
Chapter 6

1 And it came to pass,1961 when3588 men120 began2490 to multiply7231 on5921 the face6440 of the earth,127 and daughters1323 were born3205 unto them,

2 That the sons1121 of God430 saw7200 853 the daughters1323 of men120 that3588 they2007 were fair;2896 and they took3947 them wives802 of all4480 3605 which834 they chose.977

3 And the LORD3068 said,559 My spirit7307 shall not3808 always5769 strive1777 with man,120 for that he1931 also7945 1571 is flesh:1320 yet his days3117 shall be1961 a hundred3967 and twenty6242 years.8141

4 There were1961 giants5303 in the earth776 in those1992 days;3117 and also1571 after310 that,3651 when834 the sons1121 of God430 came in935 unto413 the daughters1323 of men,120 and they bore3205 children to them, the same1992 became mighty men1368 which834 were of old,4480 5769 men376 of renown.8034

5 And GOD3068 saw7200 that3588 the wickedness7451 of man120 was great7227 in the earth,776 and that every3605 imagination3336 of the thoughts4284 of his heart3820 was only7535 evil7451 continually.3605 3117

6 And it repented5162 the LORD3068 that3588 he had made6213 853 man120 on the earth,776 and it grieved6087 him at413 his heart.3820

7 And the LORD3068 said,559 I will destroy4229 853 man120 whom834 I have created1254 from4480 5921 the face6440 of the earth;127 both man,4480 120 and5704 beast,929 and5704 the creeping thing,7431 and5704 the fowls5775 of the air;8064 for3588 it repenteth5162 me that3588 I have made6213 them.

8 But Noah5146 found4672 grace2580 in the eyes5869 of the LORD.3068

9 These428 are the generations8435 of Noah:5146 Noah5146 was1961 a just6662 man376 and perfect8549 in his generations,1755 and Noah5146 walked1980 with854 God.430

10 And Noah5146 begot3205 three7969 sons,1121 853 Shem,8035 853 Ham,2526 and Japheth.3315

11 The earth776 also was corrupt7843 before6440 God,430 and the earth776 was filled4390 with violence.2555

12 And God430 looked upon7200 853 the earth,776 and, behold,2009 it was corrupt;7843 for3588 all3605 flesh1320 had corrupted7843 853 his way1870 upon5921 the earth.776

13 And God430 said559 unto Noah,5146 The end7093 of all3605 flesh1320 is come935 before6440 me; for3588 the earth776 is filled4390 with violence2555 through them;4480 6440 and, behold,2009 I will destroy7843 them with854 the earth.776

14 Make6213 thee an ark8392 of gopher1613 wood;6086 rooms7064 shalt thou make6213 853 in the ark,8392 and shalt pitch3722 it within4480 1004 and without4480 2351 with pitch.3724

15 And this2088 is the fashion which834 thou shalt make6213 it of: The length753 of the ark8392 shall be three7969 hundred3967 cubits,520 the breadth7341 of it fifty2572 cubits,520 and the height6967 of it thirty7970 cubits.520

16 A window6672 shalt thou make6213 to the ark,8392 and in413 a cubit520 shalt thou finish3615 it above;4480 4605 and the door6607 of the ark8392 shalt thou set7760 in the side6654 thereof; with lower,8482 second,8145 and third7992 stories shalt thou make6213 it.

17 And, behold,2009 I, even I,589 do bring935 853 a flood3999 of waters4325 upon5921 the earth,776 to destroy7843 all3605 flesh,1320 wherein834 is the breath7307 of life,2416 from under4480 8478 heaven;8064 and every thing3605 that834 is in the earth776 shall die.1478

18 But with854 thee will I establish6965 853 my covenant;1285 and thou shalt come935 into413 the ark,8392 thou,859 and thy sons,1121 and thy wife,802 and thy sons'1121 wives802 with854 thee.

19 And of every4480 3605 living thing2416 of all4480 3605 flesh,1320 two8147 of every4480 3605 sort shalt thou bring935 into413 the ark,8392 to keep them alive2421 with854 thee; they shall be1961 male2145 and female.5347

20 Of fowls4480 5775 after their kind,4327 and of4480 cattle929 after their kind,4327 of every4480 3605 creeping thing7431 of the earth127 after his kind,4327 two8147 of every4480 3605 sort shall come935 unto413 thee, to keep them alive.2421

21 And take3947 thou859 unto thee of all4480 3605 food3978 that834 is eaten,398 and thou shalt gather622 it to413 thee; and it shall be1961 for food402 for thee, and for them.

