
Chapter 5

1 Stand fast4739 therefore3767 in the3588 liberty1657 wherewith3739 Christ5547 hath made us free,1659 2248 and2532 be not3361 entangled again with1758 3825 the yoke2218 of bondage.1397

2 Behold,2396 I1473 Paul3972 say3004 unto you,5213 that3754 if1437 ye be circumcised,4059 Christ5547 shall profit5623 you5209 nothing.3762

3 For1161 I testify3143 again3825 to every3956 man444 that is circumcised,4059 that3754 he is2076 a debtor3781 to do4160 the3588 whole3650 law.3551

4 Christ5547 is become of no effect2673 unto you, whosoever3748 of you are justified1344 by1722 the law;3551 ye are fallen1601 from grace.5485

5 For1063 we2249 through the Spirit4151 wait for553 the hope1680 of righteousness1343 by1537 faith.4102

6 For1063 in1722 Jesus2424 Christ5547 neither3777 circumcision4061 availeth2480 any thing,5100 nor3777 uncircumcision;203 but235 faith4102 which worketh1754 by1223 love.26

7 Ye did run5143 well;2573 who5101 did hinder348 you5209 that ye should not3361 obey3982 the3588 truth?225

8 This persuasion3988 cometh not3756 of1537 him that calleth2564 you.5209

9 A little3398 leaven2219 leaveneth2220 the3588 whole3650 lump.5445

10 I1473 have confidence3982 in1519 you5209 through1722 the Lord,2962 that3754 ye will be none otherwise minded:5426 3762 243 but1161 he that troubleth5015 you5209 shall bear941 his judgment,2917 whosoever3748 302 he be.5600

11 And1161 I,1473 brethren,80 if1487 I yet2089 preach2784 circumcision,4061 why5101 do I yet2089 suffer persecution?1377 then686 is the3588 offense4625 of the3588 cross4716 ceased.2673

12 I would3785 they were even2532 cut off609 which trouble387 you.5209

13 For,1063 brethren,80 ye5210 have been called2564 unto1909 liberty;1657 only3440 use not3361 liberty1657 for1519 an occasion874 to the3588 flesh,4561 but235 by1223 love26 serve1398 one another.240

14 For1063 all3956 the law3551 is fulfilled4137 in1722 one1520 word,3056 even in1722 this;3588 Thou shalt love25 thy4675 neighbor4139 as5613 thyself.1438

15 But1161 if1487 ye bite1143 and2532 devour2719 one another,240 take heed991 that ye be not3361 consumed355 one of another.240

16 This I say3004 then,1161 Walk4043 in the Spirit,4151 and2532 ye shall not3364 fulfill5055 the lust1939 of the flesh.4561

17 For1063 the3588 flesh4561 lusteth1937 against2596 the3588 Spirit,4151 and1161 the3588 Spirit4151 against2596 the3588 flesh:4561 and1161 these5023 are contrary480 the one to the other:240 so that2443 ye cannot3361 do4160 the things5023 that3739 302 ye would.2309

18 But1161 if1487 ye be led71 of the Spirit,4151 ye are2075 not3756 under5259 the law.3551

19 Now1161 the3588 works2041 of the3588 flesh4561 are2076 manifest,5318 which3748 are2076 these; adultery,3430 fornication,4202 uncleanness,167 lasciviousness,766

20 Idolatry,1495 witchcraft,5331 hatred,2189 variance,2054 emulations,2205 wrath,2372 strife,2052 seditions,1370 heresies,139

21 Envyings,5355 murders,5408 drunkenness,3178 revellings,2970 and2532 such5125 like:3664 of the which3739 I tell you before,4302 5213 as2531 I have also2532 told you in time past,4277 that3754 they which do4238 such things5108 shall not3756 inherit2816 the kingdom932 of God.2316

22 But1161 the3588 fruit2590 of the3588 Spirit4151 is2076 love,26 joy,5479 peace,1515 longsuffering,3115 gentleness,5544 goodness,19 faith,4102

23 Meekness,4236 temperance:1466 against2596 such5108 there is2076 no3756 law.3551

24 And1161 they3588 that are Christ's5547 have crucified4717 the3588 flesh4561 with4862 the3588 affections3804 and2532 lusts.1939

25 If1487 we live2198 in the Spirit,4151 let us also2532 walk4748 in the Spirit.4151

26 Let us not3361 be1096 desirous of vain glory,2755 provoking4292 one another,240 envying5354 one another.240


Chapter 5

1 STAND firm therefore in the liberty with which Christ has made us free, and be not harnessed again under the yoke of servitude.

