
Chapter 34

1 The word1697 which834 came1961 unto413 Jeremiah3414 from4480 854 the LORD,3068 when Nebuchadnezzar5019 king4428 of Babylon,894 and all3605 his army,2428 and all3605 the kingdoms4467 of the earth776 of his dominion,4480 4475 3027 and all3605 the people,5971 fought3898 against5921 Jerusalem,3389 and against5921 all3605 the cities5892 thereof, saying,559

2 Thus3541 saith559 the LORD,3068 the God430 of Israel;3478 Go1980 and speak559 to413 Zedekiah6667 king4428 of Judah,3063 and tell559 413 him, Thus3541 saith559 the LORD;3068 Behold,2009 I will give5414 853 this2063 city5892 into the hand3027 of the king4428 of Babylon,894 and he shall burn8313 it with fire: 784

3 And thou859 shalt not3808 escape4422 out of his hand,4480 3027 but3588 shalt surely be taken,8610 8610 and delivered5414 into his hand;3027 and thine eyes5869 shall behold7200 853 the eyes5869 of the king4428 of Babylon,894 and he shall speak1696 with854 thee mouth6310 to mouth,6310 and thou shalt go935 to Babylon.894

4 Yet389 hear8085 the word1697 of the LORD,3068 O Zedekiah6667 king4428 of Judah;3063 Thus3541 saith559 the LORD3068 of5921 thee, Thou shalt not3808 die4191 by the sword: 2719

5 But thou shalt die4191 in peace:7965 and with the burnings4955 of thy fathers,1 the former7223 kings4428 which834 were1961 before6440 thee, so3651 shall they burn8313 odors for thee; and they will lament5594 thee, saying, Ah1945 lord!113 for3588 I589 have pronounced1696 the word,1697 saith5002 the LORD.3068

6 Then Jeremiah3414 the prophet5030 spoke1696 853 all3605 these428 words1697 unto413 Zedekiah6667 king4428 of Judah3063 in Jerusalem,3389

7 When the king4428 of Babylon's894 army2428 fought3898 against5921 Jerusalem,3389 and against5921 all3605 the cities5892 of Judah3063 that were left,3498 against413 Lachish,3923 and against413 Azekah:5825 for3588 these2007 defensed4013 cities5892 remained7604 of the cities5892 of Judah.3063

8 This is the word1697 that834 came1961 unto413 Jeremiah3414 from4480 854 the LORD,3068 after that310 the king4428 Zedekiah6667 had made3772 a covenant1285 with854 all3605 the people5971 which834 were at Jerusalem,3389 to proclaim7121 liberty1865 unto them;

9 That every man376 should let853 his manservant,5650 and every man376 853 his maidservant,8198 being a Hebrew5680 or a Hebrewess,5680 go7971 free;2670 that none1115 376 should serve5647 himself of them, to wit, of a Jew3064 his brother.251

10 Now when all3605 the princes,8269 and all3605 the people,5971 which834 had entered935 into the covenant,1285 heard8085 that every one376 should let853 his manservant,5650 and every one376 853 his maidservant,8198 go7971 free,2670 that none1115 should serve5647 themselves of them any more,5750 then they obeyed,8085 and let them go.7971

11 But afterward310 3651 they turned,7725 and caused853 the servants5650 and the handmaids,8198 whom834 they had let go7971 free,2670 to return,7725 and brought them into subjection3533 for servants5650 and for handmaids.8198

12 Therefore the word1697 of the LORD3068 came1961 to413 Jeremiah3414 from4480 854 the LORD,3068 saying,559

13 Thus3541 saith559 the LORD,3068 the God430 of Israel;3478 I595 made3772 a covenant1285 with854 your fathers1 in the day3117 that I brought them forth3318 853 out of the land4480 776 of Egypt,4714 out of the house4480 1004 of bondmen,5650 saying,559

14 At the end4480 7093 of seven7651 years8141 let ye go7971 every man376 853 his brother251 a Hebrew,5680 which834 hath been sold4376 unto thee; and when he hath served5647 thee six8337 years,8141 thou shalt let him go7971 free2670 from4480 5973 thee: but your fathers1 hearkened8085 not3808 unto413 me, neither3808 inclined5186 853 their ear.241

