
Chapter 11

1 And the whole3605 earth776 was of one259 language,8193 and of one259 speech.1697

2 And it came1961 to pass, as they journeyed5265 from the east,6924 that they found4672 a plain1237 in the land776 of Shinar;8152 and they dwelled3427 there.8033

3 And they said559 one376 to another,7453 Go3051 to, let us make brick,3835 and burn8313 them thoroughly. And they had1961 brick3843 for stone,68 and slime2564 had1961 they for mortar.2563

4 And they said,559 Go3051 to, let us build1129 us a city5892 and a tower,4026 whose top7218 may reach to heaven;8064 and let us make6213 us a name,8034 lest6435 we be scattered6327 abroad6527 on the face6440 of the whole3605 earth.776

5 And the LORD3068 came3381 down3381 to see7200 the city5892 and the tower,4026 which834 the children1121 of men120 built.1129

6 And the LORD3068 said,559 Behold,2005 the people5971 is one,259 and they have all3605 one259 language;8193 and this2088 they begin2490 to do:6213 and now6258 nothing3808 3605 will be restrained1219 from them, which3605 834 they have imagined2161 to do.6213

7 Go3051 to, let us go3381 down,3381 and there8033 confound1101 their language,8193 that they may not understand8085 one376 another's7453 speech.8193

8 So the LORD3068 scattered6327 them abroad6527 from there8033 on the face6440 of all3605 the earth:776 and they left2308 off to build1129 the city.5892

9 Therefore5921 3651 is the name8034 of it called7121 Babel;894 because3588 the LORD3068 did there8033 confound1101 the language8193 of all3605 the earth:776 and from there8033 did the LORD3068 scatter6327 them abroad6527 on the face6440 of all3605 the earth.776

10 These428 are the generations8435 of Shem:8035 Shem8035 was an hundred3967 years8141 old,1121 and begat3205 Arphaxad775 two years8141 after310 the flood:3999

11 And Shem8035 lived2421 after310 he begat3205 Arphaxad775 five2568 hundred3967 years,8141 and begat3205 sons1121 and daughters.1323

12 And Arphaxad775 lived2425 five2568 and thirty7970 years,8141 and begat3205 Salah:7974

13 And Arphaxad775 lived2421 after310 he begat3205 Salah7974 four702 hundred3967 and three7969 years,8141 and begat3205 sons1121 and daughters.1323

14 And Salah7974 lived2425 thirty7970 years,8141 and begat3205 Eber:5677

15 And Salah7974 lived2421 after310 he begat3205 Eber5677 four702 hundred3967 and three7969 years,8141 and begat3205 sons1121 and daughters.1323

16 And Eber5677 lived2421 four702 and thirty7970 years,8141 and begat3205 Peleg:6389

17 And Eber5677 lived2421 after310 he begat3205 Peleg6389 four702 hundred3967 and thirty7970 years,8141 and begat3205 sons1121 and daughters.1323

18 And Peleg6389 lived2421 thirty7970 years,8141 and begat3205 Reu:7466

19 And Peleg6389 lived2421 after310 he begat3205 Reu7466 two hundred3967 and nine8672 years,8141 and begat3205 sons1121 and daughters.1323

20 And Reu7466 lived2421 two8147 and thirty7970 years,8141 and begat3205 Serug:8286

21 And Reu7466 lived2421 after310 he begat3205 Serug8286 two hundred3967 and seven7651 years,8141 and begat3205 sons1121 and daughters.1323

22 And Serug8286 lived2421 thirty7970 years,8141 and begat3205 Nahor:5152

23 And Serug8286 lived2421 after310 he begat3205 Nahor5152 two hundred3967 years,8141 and begat3205 sons1121 and daughters.1323

24 And Nahor5152 lived2421 nine8672 and twenty6242 years,8141 and begat3205 Terah:8646

25 And Nahor5152 lived2421 after310 he begat3205 Terah8646 an hundred3967 and nineteen8672 6240 years,8141 and begat3205 sons1121 and daughters.1323

26 And Terah8646 lived2421 seventy7657 years,8141 and begat3205 Abram,87 Nahor,5152 and Haran.2039

27 Now these428 are the generations8435 of Terah:8646 Terah8646 begat3205 Abram,87 Nahor,5152 and Haran;2039 and Haran2039 begat3205 Lot.3876

