
Chapter 18

1 And the LORD3068 appeared7200 unto413 him in the plains436 of Mamre:4471 and he1931 sat3427 in the tent168 door6607 in the heat2527 of the day;3117

2 And he lifted up5375 his eyes5869 and looked,7200 and, lo,2009 three7969 men376 stood5324 by5921 him: and when he saw7200 them, he ran7323 to meet7125 them from the tent door,4480 6607 168 and bowed himself7812 toward the ground,776

3 And said,559 My Lord,136 if518 now4994 I have found4672 favor2580 in thy sight,5869 pass not away,5674 408 I pray thee,4994 from4480 5921 thy servant: 5650

4 Let a little4592 water,4325 I pray you,4994 be fetched,3947 and wash7364 your feet,7272 and rest yourselves8172 under8478 the tree: 6086

5 And I will fetch3947 a morsel6595 of bread,3899 and comfort5582 ye your hearts;3820 after that310 ye shall pass on:5674 for3588 therefore5921 3651 are ye come5674 to5921 your servant.5650 And they said,559 So3651 do,6213 as834 thou hast said.1696

6 And Abraham85 hastened4116 into the tent168 unto413 Sarah,8283 and said,559 Make ready quickly4116 three7969 measures5429 of fine5560 meal,7058 knead3888 it, and make6213 cakes upon the hearth.5692

7 And Abraham85 ran7323 unto413 the herd,1241 and fetched3947 a calf1121 1241 tender7390 and good,2896 and gave5414 it unto413 a young man;5288 and he hasted4116 to dress6213 it.

8 And he took3947 butter,2529 and milk,2461 and the calf1121 1241 which834 he had dressed,6213 and set5414 it before6440 them; and he1931 stood5975 by5921 them under8478 the tree,6086 and they did eat.398

9 And they said559 unto413 him, Where346 is Sarah8283 thy wife?802 And he said,559 Behold,2009 in the tent.168

10 And he said,559 I will certainly return7725 7725 unto413 thee according to the time6256 of life;2416 and, lo,2009 Sarah8283 thy wife802 shall have a son.1121 And Sarah8283 heard8085 it in the tent168 door,6607 which1931 was behind310 him.

11 Now Abraham85 and Sarah8283 were old2205 and well stricken935 in age;3117 and it ceased2308 to be1961 with Sarah8283 after the manner734 of women.802

12 Therefore Sarah8283 laughed6711 within7130 herself, saying,559 After310 I am waxed old1086 shall I have1961 pleasure,5730 my lord113 being old2204 also?

13 And the LORD3068 said559 unto413 Abraham,85 Wherefore4100 2088 did Sarah8283 laugh,6711 saying,559 Shall I of a surety637 552 bear a child,3205 which589 am old?2204

14 Is any thing1697 too hard6381 for the LORD?4480 3068 At the time appointed4150 I will return7725 unto413 thee, according to the time6256 of life,2416 and Sarah8283 shall have a son.1121

15 Then Sarah8283 denied,3584 saying,559 I laughed6711 not;3808 for3588 she was afraid.3372 And he said,559 Nay;3808 but3588 thou didst laugh.6711

16 And the men376 rose up6965 from thence,4480 8033 and looked8259 toward5921 6440 Sodom:5467 and Abraham85 went1980 with5973 them to bring them on the way.7971

17 And the LORD3068 said,559 Shall I589 hide3680 from Abraham4480 85 that thing which834 I589 do;6213

18 Seeing that Abraham85 shall surely become1961 1961 a great1419 and mighty6099 nation,1471 and all3605 the nations1471 of the earth776 shall be blessed1288 in him?

19 For3588 I know3045 him, that4616 834 he will command6680 853 his children1121 and his household1004 after310 him, and they shall keep8104 the way1870 of the LORD,3068 to do6213 justice6666 and judgment;4941 that4616 the LORD3068 may bring935 upon5921 Abraham85 853 that which834 he hath spoken1696 of5921 him.