15 And ye859 were now3117 turned,7725 and had done6213 853 right3477 in my sight,5869 in proclaiming7121 liberty1865 every man376 to his neighbor;7453 and ye had made3772 a covenant1285 before6440 me in the house1004 which834 is called7121 by5921 my name: 8034

16 But ye turned7725 and polluted2490 853 my name,8034 and caused every man376 853 his servant,5650 and every man376 853 his handmaid,8198 whom834 ye had set7971 at liberty2670 at their pleasure,5315 to return,7725 and brought them into subjection,3533 853 to be1961 unto you for servants5650 and for handmaids.8198

17 Therefore3651 thus3541 saith559 the LORD;3068 Ye859 have not3808 hearkened8085 unto413 me, in proclaiming7121 liberty,1865 every one376 to his brother,251 and every man376 to his neighbor:7453 behold,2009 I proclaim7121 a liberty1865 for you, saith5002 the LORD,3068 to413 the sword,2719 to413 the pestilence,1698 and to413 the famine;7458 and I will make5414 you to be removed2189 into all3605 the kingdoms4467 of the earth.776

18 And I will give5414 853 the men376 that have transgressed5674 853 my covenant,1285 which834 have not3808 performed6965 853 the words1697 of the covenant1285 which834 they had made3772 before6440 me, when834 they cut3772 the calf5695 in twain,8147 and passed5674 between996 the parts1335 thereof,

19 The princes8269 of Judah,3063 and the princes8269 of Jerusalem,3389 the eunuchs,5631 and the priests,3548 and all3605 the people5971 of the land,776 which passed5674 between996 the parts1335 of the calf;5695

20 I will even give5414 them into the hand3027 of their enemies,341 and into the hand3027 of them that seek1245 their life:5315 and their dead bodies5038 shall be1961 for meat3978 unto the fowls5775 of the heaven,8064 and to the beasts929 of the earth.776

21 And Zedekiah6667 king4428 of Judah3063 and his princes8269 will I give5414 into the hand3027 of their enemies,341 and into the hand3027 of them that seek1245 their life,5315 and into the hand3027 of the king4428 of Babylon's894 army,2428 which are gone up5927 from4480 5921 you.

22 Behold,2009 I will command,6680 saith5002 the LORD,3068 and cause them to return7725 to413 this2063 city;5892 and they shall fight3898 against5921 it, and take3920 it, and burn8313 it with fire:784 and I will make5414 the cities5892 of Judah3063 a desolation8077 without4480 369 an inhabitant.3427



1 巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒率領他的全軍和地上屬他的各國各[people],攻打耶路撒冷和屬耶路撒冷所有的城邑。那時,耶和華的話臨到耶利米說:

2 「耶和華─以色列的神說,你去告訴猶大王西底家,耶和華如此說:看哪[Behold],我要將這城交付巴比倫王的手,他必用火焚燒。

3 你必不能逃脫他的手,定被拿住,交在他的手中。你的眼要見巴比倫王的眼,他要口對口和你說話,你也必到巴比倫去。

4 猶大王西底家啊,你還要聽耶和華的話。耶和華論到你如此說:你必不被刀劍殺死,

5 你卻要[But thou shalt]平安而死,人必為你焚燒物件,好像為你列祖,就是在你以前的先王焚燒香品[odours]一般。人必為你哀哭說:『哀哉。我主啊。』耶和華說:這話是我說的。」

6 於是,先知耶利米在耶路撒冷將這一切話告訴猶大王西底家。

7 那時,巴比倫王的軍隊正攻打耶路撒冷,又攻打猶大所剩下的城邑,就是拉吉和亞西加;原來猶大的堅固城只剩下這兩座。

8 西底家王與耶路撒冷的眾民立約,要向他們宣告自由;此後,有耶和華的話臨到耶利米,

9 叫各人任他希伯來的僕人和婢女自由出去,誰也不可使他的一個猶太兄弟[brother]作僕人[serve]

