
Chapter 12

1 THESE are the statutes and judgments which you shall observe to do in the land which the LORD God of your fathers gives you to possess all the days that you live upon the earth.

2 You must destroy all the places wherein the nations whom you are to possess worshipped, and all their gods upon high mountains and upon the hills and under every green tree;

3 And you shall tear down their altars and break their statues and burn their graven images with fire; and break the graven images of their gods, and destroy the names of them out of that place.

4 You shall not do so to the LORD your God.

5 But to the place which the LORD your God shall choose out of all your tribes to put his name there, his habitation shall you seek, and thither you shall go;

6 And thither you shall bring your burnt offerings and your sacrifices and your tithes and your gift offerings of your hands and your vows and your freewill offerings and the firstlings of your herds and of your flocks;

7 And there you shall eat before the LORD your God, and you shall rejoice in all that you put your hand to, you and your households, in which the LORD your God has blessed you.

8 You shall not do according to all the things that we are doing here this day, every man whatever is right in his own eyes.

9 For you are not as yet come to the dwelling place and to the inheritance which the LORD your God gives you.

10 But when you cross the Jordan and dwell in the land which the LORD your God gives you to inherit, and when he gives you rest from all your enemies round about you, so that you shall dwell in safety;

11 Then to the place which the LORD your God shall choose to cause his name to dwell there, thither you shall bring all the things that I command you, your burnt offerings and your sacrifices, your tithes and the gift offerings of your hands and all your choice things of your vows which you vow to the LORD.

12 And you shall rejoice before the LORD your God, you and your sons and your daughters and your men-servants and your maidservants and the Levites that are living within your towns; because they have no portion nor inheritance with you.

13 Take heed to yourselves that you do not offer your burnt offerings in every place that you please;

14 But in the place which the LORD shall choose in one of your tribes, there you shall offer your burnt offerings, and there you shall do all that I command you.

15 Notwithstanding you may slaughter and eat meat in all your towns, whatever your soul may desire, according to the blessing of the LORD your God which he has given you; the unclean and the clean may be eaten, such as of the gazelle, and as of the hart.

16 Only you shall not eat the blood; you shall pour it out upon the earth like water.

17 It is unlawful to eat within your towns the tithes of your grain, or of your wine, or of your oil, or the firstlings of your herds, or of your flock, or any of things which you vow, nor your freewill offerings, nor gift offerings of your hands;

18 But you must eat them before the LORD your God yearly at the place which the LORD your God shall choose, you and your son and your daughter and your manservant and your maidservant and the Levite that is within your towns; and you shall rejoice before the LORD your God in all that you put your hand to.

19 Take heed to yourselves that you do not forsake the Levites as long as you live upon the earth.

20 When the LORD your God shall enlarge your territory, as he has promised you, and you shall say, I will eat meat, because your soul longs to eat meat; you shall eat meat, whatever your soul may desire.

21 And if the place where the LORD your God shall choose to put his name is too far from you, then you may slaughter of your herds and of your flocks, which the LORD your God has given you, as I have commanded you, and you shall eat in your towns whatever your soul may desire.

22 But as the gazelle and the hart is eaten, so you shall eat of it, the clean and the unclean, you shall eat of it alike.

23 Only be sure that you do not eat the blood; for the blood is the life; and you shall not eat the life with the flesh.

24 You shall not eat it; but you must pour it out on the earth like water.

25 You shall not eat it; that it may go well with you, and with your children after you, when you shall do that which is right in the sight of the LORD your God.

26 Only the holy things which you have, and your votive offerings you shall take and go to the place which the LORD shall choose;

27 And you shall offer your burnt offerings, the flesh and the blood, upon the altar of the LORD your God; and the blood of your sacrifices shall be poured out upon the altar of the LORD your God, and you shall eat the meat.

28 Observe and hear all these commandments which I command you this day, that it may go well with you and with your children after you for ever, when you do that which is good and right in the sight of the LORD your God.

29 When the LORD your God shall destroy the nations against whom you are going, and shall cut them off from before you, and you shall possess them and dwell in their land;

30 Take heed to yourselves that you may not go astray by following them, after the LORD has destroyed them from before you; and that you do not inquire after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? Even so I may do likewise.

31 You shall not do so to the LORD your God; for every thing abominable to the LORD, which he hates, they have done to their gods; even their sons and their daughters they have burnt in the fire to their gods.