28 And Haran2039 died4191 before5921 6440 his father1 Terah8646 in the land776 of his nativity,4138 in Ur218 of the Chaldees.3778

29 And Abram87 and Nahor5152 took3947 them wives:802 the name8034 of Abram's87 wife802 was Sarai;8297 and the name8034 of Nahor's5152 wife,802 Milcah,4435 the daughter1323 of Haran,2039 the father1 of Milcah,4435 and the father1 of Iscah.3252

30 But Sarai8297 was barren;6135 she had no369 child.2056

31 And Terah8646 took3947 Abram87 his son,1121 and Lot3876 the son of Haran2039 his son's1121 son, and Sarai8297 his daughter3618 in law,3618 his son Abram's87 wife;802 and they went3318 forth3318 with them from Ur218 of the Chaldees,3778 to go3212 into the land776 of Canaan;3667 and they came935 to Haran,2771 and dwelled3427 there.8033

32 And the days3117 of Terah8646 were two hundred3967 and five2568 years:8141 and Terah8646 died4191 in Haran.2771



1 那時,遍地[whole earth]人的口音、言語都是一樣。

2 他們[from]東邊遷移的時候,在示拿地遇見一片平原,就住在那裏。

3 他們彼此商量說:「來吧。我們要作磚,把磚燒透了。」他們就拿磚當石頭,又拿滑土[slime]當灰泥。

4 他們說:「來吧。我們要建造一座城和一座塔,塔頂通天,為要傳揚我們的名,免得我們分散在全地上。」

5 耶和華降臨,要看看世人所建造的城和塔。

6 耶和華說:「看哪,人民成為一樣[the people is one]他們[they]都是一樣的言語,如今既作起這事來,以後他們[imagines]作的事就沒有被攔阻[be restrained]的了。

7 我們下去,在那裏變亂他們的口音,使他們的言語彼此不通。」

8 於是耶和華使他們從那裏分散在全地上;他們就停工,不造那城了。

9 因為耶和華在那裏變亂遍地[all the earth]人的言語,耶和華[LORD]使眾人分散在全地上,所以那城名叫巴別。

10 閃的後代記在下面。洪水以後二年,閃一百歲生了亞法撒。

11 閃生亞法撒之後又活了五百年,並且生兒養女。

12 亞法撒活到三十五歲,生了沙拉。

13 亞法撒生沙拉之後又活了四百零三年,並且生兒養女。

14 沙拉活到三十歲,生了希伯。

15 沙拉生希伯之後又活了四百零三年,並且生兒養女。

16 希伯活到三十四歲,生了法勒。

17 希伯生法勒之後又活了四百三十年,並且生兒養女。

18 法勒活到三十歲,生了拉吳。

19 法勒生拉吳之後又活了二百零九年,並且生兒養女。

20 拉吳活到三十二歲,生了西鹿。

21 拉吳生西鹿之後又活了二百零七年,並且生兒養女。

22 西鹿活到三十歲,生了拿鶴。

23 西鹿生拿鶴之後又活了二百年,並且生兒養女。

24 拿鶴活到二十九歲,生了他拉。

25 拿鶴生他拉之後又活了一百一十九年,並且生兒養女。

26 他拉活到七十歲,生了亞伯蘭、拿鶴、哈蘭。

27 他拉的後代記在下面。他拉生亞伯蘭、拿鶴、哈蘭;哈蘭生羅得。

28 哈蘭死在他的本地迦勒底的吾珥,在他父親他拉之先。

29 亞伯蘭、拿鶴各娶了妻:亞伯蘭的妻子名叫撒萊;拿鶴的妻子名叫密迦,是哈蘭的女兒;哈蘭是密迦和亦迦的父親。

30 撒萊不育[barren],沒有孩子。

31 他拉帶著他兒子亞伯蘭和他孫子哈蘭的兒子羅得,並他兒婦亞伯蘭的妻子撒萊,出了迦勒底的吾珥,要往迦南地去;他們走到哈蘭,就住在那裏。

32 他拉共活了二百零五歲,就死在哈蘭。


Chapter 11



1 And the whole3605 earth776 was of one259 language,8193 and of one259 speech.1697

1 那時,遍地[whole earth]人的口音、言語都是一樣。

2 And it came1961 to pass, as they journeyed5265 from the east,6924 that they found4672 a plain1237 in the land776 of Shinar;8152 and they dwelled3427 there.8033

