

1 雅各見埃及有糧穀[corn],就對兒子們說:「你們為甚麼彼此觀望呢?

2 看哪[Behold],我聽見埃及有糧穀[corn],你們可以下去,從那裏為我們買些來,使我們可以存活,不至於死。」

3 於是,約瑟的十個哥哥都下埃及買糧穀[corn]去了。

4 但約瑟的兄弟便雅憫,雅各沒有打發他和哥哥們同去,因為雅各說:「恐怕他遭害。」

5 來買糧穀[corn]的人中有以色列的兒子們,因為迦南地也有饑荒。

6 當時治理埃及地的是約瑟;賣糧給那地眾民的就是他。約瑟的哥哥們來了,臉伏於地,向他下拜。

7 約瑟看見他哥哥們,就認得他們,卻裝作生人,向他們說些嚴厲話,問他們說:「你們從哪裏來?」他們說:「我們從迦南地來買糧。」

8 約瑟認得他哥哥們,他們卻不認得他。

9 約瑟想起從前所作的那兩個夢,就對他們說:「你們是奸細,來窺探這地的虛實。」

10 他們對他說:「我主啊,不是的。僕人們是買糧來的。

11 我們都是一個人的兒子,是誠實人;僕人們並不是奸細。」

12 約瑟說:「不然,你們必是窺探這地的虛實來的。」

13 他們說:「僕人們本是弟兄十二人,是迦南地一個人的兒子,最小[youngest]的現今在我們的父親那裏,有一個沒有了。」

14 約瑟對他們[unto them]說:「那就是我才對你們說的話,說:『你們是奸細[That is it that I spake unto you, saying, Ye are spies]。』

15 我指著法老的性命起誓,若是你們的小兄弟不到這裏來,你們就不得出這地方,從此就可以把你們證驗出來了。

16 須要打發你們中間一個人去,把你們的兄弟帶來。至於你們,都要囚在[prison]裏,好證驗你們的話真不真,若不真,我指著法老的性命起誓,你們一定是奸細。」

17 於是約瑟把他們都下在監裏三天。

18 到了第三天,約瑟對他們說:「我是敬畏神的;你們照我的話行就可以存活。

19 你們如果是誠實人,可以留你們中間的一個人囚在監裏,但你們可以帶著糧穀[corn]回去,救你們家裏的饑荒。

20 把你們的小兄弟帶到我這裏來,如此,你們的話便有證據,你們也不至於死。」他們就照樣而行。

21 他們彼此說:「我們在兄弟身上實在有罪。他哀求我們的時候,我們見他心裏的愁苦,卻不肯聽,所以這場苦難臨到我們身上。」

22 呂便說:「我豈不是對你們說過,不可傷害那孩子嗎?只是你們不肯聽,所以,你們看[behold]。流他血的罪向我們追討。」

23 他們不知道約瑟聽得出來,因為他以通事向他們傳話[he spake unto them by an interpreter]

24 約瑟轉身退去,哭了一場,又回來對他們談論[communed],就從他們中間挑出西緬來,在他們眼前把他捆綁。

25 約瑟吩咐人把糧穀[corn]裝滿他們的口袋[sacks],把各人的[money]歸還在各人的口袋裏,又給他們路上用的食物,人就照他的話辦了。

26 他們就把糧穀[corn]馱在驢上,離開那裏去了。

27 到了住宿的地方,他們中間有一個人打開口袋,要拿料餵驢,才看見自己的[money]仍在口袋裏,

28 就對弟兄們說:「我的[money]歸還了,看哪,仍在我口袋裏。」他們就提心吊膽,戰戰兢兢的彼此說:「這是神向我們作了[hath done]甚麼呢?」

29 他們來到迦南地、他們的父親雅各那裏,將所遭遇的事都告訴他,說:

