformation.

11 Но1161 Христос,5547 Первосвященник7493588 будущих3195 благ,18 придя3854 с12233588 большею3187 и2532 совершеннейшею5046 скиниею,4633 нерукотворенною,37565499 то5123 есть2076 не3756 такового50263588 устроения,2937

11 But Christ, who had come, became the high priest of the good things which he wrought; and he entered into a greater and more perfect tabernacle which was not made by hands, and was not of this world;

12 и не3761 с1223 кровью129 козлов5131 и2532 тельцов,3448 но1161 со12233588 Своею2398 Кровию,129 однажды2178 вошел1525 во15193588 святилище39 и приобрел2147 вечное166 искупление.3085

12 And he did not enter with the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood, he entered in once into the holy place, and obtained for us everlasting redemption.

13 Ибо1063 если14873588 кровь129 тельцов5022 и2532 козлов5131 и2532 пепел4700 телицы,1151 через окропление,4472 освящает37 оскверненных,2840 дабы43143588 чисто2514 было тело,4561

13 For if the blood of goats and calves, and the ashes of a heifer, sprinkled on those who were defiled, sanctified them even to the cleansing of their flesh;

14 то кольми4214 паче31233588 Кровь1293588 Христа,5547 Который37391223 Духом4151 Святым166 принес4374 Себя1438 непорочного2993588 Богу,2316 очистит25113588 совесть4893 нашу5216 от575 мертвых3498 дел,2041 для15193588 служения3000 Богу2316 живому2198 и истинному!

14 How much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without blemish to God, purify our conscience from dead works so that we may serve the living God?

15 И2532 потому12235124 Он есть2076 ходатай3316 нового2537 завета,1242 дабы3704 вследствие1096 смерти2288 Его, бывшей для1519 искупления6293588 от преступлений,3847 сделанных в19093588 первом4413 завете,12423588 призванные2564 к3588 вечному166 наследию2817 получили2983 обетованное.1860

15 For this cause he became the mediator of the new testament and by his death he became redemption for those who transgressed the old covenant, that those who are called may receive the promise of eternal inheritance.

16 Ибо,1063 где3699 завещание,1242 там необходимо,318 чтобы последовала5342 смерть22883588 завещателя,1303

16 For where a testament is, it is proved after the death of its maker.

17 потому что1063 завещание1242 действительно949 после1909 умерших:34981893 оно не3361 имеет4218 силы,2480 когда37533588 завещатель1303 жив.2198

17 For a testament is of force after men are dead, otherwise it is useless so long as its maker lives.

18 Почему3606 и первый4413 завет был утвержден1457 не37613588 без5565 крови.129

18 For this reason not even the first covenant was confirmed without blood.

19 Ибо1063 Моисей,3475 произнеся2980 все3956 заповеди1785 по25963588 закону35515259 перед всем39563588 народом,2992 взял29833588 кровь1293588 тельцов3448 и2532 козлов5131 с3326 водою5204 и2532 шерстью2053 червленою2847 и2532 иссопом,5301 и окропил4472 как5037 самую8463588 книгу,975 так и2532 весь39563588 народ,2992

19 For when Moses had given every precept to all the people according to the law, Moses took the blood of a heifer with water, and scarlet wool and hyssop, and sprinkled it on the en_lbp_books and on all the people,

20 говоря:3004 «это51243588 кровь1293588 завета,1242 который3739 заповедал17814314 вам52093588 Бог».2316

20 Saying, This is the blood of the testament, which has been ordained for you by God.

21 Также3668 окропил4472 кровью129 и3588 скинию46331161 и2532 все39563588 сосуды46323588 Богослужебные.30093588

21 That very blood he also sprinkled on the tabernacle and on all the vessels used for worship;

22 Да и2532 все3956 почти49751722 по25963588 закону3551 очищается2511 кровью,129 и2532 без5565 пролития130 крови130 не3756 бывает1096 прощения.859

22 Because nearly everything, according to the law, is purified with the blood: and without shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.

23 Итак376735883303 образы526235881722 небесного3772 должны318 были очищаться2511 сими,5125 самое846 же11613588 небесное2032 лучшими2909 сих50253844 жертвами.2378

23 It is necessary, therefore, that the patterns of things which are heavenly should be purified with these; but the heavenly things themselves, with sacrifices better than these.

24 Ибо10633588 Христос5547 вошел1525 не3756 в1519 рукотворенное5499 святилище,39 по образу4993588 истинного228 устроенное, но235 в1519 самое8463588 небо,3772 чтобы предстать1718 ныне35683588 за5228 нас2257 пред лице43833588 Божие,2316

24 For Christ has not entered into the holy place made with hands, which is the symbol of the true one; but he entered into heaven itself to appear before the presence of God for our sakes.

25 и не3761 для того, чтобы2443 многократно4178 приносить4374 Себя,1438 как56183588 первосвященник749 входит1525 во15193588 святилище39 каждогодно25961763 с1722 чужою245 кровью;129

25 Not so that he should offer himself many times, as did the high priest who enters into the holy place every year with blood which is not his own;

26 иначе1893 надлежало1163 бы Ему846 многократно4178 страдать3958 от575 начала2602 мира;28893568 Он же1161 однажды,530 к1909 концу49303588 веков,165 явился5319 для1519 уничтожения115 греха26612233588 жертвою2378 Своею.846

26 And if not so, then he would have been obliged to suffer many times from the very beginning of the world: but now at the end of the world, only once, by his sacrifice, did he offer himself to abolish sin.

27 И2532 как259637453588 человекам444 положено606 однажды530 умереть,599 а1161 потом33265124 суд,2920

27 And just as it is appointed for men to die once, and after their death, the judgment;

28 так37793588 и Христос,5547 однажды530 принеся4374 Себя в жертву, чтобы15193588 подъять399 грехи266 многих,41831537 во второй1208 раз явится3700 не5565 для очищения греха,266 а для3588 ожидающих553 Его846 во1519 спасение.4991

28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; so that at his second coming, he shall appear without our sins for the salvation of those who look for him.