22 Thus did6213 Noah;5146 according to all3605 that834 God430 commanded6680 him, so3651 did6213 he.


Chapter 6

1 And it came1961 to pass, when3588 men120 began2490 to multiply7231 on5921 the face6440 of the earth,127 and daughters1323 were born3205 to them,

2 That the sons1121 of God430 saw7200 the daughters1323 of men120 that they were fair;2896 and they took3947 them wives802 of all3605 which834 they chose.977

3 And the LORD3068 said,559 My spirit7307 shall not always5769 strive1777 with man,120 for that he also7683 is flesh:1320 yet his days3117 shall be an hundred3967 and twenty6242 years.8141

4 There were giants5303 in the earth776 in those1992 days;3117 and also1571 after310 that, when834 the sons1121 of God430 came935 in to the daughters1323 of men,120 and they bore3205 children to them, the same1992 became mighty1368 men120 which834 were of old,5769 men582 of renown.8034

5 And God3068 saw7200 that the wickedness7451 of man120 was great7227 in the earth,776 and that every3605 imagination3336 of the thoughts4284 of his heart3820 was only7535 evil7451 continually.3605 3117

6 And it repented5162 the LORD3068 that he had made6213 man120 on5921 the earth,776 and it grieved6087 him at413 his heart.3820

7 And the LORD3068 said,559 I will destroy4229 man120 whom834 I have created1254 from the face6440 of the earth;127 both man,120 and beast,929 and the creeping7431 thing, and the fowls5775 of the air;8064 for it repents5162 me that I have made6213 them.

8 But Noah5146 found4672 grace2580 in the eyes5869 of the LORD.3068

9 These428 are the generations8435 of Noah:5146 Noah5146 was a just6662 man376 and perfect8549 in his generations,8435 and Noah5146 walked1980 with God.430

10 And Noah5146 begat3205 three7969 sons,1121 Shem,8035 Ham,2526 and Japheth.3315

11 The earth776 also was corrupt7843 before6440 God,430 and the earth776 was filled4390 with violence.2555

12 And God430 looked7200 on the earth,776 and, behold,2009 it was corrupt;7843 for all3605 flesh1320 had corrupted7843 his way on the earth.776

13 And God430 said559 to Noah,5146 The end7093 of all3605 flesh1320 is come935 before6440 me; for the earth776 is filled4390 with violence2555 through6440 them; and, behold,2005 I will destroy7843 them with the earth.776

14 Make6213 you an ark8392 of gopher1613 wood;6086 rooms7064 shall you make6213 in the ark,8392 and shall pitch3722 it within1004 and without2351 with pitch.3724

15 And this2088 is the fashion which834 you shall make6213 it of: The length753 of the ark8392 shall be three7969 hundred3967 cubits,520 the breadth7341 of it fifty2572 cubits,520 and the height6967 of it thirty7970 cubits.520

16 A window6672 shall you make6213 to the ark,8392 and in a cubit520 shall you finish3615 it above;4605 and the door6607 of the ark8392 shall you set7760 in the side6654 thereof; with lower,8482 second,8145 and third7992 stories shall you make6213 it.

17 And, behold,2005 I, even I, do bring935 a flood3999 of waters4325 on the earth,776 to destroy7843 all3605 flesh,1320 wherein834 is the breath7307 of life,2416 from under8478 heaven;8064 and every3605 thing that is in the earth776 shall die.1478

18 But with you will I establish6965 my covenant;1285 and you shall come935 into413 the ark,8392 you, and your sons,1121 and your wife,802 and your sons'1121wives802 with you.

19 And of every3605 living2416 thing of all3605 flesh,1320 two8147 of every3605 sort shall you bring935 into413 the ark,8392 to keep8104 them alive2421 with you; they shall be male2145 and female.5347

20 Of fowls5775 after their kind,4327 and of cattle929 after their kind,4327 of every3605 creeping7431 thing of the earth127 after his kind,4327 two8147 of every3605 sort shall come935 to you, to keep8104 them alive.2421

21 And take3947 you to you of all3605 food3978 that is eaten,398 and you shall gather622 it to you; and it shall be for food402 for you, and for them.

