
Chapter 4

1 And in that1931 day3117 seven7651 women802 shall take hold2388 of one259 man,376 saying,559 We will eat398 our own bread,3899 and wear3847 our own apparel:8071 only7535 let us be called7121 by thy name,8034 to take622 away our reproach.2781

2 In that1931 day3117 shall the branch6780 of the LORD3068 be1961 beautiful6643 and glorious,3519 and the fruit6529 of the earth776 shall be excellent1347 and comely8597 for them that are escaped6413 of Israel.3478

3 And it shall come to pass,1961 that he that is left7604 in Zion,6726 and he that remaineth3498 in Jerusalem,3389 shall be called559 holy,6918 even every one3605 that is written3789 among the living2416 in Jerusalem: 3389

4 When518 the Lord136 shall have washed away7364 853 the filth6675 of the daughters1323 of Zion,6726 and shall have purged1740 the blood1818 of Jerusalem3389 from the midst4480 7130 thereof by the spirit7307 of judgment,4941 and by the spirit7307 of burning.1197

5 And the LORD3068 will create1254 upon5921 every3605 dwelling place4349 of mount2022 Zion,6726 and upon5921 her assemblies,4744 a cloud6051 and smoke6227 by day,3119 and the shining5051 of a flaming3852 fire784 by night:3915 for3588 upon5921 all3605 the glory3519 shall be a defense.2646

6 And there shall be1961 a tabernacle5521 for a shadow6738 in the daytime3119 from the heat,4480 2721 and for a place of refuge,4268 and for a covert4563 from storm4480 2230 and from rain.4480 4306



1 在那日,七個女人必拉住一個男人,說:「我們吃自己的食物,穿自己的衣服;但求你許我們歸你名下,[to]除掉我們的羞恥。」

2 到那日,耶和華的苗[the branch]必華美尊榮,地的出產必為以色列逃脫的人顯為榮華茂盛。

3 那時,剩在錫安、留在耶路撒冷的,就是一切[in]耶路撒冷、有名記在活人冊上[that is written among the living]的,必稱為聖。

4 主以審判[judgment]的靈和焚燒的靈,將錫安眾女子[daughters]的污穢洗去,又將耶路撒冷中殺人的血除淨。

5 耶和華也必在錫安山一切住處[dwelling place],並各會眾以上,白日[by day]創造[create]煙雲,黑夜創造[create]火燄的光;因為在全榮耀之上必有護庇[defence]

6 必有帳幕[tabernacle],白日可以得蔭避暑,也可以作為避難所[place of refuge][for]躲避狂風暴雨的隱密處[covert]


Chapter 4



1 And in that1931 day3117 seven7651 women802 shall take hold2388 of one259 man,376 saying,559 We will eat398 our own bread,3899 and wear3847 our own apparel:8071 only7535 let us be called7121 by thy name,8034 to take622 away our reproach.2781

1 在那日,七個女人必拉住一個男人,說:「我們吃自己的食物,穿自己的衣服;但求你許我們歸你名下,[to]除掉我們的羞恥。」

2 In that1931 day3117 shall the branch6780 of the LORD3068 be1961 beautiful6643 and glorious,3519 and the fruit6529 of the earth776 shall be excellent1347 and comely8597 for them that are escaped6413 of Israel.3478

2 到那日,耶和華的苗[the branch]必華美尊榮,地的出產必為以色列逃脫的人顯為榮華茂盛。

3 And it shall come to pass,1961 that he that is left7604 in Zion,6726 and he that remaineth3498 in Jerusalem,3389 shall be called559 holy,6918 even every one3605 that is written3789 among the living2416 in Jerusalem: 3389

3 那時,剩在錫安、留在耶路撒冷的,就是一切[in]耶路撒冷、有名記在活人冊上[that is written among the living]的,必稱為聖。

4 When518 the Lord136 shall have washed away7364 853 the filth6675 of the daughters1323 of Zion,6726 and shall have purged1740 the blood1818 of Jerusalem3389 from the midst4480 7130 thereof by the spirit7307 of judgment,4941 and by the spirit7307 of burning.1197

4 主以審判[judgment]的靈和焚燒的靈,將錫安眾女子[daughters]的污穢洗去,又將耶路撒冷中殺人的血除淨。

5 And the LORD3068 will create1254 upon5921 every3605 dwelling place4349 of mount2022 Zion,6726 and upon5921 her assemblies,4744 a cloud6051 and smoke6227 by day,3119 and the shining5051 of a flaming3852 fire784 by night:3915 for3588 upon5921 all3605 the glory3519 shall be a defense.2646

5 耶和華也必在錫安山一切住處[dwelling place],並各會眾以上,白日[by day]創造[create]煙雲,黑夜創造[create]火燄的光;因為在全榮耀之上必有護庇[defence]

6 And there shall be1961 a tabernacle5521 for a shadow6738 in the daytime3119 from the heat,4480 2721 and for a place of refuge,4268 and for a covert4563 from storm4480 2230 and from rain.4480 4306

6 必有帳幕[tabernacle],白日可以得蔭避暑,也可以作為避難所[place of refuge][for]躲避狂風暴雨的隱密處[covert]