
Chapter 22

1 And it came to pass1961 after310 these428 things,1697 that God430 did tempt5254 853 Abraham,85 and said559 unto413 him, Abraham:85 and he said,559 Behold,2009 here I am.

2 And he said,559 Take3947 now4994 853 thy son,1121 853 thine only3173 son853 Isaac,3327 whom834 thou lovest,157 and get1980 thee into413 the land776 of Moriah;4179 and offer5927 him there8033 for a burnt offering5930 upon5921 one259 of the mountains2022 which834 I will tell559 thee of.413

3 And Abraham85 rose up early7925 in the morning,1242 and saddled2280 853 his ass,2543 and took3947 853 two8147 of his young men5288 with854 him, and Isaac3327 his son,1121 and cleaved1234 the wood6086 for the burnt offering,5930 and rose up,6965 and went1980 unto413 the place4725 of which834 God430 had told559 him.

4 Then on the third7992 day3117 Abraham85 lifted up5375 853 his eyes,5869 and saw7200 853 the place4725 afar off.4480 7350

5 And Abraham85 said559 unto413 his young men,5288 Abide3427 ye here6311 with5973 the ass;2543 and I589 and the lad5288 will go1980 yonder5704 3541 and worship,7812 and come again7725 to413 you.

6 And Abraham85 took3947 853 the wood6086 of the burnt offering,5930 and laid7760 it upon5921 Isaac3327 his son;1121 and he took3947 853 the fire784 in his hand,3027 and a knife;3979 and they went1980 both8147 of them together.3162

7 And Isaac3327 spoke559 unto413 Abraham85 his father,1 and said,559 My father:1 and he said,559 Here2009 am I, my son.1121 And he said,559 Behold2009 the fire784 and the wood:6086 but where346 is the lamb7716 for a burnt offering?5930

8 And Abraham85 said,559 My son,1121 God430 will provide7200 himself a lamb7716 for a burnt offering:5930 so they went1980 both8147 of them together.3162

9 And they came935 to413 the place4725 which834 God430 had told559 him of; and Abraham85 built1129 853 an altar4196 there,8033 and laid the wood in order,6186 853 6086 and bound6123 853 Isaac3327 his son,1121 and laid7760 him on5921 the altar4196 upon4480 4605 the wood.6086

10 And Abraham85 stretched forth7971 853 his hand,3027 and took3947 853 the knife3979 to slay7819 853 his son.1121

11 And the angel4397 of the LORD3068 called7121 unto413 him out of4480 heaven,8064 and said,559 Abraham,85 Abraham:85 and he said,559 Here2009 am I.

12 And he said,559 Lay7971 not408 thine hand3027 upon413 the lad,5288 neither408 do6213 thou any thing3972 unto him: for3588 now6258 I know3045 that3588 thou859 fearest3373 God,430 seeing thou hast not3808 withheld2820 853 thy son,1121 853 thine only3173 son from4480 me.

13 And Abraham85 lifted up5375 853 his eyes,5869 and looked,7200 and behold2009 behind310 him a ram352 caught270 in a thicket5442 by his horns:7161 and Abraham85 went1980 and took3947 853 the ram,352 and offered him up5927 for a burnt offering5930 in the stead of8478 his son.1121

14 And Abraham85 called7121 the name8034 of that1931 place4725 Jehovah-jireh:3070 as834 it is said559 to this day,3117 In the mount2022 of the LORD3068 it shall be seen.7200

15 And the angel4397 of the LORD3068 called7121 unto413 Abraham85 out of4480 heaven8064 the second time,8145

16 And said,559 By myself have I sworn,7650 saith5002 the LORD,3068 for3588 because3282 834 thou hast done6213 853 this2088 thing,1697 and hast not3808 withheld2820 853 thy son,1121 853 thine only3173 son:

17 That3588 in blessing1288 I will bless1288 thee, and in multiplying7235 I will multiply7235 853 thy seed2233 as the stars3556 of the heaven,8064 and as the sand2344 which834 is upon5921 the sea3220 shore;8193 and thy seed2233 shall possess3423 853 the gate8179 of his enemies;341

18 And in thy seed2233 shall all3605 the nations1471 of the earth776 be blessed;1288 because6118 834 thou hast obeyed8085 my voice.6963