20 And the LORD3068 said,559 Because3588 the cry2201 of Sodom5467 and Gomorrah6017 is great,7231 and because3588 their sin2403 is very3966 grievous;3513

21 I will go down3381 now,4994 and see7200 whether they have done6213 altogether3617 according to the cry6818 of it, which is come935 unto413 me; and if518 not,3808 I will know.3045

22 And the men376 turned their faces6437 from thence,4480 8033 and went1980 toward Sodom:5467 but Abraham85 stood5975 yet5750 before6440 the LORD.3068

23 And Abraham85 drew near,5066 and said,559 Wilt thou also637 destroy5595 the righteous6662 with5973 the wicked?7563

24 Peradventure194 there be3426 fifty2572 righteous6662 within8432 the city:5892 wilt thou also637 destroy5595 and not3808 spare5375 the place4725 for4616 the fifty2572 righteous6662 that834 are therein?7130

25 That be far2486 from thee to do4480 6213 after this2088 manner,1697 to slay4191 the righteous6662 with5973 the wicked:7563 and that the righteous6662 should be1961 as the wicked,7563 that be far2486 from thee: Shall not3808 the Judge8199 of all3605 the earth776 do6213 right?4941

26 And the LORD3068 said,559 If518 I find4672 in Sodom5467 fifty2572 righteous6662 within8432 the city,5892 then I will spare5375 all3605 the place4725 for their sakes.5668

27 And Abraham85 answered6030 and said,559 Behold2009 now,4994 I have taken upon2974 me to speak1696 unto413 the Lord,136 which595 am but dust6083 and ashes: 665

28 Peradventure194 there shall lack2637 five2568 of the fifty2572 righteous:6662 wilt thou destroy7843 853 all3605 the city5892 for lack of five?2568 And he said,559 If518 I find4672 there8033 forty705 and five,2568 I will not3808 destroy7843 it.

29 And he spoke1696 unto413 him yet5750 again,3254 and said,559 Peradventure194 there shall be forty705 found4672 there.8033 And he said,559 I will not3808 do6213 it for forty's sake.5668 705

30 And he said559 unto him, Oh4994 let not408 the Lord136 be angry,2734 and I will speak:1696 Peradventure194 there shall thirty7970 be found4672 there.8033 And he said,559 I will not3808 do6213 it, if518 I find4672 thirty7970 there.8033

31 And he said,559 Behold2009 now,4994 I have taken upon2974 me to speak1696 unto413 the Lord:136 Peradventure194 there shall be twenty6242 found4672 there.8033 And he said,559 I will not3808 destroy7843 it for twenty's sake.5668 6242

32 And he said,559 Oh4994 let not408 the Lord136 be angry,2734 and I will speak1696 yet389 but this once:6471 Peradventure194 ten6235 shall be found4672 there.8033 And he said,559 I will not3808 destroy7843 it for ten's sake.5668 6235

33 And the LORD3068 went his way,1980 as soon as834 he had left3615 communing1696 with413 Abraham:85 and Abraham85 returned7725 unto his place.4725



1 一日時已亭午,亞伯拉罕坐於幕門,其幕在幔哩橡下,耶和華顯現。

2 亞伯拉罕仰見三人遙立,乃自幕門趨迎,俯伏。

3 曰:若蒙恩於長者前,願勿遽行。

4 憩息樹下,容我取勺水,以濯爾足。

5 取餅少許,補爾心力,而後遄征可也,蓋爾旣過我,當待爾如是,曰:可。

6 亞伯拉罕亟進幕中,語撒拉曰:速備細麵三斗,摶之作餅。

7 又趨至羣畜所,擇犢之肥美者,付僕急烹。

8 遂將酥與乳,及所烹犢,臚陳於前,自侍樹下,以待其食。

9 三人曰:爾妻撒拉何在?曰:在幕。

10 其中一人曰:明年屆期,我必復至,爾妻撒拉將生子,撒拉在後,於幕門聞此。

11 亞伯拉罕與撒拉俱年邁,撒拉癸水已絕。

12 故竊哂曰:我老矣,我主亦然,豈復有生子之樂乎?