30 「那地的主對我們說嚴厲的話,把我們當作窺探那地的奸細。

31 我們對他說:『我們是誠實人,並不是奸細。

32 我們本是弟兄十二人,都是一個父親的兒子,有一個沒有了,最小[youngest]的如今同我們的父親在迦南地。』

33 那地的主對我們說:『若要我知道你們是誠實人,可以留下你們弟兄[brethren]中間的一個人在我這裏,你們可以帶著糧食回去,救你們家裏的饑荒。

34 把你們的小兄弟帶到我這裏來,我便知道你們不是奸細,乃是誠實人。這樣,我就把你們的弟兄交給你們,你們也可以在這地作買賣。』」

35 後來他們倒口袋,不料,各人的[money]包都在口袋裏;他們和父親看見[money]包就都害怕。

36 他們的父親雅各對他們說:「你們使我喪失我的兒子:約瑟沒有了,西緬也沒有了,你們又要將便雅憫帶去;這些事都苦害我了[against me]。」

37 呂便對他父親說:「我若不帶他回來交給你,你可以殺我的兩個兒子。只管把他交在我手裏,我必[again]帶他回來交給你。」

38 雅各說:「我的兒子不可與你們一同下去;他哥哥死了,只剩下他,他若在你們所行的路上遭害,那便是你們使我白髮蒼蒼、悲悲慘慘地下墳墓[grave]去了。」


Chapter 42

1 Now when Jacob3290 saw7200 that there was corn7668 in Egypt,4714 Jacob3290 said559 to his sons,1121 Why4100 do you look7200 one on another?

2 And he said,559 Behold,2009 I have heard8085 that there is corn7668 in Egypt:4714 get3381 you down3381 thither,8033 and buy7666 for us from there;8033 that we may live,2421 and not die.4191

3 And Joseph's3130 ten6235 brothers251 went3381 down3381 to buy7666 corn1250 in Egypt.4714

4 But Benjamin,1144 Joseph's3130 brother,251 Jacob3290 sent7971 not with his brothers;251 for he said,559 Lest6435 peradventure mischief611 befall7122 him.

5 And the sons1121 of Israel3478 came935 to buy7666 corn among8432 those that came:935 for the famine7458 was in the land776 of Canaan.3667

6 And Joseph3130 was the governor7989 over5921 the land,776 and he it was that sold7666 to all3605 the people5971 of the land:776 and Joseph's3130 brothers251 came,935 and bowed7812 down7812 themselves before him with their faces639 to the earth.776

7 And Joseph3130 saw7200 his brothers,251 and he knew5234 them, but made himself strange5234 to them, and spoke1696 roughly7186 to them; and he said559 to them, From where370 come935 you? And they said,559 From the land776 of Canaan3667 to buy7666 food.400

8 And Joseph3130 knew5234 his brothers,251 but they knew5234 not him.

9 And Joseph3130 remembered2142 the dreams2472 which834 he dreamed2492 of them, and said559 to them, You are spies;7270 to see7200 the nakedness6172 of the land776 you are come.935

10 And they said559 to him, No,3808 my lord,113 but to buy7666 food400 are your servants5650 come.935

11 We are all3605 one259 man's376 sons;1121 we are true3651 men, your servants5650 are no3808 spies.7270

12 And he said559 to them, No,3808 but to see7200 the nakedness6172 of the land776 you are come.935

13 And they said,559 Your servants5650 are twelve8147 6240 brothers,251 the sons1121 of one259 man376 in the land776 of Canaan;3667 and, behold,2009 the youngest6996 is this day3117 with our father,1 and one259 is not.

14 And Joseph3130 said559 to them, That is it that I spoke1696 to you, saying,559 You are spies:7270

15 Hereby2063 you shall be proved:974 By the life2416 of Pharaoh6547 you shall not go3318 forth3318 hence,2088 except518 your youngest6996 brother251 come935 here.