32 Everything that I command you, that you must be careful to do; you shall not add nor take from it.



1 「你們存活於世的日子,在耶和華─你們列祖的神所賜你們為業的地上,要謹守遵行的律例典章乃是這些:

2 你們要將所趕出的國民事奉眾神的各地方,無論是在高山,在小山,在各青翠樹下,都盡行毀壞[utterly destroy all]

3 也要拆毀他們的祭壇,打碎他們的柱像,用火焚燒他們的樹叢[groves],砍下他們雕刻的眾神像[images of their gods],並將其名從那地方除滅。

4 你們不可照他們那樣事奉耶和華─你們的神。

5 但耶和華─你們的神從你們各支派中選擇何處為立他名的居所,你們就當往那裏去求問,

6 將你們的燔祭、別的祭[sacrifices]、十分取一之物,和手中的舉祭,並還願祭、甘心祭,以及牛群羊群中頭生的,都奉到那裏。

7 在那裏,耶和華─你們神的面前,你們和你們的家屬都可以吃,並且因你手所辦的一切事蒙耶和華─你的神賜福,就都歡樂。

8 我們今日在這裏所行的是各人行自己眼中看為正的事,你們將來不可這樣行;

9 因為你們還沒有到耶和華─你神所賜你的安息地,所給你的產業。

10 但你們過了約旦河,得以住在耶和華─你們神使你們承受為業之地,又使你們太平,不被四圍的一切仇敵擾亂,安然居住。

11 那時要將我所吩咐你們的燔祭、別的祭[sacrifices]、十分取一之物,和手中的舉祭,並向耶和華許願獻的一切美祭,都奉到耶和華─你們神所選擇要立為他名的居所。

12 你們和兒女、僕婢,並住在你們城裏無分無業的利未人,都要在耶和華─你們的神面前歡樂。

13 你要謹慎,不可在你所看中的各處獻燔祭。

14 唯獨耶和華從你那一支派中所選擇的地方,你就要在那裏獻燔祭,行我一切所吩咐你的。

15 「然而,在你各城門[gates]裏都可以照耶和華─你神所賜你的福分,隨心所欲宰牲吃肉;無論潔淨人不潔淨人都可以吃,就如吃公獐鹿[roebuck]牡鹿[hart]一般。

16 只是不可吃血,要倒在地上,如同倒水一樣。

17 你的五穀、新酒,和油的十分之一,或是牛群羊群中頭生的,或是你許願獻的,甘心獻的,或是手中的舉祭,都不可在你城門[gates]裏吃;


19 你要謹慎,在你所住的地方永不可丟棄利未人。

20 「耶和華─你的神照他所應許擴張你境界的時候,你心裏想要吃肉,說:我要吃肉,就可以隨心所欲地吃肉。

21 耶和華─你神所選擇要立他名的地方若離你太遠,就可以照我所吩咐的,將耶和華賜給你的牛群[herd]羊群[flock]取些宰了,可以隨心所欲在你城門以內[in thy gates]吃。

22 你吃那肉,要像吃公獐鹿[roebuck]牡鹿[hart]一般;無論潔淨人不潔淨人都可以吃。

23 只是你要心意堅定,不可吃血,因為血是生命;不可將生命[life]與肉同吃。

24 [Thou]不可吃血;[thou]將血[it]倒在地上,如同倒水一樣。

25 [Thou]不可吃血。這樣,你行耶和華眼中看為正的事,你和你的子孫就可以得福。

26 只是你分別為聖的物和你的還願祭要奉到耶和華所選擇的地方去。

27 你的燔祭,連肉帶血,都要獻在耶和華─你神的壇上。祭牲[sacrifices]的血要倒在耶和華─你神的壇上;至於[and][flesh],你自己可以吃。

28 你要謹守聽從我所吩咐的一切話,行耶和華─你神眼中看為善,看為正的事。這樣,你和你的子孫就可以永遠享福。

29 「耶和華─你神將你要去趕出的國民從你面前剪除,你接著[succeedest]他們的地居住,

30 那時[thyself]要謹慎,不可在他們從你面前[from before thee]除滅之後隨從他們的惡俗,陷入網羅;[thou]也不可求問[enquire]他們的眾神說:『這些國民是怎樣事奉他們的眾神呢?我也要照樣行。』

31 你不可向耶和華─你的神這樣行,因為他們向他們的眾神行了耶和華所憎嫌所恨惡的一切事,甚至將自己的兒女用火焚燒,獻與他們的眾神。

32 凡我所吩咐的,你們都要謹守遵行;[thou]不可加添,也不可刪減。


Chapter 12



1 THESE are the statutes and judgments which you shall observe to do in the land which the LORD God of your fathers gives you to possess all the days that you live upon the earth.