13 耶和華謂亞伯拉罕曰:撒拉曷竊哂歟,何疑年老不生育乎?

14 豈耶和華而有難行之事哉?明年屆期,我必復至,撒拉必生子。

15 撒拉懼而不承,曰:我未嘗哂也,曰:爾實哂。〇

16 三人乃起,望所多馬以行,亞伯拉罕送之。

17 耶和華曰:今我所爲,豈於亞伯拉罕有所隱乎?

18 彼必昌其大國,天下兆民,藉之受福。

19 我知彼必囑其子及眷屬,令守我道,秉公行義,如是則我所許者,可踐其言。

20 耶和華曰:所多馬蛾摩拉罪惡貫盈,聲聞於上。

21 今我臨格,監其動作,實如所聞,設有不若是者,我亦能知。〇

22 二人往所多馬,亞伯拉罕尙立於耶和華前。

23 卽之曰:爲善爲惡者,豈可槩滅之乎?

24 邑中或有五十義人,則邑之人,豈可盡滅,何不緣義人,而赦其罪乎?

25 並誅善惡不可,待善惡相等亦不可,鞫天下者,豈不行義乎?

26 耶和華曰:所多馬邑,如有五十義人,我必緣此,赦其一方。

27 亞伯拉罕曰:吾雖若纖塵,而敢上告。

28 浸假而五十義者,缺其五,豈因是而滅此一邑乎,曰:如有四十五人,則亦弗滅。

29 曰:四十人,則何如,曰:四十人,吾亦弗行是。

30 曰:主毋怒,我有一言,若三十人,則何如,曰:三十人,亦弗行是。

31 曰:我敢上告,浸假令二十人,則何如,曰:二十人,我亦不滅。

32 曰:主毋怒,敢復進一辭而後已,或止十人,則何如,曰:十人,吾亦弗滅。

33 耶和華言竟而往,亞伯拉罕乃歸。


Chapter 18



1 And the LORD3068 appeared7200 unto413 him in the plains436 of Mamre:4471 and he1931 sat3427 in the tent168 door6607 in the heat2527 of the day;3117

1 一日時已亭午,亞伯拉罕坐於幕門,其幕在幔哩橡下,耶和華顯現。

2 And he lifted up5375 his eyes5869 and looked,7200 and, lo,2009 three7969 men376 stood5324 by5921 him: and when he saw7200 them, he ran7323 to meet7125 them from the tent door,4480 6607 168 and bowed himself7812 toward the ground,776

2 亞伯拉罕仰見三人遙立,乃自幕門趨迎,俯伏。

3 And said,559 My Lord,136 if518 now4994 I have found4672 favor2580 in thy sight,5869 pass not away,5674 408 I pray thee,4994 from4480 5921 thy servant: 5650

3 曰:若蒙恩於長者前,願勿遽行。

4 Let a little4592 water,4325 I pray you,4994 be fetched,3947 and wash7364 your feet,7272 and rest yourselves8172 under8478 the tree: 6086

4 憩息樹下,容我取勺水,以濯爾足。

5 And I will fetch3947 a morsel6595 of bread,3899 and comfort5582 ye your hearts;3820 after that310 ye shall pass on:5674 for3588 therefore5921 3651 are ye come5674 to5921 your servant.5650 And they said,559 So3651 do,6213 as834 thou hast said.1696

5 取餅少許,補爾心力,而後遄征可也,蓋爾旣過我,當待爾如是,曰:可。

6 And Abraham85 hastened4116 into the tent168 unto413 Sarah,8283 and said,559 Make ready quickly4116 three7969 measures5429 of fine5560 meal,7058 knead3888 it, and make6213 cakes upon the hearth.5692

6 亞伯拉罕亟進幕中,語撒拉曰:速備細麵三斗,摶之作餅。

7 And Abraham85 ran7323 unto413 the herd,1241 and fetched3947 a calf1121 1241 tender7390 and good,2896 and gave5414 it unto413 a young man;5288 and he hasted4116 to dress6213 it.