19 So Abraham85 returned7725 unto413 his young men,5288 and they rose up6965 and went1980 together3162 to413 Beer-sheba;884 and Abraham85 dwelt3427 at Beer-sheba.884

20 And it came to pass1961 after310 these428 things,1697 that it was told5046 Abraham,85 saying,559 Behold,2009 Milcah,4435 she1931 hath also1571 born3205 children1121 unto thy brother251 Nahor;5152

21 853 Huz5780 his firstborn,1060 and Buz938 his brother,251 and Kemuel7055 the father1 of Aram,758

22 And Chesed,3777 and Hazo,2375 and Pildash,6394 and Jidlaph,3044 and Bethuel.1328

23 And Bethuel1328 begot3205 853 Rebekah:7259 these428 eight8083 Milcah4435 did bear3205 to Nahor,5152 Abraham's85 brother.251

24 And his concubine,6370 whose name8034 was Reumah,7208 she1931 bore3205 also1571 853 Tebah,2875 and Gaham,1514 and Thahash,8477 and Maachah.4601



1 這些事以後,神要試驗亞伯拉罕,就呼叫他說:「亞伯拉罕。」他說:「請看[Behold]。我在這裏。」

2 神說:「你帶著你的兒子,就是你獨生的兒子,你所愛的以撒,往摩利亞地去,在我所要指示你的一座[one of the]山上,把他獻為燔祭。」

3 亞伯拉罕清早起來,備上驢,帶著兩個少年人[young men]和他兒子以撒,也劈好了燔祭的柴,就起身往神所指示他的地方去了。

4 到了第三天,亞伯拉罕舉目遠遠的看見那地方。

5 亞伯拉罕對他的少年人[young men]說:「你們和驢在此等候,我與男童往那裏敬拜[worship],就回到你們這裏來。」

6 亞伯拉罕把燔祭的柴放在他兒子以撒身上,自己手裏拿著火與刀;於是二人同行。

7 以撒對他父親亞伯拉罕說:「父親哪。」亞伯拉罕說:「我兒,我在這裏。」以撒說:「請看,火與柴都有了,但燔祭的綿羊羔[lamb]在哪裏呢?」

8 亞伯拉罕說:「我兒,神必自己預備作燔祭的綿羊羔[lamb]。」於是二人同行。

9 他們到了神所指示的地方,亞伯拉罕在那裏築壇,把柴擺好,捆綁他的兒子以撒,放在壇的柴上。

10 亞伯拉罕就伸手拿刀,要殺他的兒子。

11 耶和華的天使[angel]從天上呼叫他說:「亞伯拉罕。亞伯拉罕。」他說:「我在這裏。」

12 天使說:「你不可在這男童身上下手。一點不可害他。現在我知道你是敬畏神的了;因為你沒有將你的兒子,就是你獨生的兒子,留下不給我。」

13 亞伯拉罕舉目觀看,不料,有一隻公綿羊[ram],兩角扣在稠密的小樹中,亞伯拉罕就取了那隻公綿羊[ram]來,獻為燔祭,代替他的兒子。

14 亞伯拉罕給那地方起名叫「耶和華.以勒」,直到今日人還說:「在耶和華的山上必被看顧[shall be seen]。」

15 耶和華的天使[angel]第二次從天上呼叫亞伯拉罕說:

16 「耶和華說:『你既行了這事,不留下你的兒子,就是你獨生的兒子,我便指著自己起誓說:

17 論福,我必賜大福給你;論子孫,我必叫你的子孫多起來,如同天上的星,海邊的沙。你子孫必得著仇敵的城門,

18 並且地上列國都必因你的後裔得福,因為你聽從了我的話。』」

19 於是亞伯拉罕回到他的少年人[his young men]那裏,他們一同起身往別.是巴去;亞伯拉罕就住在別.是巴。

20 這些[these]事以後,有人告訴亞伯拉罕說:「請看[Behold]。密迦給你兄弟拿鶴生了幾個兒子,

21 長子是烏斯,他的兄弟是布斯和亞蘭的父親基母利,

22 並基薛、哈瑣、必達、益拉、彼土利[Bethuel]

23 彼土利生利百加[Bethuel begat Rebekah]。」這八個人都是密迦給亞伯拉罕的兄弟拿鶴生的。

24 拿鶴的妾名叫流瑪,生了提八、迦含、他轄,和瑪迦。


Chapter 22



1 And it came to pass1961 after310 these428 things,1697 that God430 did tempt5254 853 Abraham,85 and said559 unto413 him, Abraham:85 and he said,559 Behold,2009 here I am.

