
Psalm 81

1 To the chief Musician5329 upon5921 Gittith,1665 A Psalm of Asaph.623 Sing aloud7442 unto God430 our strength:5797 make a joyful noise7321 unto the God430 of Jacob.3290

2 Take5375 a psalm,2172 and bring5414 hither the timbrel,8596 the pleasant5273 harp3658 with5973 the psaltery.5035

3 Blow up8628 the trumpet7782 in the new moon,2320 in the time appointed,3677 on our solemn feast2282 day.3117

4 For3588 this1931 was a statute2706 for Israel,3478 and a law4941 of the God430 of Jacob.3290

5 This he ordained7760 in Joseph3084 for a testimony,5715 when he went out3318 through5921 the land776 of Egypt:4714 where I heard8085 a language8193 that I understood3045 not.3808

6 I removed5493 his shoulder7926 from the burden:4480 5447 his hands3709 were delivered5674 from the pots.4480 1731

7 Thou calledst7121 in trouble,6869 and I delivered2502 thee; I answered6030 thee in the secret place5643 of thunder:7482 I proved974 thee at5921 the waters4325 of Meribah.4809 Selah.5542

8 Hear,8085 O my people,5971 and I will testify5749 unto thee: O Israel,3478 if518 thou wilt hearken8085 unto me;

9 There shall no3808 strange2114 god410 be1961 in thee; neither3808 shalt thou worship7812 any strange5236 god.410

10 I595 am the LORD3068 thy God,430 which brought5927 thee out of the land4480 776 of Egypt:4714 open thy mouth6310 wide,7337 and I will fill4390 it.

11 But my people5971 would not3808 hearken8085 to my voice;6963 and Israel3478 would14 none3808 of me.

12 So I gave them up7971 unto their own hearts'3820 lust:8307 and they walked1980 in their own counsels.4156

13 Oh that3863 my people5971 had hearkened8085 unto me, and Israel3478 had walked1980 in my ways!1870

14 I should soon4592 have subdued3665 their enemies,341 and turned7725 my hand3027 against5921 their adversaries.6862

15 The haters8130 of the LORD3068 should have submitted3584 themselves unto him: but their time6256 should have endured1961 forever.5769

16 He should have fed398 them also with the finest4480 2459 of the wheat:2406 and with honey1706 out of the rock4480 6697 should I have satisfied7646 thee.



1 雅各之上帝、扶翼余兮、兆姓歡愉、謳歌之兮。

2 播鼗鼓琴、操瑟而作歌、以致悅懌兮。

3 月朔之時、節期之日、當吹其角兮、

4 雅各之上帝、厥有常例、俾以色列族、遵循之兮、

5 昔擊埃及之時、約瑟之子孫、咸受此法、維斯詔命、予昔未知、今始知兮。

6 詔曰、爾任負戴、余弛之兮、爾攜筐筥、余釋之兮、

7 爾遘患難、籲呼於上、余拯之兮、余之所居、幽深玄遠、余之降詔、如發雷聲、在米利巴水濱、余已試爾兮、

8 余頒律例、以色到族我之選民、尚其聽之兮、

9 異邦之上帝、爾毋崇事、爾毋拜跪兮、

10 我耶和華爾之上帝、導爾出埃及、爾口孔張、予取予求、靡不畀爾兮、

11 以色列族我民兮、弗聽從弗柔順兮、

12 余任其桀驁、聽其縱欲兮。

13 如以色列族、我民恪遵我命、聽從我道兮、

14 則其仇敵、余必敗之甚速、則其寇懼、予必擊之弗緩兮、

15 使逆我之輩、強歸附予、我之選民、永膺多福兮、

16 余必賜嘉麥以供之、嚴穴出蜜、以哺之兮。


Psalm 81



1 To the chief Musician5329 upon5921 Gittith,1665 A Psalm of Asaph.623 Sing aloud7442 unto God430 our strength:5797 make a joyful noise7321 unto the God430 of Jacob.3290

1 雅各之上帝、扶翼余兮、兆姓歡愉、謳歌之兮。

2 Take5375 a psalm,2172 and bring5414 hither the timbrel,8596 the pleasant5273 harp3658 with5973 the psaltery.5035

2 播鼗鼓琴、操瑟而作歌、以致悅懌兮。

3 Blow up8628 the trumpet7782 in the new moon,2320 in the time appointed,3677 on our solemn feast2282 day.3117

3 月朔之時、節期之日、當吹其角兮、

4 For3588 this1931 was a statute2706 for Israel,3478 and a law4941 of the God430 of Jacob.3290

4 雅各之上帝、厥有常例、俾以色列族、遵循之兮、

5 This he ordained7760 in Joseph3084 for a testimony,5715 when he went out3318 through5921 the land776 of Egypt:4714 where I heard8085 a language8193 that I understood3045 not.3808

5 昔擊埃及之時、約瑟之子孫、咸受此法、維斯詔命、予昔未知、今始知兮。

6 I removed5493 his shoulder7926 from the burden:4480 5447 his hands3709 were delivered5674 from the pots.4480 1731

6 詔曰、爾任負戴、余弛之兮、爾攜筐筥、余釋之兮、

7 Thou calledst7121 in trouble,6869 and I delivered2502 thee; I answered6030 thee in the secret place5643 of thunder:7482 I proved974 thee at5921 the waters4325 of Meribah.4809 Selah.5542

7 爾遘患難、籲呼於上、余拯之兮、余之所居、幽深玄遠、余之降詔、如發雷聲、在米利巴水濱、余已試爾兮、

8 Hear,8085 O my people,5971 and I will testify5749 unto thee: O Israel,3478 if518 thou wilt hearken8085 unto me;

8 余頒律例、以色到族我之選民、尚其聽之兮、

9 There shall no3808 strange2114 god410 be1961 in thee; neither3808 shalt thou worship7812 any strange5236 god.410

9 異邦之上帝、爾毋崇事、爾毋拜跪兮、

10 I595 am the LORD3068 thy God,430 which brought5927 thee out of the land4480 776 of Egypt:4714 open thy mouth6310 wide,7337 and I will fill4390 it.

10 我耶和華爾之上帝、導爾出埃及、爾口孔張、予取予求、靡不畀爾兮、

11 But my people5971 would not3808 hearken8085 to my voice;6963 and Israel3478 would14 none3808 of me.

11 以色列族我民兮、弗聽從弗柔順兮、

12 So I gave them up7971 unto their own hearts'3820 lust:8307 and they walked1980 in their own counsels.4156

12 余任其桀驁、聽其縱欲兮。

13 Oh that3863 my people5971 had hearkened8085 unto me, and Israel3478 had walked1980 in my ways!1870

13 如以色列族、我民恪遵我命、聽從我道兮、

14 I should soon4592 have subdued3665 their enemies,341 and turned7725 my hand3027 against5921 their adversaries.6862

14 則其仇敵、余必敗之甚速、則其寇懼、予必擊之弗緩兮、

15 The haters8130 of the LORD3068 should have submitted3584 themselves unto him: but their time6256 should have endured1961 forever.5769

15 使逆我之輩、強歸附予、我之選民、永膺多福兮、

16 He should have fed398 them also with the finest4480 2459 of the wheat:2406 and with honey1706 out of the rock4480 6697 should I have satisfied7646 thee.

16 余必賜嘉麥以供之、嚴穴出蜜、以哺之兮。