22 Thus did6213 Noah;5146 according to all3605 that God430 commanded6680 him, so3651 did6213 he.


Chapter 6


Chapter 6

1 And it came to pass,1961 when3588 men120 began2490 to multiply7231 on5921 the face6440 of the earth,127 and daughters1323 were born3205 unto them,

1 And it came1961 to pass, when3588 men120 began2490 to multiply7231 on5921 the face6440 of the earth,127 and daughters1323 were born3205 to them,

2 That the sons1121 of God430 saw7200 853 the daughters1323 of men120 that3588 they2007 were fair;2896 and they took3947 them wives802 of all4480 3605 which834 they chose.977

2 That the sons1121 of God430 saw7200 the daughters1323 of men120 that they were fair;2896 and they took3947 them wives802 of all3605 which834 they chose.977

3 And the LORD3068 said,559 My spirit7307 shall not3808 always5769 strive1777 with man,120 for that he1931 also7945 1571 is flesh:1320 yet his days3117 shall be1961 a hundred3967 and twenty6242 years.8141

3 And the LORD3068 said,559 My spirit7307 shall not always5769 strive1777 with man,120 for that he also7683 is flesh:1320 yet his days3117 shall be an hundred3967 and twenty6242 years.8141

4 There were1961 giants5303 in the earth776 in those1992 days;3117 and also1571 after310 that,3651 when834 the sons1121 of God430 came in935 unto413 the daughters1323 of men,120 and they bore3205 children to them, the same1992 became mighty men1368 which834 were of old,4480 5769 men376 of renown.8034

4 There were giants5303 in the earth776 in those1992 days;3117 and also1571 after310 that, when834 the sons1121 of God430 came935 in to the daughters1323 of men,120 and they bore3205 children to them, the same1992 became mighty1368 men120 which834 were of old,5769 men582 of renown.8034

5 And GOD3068 saw7200 that3588 the wickedness7451 of man120 was great7227 in the earth,776 and that every3605 imagination3336 of the thoughts4284 of his heart3820 was only7535 evil7451 continually.3605 3117

5 And God3068 saw7200 that the wickedness7451 of man120 was great7227 in the earth,776 and that every3605 imagination3336 of the thoughts4284 of his heart3820 was only7535 evil7451 continually.3605 3117

6 And it repented5162 the LORD3068 that3588 he had made6213 853 man120 on the earth,776 and it grieved6087 him at413 his heart.3820

6 And it repented5162 the LORD3068 that he had made6213 man120 on5921 the earth,776 and it grieved6087 him at413 his heart.3820

7 And the LORD3068 said,559 I will destroy4229 853 man120 whom834 I have created1254 from4480 5921 the face6440 of the earth;127 both man,4480 120 and5704 beast,929 and5704 the creeping thing,7431 and5704 the fowls5775 of the air;8064 for3588 it repenteth5162 me that3588 I have made6213 them.

7 And the LORD3068 said,559 I will destroy4229 man120 whom834 I have created1254 from the face6440 of the earth;127 both man,120 and beast,929 and the creeping7431 thing, and the fowls5775 of the air;8064 for it repents5162 me that I have made6213 them.

8 But Noah5146 found4672 grace2580 in the eyes5869 of the LORD.3068

8 But Noah5146 found4672 grace2580 in the eyes5869 of the LORD.3068

9 These428 are the generations8435 of Noah:5146 Noah5146 was1961 a just6662 man376 and perfect8549 in his generations,1755 and Noah5146 walked1980 with854 God.430

9 These428 are the generations8435 of Noah:5146 Noah5146 was a just6662 man376 and perfect8549 in his generations,8435 and Noah5146 walked1980 with God.430

10 And Noah5146 begot3205 three7969 sons,1121 853 Shem,8035 853 Ham,2526 and Japheth.3315

10 And Noah5146 begat3205 three7969 sons,1121 Shem,8035 Ham,2526 and Japheth.3315

11 The earth776 also was corrupt7843 before6440 God,430 and the earth776 was filled4390 with violence.2555

11 The earth776 also was corrupt7843 before6440 God,430 and the earth776 was filled4390 with violence.2555

12 And God430 looked upon7200 853 the earth,776 and, behold,2009 it was corrupt;7843 for3588 all3605 flesh1320 had corrupted7843 853 his way1870 upon5921 the earth.776

12 And God430 looked7200 on the earth,776 and, behold,2009 it was corrupt;7843 for all3605 flesh1320 had corrupted7843 his way on the earth.776