16 Send7971 one259 of you, and let him fetch3947 your brother,251 and you shall be kept631 in prison, that your words1697 may be proved,974 whether there be any truth571 in you: or else518 3808 by the life2416 of Pharaoh6547 surely you are spies.7270

17 And he put622 them all622 together into413 ward4929 three7969 days.3117

18 And Joseph3130 said559 to them the third7992 day,3117 This2063 do,6213 and live;2421 for I fear3373 God:430

19 If518 you be true3651 men, let one259 of your brothers251 be bound631 in the house1004 of your prison:4929 go3212 you, carry935 corn7668 for the famine7459 of your houses:1004

20 But bring935 your youngest6996 brother251 to me; so shall your words1697 be verified,539 and you shall not die.4191 And they did6213 so.3651

21 And they said559 one376 to another,251 We are truly61 guilty816 concerning5921 our brother,251 in that we saw7200 the anguish6869 of his soul,5315 when he sought2603 us, and we would not hear;8085 therefore5921 3651 is this2063 distress6869 come935 on us.

22 And Reuben7205 answered6030 them, saying,559 Spoke559 I not to you, saying,559 Do not sin2398 against the child;3206 and you would not hear?8085 therefore,1571 behold,2009 also1571 his blood1818 is required.1875

23 And they knew3045 not that Joseph3130 understood8085 them; for he spoke to them by an interpreter.3887

24 And he turned5437 himself about from them, and wept;1058 and returned7725 to them again,7725 and communed1696 with them, and took3947 from them Simeon,8095 and bound631 him before their eyes.5869

25 Then Joseph3130 commanded6680 to fill4390 their sacks8242 with corn,1250 and to restore7725 every man's376 money3701 into413 his sack,8242 and to give5414 them provision6720 for the way:1870 and thus3651 did6213 he to them.

26 And they laded5375 their asses2543 with the corn,7668 and departed3212 there.8033

27 And as one259 of them opened6605 his sack8242 to give5414 his ass2543 provender4554 in the inn,4411 he espied7200 his money;3701 for, behold,2009 it was in his sack's572 mouth.6310

28 And he said559 to his brothers,251 My money3701 is restored;7725 and, see,2009 it is even in my sack:572 and their heart3820 failed3318 them, and they were afraid,2729 saying559 one376 to another,251 What4100 is this2063 that God430 has done6213 to us?

29 And they came935 to Jacob3290 their father1 to the land776 of Canaan,3667 and told5046 him all3605 that befell7136 to them; saying,559

30 The man,376 who is the lord113 of the land,776 spoke1696 roughly7186 to us, and took5414 us for spies7270 of the country.776

31 And we said559 to him, We are true3651 men; we are no3808 spies:7270

32 We be twelve8147 6240 brothers,251 sons1121 of our father;1 one259 is not, and the youngest6996 is this day3117 with our father1 in the land776 of Canaan.3667

33 And the man,376 the lord113 of the country,776 said559 to us, Hereby2063 shall I know3045 that you are true3651 men; leave5117 one259 of your brothers251 here with me, and take3947 food for the famine7459 of your households,1004 and be gone:3212

34 And bring935 your youngest6996 brother251 to me: then shall I know3045 that you are no3808 spies,7270 but that you are true3651 men: so will I deliver5414 you your brother,251 and you shall traffic5503 in the land.776

35 And it came1961 to pass as they emptied7324 their sacks,8242 that, behold,2009 every man's376 bundle6872 of money3701 was in his sack:8242 and when both they and their father1 saw7200 the bundles6872 of money,3701 they were afraid.3372

36 And Jacob3290 their father1 said559 to them, Me have you bereaved7921 of my children: Joseph3130 is not, and Simeon8095 is not, and you will take3947 Benjamin1144 away: all3605 these things are against5921 me.

37 And Reuben7205 spoke559 to his father,1 saying,559 Slay4191 my two8147 sons,1121 if I bring935 him not to you: deliver5414 him into5921 my hand,3027 and I will bring7725 him to you again.7725

38 And he said,559 My son1121 shall not go3381 down with you; for his brother251 is dead,4191 and he is left7604 alone:905 if mischief611 befall7122 him by the way1870 in the which834 you go,3212 then shall you bring3381 down3381 my gray7872 hairs with sorrow3015 to the grave.7585




Chapter 42

1 雅各見埃及有糧穀[corn],就對兒子們說:「你們為甚麼彼此觀望呢?