1 這些事以後,神要試驗亞伯拉罕,就呼叫他說:「亞伯拉罕。」他說:「請看[Behold]。我在這裏。」

2 And he said,559 Take3947 now4994 853 thy son,1121 853 thine only3173 son853 Isaac,3327 whom834 thou lovest,157 and get1980 thee into413 the land776 of Moriah;4179 and offer5927 him there8033 for a burnt offering5930 upon5921 one259 of the mountains2022 which834 I will tell559 thee of.413

2 神說:「你帶著你的兒子,就是你獨生的兒子,你所愛的以撒,往摩利亞地去,在我所要指示你的一座[one of the]山上,把他獻為燔祭。」

3 And Abraham85 rose up early7925 in the morning,1242 and saddled2280 853 his ass,2543 and took3947 853 two8147 of his young men5288 with854 him, and Isaac3327 his son,1121 and cleaved1234 the wood6086 for the burnt offering,5930 and rose up,6965 and went1980 unto413 the place4725 of which834 God430 had told559 him.

3 亞伯拉罕清早起來,備上驢,帶著兩個少年人[young men]和他兒子以撒,也劈好了燔祭的柴,就起身往神所指示他的地方去了。

4 Then on the third7992 day3117 Abraham85 lifted up5375 853 his eyes,5869 and saw7200 853 the place4725 afar off.4480 7350

4 到了第三天,亞伯拉罕舉目遠遠的看見那地方。

5 And Abraham85 said559 unto413 his young men,5288 Abide3427 ye here6311 with5973 the ass;2543 and I589 and the lad5288 will go1980 yonder5704 3541 and worship,7812 and come again7725 to413 you.

5 亞伯拉罕對他的少年人[young men]說:「你們和驢在此等候,我與男童往那裏敬拜[worship],就回到你們這裏來。」

6 And Abraham85 took3947 853 the wood6086 of the burnt offering,5930 and laid7760 it upon5921 Isaac3327 his son;1121 and he took3947 853 the fire784 in his hand,3027 and a knife;3979 and they went1980 both8147 of them together.3162

6 亞伯拉罕把燔祭的柴放在他兒子以撒身上,自己手裏拿著火與刀;於是二人同行。

7 And Isaac3327 spoke559 unto413 Abraham85 his father,1 and said,559 My father:1 and he said,559 Here2009 am I, my son.1121 And he said,559 Behold2009 the fire784 and the wood:6086 but where346 is the lamb7716 for a burnt offering?5930

7 以撒對他父親亞伯拉罕說:「父親哪。」亞伯拉罕說:「我兒,我在這裏。」以撒說:「請看,火與柴都有了,但燔祭的綿羊羔[lamb]在哪裏呢?」

8 And Abraham85 said,559 My son,1121 God430 will provide7200 himself a lamb7716 for a burnt offering:5930 so they went1980 both8147 of them together.3162

8 亞伯拉罕說:「我兒,神必自己預備作燔祭的綿羊羔[lamb]。」於是二人同行。

9 And they came935 to413 the place4725 which834 God430 had told559 him of; and Abraham85 built1129 853 an altar4196 there,8033 and laid the wood in order,6186 853 6086 and bound6123 853 Isaac3327 his son,1121 and laid7760 him on5921 the altar4196 upon4480 4605 the wood.6086

9 他們到了神所指示的地方,亞伯拉罕在那裏築壇,把柴擺好,捆綁他的兒子以撒,放在壇的柴上。

10 And Abraham85 stretched forth7971 853 his hand,3027 and took3947 853 the knife3979 to slay7819 853 his son.1121

10 亞伯拉罕就伸手拿刀,要殺他的兒子。

11 And the angel4397 of the LORD3068 called7121 unto413 him out of4480 heaven,8064 and said,559 Abraham,85 Abraham:85 and he said,559 Here2009 am I.

11 耶和華的天使[angel]從天上呼叫他說:「亞伯拉罕。亞伯拉罕。」他說:「我在這裏。」

12 And he said,559 Lay7971 not408 thine hand3027 upon413 the lad,5288 neither408 do6213 thou any thing3972 unto him: for3588 now6258 I know3045 that3588 thou859 fearest3373 God,430 seeing thou hast not3808 withheld2820 853 thy son,1121 853 thine only3173 son from4480 me.