7 又趨至羣畜所,擇犢之肥美者,付僕急烹。

8 And he took3947 butter,2529 and milk,2461 and the calf1121 1241 which834 he had dressed,6213 and set5414 it before6440 them; and he1931 stood5975 by5921 them under8478 the tree,6086 and they did eat.398

8 遂將酥與乳,及所烹犢,臚陳於前,自侍樹下,以待其食。

9 And they said559 unto413 him, Where346 is Sarah8283 thy wife?802 And he said,559 Behold,2009 in the tent.168

9 三人曰:爾妻撒拉何在?曰:在幕。

10 And he said,559 I will certainly return7725 7725 unto413 thee according to the time6256 of life;2416 and, lo,2009 Sarah8283 thy wife802 shall have a son.1121 And Sarah8283 heard8085 it in the tent168 door,6607 which1931 was behind310 him.

10 其中一人曰:明年屆期,我必復至,爾妻撒拉將生子,撒拉在後,於幕門聞此。

11 Now Abraham85 and Sarah8283 were old2205 and well stricken935 in age;3117 and it ceased2308 to be1961 with Sarah8283 after the manner734 of women.802

11 亞伯拉罕與撒拉俱年邁,撒拉癸水已絕。

12 Therefore Sarah8283 laughed6711 within7130 herself, saying,559 After310 I am waxed old1086 shall I have1961 pleasure,5730 my lord113 being old2204 also?

12 故竊哂曰:我老矣,我主亦然,豈復有生子之樂乎?

13 And the LORD3068 said559 unto413 Abraham,85 Wherefore4100 2088 did Sarah8283 laugh,6711 saying,559 Shall I of a surety637 552 bear a child,3205 which589 am old?2204

13 耶和華謂亞伯拉罕曰:撒拉曷竊哂歟,何疑年老不生育乎?

14 Is any thing1697 too hard6381 for the LORD?4480 3068 At the time appointed4150 I will return7725 unto413 thee, according to the time6256 of life,2416 and Sarah8283 shall have a son.1121

14 豈耶和華而有難行之事哉?明年屆期,我必復至,撒拉必生子。

15 Then Sarah8283 denied,3584 saying,559 I laughed6711 not;3808 for3588 she was afraid.3372 And he said,559 Nay;3808 but3588 thou didst laugh.6711

15 撒拉懼而不承,曰:我未嘗哂也,曰:爾實哂。〇

16 And the men376 rose up6965 from thence,4480 8033 and looked8259 toward5921 6440 Sodom:5467 and Abraham85 went1980 with5973 them to bring them on the way.7971

16 三人乃起,望所多馬以行,亞伯拉罕送之。

17 And the LORD3068 said,559 Shall I589 hide3680 from Abraham4480 85 that thing which834 I589 do;6213

17 耶和華曰:今我所爲,豈於亞伯拉罕有所隱乎?

18 Seeing that Abraham85 shall surely become1961 1961 a great1419 and mighty6099 nation,1471 and all3605 the nations1471 of the earth776 shall be blessed1288 in him?

18 彼必昌其大國,天下兆民,藉之受福。

19 For3588 I know3045 him, that4616 834 he will command6680 853 his children1121 and his household1004 after310 him, and they shall keep8104 the way1870 of the LORD,3068 to do6213 justice6666 and judgment;4941 that4616 the LORD3068 may bring935 upon5921 Abraham85 853 that which834 he hath spoken1696 of5921 him.