1 Now when Jacob3290 saw7200 that there was corn7668 in Egypt,4714 Jacob3290 said559 to his sons,1121 Why4100 do you look7200 one on another?

2 看哪[Behold],我聽見埃及有糧穀[corn],你們可以下去,從那裏為我們買些來,使我們可以存活,不至於死。」

2 And he said,559 Behold,2009 I have heard8085 that there is corn7668 in Egypt:4714 get3381 you down3381 thither,8033 and buy7666 for us from there;8033 that we may live,2421 and not die.4191

3 於是,約瑟的十個哥哥都下埃及買糧穀[corn]去了。

3 And Joseph's3130 ten6235 brothers251 went3381 down3381 to buy7666 corn1250 in Egypt.4714

4 但約瑟的兄弟便雅憫,雅各沒有打發他和哥哥們同去,因為雅各說:「恐怕他遭害。」

4 But Benjamin,1144 Joseph's3130 brother,251 Jacob3290 sent7971 not with his brothers;251 for he said,559 Lest6435 peradventure mischief611 befall7122 him.

5 來買糧穀[corn]的人中有以色列的兒子們,因為迦南地也有饑荒。

5 And the sons1121 of Israel3478 came935 to buy7666 corn among8432 those that came:935 for the famine7458 was in the land776 of Canaan.3667

6 當時治理埃及地的是約瑟;賣糧給那地眾民的就是他。約瑟的哥哥們來了,臉伏於地,向他下拜。

6 And Joseph3130 was the governor7989 over5921 the land,776 and he it was that sold7666 to all3605 the people5971 of the land:776 and Joseph's3130 brothers251 came,935 and bowed7812 down7812 themselves before him with their faces639 to the earth.776

7 約瑟看見他哥哥們,就認得他們,卻裝作生人,向他們說些嚴厲話,問他們說:「你們從哪裏來?」他們說:「我們從迦南地來買糧。」

7 And Joseph3130 saw7200 his brothers,251 and he knew5234 them, but made himself strange5234 to them, and spoke1696 roughly7186 to them; and he said559 to them, From where370 come935 you? And they said,559 From the land776 of Canaan3667 to buy7666 food.400

8 約瑟認得他哥哥們,他們卻不認得他。

8 And Joseph3130 knew5234 his brothers,251 but they knew5234 not him.

9 約瑟想起從前所作的那兩個夢,就對他們說:「你們是奸細,來窺探這地的虛實。」

9 And Joseph3130 remembered2142 the dreams2472 which834 he dreamed2492 of them, and said559 to them, You are spies;7270 to see7200 the nakedness6172 of the land776 you are come.935

10 他們對他說:「我主啊,不是的。僕人們是買糧來的。

10 And they said559 to him, No,3808 my lord,113 but to buy7666 food400 are your servants5650 come.935

11 我們都是一個人的兒子,是誠實人;僕人們並不是奸細。」

11 We are all3605 one259 man's376 sons;1121 we are true3651 men, your servants5650 are no3808 spies.7270

12 約瑟說:「不然,你們必是窺探這地的虛實來的。」

12 And he said559 to them, No,3808 but to see7200 the nakedness6172 of the land776 you are come.935

13 他們說:「僕人們本是弟兄十二人,是迦南地一個人的兒子,最小[youngest]的現今在我們的父親那裏,有一個沒有了。」

13 And they said,559 Your servants5650 are twelve8147 6240 brothers,251 the sons1121 of one259 man376 in the land776 of Canaan;3667 and, behold,2009 the youngest6996 is this day3117 with our father,1 and one259 is not.