12 天使說:「你不可在這男童身上下手。一點不可害他。現在我知道你是敬畏神的了;因為你沒有將你的兒子,就是你獨生的兒子,留下不給我。」

13 And Abraham85 lifted up5375 853 his eyes,5869 and looked,7200 and behold2009 behind310 him a ram352 caught270 in a thicket5442 by his horns:7161 and Abraham85 went1980 and took3947 853 the ram,352 and offered him up5927 for a burnt offering5930 in the stead of8478 his son.1121

13 亞伯拉罕舉目觀看,不料,有一隻公綿羊[ram],兩角扣在稠密的小樹中,亞伯拉罕就取了那隻公綿羊[ram]來,獻為燔祭,代替他的兒子。

14 And Abraham85 called7121 the name8034 of that1931 place4725 Jehovah-jireh:3070 as834 it is said559 to this day,3117 In the mount2022 of the LORD3068 it shall be seen.7200

14 亞伯拉罕給那地方起名叫「耶和華.以勒」,直到今日人還說:「在耶和華的山上必被看顧[shall be seen]。」

15 And the angel4397 of the LORD3068 called7121 unto413 Abraham85 out of4480 heaven8064 the second time,8145

15 耶和華的天使[angel]第二次從天上呼叫亞伯拉罕說:

16 And said,559 By myself have I sworn,7650 saith5002 the LORD,3068 for3588 because3282 834 thou hast done6213 853 this2088 thing,1697 and hast not3808 withheld2820 853 thy son,1121 853 thine only3173 son:

16 「耶和華說:『你既行了這事,不留下你的兒子,就是你獨生的兒子,我便指著自己起誓說:

17 That3588 in blessing1288 I will bless1288 thee, and in multiplying7235 I will multiply7235 853 thy seed2233 as the stars3556 of the heaven,8064 and as the sand2344 which834 is upon5921 the sea3220 shore;8193 and thy seed2233 shall possess3423 853 the gate8179 of his enemies;341

17 論福,我必賜大福給你;論子孫,我必叫你的子孫多起來,如同天上的星,海邊的沙。你子孫必得著仇敵的城門,

18 And in thy seed2233 shall all3605 the nations1471 of the earth776 be blessed;1288 because6118 834 thou hast obeyed8085 my voice.6963

18 並且地上列國都必因你的後裔得福,因為你聽從了我的話。』」

19 So Abraham85 returned7725 unto413 his young men,5288 and they rose up6965 and went1980 together3162 to413 Beer-sheba;884 and Abraham85 dwelt3427 at Beer-sheba.884

19 於是亞伯拉罕回到他的少年人[his young men]那裏,他們一同起身往別.是巴去;亞伯拉罕就住在別.是巴。

20 And it came to pass1961 after310 these428 things,1697 that it was told5046 Abraham,85 saying,559 Behold,2009 Milcah,4435 she1931 hath also1571 born3205 children1121 unto thy brother251 Nahor;5152

20 這些[these]事以後,有人告訴亞伯拉罕說:「請看[Behold]。密迦給你兄弟拿鶴生了幾個兒子,

21 853 Huz5780 his firstborn,1060 and Buz938 his brother,251 and Kemuel7055 the father1 of Aram,758

21 長子是烏斯,他的兄弟是布斯和亞蘭的父親基母利,

22 And Chesed,3777 and Hazo,2375 and Pildash,6394 and Jidlaph,3044 and Bethuel.1328

22 並基薛、哈瑣、必達、益拉、彼土利[Bethuel]

23 And Bethuel1328 begot3205 853 Rebekah:7259 these428 eight8083 Milcah4435 did bear3205 to Nahor,5152 Abraham's85 brother.251

23 彼土利生利百加[Bethuel begat Rebekah]。」這八個人都是密迦給亞伯拉罕的兄弟拿鶴生的。

24 And his concubine,6370 whose name8034 was Reumah,7208 she1931 bore3205 also1571 853 Tebah,2875 and Gaham,1514 and Thahash,8477 and Maachah.4601

24 拿鶴的妾名叫流瑪,生了提八、迦含、他轄,和瑪迦。