10 所有立約的首領和眾民就任他的僕人婢女自由出去,誰也不再叫他們作僕人[serve]。大家[then]順從,將他們釋放了。

11 後來卻又反悔,叫所任去自由的僕人婢女回來,勉強他們仍為僕婢。

12 因此耶和華的話從神[from the LORD]臨到耶利米說:

13 「耶和華─以色列的神如此說:我將你們的列祖從埃及地為奴之家領出來的時候,與他們立約說:

14 『你的一個希伯來兄弟[brother]若賣給你,服事你六年,到第七年你們各人就要任他自由出去。』只是你們列祖不聽從我,也不側耳而聽。

15 如今你們回轉,在我眼前行了正事[had done right in my sight]─各人向鄰居宣告自由,並且你們[ye]在稱為我名下的殿中、在我面前立約;

16 你們卻又反悔,玷辱[polluted]我的名,各人叫所釋放隨意自由[set at liberty at their pleasure]的僕人婢女回來,勉強他們仍為僕婢。

17 所以耶和華如此說:你們沒有聽從我,各人向兄弟[brother]鄰居宣告自由。看哪。我向你們宣告一樣自由,就是使你們自由於刀劍、饑荒、瘟疫之下,並且使你們被徙到地上列國中[removed into all the kingdoms of the earth]。這是耶和華說的。

18 他們曾將牛犢劈開,分成兩半,從其中經過,在我面前立約。後來又違背我的約,不遵行這約上的話。

19 猶大的首領、耶路撒冷的首領、太監、祭司,和國中的眾民曾將牛犢劈開,分成兩半,從其中經過。

20 我必將他們交在仇敵和尋索其命的人手中;他們的屍首必給空中的飛鳥和地上的野獸作食物。

21 並且我必將猶大王西底家和他的首領交在他們仇敵和尋索其命的人,與那暫離你們而去巴比倫王軍隊的手中。

22 耶和華說:看哪[Behold],我必吩咐,使他們[cause them]回到這城,攻打這城,將城攻取,用火焚燒;我也要使猶大的城邑變為荒場,無人居住。」


Chapter 34



1 The word1697 which834 came1961 unto413 Jeremiah3414 from4480 854 the LORD,3068 when Nebuchadnezzar5019 king4428 of Babylon,894 and all3605 his army,2428 and all3605 the kingdoms4467 of the earth776 of his dominion,4480 4475 3027 and all3605 the people,5971 fought3898 against5921 Jerusalem,3389 and against5921 all3605 the cities5892 thereof, saying,559

1 巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒率領他的全軍和地上屬他的各國各[people],攻打耶路撒冷和屬耶路撒冷所有的城邑。那時,耶和華的話臨到耶利米說:

2 Thus3541 saith559 the LORD,3068 the God430 of Israel;3478 Go1980 and speak559 to413 Zedekiah6667 king4428 of Judah,3063 and tell559 413 him, Thus3541 saith559 the LORD;3068 Behold,2009 I will give5414 853 this2063 city5892 into the hand3027 of the king4428 of Babylon,894 and he shall burn8313 it with fire: 784

2 「耶和華─以色列的神說,你去告訴猶大王西底家,耶和華如此說:看哪[Behold],我要將這城交付巴比倫王的手,他必用火焚燒。

3 And thou859 shalt not3808 escape4422 out of his hand,4480 3027 but3588 shalt surely be taken,8610 8610 and delivered5414 into his hand;3027 and thine eyes5869 shall behold7200 853 the eyes5869 of the king4428 of Babylon,894 and he shall speak1696 with854 thee mouth6310 to mouth,6310 and thou shalt go935 to Babylon.894

3 你必不能逃脫他的手,定被拿住,交在他的手中。你的眼要見巴比倫王的眼,他要口對口和你說話,你也必到巴比倫去。

4 Yet389 hear8085 the word1697 of the LORD,3068 O Zedekiah6667 king4428 of Judah;3063 Thus3541 saith559 the LORD3068 of5921 thee, Thou shalt not3808 die4191 by the sword: 2719