14 約瑟對他們[unto them]說:「那就是我才對你們說的話,說:『你們是奸細[That is it that I spake unto you, saying, Ye are spies]。』

14 And Joseph3130 said559 to them, That is it that I spoke1696 to you, saying,559 You are spies:7270

15 我指著法老的性命起誓,若是你們的小兄弟不到這裏來,你們就不得出這地方,從此就可以把你們證驗出來了。

15 Hereby2063 you shall be proved:974 By the life2416 of Pharaoh6547 you shall not go3318 forth3318 hence,2088 except518 your youngest6996 brother251 come935 here.

16 須要打發你們中間一個人去,把你們的兄弟帶來。至於你們,都要囚在[prison]裏,好證驗你們的話真不真,若不真,我指著法老的性命起誓,你們一定是奸細。」

16 Send7971 one259 of you, and let him fetch3947 your brother,251 and you shall be kept631 in prison, that your words1697 may be proved,974 whether there be any truth571 in you: or else518 3808 by the life2416 of Pharaoh6547 surely you are spies.7270

17 於是約瑟把他們都下在監裏三天。

17 And he put622 them all622 together into413 ward4929 three7969 days.3117

18 到了第三天,約瑟對他們說:「我是敬畏神的;你們照我的話行就可以存活。

18 And Joseph3130 said559 to them the third7992 day,3117 This2063 do,6213 and live;2421 for I fear3373 God:430

19 你們如果是誠實人,可以留你們中間的一個人囚在監裏,但你們可以帶著糧穀[corn]回去,救你們家裏的饑荒。

19 If518 you be true3651 men, let one259 of your brothers251 be bound631 in the house1004 of your prison:4929 go3212 you, carry935 corn7668 for the famine7459 of your houses:1004

20 把你們的小兄弟帶到我這裏來,如此,你們的話便有證據,你們也不至於死。」他們就照樣而行。

20 But bring935 your youngest6996 brother251 to me; so shall your words1697 be verified,539 and you shall not die.4191 And they did6213 so.3651

21 他們彼此說:「我們在兄弟身上實在有罪。他哀求我們的時候,我們見他心裏的愁苦,卻不肯聽,所以這場苦難臨到我們身上。」

21 And they said559 one376 to another,251 We are truly61 guilty816 concerning5921 our brother,251 in that we saw7200 the anguish6869 of his soul,5315 when he sought2603 us, and we would not hear;8085 therefore5921 3651 is this2063 distress6869 come935 on us.

22 呂便說:「我豈不是對你們說過,不可傷害那孩子嗎?只是你們不肯聽,所以,你們看[behold]。流他血的罪向我們追討。」

22 And Reuben7205 answered6030 them, saying,559 Spoke559 I not to you, saying,559 Do not sin2398 against the child;3206 and you would not hear?8085 therefore,1571 behold,2009 also1571 his blood1818 is required.1875

23 他們不知道約瑟聽得出來,因為他以通事向他們傳話[he spake unto them by an interpreter]

23 And they knew3045 not that Joseph3130 understood8085 them; for he spoke to them by an interpreter.3887

24 約瑟轉身退去,哭了一場,又回來對他們談論[communed],就從他們中間挑出西緬來,在他們眼前把他捆綁。

24 And he turned5437 himself about from them, and wept;1058 and returned7725 to them again,7725 and communed1696 with them, and took3947 from them Simeon,8095 and bound631 him before their eyes.5869

25 約瑟吩咐人把糧穀[corn]裝滿他們的口袋[sacks],把各人的[money]歸還在各人的口袋裏,又給他們路上用的食物,人就照他的話辦了。

25 Then Joseph3130 commanded6680 to fill4390 their sacks8242 with corn,1250 and to restore7725 every man's376 money3701 into413 his sack,8242 and to give5414 them provision6720 for the way:1870 and thus3651 did6213 he to them.

