
Psalm 131

1 A Song7892 of degrees4609 of David.1732 LORD,3068 my heart3820 is not3808 haughty,1361 nor3808 mine eyes5869 lofty:7311 neither3808 do I exercise1980 myself in great matters,1419 or in things too high6381 for4480 me.

2 Surely518 3808 I have behaved7737 and quieted1826 myself,5315 as a child that is weaned1580 of5921 his mother:517 my soul5315 is even as a weaned child.1580

3 Let Israel3478 hope3176 in413 the LORD3068 from henceforth4480 6258 and forever.5704 5769



1 耶和華兮、余無傲志、目不仰視至大之事、我所不可及者、我不行之兮、

2 余緘默無詞、若嬰孩斷乳、歷時已久、不思乳哺兮、

3 自茲而後、至於百世、以色列族、當仰望耶和華兮。


Psalm 131



1 A Song7892 of degrees4609 of David.1732 LORD,3068 my heart3820 is not3808 haughty,1361 nor3808 mine eyes5869 lofty:7311 neither3808 do I exercise1980 myself in great matters,1419 or in things too high6381 for4480 me.

1 耶和華兮、余無傲志、目不仰視至大之事、我所不可及者、我不行之兮、

2 Surely518 3808 I have behaved7737 and quieted1826 myself,5315 as a child that is weaned1580 of5921 his mother:517 my soul5315 is even as a weaned child.1580

2 余緘默無詞、若嬰孩斷乳、歷時已久、不思乳哺兮、

3 Let Israel3478 hope3176 in413 the LORD3068 from henceforth4480 6258 and forever.5704 5769

3 自茲而後、至於百世、以色列族、當仰望耶和華兮。