13 And God430 said559 unto Noah,5146 The end7093 of all3605 flesh1320 is come935 before6440 me; for3588 the earth776 is filled4390 with violence2555 through them;4480 6440 and, behold,2009 I will destroy7843 them with854 the earth.776

13 And God430 said559 to Noah,5146 The end7093 of all3605 flesh1320 is come935 before6440 me; for the earth776 is filled4390 with violence2555 through6440 them; and, behold,2005 I will destroy7843 them with the earth.776

14 Make6213 thee an ark8392 of gopher1613 wood;6086 rooms7064 shalt thou make6213 853 in the ark,8392 and shalt pitch3722 it within4480 1004 and without4480 2351 with pitch.3724

14 Make6213 you an ark8392 of gopher1613 wood;6086 rooms7064 shall you make6213 in the ark,8392 and shall pitch3722 it within1004 and without2351 with pitch.3724

15 And this2088 is the fashion which834 thou shalt make6213 it of: The length753 of the ark8392 shall be three7969 hundred3967 cubits,520 the breadth7341 of it fifty2572 cubits,520 and the height6967 of it thirty7970 cubits.520

15 And this2088 is the fashion which834 you shall make6213 it of: The length753 of the ark8392 shall be three7969 hundred3967 cubits,520 the breadth7341 of it fifty2572 cubits,520 and the height6967 of it thirty7970 cubits.520

16 A window6672 shalt thou make6213 to the ark,8392 and in413 a cubit520 shalt thou finish3615 it above;4480 4605 and the door6607 of the ark8392 shalt thou set7760 in the side6654 thereof; with lower,8482 second,8145 and third7992 stories shalt thou make6213 it.

16 A window6672 shall you make6213 to the ark,8392 and in a cubit520 shall you finish3615 it above;4605 and the door6607 of the ark8392 shall you set7760 in the side6654 thereof; with lower,8482 second,8145 and third7992 stories shall you make6213 it.

17 And, behold,2009 I, even I,589 do bring935 853 a flood3999 of waters4325 upon5921 the earth,776 to destroy7843 all3605 flesh,1320 wherein834 is the breath7307 of life,2416 from under4480 8478 heaven;8064 and every thing3605 that834 is in the earth776 shall die.1478

17 And, behold,2005 I, even I, do bring935 a flood3999 of waters4325 on the earth,776 to destroy7843 all3605 flesh,1320 wherein834 is the breath7307 of life,2416 from under8478 heaven;8064 and every3605 thing that is in the earth776 shall die.1478

18 But with854 thee will I establish6965 853 my covenant;1285 and thou shalt come935 into413 the ark,8392 thou,859 and thy sons,1121 and thy wife,802 and thy sons'1121 wives802 with854 thee.

18 But with you will I establish6965 my covenant;1285 and you shall come935 into413 the ark,8392 you, and your sons,1121 and your wife,802 and your sons'1121wives802 with you.

19 And of every4480 3605 living thing2416 of all4480 3605 flesh,1320 two8147 of every4480 3605 sort shalt thou bring935 into413 the ark,8392 to keep them alive2421 with854 thee; they shall be1961 male2145 and female.5347

19 And of every3605 living2416 thing of all3605 flesh,1320 two8147 of every3605 sort shall you bring935 into413 the ark,8392 to keep8104 them alive2421 with you; they shall be male2145 and female.5347

20 Of fowls4480 5775 after their kind,4327 and of4480 cattle929 after their kind,4327 of every4480 3605 creeping thing7431 of the earth127 after his kind,4327 two8147 of every4480 3605 sort shall come935 unto413 thee, to keep them alive.2421

20 Of fowls5775 after their kind,4327 and of cattle929 after their kind,4327 of every3605 creeping7431 thing of the earth127 after his kind,4327 two8147 of every3605 sort shall come935 to you, to keep8104 them alive.2421

21 And take3947 thou859 unto thee of all4480 3605 food3978 that834 is eaten,398 and thou shalt gather622 it to413 thee; and it shall be1961 for food402 for thee, and for them.

21 And take3947 you to you of all3605 food3978 that is eaten,398 and you shall gather622 it to you; and it shall be for food402 for you, and for them.

22 Thus did6213 Noah;5146 according to all3605 that834 God430 commanded6680 him, so3651 did6213 he.

22 Thus did6213 Noah;5146 according to all3605 that God430 commanded6680 him, so3651 did6213 he.