26 他們就把糧穀[corn]馱在驢上,離開那裏去了。

26 And they laded5375 their asses2543 with the corn,7668 and departed3212 there.8033

27 到了住宿的地方,他們中間有一個人打開口袋,要拿料餵驢,才看見自己的[money]仍在口袋裏,

27 And as one259 of them opened6605 his sack8242 to give5414 his ass2543 provender4554 in the inn,4411 he espied7200 his money;3701 for, behold,2009 it was in his sack's572 mouth.6310

28 就對弟兄們說:「我的[money]歸還了,看哪,仍在我口袋裏。」他們就提心吊膽,戰戰兢兢的彼此說:「這是神向我們作了[hath done]甚麼呢?」

28 And he said559 to his brothers,251 My money3701 is restored;7725 and, see,2009 it is even in my sack:572 and their heart3820 failed3318 them, and they were afraid,2729 saying559 one376 to another,251 What4100 is this2063 that God430 has done6213 to us?

29 他們來到迦南地、他們的父親雅各那裏,將所遭遇的事都告訴他,說:

29 And they came935 to Jacob3290 their father1 to the land776 of Canaan,3667 and told5046 him all3605 that befell7136 to them; saying,559

30 「那地的主對我們說嚴厲的話,把我們當作窺探那地的奸細。

30 The man,376 who is the lord113 of the land,776 spoke1696 roughly7186 to us, and took5414 us for spies7270 of the country.776

31 我們對他說:『我們是誠實人,並不是奸細。

31 And we said559 to him, We are true3651 men; we are no3808 spies:7270

32 我們本是弟兄十二人,都是一個父親的兒子,有一個沒有了,最小[youngest]的如今同我們的父親在迦南地。』

32 We be twelve8147 6240 brothers,251 sons1121 of our father;1 one259 is not, and the youngest6996 is this day3117 with our father1 in the land776 of Canaan.3667

33 那地的主對我們說:『若要我知道你們是誠實人,可以留下你們弟兄[brethren]中間的一個人在我這裏,你們可以帶著糧食回去,救你們家裏的饑荒。

33 And the man,376 the lord113 of the country,776 said559 to us, Hereby2063 shall I know3045 that you are true3651 men; leave5117 one259 of your brothers251 here with me, and take3947 food for the famine7459 of your households,1004 and be gone:3212

34 把你們的小兄弟帶到我這裏來,我便知道你們不是奸細,乃是誠實人。這樣,我就把你們的弟兄交給你們,你們也可以在這地作買賣。』」

34 And bring935 your youngest6996 brother251 to me: then shall I know3045 that you are no3808 spies,7270 but that you are true3651 men: so will I deliver5414 you your brother,251 and you shall traffic5503 in the land.776

35 後來他們倒口袋,不料,各人的[money]包都在口袋裏;他們和父親看見[money]包就都害怕。

35 And it came1961 to pass as they emptied7324 their sacks,8242 that, behold,2009 every man's376 bundle6872 of money3701 was in his sack:8242 and when both they and their father1 saw7200 the bundles6872 of money,3701 they were afraid.3372

36 他們的父親雅各對他們說:「你們使我喪失我的兒子:約瑟沒有了,西緬也沒有了,你們又要將便雅憫帶去;這些事都苦害我了[against me]。」

36 And Jacob3290 their father1 said559 to them, Me have you bereaved7921 of my children: Joseph3130 is not, and Simeon8095 is not, and you will take3947 Benjamin1144 away: all3605 these things are against5921 me.

37 呂便對他父親說:「我若不帶他回來交給你,你可以殺我的兩個兒子。只管把他交在我手裏,我必[again]帶他回來交給你。」

37 And Reuben7205 spoke559 to his father,1 saying,559 Slay4191 my two8147 sons,1121 if I bring935 him not to you: deliver5414 him into5921 my hand,3027 and I will bring7725 him to you again.7725

38 雅各說:「我的兒子不可與你們一同下去;他哥哥死了,只剩下他,他若在你們所行的路上遭害,那便是你們使我白髮蒼蒼、悲悲慘慘地下墳墓[grave]去了。」

38 And he said,559 My son1121 shall not go3381 down with you; for his brother251 is dead,4191 and he is left7604 alone:905 if mischief611 befall7122 him by the way1870 in the which834 you go,3212 then shall you bring3381 down3381 my gray7872 hairs with sorrow3015 to the grave.7585