2 他們[from]東邊遷移的時候,在示拿地遇見一片平原,就住在那裏。

3 And they said559 one376 to another,7453 Go3051 to, let us make brick,3835 and burn8313 them thoroughly. And they had1961 brick3843 for stone,68 and slime2564 had1961 they for mortar.2563

3 他們彼此商量說:「來吧。我們要作磚,把磚燒透了。」他們就拿磚當石頭,又拿滑土[slime]當灰泥。

4 And they said,559 Go3051 to, let us build1129 us a city5892 and a tower,4026 whose top7218 may reach to heaven;8064 and let us make6213 us a name,8034 lest6435 we be scattered6327 abroad6527 on the face6440 of the whole3605 earth.776

4 他們說:「來吧。我們要建造一座城和一座塔,塔頂通天,為要傳揚我們的名,免得我們分散在全地上。」

5 And the LORD3068 came3381 down3381 to see7200 the city5892 and the tower,4026 which834 the children1121 of men120 built.1129

5 耶和華降臨,要看看世人所建造的城和塔。

6 And the LORD3068 said,559 Behold,2005 the people5971 is one,259 and they have all3605 one259 language;8193 and this2088 they begin2490 to do:6213 and now6258 nothing3808 3605 will be restrained1219 from them, which3605 834 they have imagined2161 to do.6213

6 耶和華說:「看哪,人民成為一樣[the people is one]他們[they]都是一樣的言語,如今既作起這事來,以後他們[imagines]作的事就沒有被攔阻[be restrained]的了。

7 Go3051 to, let us go3381 down,3381 and there8033 confound1101 their language,8193 that they may not understand8085 one376 another's7453 speech.8193

7 我們下去,在那裏變亂他們的口音,使他們的言語彼此不通。」

8 So the LORD3068 scattered6327 them abroad6527 from there8033 on the face6440 of all3605 the earth:776 and they left2308 off to build1129 the city.5892

8 於是耶和華使他們從那裏分散在全地上;他們就停工,不造那城了。

9 Therefore5921 3651 is the name8034 of it called7121 Babel;894 because3588 the LORD3068 did there8033 confound1101 the language8193 of all3605 the earth:776 and from there8033 did the LORD3068 scatter6327 them abroad6527 on the face6440 of all3605 the earth.776

9 因為耶和華在那裏變亂遍地[all the earth]人的言語,耶和華[LORD]使眾人分散在全地上,所以那城名叫巴別。

10 These428 are the generations8435 of Shem:8035 Shem8035 was an hundred3967 years8141 old,1121 and begat3205 Arphaxad775 two years8141 after310 the flood:3999

10 閃的後代記在下面。洪水以後二年,閃一百歲生了亞法撒。

11 And Shem8035 lived2421 after310 he begat3205 Arphaxad775 five2568 hundred3967 years,8141 and begat3205 sons1121 and daughters.1323

11 閃生亞法撒之後又活了五百年,並且生兒養女。

12 And Arphaxad775 lived2425 five2568 and thirty7970 years,8141 and begat3205 Salah:7974

12 亞法撒活到三十五歲,生了沙拉。

13 And Arphaxad775 lived2421 after310 he begat3205 Salah7974 four702 hundred3967 and three7969 years,8141 and begat3205 sons1121 and daughters.1323

13 亞法撒生沙拉之後又活了四百零三年,並且生兒養女。

14 And Salah7974 lived2425 thirty7970 years,8141 and begat3205 Eber:5677

14 沙拉活到三十歲,生了希伯。

15 And Salah7974 lived2421 after310 he begat3205 Eber5677 four702 hundred3967 and three7969 years,8141 and begat3205 sons1121 and daughters.1323