2 Behold, I, Paul, tell you that if you be circumcised, then Christ is of no benefit to you.

3 For I testify again to every man who is circumcised, that he is under obligation to fulfill the whole law.

4 You have ceased to adhere to Christ, who seek justification by the law; you are fallen from grace.

5 For we through the Spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith.

6 For in Christ Jesus, neither is circumcision anything nor uncircumcision; but faith which is accomplished by love.

7 You were progressing well; who confused you that you should not obey the truth?

8 Your persuasion comes from him who called you.

9 A little leaven leavens the whole lump.

10 I have confidence in you through our LORD, that you will consider no other beliefs: that he who troubles you shall bear his judgment, whosoever he is.

11 And I, my brethren, if I still preach circumcision, why should I be persecuted? Why? Has the cross ceased to be a stumblingblock?

12 I wish those who are troubling you would be expelled.

13 For, my brethren, you have been called unto liberty; only do not use your liberty for an occasion to the things of the flesh, but by love serve one another.

14 For the whole law is fulfilled in one saying, that is; Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself.

15 But if you harm and plunder one another, take heed lest you be consumed one by another.

16 This I say then: Lead a spiritual life, and you shall never commit the lust of the flesh.

17 For the flesh craves that which is harmful to the Spirit, and the Spirit opposes the things of the flesh: and the two are contrary to one another, so that you are unable to do whatever you please.

18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.

19 For the works of the flesh are well-known, which are these: adultery, impurity, and lasciviousness,

20 Idolatry, witchcraft, enmity, strife, jealousy, anger, stubbornness, seditions, heresies,

21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and all like things: those who practice these things, as I have told you before and I say to you now, they shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

22 But the fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith,

23 Meekness, self-control: there is no law against these.

24 And those who belong to Christ have controlled their weaknesses and passions.

25 Let us therefore live in the Spirit, and surrender to the Spirit.

26 Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another.


Chapter 5


Chapter 5

1 Stand fast4739 therefore3767 in the3588 liberty1657 wherewith3739 Christ5547 hath made us free,1659 2248 and2532 be not3361 entangled again with1758 3825 the yoke2218 of bondage.1397

1 STAND firm therefore in the liberty with which Christ has made us free, and be not harnessed again under the yoke of servitude.

2 Behold,2396 I1473 Paul3972 say3004 unto you,5213 that3754 if1437 ye be circumcised,4059 Christ5547 shall profit5623 you5209 nothing.3762

2 Behold, I, Paul, tell you that if you be circumcised, then Christ is of no benefit to you.

3 For1161 I testify3143 again3825 to every3956 man444 that is circumcised,4059 that3754 he is2076 a debtor3781 to do4160 the3588 whole3650 law.3551

3 For I testify again to every man who is circumcised, that he is under obligation to fulfill the whole law.

4 Christ5547 is become of no effect2673 unto you, whosoever3748 of you are justified1344 by1722 the law;3551 ye are fallen1601 from grace.5485

4 You have ceased to adhere to Christ, who seek justification by the law; you are fallen from grace.

5 For1063 we2249 through the Spirit4151 wait for553 the hope1680 of righteousness1343 by1537 faith.4102

5 For we through the Spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith.

6 For1063 in1722 Jesus2424 Christ5547 neither3777 circumcision4061 availeth2480 any thing,5100 nor3777 uncircumcision;203 but235 faith4102 which worketh1754 by1223 love.26

6 For in Christ Jesus, neither is circumcision anything nor uncircumcision; but faith which is accomplished by love.

7 Ye did run5143 well;2573 who5101 did hinder348 you5209 that ye should not3361 obey3982 the3588 truth?225

7 You were progressing well; who confused you that you should not obey the truth?

8 This persuasion3988 cometh not3756 of1537 him that calleth2564 you.5209

8 Your persuasion comes from him who called you.

9 A little3398 leaven2219 leaveneth2220 the3588 whole3650 lump.5445

9 A little leaven leavens the whole lump.

10 I1473 have confidence3982 in1519 you5209 through1722 the Lord,2962 that3754 ye will be none otherwise minded:5426 3762 243 but1161 he that troubleth5015 you5209 shall bear941 his judgment,2917 whosoever3748 302 he be.5600

10 I have confidence in you through our LORD, that you will consider no other beliefs: that he who troubles you shall bear his judgment, whosoever he is.