1 「你們存活於世的日子,在耶和華─你們列祖的神所賜你們為業的地上,要謹守遵行的律例典章乃是這些:

2 You must destroy all the places wherein the nations whom you are to possess worshipped, and all their gods upon high mountains and upon the hills and under every green tree;

2 你們要將所趕出的國民事奉眾神的各地方,無論是在高山,在小山,在各青翠樹下,都盡行毀壞[utterly destroy all]

3 And you shall tear down their altars and break their statues and burn their graven images with fire; and break the graven images of their gods, and destroy the names of them out of that place.

3 也要拆毀他們的祭壇,打碎他們的柱像,用火焚燒他們的樹叢[groves],砍下他們雕刻的眾神像[images of their gods],並將其名從那地方除滅。

4 You shall not do so to the LORD your God.

4 你們不可照他們那樣事奉耶和華─你們的神。

5 But to the place which the LORD your God shall choose out of all your tribes to put his name there, his habitation shall you seek, and thither you shall go;

5 但耶和華─你們的神從你們各支派中選擇何處為立他名的居所,你們就當往那裏去求問,

6 And thither you shall bring your burnt offerings and your sacrifices and your tithes and your gift offerings of your hands and your vows and your freewill offerings and the firstlings of your herds and of your flocks;

6 將你們的燔祭、別的祭[sacrifices]、十分取一之物,和手中的舉祭,並還願祭、甘心祭,以及牛群羊群中頭生的,都奉到那裏。

7 And there you shall eat before the LORD your God, and you shall rejoice in all that you put your hand to, you and your households, in which the LORD your God has blessed you.

7 在那裏,耶和華─你們神的面前,你們和你們的家屬都可以吃,並且因你手所辦的一切事蒙耶和華─你的神賜福,就都歡樂。

8 You shall not do according to all the things that we are doing here this day, every man whatever is right in his own eyes.

8 我們今日在這裏所行的是各人行自己眼中看為正的事,你們將來不可這樣行;

9 For you are not as yet come to the dwelling place and to the inheritance which the LORD your God gives you.

9 因為你們還沒有到耶和華─你神所賜你的安息地,所給你的產業。

10 But when you cross the Jordan and dwell in the land which the LORD your God gives you to inherit, and when he gives you rest from all your enemies round about you, so that you shall dwell in safety;

10 但你們過了約旦河,得以住在耶和華─你們神使你們承受為業之地,又使你們太平,不被四圍的一切仇敵擾亂,安然居住。

11 Then to the place which the LORD your God shall choose to cause his name to dwell there, thither you shall bring all the things that I command you, your burnt offerings and your sacrifices, your tithes and the gift offerings of your hands and all your choice things of your vows which you vow to the LORD.

11 那時要將我所吩咐你們的燔祭、別的祭[sacrifices]、十分取一之物,和手中的舉祭,並向耶和華許願獻的一切美祭,都奉到耶和華─你們神所選擇要立為他名的居所。

12 And you shall rejoice before the LORD your God, you and your sons and your daughters and your men-servants and your maidservants and the Levites that are living within your towns; because they have no portion nor inheritance with you.

12 你們和兒女、僕婢,並住在你們城裏無分無業的利未人,都要在耶和華─你們的神面前歡樂。

13 Take heed to yourselves that you do not offer your burnt offerings in every place that you please;

13 你要謹慎,不可在你所看中的各處獻燔祭。

14 But in the place which the LORD shall choose in one of your tribes, there you shall offer your burnt offerings, and there you shall do all that I command you.

14 唯獨耶和華從你那一支派中所選擇的地方,你就要在那裏獻燔祭,行我一切所吩咐你的。

15 Notwithstanding you may slaughter and eat meat in all your towns, whatever your soul may desire, according to the blessing of the LORD your God which he has given you; the unclean and the clean may be eaten, such as of the gazelle, and as of the hart.