4 猶大王西底家啊,你還要聽耶和華的話。耶和華論到你如此說:你必不被刀劍殺死,

5 But thou shalt die4191 in peace:7965 and with the burnings4955 of thy fathers,1 the former7223 kings4428 which834 were1961 before6440 thee, so3651 shall they burn8313 odors for thee; and they will lament5594 thee, saying, Ah1945 lord!113 for3588 I589 have pronounced1696 the word,1697 saith5002 the LORD.3068

5 你卻要[But thou shalt]平安而死,人必為你焚燒物件,好像為你列祖,就是在你以前的先王焚燒香品[odours]一般。人必為你哀哭說:『哀哉。我主啊。』耶和華說:這話是我說的。」

6 Then Jeremiah3414 the prophet5030 spoke1696 853 all3605 these428 words1697 unto413 Zedekiah6667 king4428 of Judah3063 in Jerusalem,3389

6 於是,先知耶利米在耶路撒冷將這一切話告訴猶大王西底家。

7 When the king4428 of Babylon's894 army2428 fought3898 against5921 Jerusalem,3389 and against5921 all3605 the cities5892 of Judah3063 that were left,3498 against413 Lachish,3923 and against413 Azekah:5825 for3588 these2007 defensed4013 cities5892 remained7604 of the cities5892 of Judah.3063

7 那時,巴比倫王的軍隊正攻打耶路撒冷,又攻打猶大所剩下的城邑,就是拉吉和亞西加;原來猶大的堅固城只剩下這兩座。

8 This is the word1697 that834 came1961 unto413 Jeremiah3414 from4480 854 the LORD,3068 after that310 the king4428 Zedekiah6667 had made3772 a covenant1285 with854 all3605 the people5971 which834 were at Jerusalem,3389 to proclaim7121 liberty1865 unto them;

8 西底家王與耶路撒冷的眾民立約,要向他們宣告自由;此後,有耶和華的話臨到耶利米,

9 That every man376 should let853 his manservant,5650 and every man376 853 his maidservant,8198 being a Hebrew5680 or a Hebrewess,5680 go7971 free;2670 that none1115 376 should serve5647 himself of them, to wit, of a Jew3064 his brother.251

9 叫各人任他希伯來的僕人和婢女自由出去,誰也不可使他的一個猶太兄弟[brother]作僕人[serve]

10 Now when all3605 the princes,8269 and all3605 the people,5971 which834 had entered935 into the covenant,1285 heard8085 that every one376 should let853 his manservant,5650 and every one376 853 his maidservant,8198 go7971 free,2670 that none1115 should serve5647 themselves of them any more,5750 then they obeyed,8085 and let them go.7971

10 所有立約的首領和眾民就任他的僕人婢女自由出去,誰也不再叫他們作僕人[serve]。大家[then]順從,將他們釋放了。

11 But afterward310 3651 they turned,7725 and caused853 the servants5650 and the handmaids,8198 whom834 they had let go7971 free,2670 to return,7725 and brought them into subjection3533 for servants5650 and for handmaids.8198

11 後來卻又反悔,叫所任去自由的僕人婢女回來,勉強他們仍為僕婢。

12 Therefore the word1697 of the LORD3068 came1961 to413 Jeremiah3414 from4480 854 the LORD,3068 saying,559

12 因此耶和華的話從神[from the LORD]臨到耶利米說:

13 Thus3541 saith559 the LORD,3068 the God430 of Israel;3478 I595 made3772 a covenant1285 with854 your fathers1 in the day3117 that I brought them forth3318 853 out of the land4480 776 of Egypt,4714 out of the house4480 1004 of bondmen,5650 saying,559

13 「耶和華─以色列的神如此說:我將你們的列祖從埃及地為奴之家領出來的時候,與他們立約說:

14 At the end4480 7093 of seven7651 years8141 let ye go7971 every man376 853 his brother251 a Hebrew,5680 which834 hath been sold4376 unto thee; and when he hath served5647 thee six8337 years,8141 thou shalt let him go7971 free2670 from4480 5973 thee: but your fathers1 hearkened8085 not3808 unto413 me, neither3808 inclined5186 853 their ear.241