11 And1161 I,1473 brethren,80 if1487 I yet2089 preach2784 circumcision,4061 why5101 do I yet2089 suffer persecution?1377 then686 is the3588 offense4625 of the3588 cross4716 ceased.2673

11 And I, my brethren, if I still preach circumcision, why should I be persecuted? Why? Has the cross ceased to be a stumblingblock?

12 I would3785 they were even2532 cut off609 which trouble387 you.5209

12 I wish those who are troubling you would be expelled.

13 For,1063 brethren,80 ye5210 have been called2564 unto1909 liberty;1657 only3440 use not3361 liberty1657 for1519 an occasion874 to the3588 flesh,4561 but235 by1223 love26 serve1398 one another.240

13 For, my brethren, you have been called unto liberty; only do not use your liberty for an occasion to the things of the flesh, but by love serve one another.

14 For1063 all3956 the law3551 is fulfilled4137 in1722 one1520 word,3056 even in1722 this;3588 Thou shalt love25 thy4675 neighbor4139 as5613 thyself.1438

14 For the whole law is fulfilled in one saying, that is; Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself.

15 But1161 if1487 ye bite1143 and2532 devour2719 one another,240 take heed991 that ye be not3361 consumed355 one of another.240

15 But if you harm and plunder one another, take heed lest you be consumed one by another.

16 This I say3004 then,1161 Walk4043 in the Spirit,4151 and2532 ye shall not3364 fulfill5055 the lust1939 of the flesh.4561

16 This I say then: Lead a spiritual life, and you shall never commit the lust of the flesh.

17 For1063 the3588 flesh4561 lusteth1937 against2596 the3588 Spirit,4151 and1161 the3588 Spirit4151 against2596 the3588 flesh:4561 and1161 these5023 are contrary480 the one to the other:240 so that2443 ye cannot3361 do4160 the things5023 that3739 302 ye would.2309

17 For the flesh craves that which is harmful to the Spirit, and the Spirit opposes the things of the flesh: and the two are contrary to one another, so that you are unable to do whatever you please.

18 But1161 if1487 ye be led71 of the Spirit,4151 ye are2075 not3756 under5259 the law.3551

18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.

19 Now1161 the3588 works2041 of the3588 flesh4561 are2076 manifest,5318 which3748 are2076 these; adultery,3430 fornication,4202 uncleanness,167 lasciviousness,766

19 For the works of the flesh are well-known, which are these: adultery, impurity, and lasciviousness,

20 Idolatry,1495 witchcraft,5331 hatred,2189 variance,2054 emulations,2205 wrath,2372 strife,2052 seditions,1370 heresies,139

20 Idolatry, witchcraft, enmity, strife, jealousy, anger, stubbornness, seditions, heresies,

21 Envyings,5355 murders,5408 drunkenness,3178 revellings,2970 and2532 such5125 like:3664 of the which3739 I tell you before,4302 5213 as2531 I have also2532 told you in time past,4277 that3754 they which do4238 such things5108 shall not3756 inherit2816 the kingdom932 of God.2316

21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and all like things: those who practice these things, as I have told you before and I say to you now, they shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

22 But1161 the3588 fruit2590 of the3588 Spirit4151 is2076 love,26 joy,5479 peace,1515 longsuffering,3115 gentleness,5544 goodness,19 faith,4102

22 But the fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith,

23 Meekness,4236 temperance:1466 against2596 such5108 there is2076 no3756 law.3551

23 Meekness, self-control: there is no law against these.

24 And1161 they3588 that are Christ's5547 have crucified4717 the3588 flesh4561 with4862 the3588 affections3804 and2532 lusts.1939

24 And those who belong to Christ have controlled their weaknesses and passions.

25 If1487 we live2198 in the Spirit,4151 let us also2532 walk4748 in the Spirit.4151

25 Let us therefore live in the Spirit, and surrender to the Spirit.

26 Let us not3361 be1096 desirous of vain glory,2755 provoking4292 one another,240 envying5354 one another.240

26 Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another.