15 沙拉生希伯之後又活了四百零三年,並且生兒養女。

16 And Eber5677 lived2421 four702 and thirty7970 years,8141 and begat3205 Peleg:6389

16 希伯活到三十四歲,生了法勒。

17 And Eber5677 lived2421 after310 he begat3205 Peleg6389 four702 hundred3967 and thirty7970 years,8141 and begat3205 sons1121 and daughters.1323

17 希伯生法勒之後又活了四百三十年,並且生兒養女。

18 And Peleg6389 lived2421 thirty7970 years,8141 and begat3205 Reu:7466

18 法勒活到三十歲,生了拉吳。

19 And Peleg6389 lived2421 after310 he begat3205 Reu7466 two hundred3967 and nine8672 years,8141 and begat3205 sons1121 and daughters.1323

19 法勒生拉吳之後又活了二百零九年,並且生兒養女。

20 And Reu7466 lived2421 two8147 and thirty7970 years,8141 and begat3205 Serug:8286

20 拉吳活到三十二歲,生了西鹿。

21 And Reu7466 lived2421 after310 he begat3205 Serug8286 two hundred3967 and seven7651 years,8141 and begat3205 sons1121 and daughters.1323

21 拉吳生西鹿之後又活了二百零七年,並且生兒養女。

22 And Serug8286 lived2421 thirty7970 years,8141 and begat3205 Nahor:5152

22 西鹿活到三十歲,生了拿鶴。

23 And Serug8286 lived2421 after310 he begat3205 Nahor5152 two hundred3967 years,8141 and begat3205 sons1121 and daughters.1323

23 西鹿生拿鶴之後又活了二百年,並且生兒養女。

24 And Nahor5152 lived2421 nine8672 and twenty6242 years,8141 and begat3205 Terah:8646

24 拿鶴活到二十九歲,生了他拉。

25 And Nahor5152 lived2421 after310 he begat3205 Terah8646 an hundred3967 and nineteen8672 6240 years,8141 and begat3205 sons1121 and daughters.1323

25 拿鶴生他拉之後又活了一百一十九年,並且生兒養女。

26 And Terah8646 lived2421 seventy7657 years,8141 and begat3205 Abram,87 Nahor,5152 and Haran.2039

26 他拉活到七十歲,生了亞伯蘭、拿鶴、哈蘭。

27 Now these428 are the generations8435 of Terah:8646 Terah8646 begat3205 Abram,87 Nahor,5152 and Haran;2039 and Haran2039 begat3205 Lot.3876

27 他拉的後代記在下面。他拉生亞伯蘭、拿鶴、哈蘭;哈蘭生羅得。

28 And Haran2039 died4191 before5921 6440 his father1 Terah8646 in the land776 of his nativity,4138 in Ur218 of the Chaldees.3778

28 哈蘭死在他的本地迦勒底的吾珥,在他父親他拉之先。

29 And Abram87 and Nahor5152 took3947 them wives:802 the name8034 of Abram's87 wife802 was Sarai;8297 and the name8034 of Nahor's5152 wife,802 Milcah,4435 the daughter1323 of Haran,2039 the father1 of Milcah,4435 and the father1 of Iscah.3252

29 亞伯蘭、拿鶴各娶了妻:亞伯蘭的妻子名叫撒萊;拿鶴的妻子名叫密迦,是哈蘭的女兒;哈蘭是密迦和亦迦的父親。

30 But Sarai8297 was barren;6135 she had no369 child.2056

30 撒萊不育[barren],沒有孩子。

31 And Terah8646 took3947 Abram87 his son,1121 and Lot3876 the son of Haran2039 his son's1121 son, and Sarai8297 his daughter3618 in law,3618 his son Abram's87 wife;802 and they went3318 forth3318 with them from Ur218 of the Chaldees,3778 to go3212 into the land776 of Canaan;3667 and they came935 to Haran,2771 and dwelled3427 there.8033

31 他拉帶著他兒子亞伯蘭和他孫子哈蘭的兒子羅得,並他兒婦亞伯蘭的妻子撒萊,出了迦勒底的吾珥,要往迦南地去;他們走到哈蘭,就住在那裏。

32 And the days3117 of Terah8646 were two hundred3967 and five2568 years:8141 and Terah8646 died4191 in Haran.2771

32 他拉共活了二百零五歲,就死在哈蘭。