
Chapter 35

1 Elihu453 spoke6030 moreover, and said,559

2 Think2803 you this2063 to be right,4941 that you said,559 My righteousness6664 is more3254 than God's?410

3 For you said,559 What4100 advantage5532 will it be to you? and, What4100 profit3276 shall I have, if I be cleansed from my sin?2403

4 I will answer7725 4405 you, and your companions7453 with you.

5 Look5027 to the heavens,8064 and see;7200 and behold7789 the clouds7834 which are higher1361 than you.

6 If518 you sin,2398 what4100 do6466 you against him? or if your transgressions6588 be multiplied,7231 what4100 do6213 you to him?

7 If518 you be righteous,6663 what4100 give5414 you him? or176 what4100 receives3947 he of your hand?3027

8 Your wickedness7562 may hurt a man376 as you are; and your righteousness6666 may profit the son1121 of man.120

9 By reason of the multitude7230 of oppressions6217 they make the oppressed to cry:2199 they cry7768 out by reason of the arm2220 of the mighty.7227

10 But none3808 said,559 Where335 is God433 my maker,6213 who gives5414 songs2158 in the night;3915

11 Who teaches502 us more than the beasts929 of the earth,776 and makes us wiser2449 than the fowls5775 of heaven?8064

12 There8033 they cry,6817 but none3808 gives answer,6030 because6440 of the pride1347 of evil7451 men.

13 Surely389 God410 will not hear8085 vanity,7723 neither3808 will the Almighty7706 regard7789 it.

14 Although637 3588 you say559 you shall not see7789 him, yet judgment1779 is before6440 him; therefore trust2342 you in him.

15 But now,6258 because3588 it is not so, he has visited6485 in his anger;639 yet he knows3045 it not in great3966 extremity:6580

16 Therefore does Job347 open6475 his mouth6310 in vain;1892 he multiplies3527 words4405 without1097 knowledge.1847



1 以利戶又曰、

2 爾於上帝前、自稱爲義、

3 爾又言、雖不犯罪、亦無所裨、斯言也、豈合乎理。

4 我將答爾、與爾同儕焉。

5 試觀乎天、蒼蒼在上、

6 如爾作惡貫盈、於彼無所損。

7 如爾爲善不倦、於彼無所加、

8 其遭爾之害、而受爾之益者、惟爾同儔而已、

9 人受困苦則歎息、遭橫逆則呼號。

10 然造化之主上帝、使人於患難中謳歌逸樂、俾其明理、

11 靈於禽獸、何以龥呼求救者、世無一人、

12 卽有其人、因其驕侈、雖呼莫應。

13 全能上帝、不聽虛誕之辭、惟秉公義、

14 爾雖未嘗目覩、時至自能見也。

15 今上帝猶未震怒、薄加譴責。

16 爾乃啟口徒勞、語複詞重、多見其不知量也。


Chapter 35



1 Elihu453 spoke6030 moreover, and said,559

1 以利戶又曰、

2 Think2803 you this2063 to be right,4941 that you said,559 My righteousness6664 is more3254 than God's?410

2 爾於上帝前、自稱爲義、

3 For you said,559 What4100 advantage5532 will it be to you? and, What4100 profit3276 shall I have, if I be cleansed from my sin?2403

3 爾又言、雖不犯罪、亦無所裨、斯言也、豈合乎理。

4 I will answer7725 4405 you, and your companions7453 with you.

4 我將答爾、與爾同儕焉。

5 Look5027 to the heavens,8064 and see;7200 and behold7789 the clouds7834 which are higher1361 than you.

5 試觀乎天、蒼蒼在上、

6 If518 you sin,2398 what4100 do6466 you against him? or if your transgressions6588 be multiplied,7231 what4100 do6213 you to him?

6 如爾作惡貫盈、於彼無所損。

7 If518 you be righteous,6663 what4100 give5414 you him? or176 what4100 receives3947 he of your hand?3027

7 如爾爲善不倦、於彼無所加、

8 Your wickedness7562 may hurt a man376 as you are; and your righteousness6666 may profit the son1121 of man.120

8 其遭爾之害、而受爾之益者、惟爾同儔而已、

9 By reason of the multitude7230 of oppressions6217 they make the oppressed to cry:2199 they cry7768 out by reason of the arm2220 of the mighty.7227

9 人受困苦則歎息、遭橫逆則呼號。

10 But none3808 said,559 Where335 is God433 my maker,6213 who gives5414 songs2158 in the night;3915

10 然造化之主上帝、使人於患難中謳歌逸樂、俾其明理、

11 Who teaches502 us more than the beasts929 of the earth,776 and makes us wiser2449 than the fowls5775 of heaven?8064

11 靈於禽獸、何以龥呼求救者、世無一人、

12 There8033 they cry,6817 but none3808 gives answer,6030 because6440 of the pride1347 of evil7451 men.

12 卽有其人、因其驕侈、雖呼莫應。

13 Surely389 God410 will not hear8085 vanity,7723 neither3808 will the Almighty7706 regard7789 it.

13 全能上帝、不聽虛誕之辭、惟秉公義、

14 Although637 3588 you say559 you shall not see7789 him, yet judgment1779 is before6440 him; therefore trust2342 you in him.

14 爾雖未嘗目覩、時至自能見也。

15 But now,6258 because3588 it is not so, he has visited6485 in his anger;639 yet he knows3045 it not in great3966 extremity:6580

15 今上帝猶未震怒、薄加譴責。

16 Therefore does Job347 open6475 his mouth6310 in vain;1892 he multiplies3527 words4405 without1097 knowledge.1847

16 爾乃啟口徒勞、語複詞重、多見其不知量也。