19 我知彼必囑其子及眷屬,令守我道,秉公行義,如是則我所許者,可踐其言。

20 And the LORD3068 said,559 Because3588 the cry2201 of Sodom5467 and Gomorrah6017 is great,7231 and because3588 their sin2403 is very3966 grievous;3513

20 耶和華曰:所多馬蛾摩拉罪惡貫盈,聲聞於上。

21 I will go down3381 now,4994 and see7200 whether they have done6213 altogether3617 according to the cry6818 of it, which is come935 unto413 me; and if518 not,3808 I will know.3045

21 今我臨格,監其動作,實如所聞,設有不若是者,我亦能知。〇

22 And the men376 turned their faces6437 from thence,4480 8033 and went1980 toward Sodom:5467 but Abraham85 stood5975 yet5750 before6440 the LORD.3068

22 二人往所多馬,亞伯拉罕尙立於耶和華前。

23 And Abraham85 drew near,5066 and said,559 Wilt thou also637 destroy5595 the righteous6662 with5973 the wicked?7563

23 卽之曰:爲善爲惡者,豈可槩滅之乎?

24 Peradventure194 there be3426 fifty2572 righteous6662 within8432 the city:5892 wilt thou also637 destroy5595 and not3808 spare5375 the place4725 for4616 the fifty2572 righteous6662 that834 are therein?7130

24 邑中或有五十義人,則邑之人,豈可盡滅,何不緣義人,而赦其罪乎?

25 That be far2486 from thee to do4480 6213 after this2088 manner,1697 to slay4191 the righteous6662 with5973 the wicked:7563 and that the righteous6662 should be1961 as the wicked,7563 that be far2486 from thee: Shall not3808 the Judge8199 of all3605 the earth776 do6213 right?4941

25 並誅善惡不可,待善惡相等亦不可,鞫天下者,豈不行義乎?

26 And the LORD3068 said,559 If518 I find4672 in Sodom5467 fifty2572 righteous6662 within8432 the city,5892 then I will spare5375 all3605 the place4725 for their sakes.5668

26 耶和華曰:所多馬邑,如有五十義人,我必緣此,赦其一方。

27 And Abraham85 answered6030 and said,559 Behold2009 now,4994 I have taken upon2974 me to speak1696 unto413 the Lord,136 which595 am but dust6083 and ashes: 665

27 亞伯拉罕曰:吾雖若纖塵,而敢上告。

28 Peradventure194 there shall lack2637 five2568 of the fifty2572 righteous:6662 wilt thou destroy7843 853 all3605 the city5892 for lack of five?2568 And he said,559 If518 I find4672 there8033 forty705 and five,2568 I will not3808 destroy7843 it.

28 浸假而五十義者,缺其五,豈因是而滅此一邑乎,曰:如有四十五人,則亦弗滅。

29 And he spoke1696 unto413 him yet5750 again,3254 and said,559 Peradventure194 there shall be forty705 found4672 there.8033 And he said,559 I will not3808 do6213 it for forty's sake.5668 705

29 曰:四十人,則何如,曰:四十人,吾亦弗行是。

30 And he said559 unto him, Oh4994 let not408 the Lord136 be angry,2734 and I will speak:1696 Peradventure194 there shall thirty7970 be found4672 there.8033 And he said,559 I will not3808 do6213 it, if518 I find4672 thirty7970 there.8033

30 曰:主毋怒,我有一言,若三十人,則何如,曰:三十人,亦弗行是。

31 And he said,559 Behold2009 now,4994 I have taken upon2974 me to speak1696 unto413 the Lord:136 Peradventure194 there shall be twenty6242 found4672 there.8033 And he said,559 I will not3808 destroy7843 it for twenty's sake.5668 6242

31 曰:我敢上告,浸假令二十人,則何如,曰:二十人,我亦不滅。

32 And he said,559 Oh4994 let not408 the Lord136 be angry,2734 and I will speak1696 yet389 but this once:6471 Peradventure194 ten6235 shall be found4672 there.8033 And he said,559 I will not3808 destroy7843 it for ten's sake.5668 6235

32 曰:主毋怒,敢復進一辭而後已,或止十人,則何如,曰:十人,吾亦弗滅。

33 And the LORD3068 went his way,1980 as soon as834 he had left3615 communing1696 with413 Abraham:85 and Abraham85 returned7725 unto his place.4725

33 耶和華言竟而往,亞伯拉罕乃歸。