15 「然而,在你各城門[gates]裏都可以照耶和華─你神所賜你的福分,隨心所欲宰牲吃肉;無論潔淨人不潔淨人都可以吃,就如吃公獐鹿[roebuck]牡鹿[hart]一般。

16 Only you shall not eat the blood; you shall pour it out upon the earth like water.

16 只是不可吃血,要倒在地上,如同倒水一樣。

17 It is unlawful to eat within your towns the tithes of your grain, or of your wine, or of your oil, or the firstlings of your herds, or of your flock, or any of things which you vow, nor your freewill offerings, nor gift offerings of your hands;

17 你的五穀、新酒,和油的十分之一,或是牛群羊群中頭生的,或是你許願獻的,甘心獻的,或是手中的舉祭,都不可在你城門[gates]裏吃;

18 But you must eat them before the LORD your God yearly at the place which the LORD your God shall choose, you and your son and your daughter and your manservant and your maidservant and the Levite that is within your towns; and you shall rejoice before the LORD your God in all that you put your hand to.


19 Take heed to yourselves that you do not forsake the Levites as long as you live upon the earth.

19 你要謹慎,在你所住的地方永不可丟棄利未人。

20 When the LORD your God shall enlarge your territory, as he has promised you, and you shall say, I will eat meat, because your soul longs to eat meat; you shall eat meat, whatever your soul may desire.

20 「耶和華─你的神照他所應許擴張你境界的時候,你心裏想要吃肉,說:我要吃肉,就可以隨心所欲地吃肉。

21 And if the place where the LORD your God shall choose to put his name is too far from you, then you may slaughter of your herds and of your flocks, which the LORD your God has given you, as I have commanded you, and you shall eat in your towns whatever your soul may desire.

21 耶和華─你神所選擇要立他名的地方若離你太遠,就可以照我所吩咐的,將耶和華賜給你的牛群[herd]羊群[flock]取些宰了,可以隨心所欲在你城門以內[in thy gates]吃。

22 But as the gazelle and the hart is eaten, so you shall eat of it, the clean and the unclean, you shall eat of it alike.

22 你吃那肉,要像吃公獐鹿[roebuck]牡鹿[hart]一般;無論潔淨人不潔淨人都可以吃。

23 Only be sure that you do not eat the blood; for the blood is the life; and you shall not eat the life with the flesh.

23 只是你要心意堅定,不可吃血,因為血是生命;不可將生命[life]與肉同吃。

24 You shall not eat it; but you must pour it out on the earth like water.

24 [Thou]不可吃血;[thou]將血[it]倒在地上,如同倒水一樣。

25 You shall not eat it; that it may go well with you, and with your children after you, when you shall do that which is right in the sight of the LORD your God.

25 [Thou]不可吃血。這樣,你行耶和華眼中看為正的事,你和你的子孫就可以得福。

26 Only the holy things which you have, and your votive offerings you shall take and go to the place which the LORD shall choose;

26 只是你分別為聖的物和你的還願祭要奉到耶和華所選擇的地方去。

27 And you shall offer your burnt offerings, the flesh and the blood, upon the altar of the LORD your God; and the blood of your sacrifices shall be poured out upon the altar of the LORD your God, and you shall eat the meat.

27 你的燔祭,連肉帶血,都要獻在耶和華─你神的壇上。祭牲[sacrifices]的血要倒在耶和華─你神的壇上;至於[and][flesh],你自己可以吃。

28 Observe and hear all these commandments which I command you this day, that it may go well with you and with your children after you for ever, when you do that which is good and right in the sight of the LORD your God.

28 你要謹守聽從我所吩咐的一切話,行耶和華─你神眼中看為善,看為正的事。這樣,你和你的子孫就可以永遠享福。

29 When the LORD your God shall destroy the nations against whom you are going, and shall cut them off from before you, and you shall possess them and dwell in their land;

29 「耶和華─你神將你要去趕出的國民從你面前剪除,你接著[succeedest]他們的地居住,

30 Take heed to yourselves that you may not go astray by following them, after the LORD has destroyed them from before you; and that you do not inquire after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? Even so I may do likewise.

30 那時[thyself]要謹慎,不可在他們從你面前[from before thee]除滅之後隨從他們的惡俗,陷入網羅;[thou]也不可求問[enquire]他們的眾神說:『這些國民是怎樣事奉他們的眾神呢?我也要照樣行。』

31 You shall not do so to the LORD your God; for every thing abominable to the LORD, which he hates, they have done to their gods; even their sons and their daughters they have burnt in the fire to their gods.

31 你不可向耶和華─你的神這樣行,因為他們向他們的眾神行了耶和華所憎嫌所恨惡的一切事,甚至將自己的兒女用火焚燒,獻與他們的眾神。

32 Everything that I command you, that you must be careful to do; you shall not add nor take from it.

32 凡我所吩咐的,你們都要謹守遵行;[thou]不可加添,也不可刪減。