14 『你的一個希伯來兄弟[brother]若賣給你,服事你六年,到第七年你們各人就要任他自由出去。』只是你們列祖不聽從我,也不側耳而聽。

15 And ye859 were now3117 turned,7725 and had done6213 853 right3477 in my sight,5869 in proclaiming7121 liberty1865 every man376 to his neighbor;7453 and ye had made3772 a covenant1285 before6440 me in the house1004 which834 is called7121 by5921 my name: 8034

15 如今你們回轉,在我眼前行了正事[had done right in my sight]─各人向鄰居宣告自由,並且你們[ye]在稱為我名下的殿中、在我面前立約;

16 But ye turned7725 and polluted2490 853 my name,8034 and caused every man376 853 his servant,5650 and every man376 853 his handmaid,8198 whom834 ye had set7971 at liberty2670 at their pleasure,5315 to return,7725 and brought them into subjection,3533 853 to be1961 unto you for servants5650 and for handmaids.8198

16 你們卻又反悔,玷辱[polluted]我的名,各人叫所釋放隨意自由[set at liberty at their pleasure]的僕人婢女回來,勉強他們仍為僕婢。

17 Therefore3651 thus3541 saith559 the LORD;3068 Ye859 have not3808 hearkened8085 unto413 me, in proclaiming7121 liberty,1865 every one376 to his brother,251 and every man376 to his neighbor:7453 behold,2009 I proclaim7121 a liberty1865 for you, saith5002 the LORD,3068 to413 the sword,2719 to413 the pestilence,1698 and to413 the famine;7458 and I will make5414 you to be removed2189 into all3605 the kingdoms4467 of the earth.776

17 所以耶和華如此說:你們沒有聽從我,各人向兄弟[brother]鄰居宣告自由。看哪。我向你們宣告一樣自由,就是使你們自由於刀劍、饑荒、瘟疫之下,並且使你們被徙到地上列國中[removed into all the kingdoms of the earth]。這是耶和華說的。

18 And I will give5414 853 the men376 that have transgressed5674 853 my covenant,1285 which834 have not3808 performed6965 853 the words1697 of the covenant1285 which834 they had made3772 before6440 me, when834 they cut3772 the calf5695 in twain,8147 and passed5674 between996 the parts1335 thereof,

18 他們曾將牛犢劈開,分成兩半,從其中經過,在我面前立約。後來又違背我的約,不遵行這約上的話。

19 The princes8269 of Judah,3063 and the princes8269 of Jerusalem,3389 the eunuchs,5631 and the priests,3548 and all3605 the people5971 of the land,776 which passed5674 between996 the parts1335 of the calf;5695

19 猶大的首領、耶路撒冷的首領、太監、祭司,和國中的眾民曾將牛犢劈開,分成兩半,從其中經過。

20 I will even give5414 them into the hand3027 of their enemies,341 and into the hand3027 of them that seek1245 their life:5315 and their dead bodies5038 shall be1961 for meat3978 unto the fowls5775 of the heaven,8064 and to the beasts929 of the earth.776

20 我必將他們交在仇敵和尋索其命的人手中;他們的屍首必給空中的飛鳥和地上的野獸作食物。

21 And Zedekiah6667 king4428 of Judah3063 and his princes8269 will I give5414 into the hand3027 of their enemies,341 and into the hand3027 of them that seek1245 their life,5315 and into the hand3027 of the king4428 of Babylon's894 army,2428 which are gone up5927 from4480 5921 you.

21 並且我必將猶大王西底家和他的首領交在他們仇敵和尋索其命的人,與那暫離你們而去巴比倫王軍隊的手中。

22 Behold,2009 I will command,6680 saith5002 the LORD,3068 and cause them to return7725 to413 this2063 city;5892 and they shall fight3898 against5921 it, and take3920 it, and burn8313 it with fire:784 and I will make5414 the cities5892 of Judah3063 a desolation8077 without4480 369 an inhabitant.3427

22 耶和華說:看哪[Behold],我必吩咐,使他們[cause them]回到這城,攻打這城,將城攻取,用火焚燒;我也要使猶大的城邑變為荒場,無人居住。」